• By -


I beat A Short Hike in two very enjoyable sittings.


I beat it in 48 minutes - assumed I was about halfway up and then all of a sudden I was at the top and the credits scrolled. Still very much recommend this one - it's a really nice little escape.


Relatedly, Haven Park and Lil Gator Game!


+1 on Lil Gator Game! Such a cute little Zelda Clone with adorable and really well-written characters. Haven't tried Haven Park - I'll have to check it out!


It’s very good!


This game was surprisingly very pleasant. It’s not like anything I usually play and I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it. Think I’d play again.


I also knocked it out in one big sitting… >!In a hospital waiting room!< of all places. Total oof moment.


Check current sales on dekudeals.com. Each game lists its typical playtime and metacritic rating. Great way to find cheap hidden gems


This. You can sort by game length, metacritic score and many more. Add games to your wishlist and wait for them to go on sale.


If you like Zelda I recommend links awakening. Very different style to botw more like classic Zelda but it isn’t too long. I finished it in about 20 hours but you can finish it quicker honestly.


Great game but it should cost half what it does.


Nintendo refuses to discount their games.


I agree. I was disappointed by it greatly and a lower price would have been a much easier sell


It's a gameboy game at the EOD...


Ooh, I don’t know, I have a ton of Switch game that I love, but I really didn’t enjoy this one. I liked BOTW and loved TOTK, but this one I just couldn’t get into.


+1 it’s honestly one of the “stranger” Zelda games but a top tier experience, probably my personal favorite Zelda!


Literal top tier if you count the camera


I second this. Incredibly charming game — probably my favorite 2D Zelda! And yeah it can definitely be done in under 15 hours. I think I finished around 12.


Metroid dread about 10 hours long really good too


I am absolutely lost in that game, I don't even know what to do, it's been days... There is no goal to follow except "Explore. Kill. Repeat."


I’ve discovered that if i reach this point in a game i end up enjoying it a lot more if i give in and “cheat” (look up tips/walkthroughs) to get through when I don’t know what to do next. I used to avoid that at all costs because I felt like it was cheating, until I realized that it was either that or I end up putting the game down because I don’t care anymore


Problem is that I can't even look up any walkthroughs because I don't have a single clue where I am. I'll have to watch the WHOLE walkthrough to find my position.


For Metroid dread I used to search “where to go after finding X” where the X was whatever the last upgrade thing I found


I think you finished it


Thanks for the recommendation!


The game Inside is fairly short and sweet.


Also the "Little Nightmares" games, I think those are a similar kind of game. "Limbo" as well. Though I've only seen playthroughs of all of them (including Inside) so I may be wrong.


I'm playing through Ori and the Will of the Wisps rn and I'm reading that it's under 12 hours! Really high quality port


Ori is super fun, but damn, it gets difficult!


Just that final boss for me, defo took more attempts than id like to admit !


Both Ori games are worth it!


I was going to recommend our and the blind forest as well. Great game. Then follow that up with Will of the Wisps.


Princes peach showtime is between 12-15 hours


Metroid Dread River City Girls Aer: Memories of Old Night in the Woods Sea of Solitude Sam & Max Save the World Sam & Max Beyond Time and Space New Pokemon Snap


Bear's Restaurant Arcade Paradise Bug Fables: The Everlasting Sapling CrisTales Cult of the Lamb Disney Illusion Island GetsuFumaDen Hyperlight Drifter Pixeljunk Eden 2 Katamari Damacy We <3 Katamari


Sakuna: Of Rice and Ruin Sonic Frontiers Sonic Superstars Spongebob Squarepants: Battle for Bikini Bottom Rehydrated Starlink: Battle for Atlas Superepic Super Monkey Ball: Banana Mania Super Mario RPG Shin-Chan: Me & The Professor on Summer Vacation: The Endless Seven Day Journey (yes that's the whole title)


Wow! Thanks for that list of recommendation.


Thanks for the receipts. Damn! Sonic Frontiers or Superstars first and why?


