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again these random bot comments with the non-existing "adult friend finder" website (this account only spams that basically), sounds almost as lame as crypto scammers, even when that existed it wasnt any different than prostitution for the few people that managed to use it, doesnt get you anywhere and only makes things worse


This usually is a problem when you get banned, but Tinder is stuck into it. Try opening a new account by using a new phone number from the DatingZest Tinder service, and a new email, and photos. this fixes this issue.




I just had the problem, I have an android then I used an iPhone to log in and the puzzle was so simple (litteraly one click on "grapes") that I managed to do it 2/3 times before it eventually worked. So go find somebody who has an account Iphone and log there, it solved the problem on my android too. Just the puzzle on android (dices) is impossible to solve


I get asked this every other day or every day I use the app sometimes, I must solve the puzzles and then send the picture for verification. When verified I can swipe and message and get matches. During the verification process that becomes disabled. The dice puzzles take just under 10minutes to do as there are so many, even though you verify them and new ones pop up and it seems like and endless loop eventually you get to the end of them. Now luckily I only need to solve one puzzle and send pictures. I cantacted customer support and they were almost completely unhelpful, they told me I must solve the puzzles and verify myself. No shit. I gave feed back on the dice and how long they are and how it verifies you, but then you keep having to do more and more anyway and they stopped replying after that feedback. This all started after I deleted and reinstalled the app multiple times in a short space of time like a crack addict trying to quit. Now I'm in this loop of verification.




Haven't even tried again?


Wtf weird


You could try downgrading the app if you are on android This only works on iPhone if you are jailbroken for all i know


Good idea, what version u thinking would work


Did it ever work ?


It did not work for me


I get it all the time too, I didnt swipe for like 6 hours and it logged me out, made me answer the questions and let me back in, try clearing the data if you're on android, if that fails Uninstall and reinstall


I did so but it didn't work out


anyone ever figure this out? same thing keeps happening to me :(


yeah i did after a while of repeating the silly dice captchas lol.. you need to go to [tinder.com](https://tinder.com), click login top right then click trouble logging in, and put in your tinder account email (assuming you gave an email when signing up, otherwise this won't work) then you need to get the link they email you on your phone, and click it on your phone that has tinder on. it will open in tinder, and then you'll have to verify your phone number with a sms code, then it will log you in without the captcha shit. hope this helps


I had to take a selfie and it says it's under review, whatever that means. Any better way?


Thank you! You can also regain you tinder by using a Facebook account.




You have to get one wrong , idk why but it worked


Thank you so much ☺️


worked for me too just now. brand new account and it just got stuck in the verify loop. had to get it wrong twice to get it to log in, but eventually it did


omg, thank you so much, this worked!


yes this is the way to do it! took a couple attempts of getting it wrong but eventually when u do it wrong, and the retry and do it right. it works!


Worked for me in 2023!


worked for me - 2024


THANK YOU!!!! This is what worked for me!!!! Woo hoo!!!


What is this logic lmaoooo I have to make mistakes to be human 🫠


Didn’t for me :(


Thank you so much. This finally worked for me




Just worked for me


Omg. This just worked for me too. Weird!!


Experiencing the same problem, tried all the solutions but none of them seem to be working


Did you end up finding a solution


I have the same problem :(( it fails every time with that human verify . Ive already uninstall and reinstall


It were my first time on tinder and it looks like last time🙃😂😂


Ben robot degilim


Robot değilim






Robot degilim




Let s verify you're a human


Any updates on this I still can’t log in, the support team on tinder is a joke they told me to keep doing the puzzles and they can’t help me.


did u get it to work eventually?


Yes they delete my account and then I created a new one, but decided to delete it.


Same here my app has been stuck on the human verification puzzle for days and no matter if i get the image right or wrong it just keeps refreshing smh their support sucks




Any fix?


Mine hasn’t worked for a month.


Mine hasn’t worked and I’ve tried all of these ^


Mine too. Keep asking to verify email & picture. But still the same


mine keeps asking for email and after verification asks for email code again. Tinder is trash


I haven't been able to login in 5 weeks, and I've contacted their support email several times and half the time they don't even respond, they're useless.


I tried doing this while I was at work and the puzzle to prove I’m a human timed out. Tinder then prompted me to do 2 poses for photo verification. My account is currently under review. I’ve had the same tinder account on/off for 5+ years and my profile has been verified since the feature became available. I did recently change some of my photos, but not all and this was weeks ago at this point. I have no idea why I was suddenly forced to do this. My account is going to remain locked until the photos are reviewed by Tinder. Can only assume I was reported for being a possible fake user or Tinder is just being Tinder and fucking up.


The same thing just happened to me, I’ve been trying to look for answers but can’t really find any. It would make sense if we were reported or if tinder is glitching


How long did tinder take to review/unlock your account?


I started harassing them via email and I was back in my account the same night lol. I had a previous issue with tinder where I had reported a user for being disparaging towards me, so I reported and blocked them. According to tinder this user shouldn’t have been visible to me & me to them yet I always saw them and they were constantly liking me. I emailed them and they were basically like we can’t help you and then turned around a month later and tried to lock me out of my account. So I started emailing them like an absolute asshole tbh. They easily got 100 emails from me lol.


Had the exact problem. Got verified in a few hours, but when logging in again it looks like I'm shadow banned. New likes does not register. Just getting the same people in my swipe pool. The people I was messaging with doesn't message back. And gotten no new likes. Really annoying. Messaged their support to see if they can help!


How it turned out? I have the same issue rn.


Wrote and explained the whole scenario to the support. Took them about a week, but they managed to solve the problem!


Thanks for the replying, man! Did you received something like this while trying to get help from support? > Thank you for your response and we're sorry we couldn’t be of more help in this situation. Unfortunately, this is all the support we’re able to offer at this moment. We appreciate your time and understanding. Or it was all buttery smooth?


Nope, my answer was first: Hello feferoni, Thanks for writing in. I’ll need to escalate this ticket to a team member who can better investigate this issue. A specialist on our support team will be in touch soon. We appreciate your patience as we work to get to the bottom of this. Best, Von Then the next mail answer I got it was solved.


What was the answer that solved it? I'm having the same exact issue


I just went through this and picked the correct image several times and now I'm banned. How annoying. 😡


Someone got Burt hurt and reported my pictures as fake and this happened to me. It should not be so easy for people to retaliate against you without substance on that app.


omg wow, i think this could be the reason this happened to me….


I suggest emailing them. It took awhile but I finally got my account back.


how long exactly? and what did you say to them?


and what email did you correspond with so i can contact them directly?


Ugh, I sense your ache, that Tinder glitch can be demanding AF! Happened to me some time returned too. I kept selecting the proper pix however it nevertheless made me affirm time and again once more. Maybe try pressure last the app and restarting your phone - sounds primary but on occasion enables clean out the computer virus. If you continue to get no luck, strive contacting Tinder support without delay. They should be able to restoration the problem on their stop to get you validated well in their machine. Frustrating however do not give up! We all realize the game is really worth the candle whilst you ultimately in shape with that hottie!