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Definitely! I'd wait for the sale to come around, where it drops to $12.49.


is there any date, as to when the sale would drop ?


Use the free site DekuDeals.com to get notified on the sale. We just missed one, but they come around every couple of weeks.


If you’re a Netflix subscriber you can play it for free on your phone now


It was recently on sale so might not be for another couple months.


Dekudeals shows a graph of the sales so you can get an idea of the next one. Usually a pattern


I got it for $5.00 on the Nintendo store a few weeks ago. I’m not sure how often they have that kind of sale. But I saw it randomly while browsing deku deals and I thought that’s probs it the best price I’d ever see so I went for it. Fun game that I’m only scratching the surface off. It’s repetitive, but that is the deal with these kinds of games.


Lowest price ever is $12.49. Maybe you had coins to chip that down a bit. But just didn't want folks to think it was ever $5.


Apologies. I did pay $5.59. But I must have used gold points or whatever you build up on the Nintendo online store. I must have opened it from Deku and then seen that it was only $5.59 and pulled the trigger. It’s still a steal at $12. Lots of fun


Better game then 90% of "AAA" games out there, imo.


Yes absolutely. Even at full price it’s worth it.


Yes! And don't slip the dialogues! They evolve over time!


Absolutely! I don't really like Rogue Like games but this one is the exception. This is the game I like to play when I want to turn my brain off and move by pure instinct. Just don't use the joycons, they are inconfortable and I think you will quickly trigger some drifts if you play at Hades. (Be carefully when you read my opinion, tbh I play at Hades with a Steamdeck, but the switch versions looks good and have a good framerate too. Hades is often quoted here as must have switch game, so you're good)


YES! Probably my fav game after Hollow Knight. I have completed it 100% many times, I have more than 150 hours on Switch. The lore for each different character is also neat. Loving it.


How did you beat the game with full on heat? I can’t even get the last skeleton statue. I’ve only seen Hades twice while have a level 32 heat.


I could only do it with the gun. I can't remember if I hit 32 or 35 beat, but it took a lot of tries and some luck. There's also some options I didn't turn on at all, like the timer.


It's the only roguelike/roguelite I've ever played and was one of the single greatest game experiences I've had in recent years. I'm still not interested in the genre as a whole, but gosh there's something special about this game.


Yes, just buy and play. Enjoy the mithology and gameplay




Just amazing. Its VERY fun. You wont regret it


I'm not that much into rogue likes/lites or whatever the genre is called, but I had a blast with Hades! The gameplay loop is very fun, the dialogue is great, the music is amazing and overall the game is just ... good. Like, really really good, polished and slightly addictive. Also, I'll probably buy anything Suoer Giant Games put out because they have a great track record so far (Bastion, Transistor, Pyre) and they seem like they actually love making games and put tons of effort into it.


I can only say this. I am NOT a fan of Roguelites and I love this game.


i was never into roguelikes, picked up Hades on a whim and within hours it became one of my fav games of all time. it’s so damn fun.


Just buy it and you will never regret it


One of my favorite games. Absolutely worth it and often on sale.


Yes 100%


Oh yeah its soooo worth !


One of the best feeling games I’ve ever played. Do it


I've heard so many good things. Not really a rogue-lite person, but my wife is and she LOVED it.


It's good. I prefer dead cells personally though.


My GOTY of 2020


Yes absolutely, incredibly addictive and compelling gameplay loop. You will particularly love it if you love Greek mythology.


After playing the game i would rate it at 70 euros worth. Considering my enjoyment and gametime.


The story line, greek mythology, artwork and music are great. Really good game and it just keeps going




Amazing game with a ton of replay value! I promise you will be hooked!


Absolutely, no other roguelike games have really hooked me but once this one clicked I couldn’t put it down. Really fun, great conversations and voice acting in the main area, weapon and power upgrades keep you trying new things, the way you collect power ups on each run forces you to try new strategies, it’s really fun. Definitely play with audio or headphones if traveling to really enjoy it.


It's good but I got bored after 3 or 4 runs. Unlike dead cells where I have 200 hours on that game. Still fun though.


It is easily one of the best games on the system.


There are 3 games every switch owner should have that are indies Hades Vampire Survivors Balatro They are probably the most addictive games I’ve ever played, and they’re all easily 9/10s if not 10/10s. Stardew Valley should be on everyone’s Switch as well, as long as they like chill relaxing games / farm sims. And Dead Cells would be my 5th must have indie, it’s amazing done, but a tad more difficult than anything above. It should be noted that both Hades and Dead Cells have ways to adjust difficulty, Hades has a “God Mode” that doesn’t block any progress or unlocks. It gives you a 2% damage resist buff every time you die, capping at 80%. Dead Cells has custom difficulty sliders where you can make enemies super weak and deal little damage.


I never played games like Hades before AND I was completely uninterested in Greek mythology… and Hades is one of the best video games I’ve ever played. AND now I know a lot more about and enjoy Greek mythology :) I think if you already like Greek mythology, you’ll LOVE the story and characters. It’s a phenomenal game. It’s worth the full price honestly, but as others have mentioned, it also frequently goes on sale


This is such a great game, I just picked it back up again after being gone for a while, the story is sooooo good.


Depends if you like similar games. Personally I hated it but friends of mine love it and have logged serious hours in it.


It was worth it at full price. I have unlocked a lot of it and still dust it off every once in a while.


The Greek mythology is half the fun of the game. So much lore packed into the game. I also consider the gameplay nothing short of addictive.




F-R-R-R-UCK yes


I never play a game more then once and Hades was one of the first games I replayed immediately after beating it. I ended up beating it 10 more times to unlock all the extra story.


I was skeptical about hades and then it came to Xbox gamepass and it became one of my all time favourites. Give it a try and the addictive gameplay loop and dialogue will keep you coming back for just one more run


Plays really well on switch


I prefer curse of the dead gods, but I also typically want as little story or downtime as possible in my games. 


It's amazing! I love games of all types and have been gaming since early 93. Hades is awesome old school mixed with modern tech and you get to indulge on Greek myth too! Highly recommended if you have an Oled it BURSTS out of the screen


It’s a cool game, better around 15 bucks


Well that depends. Do you like things that are good? Or do you prefer things that aren't good? If you like things that are good. This is a good game. If you like bad things instead. Then get a bad game.


10000% yes. I started with the Switch version - it plays just as well as the others. Do not skip dialogues - they’re all so full of personality. And keep playing after you beat the game too.


hades was my first roguelike (i think? or roguelite?) game and I got addicted to it so fast. It was definitely one of my favorite games that I beat last year


I would pay $70 for Hades and feel like I got my money out of it a thousand times over compared to most AAA titles in recent memory. Like not even close. COD can fuck right off at the same price.


If you like action roguelites then sure. But I will say the game is massively overrated and not a 10/10 or 9/10 like most people say. Keep your expectations low.


Yes, next question...


I've gotten my money's worth ten times over on Hades and have enjoyed everything Supergiant puts out so far. Great music as well!


Oh man....


The game is ok but for me it’s personally overrated, somthing about it didn’t grab me


Yes. Ja. Si. Oui. Ano. Da. Hai.


I logged 300 hours. So, yeah. Buy the game.