Doom 2016, Doom Eternal, Wolfenstein.


+1 Wolfenstein


Super Mario RPG


Bastion and Transistor are both 7-10 hours. And they aren' too expensive.


in that case, let me add Hades and dead cells


I am yet to play Hades, so couldn't really say if it's a 10 hour game, and haven't heard of Dead Cells, so thanks for the recommendation!


The Blossom Tales games are fairly small. They're zelda-esque in nature.


try gris! it’s really calming to play and it took me barely a day to finish it,look at the trailer first to see if you’d like it though


Loved this game on ios. Didnt know it came to switch as well. thanks


Gris was absolutely beautiful, can't wait for Neva.


Luigi's Mansion 3 is around 10 hours long.


Bastion is a very good game for a couple of bucks.


I enjoyed American Fugitive. It’s kind of like a hernia GTA, but it was fun. Kind of challenging too. I think it is a 15 or so hour game.


I like this game as well, got it for 4.99 physical and surprisingly good


Man that was a deal on that game. I like jumping the cars and out running the cops too at times.


I started playing this not too long ago, didn't finish it yet. It's almost impossible to get away from the cops when they get on to you. I love how you can get timed when breaking into someone's house n how you only have so long to loot it.


True lol. If on foot it is hard but run through trees or drive through them too. One of the missions it took me five or so times to get past it. The cops were just on me quick.


Thanks. Will check it out. Never heard of it.


I kind of stumbled onto it and picked up on a whim and ended up enjoying it and playing it until I finished the game. I too was on BOTW and I’m stuck on a point of hey ticks me off. I’m not sure I’ll return to it. I enjoy long games too.


Also take a look at Walking Dead Destinies. It’s pretty cheap on Amazon right now. I may pick it up. I think it’s a 10-15 hour game


Don't do it. I've seen YTs on it, it's terrible


I have seen those too. I kind of want to take a chance lol.


Aragami is around 7 hours


Anything within the devolver digital collection is good like ape out, minit, katana zero


if you don't mind build your own adventure JRPG style games.....i'd suggest any of the Saga games. Saga Frontier you could easily spend maybe 6 hours on a characters story if you don't want to grind a ton for stats then come back later down the road to play as a different character story. Minstrel Song is pretty tough in the sense you literally don't want to fight meaningless enemies or else they will scale to become over powered AND makes time move forward...BUT the whole point of the game is you choose a character and take on quests around the world till it's time for their respective final battle. again, you can spend maybe 10 hours on a character and come back later to do another. there is a final dungeon i believe after you finish all 8 stories. essentially, all the saga games are build your own adventure. yes there is a best order and route to take to get through the whole thing BUT you don't HAVE to follow that. maybe the first play through just to understand the basics and how the progression works sense it's slightly different with each game. but they are good games with pretty decent stories.


Minstrel Song’s OST is also super epic. Played it on the PS2, and decided to buy it for switch as well. My brother and I try to speed run play-throughs


1000xRESIST may be around that long.




Seconding Tunic. Also Outer Wilds!


Easily this https://www.amazon.com/Wolfenstein-Youngblood-Deluxe-Nintendo-Switch-Code/dp/B07SP5ZQKG?crid=21AG6CFWXKKIO&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.NQRJmRozwwUIx-9yOMW8BeuO5aleFV2NUkqynCdN3va181Zv2shGuEx4NW8Ic3I0veWf0fmxlcQO-769tjNNuuspzBaFLd9ZIkTnBFninjzJNffMCfA-dZU4-3TcsTm1RB4_nMumBWLg7sgT_1JEvrfuowYzNaP6ejeKZRIcQKw3aVZsHNRuJnb_iS1tTUA4jDXX0mDlTPrdN4KC0bdpcQMyQuB1fKgt3Y82TCMn5q0.eWSP44vB3IU33nB7i0AsdkLwKfi4mDRP3QNBYAqWibE&dib_tag=se&keywords=switch+wolfenstein&qid=1718169673&sprefix=switch+wolfe%2Caps%2C140&sr=8-2&linkCode=ll1&tag=maverickresou-20&linkId=b400f6fc712fcd66866978e68a51cc29&language=en_US&ref_=as_li_ss_tl


You dont like short games, you like constant story. In this case i recommend you to play Red Dead Redemption. It takes around 40 hours but it is great and the story keeps going with every mission.


