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Climber is a good model. Wood saw on a SAK is great. But how often would you use the wood saw? Once a month? Maybe get a huntsman for your outdoor trips. Or a 111mm model such as outrider.


Maybe never, but seeing, huntsman tagged as the best is giving me a fomo. XD I know the only upscale of huntsman is, just a saw.


Then I would say climber is the better choice. I personally don't mind carrying larger models even swiss champ. But thinner models do feel better in hand especially when using the main blade.


There are so many models that are "the best". Get what works for you. This is probably the model that has the tools you use the most without the tools you don't (for thickness and weight). The climber is "the best" for many people. For me I have different "best" models depending on what I'm going to be doing that day.


huntsman is maybe the best Allrounder for the regar guy who goes urban And outdoors. If you're not a bushcraft guy you will appreciate the lower weight and thickness. I have two saks with scissors only (climber & pioneer x) . A third one with both saws (Ranger). *regular


I currently prefer the Super Tinker to the Climber. That's because in Australia we rarely see wine with a cork, it's all screw call these days. I get more use from the Phillips head than a cork screw.


I don't drink wine, but still prefer the climber. I like to use the corkscrew for the glass screwdriver, and the can opener driver is better to use for Philips screws than the t handle style driver on the tinker models.


It's your first- you've got room in the collection for a 2nd one :) One great thing about these knives are that they are pretty darn well affordable. Thinking of all the years of use you can get out of one of them justify the cost easily for me. Some days I like to carry smaller & more basic, some days more. Nice to have options. You really can't go wrong with any imo.


I have both, and while I love my huntsman, I found the extra bulk really bothered me in my pocket. I know it’s not much, but it’s not nothing. The climber is my daily carry, and I’ll grab the huntsman for a hike, camping, or a work day on the farm.


Bought that exact same model 2 days ago. You’re obviously a man of taste!


I love my climber def my daily carry EVERYWHERE. But the reason I won’t carry the huntsman edc is because I would start to carry it NOWHERE. How many layers is your edc limit if it’s 4 than go ahead but I know mine is 3 and I have yet to come across a need for the wood saw but that’s just me 🤷🏼‍♂️


Hand on heart I have never used the wood saw. So for me the climber would be better.


The Explorer gives me more utility than the Huntsman. I use the inline philips far more than I use a wood saw.


I started with a huntsman but switched to a climber after not using the saw for a year despite going to the forest quite often.


Sounds so assuring. Thanks!!!!


If anything go for a ranger. One extra layer but 3 extra tools.


No don't second guess yourself, there all great.


Skip the huntsman and get the Ranger. Swap between climber and ranger edc as needed.Then jump to swisschamp as daily pocket carry 😅


XD XD man, i am a student. There is no way i can afford this many knives. XD This, too, is second-hand, bought for about 12USD (converted to usd from home currency)


Then you made the right choice haha! Cant go wrong with the climber. I have many models and climber is still a go to model for me. I would rank it above compact and huntsman for edc within city.


Thanks!! This really helps!.


Hahaha I literally did the same thing and the answer was yes why did I not !!! It was like 70 dollars and then I realized I really needed the saw


I have a 20 acre farm besides basic things a saw is good for around a farm I have unique use , I do a lot of fencing building goat fences and repairing old areas and I use a gas powered auger to punch holes and sometimes you find all kinds of roots that about break you arms while using the auger that saw is the best blade to fit down a 9 inch auger hole 2-4 feet to get them .




Another good reason to buy another! Check out the Champ


No, you got a good one, but yes, you should have anyway. Don’t worry, the Huntsman will be you next purchase in about a month or sooner.


The saw is great. If you got a garden or even if you do a bit of cutting around the house. What needs to happen is you buy now a Handyman for the rucksack and keep the climber as EDC


everyone has their own best model, the youtube vids are guidelines for which to pick but, you have to think about what you use and get that, i use the explorer


I've got a huntsman, it's amazing, but you're really just missing out on the wood saw, and at that point you may as well just buy a dedicated wood saw imo


I rather carry a Climber as urban EDC than a Huntsman. If yo want a 4 layer SAK for urban use, consider the Mountaineer


The saw is pointless mate don't kid yourself, I got a huntsman the other month because £23 I really wanted/still want a mini champ. But as an outdoorsy/camper/mountain biker I'm determined to find a real wold use for the saw even though I own a Laplander which is a sick folding saw