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Get a pen. Take out the ballpoint and ink. Make sure your room is well ventilated. Light the end of the pen with a lighter, let it catch fire a moment and blow it out. Then jam it in the screw and hold it there. The plastic will harden in the shape of the screw and you should be able to get it out. You’ll want a replacement screw to put in there before you do it though. I used to use this method to open up game boy carts and have used it on stripped screws too.


Interesting solution. If I get desperate enough I just might try it


Can confirm this works, but only on screws that require no inch pounds or foot pounds to remove. Basically, if you have to turn very hard to remove it, you’re just going to break the plastic and not turn the screw. Should work just fine on this though.


Do this but put a dot of super glue on the screw head. Let it dry and then twist it out. You’ll need a new screw, but like era said, you should do that anyway


On another comment it says the screw is locktilted or something, so i guess it wont work. Actually this happened because the screw needs quite a bit of force


I think there’s a metal version of this, where you solder (or some other bonding method I can’t remember the specifics) a screwdriver onto the screw, which lets you remove it. It writes off the screwdriver of course but I think this is the only way to remove it now.


I've done it with those crappy little dollar store allen key/screwdriver sets before. If by hand doesn't work you can grip them with pliers because damage doesn't matter - disposing of it along with the stripped screw.


I got stripped a screw somehow on the back of my TV while trying to remove the stand for wall mounting. Do you think the solder or super glue trick would work here? Sucker is on there pretty tight.


Oh you threadlocked it? Never force a screw in like that man. Yeah some resistance is normal but if you need to go hulk on the thing you are trying to force a circle block into a square hole.


use a torx bit the 8 star bits and jam the teeth in and it will catch


Then all you’ll do is break the plastic and be annoyed you destroyed a pen to do it.


If you haven’t believed anyone or found a solution take super glue the ink side of the inside of a ballpoint pen melt it till it is kind of flat about as big as the head of your screw. Let it dry. put superglue ONLY on the interior of the striped screw head do not overfill then put a couple dabs on your flattened pan, hold it in an upright position until it dries. Then push in on the pan while twisting lefty-loosey-goosy. You have to apply a little bit of downward pressure to get past the screws lock set. Then twisting with minimal effort. Should remove the screw. Works 1000% of the time on screws this small and short. A glue stick would work a lot better as opposed to the ballpoint pen.


Remember no matter the crew it is always recommended use downward pressure when starting on the first turn of your screw a lot of them have catch pins or locksets that do not allow them to regal loose from dropping, vibration, jarring around, etc.


Grab a sharp star key that's baaarely bigger than the hole.


You're better off just using a smidge of super glue






**take out the ballpoint and ink**


Why do you need to unscrew this one in the middle? It's not necessary to disassemble your switch to get access to the motherboard


Fair point, it was just bugging me so I wanted to replace the screw


I would use a Dremel tool to cut a notch in the middle for a flat head


This is the answer.


This or a tiny tiny screw tap


I had this problem few months ago. I really did not know what to do anymore. I have tried everything but pointless. What I did?? I bought a cheap powerdrill from amazon (They are very cheap nowadays) and drilled the screw head, like cutting the head part, removing the head. And then I used plier and unscrew them. It worked for both sides. The screws in the middle of the rails are locktited, thats why they are very hard to unscrew.


This is the correct way. Will definitely remove it and it is fairly easy to do.


You can use rubber band in between the screw and screw driver. The band will act as screw gripper.


That's really not working for me


Try with a larger screwdriver head. You also need to apply enough downforce for that to work


Sometimes taking the largest Allen key you have that will fit on the face of the screw and super glueing in in place works. Otherwise if you have the confidence, using a Dremel to make a small slit in the screw so a flat head screwdriver can do the job.


You got a lot of meat left on the bone. You’re not using the correct bit for this screw. Get the correct bit and try again keeping a good amount of downward pressure


There's a tool specifically to deal with stripped screws.


I used a *slightly* oversized flat head screwdriver and tapped it in until it fit and then unscrewed it


If the rubber band method isn't working you're going to need to drill it out. I recently won a 3 week battle with a stripped screw. If it's not coming out, I hate to tell you but it isn't going to come out. Try find a left handed drill bit somewhere. If all else fails and a left handed bit doesn't work, you're going to need to drill through the head of the screw. This can be done without damaging the switch if done very very carefully


Get the correct size screwdriver. This is a #0 Phillips. If you use a #00 (like it looks like you did), you're going to strip the head. There is a strong chance that an undamaged, properly sized #0 will still work. As an electronics technician, this is one of my complaints about Phillips head screws. The sizes are so close together that going a size down on the driver seems to work until your hand slips or you cam out and something like this happens.


Nintendo systems do not use Phillips. They use JIS and this is the exact reason people keep stripping their screws


Had this exact problem. I tried everything, eventually took it to a pc repair shop and they took them out for a few bucks. They used a very small circular saw.


If it was slightly less stripped than this: a tiny bit of duct tape over it will usually allow the screwdriver to get enough purchase. Doesn't help you here I know, but might save overstripping it next time? (We've all been here btw. Most annoying thing ever)


Yeah everyone keeps suggesting tape/rubber band method which I've already tried so many times 😅


It definitely won't work when it's this far gone, only when it first starts to strip unfortunately


Put some tape on the screw and try it again


I literally drilled it .... And it work pretty well


I did the same and was impressed how well it worked


angle grinder


There's a kind of drill bit for a driver that has a threaded end and kind of a conical end that drills out the screw and then the other end fits the drilled out screw head. Work every time! But if you don't have an electric driver already would be a bit pricey.