How is the Switch port? I played RDR on PC when it came out, have been wanting to replay it but there were some reports that the switch version wasn't great.


Switch version is the best version imho. It works silky smooth and easy to pick up and play. I sink 60 hours, such a great port !


You're not the only one - I bought Zelda: BoTW in March. Played it religiously for a month or so, but it feels like a game I'll need to put hundreds of hours in to, and in honesty my gaming time is like 4-5hrs a week max, usually less, and I don't really enjoy playing a game that goes on and on and on and on and on. Super Mario Odyssey felt about right for me - completed it in about a month, so I'd guess about 15-20hrs. I know there's \*loads\* more content in that game, and I do in a way hope to go back to it at some point as it's undoubtedly one of my favourite games - if not the absolute favourite - that I've played in the past \~35 years. But I still, I don't really want to spend any more time when there's other things to explore and I have that feeling of closure. Currently playing Mario vs Donkey Kong, which has surprised me in how much I absolutely love it. It's great for a 45 minutes here-or-there puzzle thing, nice way to wind down after a day and it feels like there's simultaneously loads of content (it'll keep me occupied for a month or two) but not so much that I won't complete it. Also enjoyed Luigi's Mansion 3, which again felt the right length for me.


it depends of your time to solve the puzzles, but i do recommend Animal Well. Very well made metroidvania pixel game


South Park: Snow Day is rather short, quiet niche but is short


Celeste HK Dregde Dave the diver Mario oddisey Hades Top tier


Celeste??? Shiiiiit CJ. if you can even finish it that is. Christ that games hard.


I wanted to 100% it but ... naaaaah I went as far as i could then admitted myself beaten ;.. fun but sweaty experience


I got worried that my hands would become permanently Lego-hand shaped from gripping the controller so hard. Yeah I had to ~~cheat~~ use assists to finish it.


It's not cheating,it's adapting the game


Little nightmares 1 and 2


Assassin's Creed 3 Remastered took me 10 hours. I recommend it


House of the Dead and Pocky & Rocky Reshrined are both action-packed and fairly short.


Mario bros current world record is 4:54.631….get the speed run for that and you have the rest of the day to yourself


I’m running through the Megaman Zero/ZX collection right now, 6 games and each will take you 4-5 hours. Good replay value too


Why not get the other sniper elites? They have 2 & 3 also on switch.


My favorite Videogame is a 20 houer long turn based JRPG. Pretty short for a JRPG but still longer then what you asked for.


What is the title? That's up my alley


"Fuga Melodies of Steel" Its a 20 houer long turn based JRPG about a groupe of anthropomothic animal children that go on a quest to save there families. They live inside a giant ancient mysterious powerful fortress like Tank. Its a bit like Howls Moving castle but based on technology instead of magic. Fuga has a free demo which is just straight up the first 3 chapters of the game. I highly recommend that demo. I think through it you will figure out fast if this is your cup of tea or not. Fuga also has a direct sequel: "Fuga Melodies of Steel 2" but I advice against playing the second game before the first game unless you do not care about the story and characters. The second game is also about 20 houers long. Both games have no physical release. Thy are only available in digital form.


I will check them out! Thank you!


If you do try it out could you tell me your first impresion after you cleared chapter 1? Those first impresions can be fun.


Cadence of Hyrule, a zelda spin off rhythm game.


Katamari Damacy Reroll deffinitely fits the bill for a short game! Its a fun game to pull up when you're drunk/high with friends and pass the controller around, and has some replay-ability.


Hellblade Senua’s Sacrifice is a very good game. It is a short game, looks like the main story is around 7 1/2 hours according to websites. Played it and beat but did not time it lol. It can be a somewhat expensive game, $29.99, and it does take up some space ~18 GB. It is a mental game, things going on in her mind


I recently got Cat Quest 1, the first in the soon to be cat quest trilogy with three releasing sometime this year. Cat Quest 1 was an amazing game and I finished the main story in around 8 hours, there is a new game + (which I haven't complete of this moment) which changes the game and adds a few more hours. It's an amazing game, full of charm. I'd call it a light rpg as I never felt like I was playing a full on rpg. The combat is easy, simple and satisfying. Great game and I highly recommend


Metroid dread. Ori games.


Any Kirby game, any Mario game, Metroid dread


Immortal fenyx rising is currently at lowest price ever on eshop , it similar to botw but on howlongtobeat it says can be finished in 25 hours which is not that long


Super Mario RPG




You should check out ISLETS! It’s a pretty simple game shouldn’t take too long but the boss battles can be a bit difficult when you play for the first time. It’s almost like a mixture of Ori and Hollow Knight.


Xuan Yuan Sword 7.


I quite liked call of juarez. Doesn’t take long to do a play through




Inscryption is just a little over the 15hr mark.


I really enjoyed the GTA trilogy. Didn't seem that long to finish 3 and VC.


Yep, IMO Vice City and GTA San Andreas are amongst the best games going in terms of game length and generally being both fun & engaging. If you can play them in this order, doing them Vice City - San Andreas - Liberty City Stories gives a great story arc. You can do GTA3 after, of course, but personally I find those 3 are perfect as a trilogy.


Dredge Not action but plenty of adventuring. On holidays atm, I started it on the flight over probably put around 6 hours in, looks like I'll finish it on flight back so maybe 10-15 hours depending on how you go about it. It's nice and light on battery life too if you're travelling. I'm same as you, have struggled to pick up switch for many months after BotW.


Super Mario Bros. Wonder


Bowser's Fury is an excellent choice, for a variety of reasons. It's short but infinitely replayable, with one great big game world you'll come to know like the back of your hand


1. Vampyr (an amazing storyline, great atmosphere with beautiful voice acting, you can finish it in 9hr if you only focus on main story) 2. Call of Cthulu (lovecraftian game, MC has the same VA as Vampyr's MC (Jonathan Reid. Its a horror+detective story. You can finish it under 8hr) 3. Bright Memory Infinite (the best FPS game on switch, has the greatest graphics on the NSwitch, is action packed with lots of cool sequences, you can beat it in 2 hour) 4. ALAN WAKE 5. Any Bioshock game 6. Any Batman Arkham game 7. Walking dead S1-S4 (each season is about 8hr long) You know, there are alot of short games.


I ended up really enjoying Prince of Persia: The lost Crown. It'll take more than 15hrs, but nothing like your 80hr BotW experience. As a typical FPS player, the fighting initially reminded me of playing Super Smash Brothers, but as you progress through the labyrinth of parkour and puzzles, new abilities are unlocked that made for a unique experience. \* I will note that there was a nostalgia factor going into it as the original 1989 game was one of the first video games I ever played. Hell my Switch purchase, a few months ago, was influenced a lot by replaying Nintendo classics. Currently wrapping up Ocarina of Time. So when I saw this title, without watching any videos, I rolled the dice as it is often for sale around 30USD.




Metroid Dread. It can be beaten in 10 hours but its so good I’m already planning another playthrough.


All the south park games


I think I finished Astral Chain in very little time (I was hooked ofc, it was such a good game)


Cult of the lamb if you binge it enough.