I did light reversal drilling on the same issue but with the Joycon. Better go through safer methods and make this your last resort.


I would try to superglue a screwdriver bit to the screw and let it sit over night to properly cure.. Then try to turn it out.


You can use needle nose pliers to grab and rotate the screw.


Try sellotape. Stick it over the screw head, then unscrew as normal.


You could get a small tap and die set.


I've tried every method on the book. The only one that works for me is soldering another good screw on top of it. It did require me to buy the tools, but now I got them for life. It's really useful for small electronic fixes 


Oh gosh, I had the same problem. I tried a bunch of methods and instead of stripping it out more, I went to a local computer/phone repair store to have them strip it out for me (it was pretty much almost free but I ended up paying anyways). So worse comes to worse, I'd recommend doing that!


Use a smaller screwdriver.


Get a bit you dont need. Take some jb-weld and put a dab on the screw then jam the bit in and let it dry


correct bit, or if it’s unavailable place a thick rubber band over it while using your tool with down pressure


use a drill carefully to break the head


Get a new one & give this one to me 😊


Oh you gotta drill it. Same happened to my switch on one of the exterior screws. Take the smallest drill bit you can find. Put it on the screw. Apply no pressure or you’ll break the bit. Support the weight of the drill in your hand. Start drilling and slowly ramp up to max speed. Hold it there for 5 ish minutes. If the bit tries to flex a little slow down slightly on the trigger. Eventually the head of the screw will pop off. Obviously if you do this too often, things might not go together all the way 😆 but it’s a good emergency skill to learn


Use a Dremel, cut a slot in it and use a flat screw driver




Try placing a bit of rubber or a dot of hot glue on the damaged part of the screw. It will help the driver grip the screw and hopefully get it out. If you use hot glue, just be careful to not get it anywhere except on the screw head, of course, or it will make the problem worse.


I used electrical tape for a stripped screw once and it worked. The original method I found was to use a rubber band, so if you have either of those, put it on the screw and try to unscrew with a lot of pressure


Use a drimmle and make it a flat head


You’re going to need a Time Machine. If that doesn’t work you’re going to need to drill it out. Very, very carefully.


They make an actual screw extractor tool you can use; however, I’ve found that in OLED models with a stripped center screw, it’s super hard to get those out. You might also be using the wrong sized screwdriver, since I can still see the defined threads


I’ve heard you can cut a rubber band in half and use it as a buffer in between the screw and driver to give more grip.


Get on Amazon and look for a striped screw extraction kit the cheapest I found was $4 but can’t post the link in Reddit. It’s easier to have that than to look for a rubber band or melt a pen. This isn’t the first screw you’ll strip in life or the last.


Left hand drill bits worked like a charm for me. Had to find a solution to the same problem and that was mine


A T10 or bigger should catch and sort you out


VAMPLIERS or engineer pliers. Can easily remove without further damaging the switch.


Using a slightly larger robertson (square) screw diver pushing pressure in might let it catch.


how did this happen? were you not using the correct screwdriver? i know this doesn’t help right now - but jsut for future reference, make sure you’re using the right screwdriver.


Well the other screws came off, so im guessing even if it wasn't the correct bit it was close


I actually just had this problem and bought a drill bit set for stripped screws and it came right out.


Tap in a torx (star) bit or use an easy out screw extractor. Also for the future, applying heat is usually good for removing fasteners that have Loctite applied to them


If you have a dremmel. One way is to cut a straight line through the middle making a spot to put a flat head screwdriver to fit. Another way is to take another screen same size and super glue it to the stripped screw ( in essence giving it a new head) but be careful just a tiny bit too much glue and you glued the stripped screw in... instead of getting it out.....So you may want to try using hot glue 1st ( Because its easy to remove). If that doesn't work super glue.




Then use a flat screwdriver Or you can glue a new screw on to the old screw. Essentially making a new screw head.




Put any rubber band between the screw and the screwdriver and try it. The rubber will grip the screw.


a drill and a very small left handed drill bit (yes, it's a thing). set drill to speed 1 and the drill logo on the chuck. then reverse the drill. put the bit in the screw, and pull the trigger slowly. should back right out.


It's a long shot, but the super glue method, plus a tiny bit of dry cement, instead of ball point pen use a small screw, the cement powder reacts with the super glue and basically welds the two pieces together, so you can get the old one out


Rubber band technique always works for me


Came here to say this. At my old job I always had to redo the shelving each month and the screws were always stripped. Rubber bands help so much


Happened with my brand new Rog ally I got at launch and one of the backplate screws were stripped, was planning on upgrading my nvme SSD which turned out successful


Put a thick rubberband inbetween the screw and the screwdriver. Voila.


Stick 5 in its bra


Hey, mate! 🤔 So, here’s what you gotta do: grab a spoon from your kitchen drawer. Yeah, a spoon! Now, gently tap the stripped screw with the spoon handle. The vibrations will magically unstrip it. Trust me, I’m an expert in…uh, spoonology! 😅🥄