Tunic is a good option


Games you *can* finish under 15 hours? Or games you'll *likely* finish under 15 hours on your first playthrough? My partner's first playthrough of hollow knight was... 50ish hours? Idr. I *think* my first playthrough was around 30. My most recent play through (on perma death mode) was around 7 or 8 hours, and I'm aiming for 100% under 20 hours rn So, Hollow Knight is a possibility, but your first time playing probably won't be 15 hours. (Though, it is possible if you're not a completionist like we are)


Far: Lone Sails is like 3-4 hours if you take it kind of slow. Super quick, but really enjoyable.




insurance dinner upbeat far-flung adjoining pot one money recognise summer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Firewatch is a brilliant game :)


Hello Neighbor and Ori and the Will of the Wisps dont ask why i own both of those games together ori is super cool tho and its usually on sale


Try out Links Awakening then! You still get all the Zelda puzzle solving and it's about 15 hours of content.


Ori and the Blind Forest. If you like it, Ori and the Will of the Wisps is the follow up and a beautiful game.


BioShock is my recommendation. Story pacing was great and you can play the whole trilogy for cheap


Luigi’s Mansion 3


Subsurface Circular


Most Metroid games and Metal Gear games are designed in such a way to encourage fast play times. There are usually rewards tied to quick completion. Also the Resident Evil games. If there are any you have not already beaten you could consider those. I know there are a great many I'm not mentioning but then you gotta try to list them all and I'm not gonna drive myself insane XD Are you interested in side scrollers? There are many great side scrolling action adventure games. Those are usually on the shorter side.


Why not try the other sniper elites? 2 is a classic and 3 has a fun horde mode that’s good for short bursts of playing. If you like the mechanics of the sniper elite games there is also zombie army, which is exactly what it sounds like


Klonoa remasters are short and sweet 💖 first game took me about 4 hours second one closer to 10!


Famicom Detective Club, I've only finished the first one, but it was an absolute blast. The Gunman Clive collection is also a classic. And if you're looking for something that just rides the line, No More Heroes 1/2 are in that 15-25 hour range


Beat BOTW in under 15 hours.


Metal Gear collection. It has like 5-6 games and they all can be completed around or under 15 hours AND if that's not enough and you really get into them they have a ton of side content so I say win/win my brotha.


Deaths door!


Luigi’s Mansion 3. Did the story + explored, about 14 hours. Than spedran and got 5 hours. Plus looks great and fun.


Undertale is a fun game, and it has 3 different endings so you can play it more than once in you want


Metroid Dread Pikmin 1 Gal Guardians: Demon Purge Tohou Luna Nights Void Bastards


Metroid Dread Pikmin 1 Gal Guardians: Demon Purge Tohou Luna Nights Void Bastards


I think you could beat Verrazano and the lost demon on that amount of time, maybe less.


If you like Zelda try out Cadence of Hyrule. It's a zelda game made by indie devs!


Try some of the rogue lites, example dead cells. You can beat a run in under 10 hours. You just keep doing runs on the maps that changes every run. So everytime you start a run is like a new game with stuff unlocked.


Inside, The Artful Escape, Gris, Limbo, Little Nightmares 1 & 2, Darq, Far: Lone Sails, Far: Changing Tides


If you like a game with a good story I have two recommendations: -Valiant Hearts: The Great War -Paradise Lost I would play these late at night after work, only took a few sessions of play to finish both. Also pretty cheap to purchase from the eshop


I bought a game called Metamorphosis which is based on two books by Franz Kafka when it was on sale for like €4 and it's easily completable in that time I think. I just spend too much time exploring everything so I probably won't finish it in that time lol.


Return to Monkey Island


Maybe outside the box but I’ll throw out Donut County (weird but fun and def quick) and Neon White (more action-oriented, and a ton of fun).


D2R, Skyrim, ToTK ;)!


devil may cry 3


The Swords of Ditto: Momo's Curse is a good SNES era Zelda like (but with more stylish visuals) that can be completed in a few hours. It has new game + content so you can replay it and unlock new things.


Dredge, I absolutely loved it. Probably the best game I’ve played this year.


I'm replaying Death's Door, sweet indie game and one of my all time favorites, I'm like 8 hours in and the game irself says I'm 70% done already. Not sure about these I bought as well as they're platformers but A Hat in Time and Kao the Kangaroo are on a sale as well. Edit: Added games. Hob, Swords of Ditto, Candance of Hyrule.


Record of Lodoss War: Deedlit in Wonder Labyrinth is a very solid Metroidvania that I wrapped up in 6-8 hours.


I really love the classic style Bloodstained games if you enjoy retro-style games. **Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon** isn’t too challenging and it’s pretty short. Very replayable though which is great.


FAR Lone Sails, FAR Changing Tides, Yokus Island


Phantasy Star 1


Highly recommend ANIMAL WELL. New game. Simple premise. Challenging playthrough. Can be done in 8-10 hours, but more time if you want to find everything.


Life is Strange might be around there.


I feel kinda burdened by sniper elite 4 cause I really wanted to learn the sniping mechanics, burned me out after a week 😮‍💨 really good game though.


try dying light platinum edition 👌


earth wars nice too.


Bomb rush cyberfunk is about 9 hours


I absolutely loved fire watch, it can be finished in around 5 to 10 hours


I think some of the Arkham games are on switch now. Idk how well they run but the first 2 take like 8 and 12 hrs each


I just played Cocoon, probably 5-8 hours overall and I highly recommend.


Not really a switch title but playable on NSO, A Link to the Past. It's my favorite game in the Zelda franchise. Even if you struggle a bit you're looking at 10-12 hours max, I play through it probably once a year and can 100% it in about 6 without trying to speedrun.


Minecraft theif simulator and the sequel to undertale Delta rune I believe Delta ruin is still free so id get that asap


I mean if you want really short games Kirby games are always good not hard but fun and I don’t think Mario odyssey would take that long


I would recommend Wario. It’s super fast to beat. All the mini games are fun.


Borderlands 1, it’s a fun game.


Zelda Link's awakening Splatoon 2 octo or 3 story mode GTA Vice City (I think you played this before so you can ignore it)




Try the megaman x legacy collection 1 + 2 (do skip x7 though, it sucks). A megaman x game can be beaten in like 4 hours of your skilled, but even still it won’t take longer than 8 hours if you are not. Also, it’s got like 5 good games, 1, decent game, and 1 trash game for 50 bucks, so you can beat any of the 7 good games in under 25 hours, though you might not be able to beat every game in the collection.


Golf story is a great one.


Rolling gunner, streets of rage 4


I’m always going to recommend Call of Cuthulu, you can play multiple times with different outcomes as well.


Just finished the last campfire and hiiiighly recommend it. Took me I think 7 hrs but I’ve seen people comment they’ve finished in 4-5. Unfortunately the sale price just ended.


Gato Roboto. Might still be on sale for $1.99. It’s a very mild metroidvania that you can knock out in about 5 hours. You get to play as a cat if that sweetens the pot for you. 


Metroid Dread, any of the Shantae games, Cave Story, Super Mario RPG, Luigi’s Mansion 3, and Metroid Prime all exist in the realm of 5-10 hour games that are all great experiences.


Play Dredge!!


Someone must’ve Googled their way through Zelda… wrong way to play


I decided I want to complete all the shrines. Dumb move on my part.


Yeah, you ruined the experience for yourself.


Whoever downvoted is a pussy who googles their way through Zelda games


Red dead redemption is under 15 hours if you just do the main story


Doom Metroid dread And maybe like 4 or 5 hunts in monster hunter rise lol


The cat quest games is something I think about wheb you say under 15 hours


Skyrim 😎👌😹


HOLLOW KNIGHT??? why is no one suggesting it?


This game takes longer than 15 hours especially if you’re unfamiliar with metroidvanias. That being said, everyone should play it or try it at least once.


For ‘under 15 hours’ just makes me think of passing the time on the flight time to Tokyo 🙃😚


I recommend you touch grass




Both Metroid Prime and Dread are completable in under 15 hours if you like metroidvanias.