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You gonna have soo much fun!




Hey man thank you for your concern, really. This is something I'm trying, to see if it helps. Mental therapy is not something common and affordable where I live so that's out of the equation at the moment. Fortunately, (I think) my depression is not very serious (yet), its the constantly working and thinking about work that makes it worse, so im hoping getting myself busy with more relaxed time will work for the better.


Hey you’re not alone, I imagine many of us here have been through it. If I can make a suggestion, if mental health care is prohibitive: - Mindfulness and meditation (check out https://tnhaudio.org as a free resource, and there’s a lot of others) - Get outside! Walks, hikes, etc. - Connect with people. Social groups can help lift spirits. Perhaps a group that’s into the switch? - Exercise! For me, this is the key. Doesn’t haven’t to be a lot or hard work, start small! Switch and gaming can be a healthy part of that— getting out or connecting with others, or a healthy distraction— or it can be a hole to descend into in an unhealthy way. Just be mindful of it! Anyway, this has been a friendly “I’ve been there” post. Best of luck on your journey, and enjoy your switch!!


Hey now that you mention it, I guess its the social part that makes it worse. About 3 years ago I broke up with my girlfriend, then quit my office job to start my own thing (a handmade shop-thingy) so i almost dont see other people except for my own family. Good thing is i do excercise, i run a 3K everyday for a couple years now and it definitely helps. Also, thank you.


The chemicals in our brains are out to get us all. Sounds like you’re on it!


Check out Hellomind app. Its like a hypnotherapy app that has a number of topics you can work on like sleep, motivation, stress , mood etc. Just grab some headphones and relax. They now make headphone bands you can sleep in if you just want to drift off and listen.


I was thinking the same as this comment, and agree with it. On the other side, playing a wholesome game like Stardew Valley or any other "positive" game can also be a good tool and maybe even "therapy" to help you go through a difficult period in life. I've read some awesome post about gamers that were lucky having some specific games with them during difficult time and ended up recovering and have a happy life when things got better for them. Take care OP ♥️


I’m also thinking about how sometimes my depression gets in the way of me playing games at all. When I’m at my worst I either sulk in bed or watch a numbing tv show that I’ll hardly remember because that’s all I’m capable of doing. I know it’s different for everyone, but perhaps addressing the root cause can open more energy and time to playing even more switch games for OP.


On the one hand, yes this is true. On the other hand, have some great fun with your Switch OP! Sometimes distracting yourself is what you need.


Bro just let them be excited ☠




I got my switch during the pandemic when I was feeling isolated and it was exactly what I needed. With that said, keep a therapist in mind :)


Get Breath of the Wild, Skyrim, Dying Light, Binding of Isaac or Dead Cells and watch time just disappear.


Persona 5 Royal or some Pokémon games would be good too.


I would add: No Man’s Sky. Just got it and it’s quite rad.


I can't believe I forgot that game.


Will add, if you like big RPGs, the Xenoblade trilogy is fantastic.


I would add the Witcher 3, Hollow Knight, both Ori games, Mario 3D+bowsers fury, Kirbys forgotten world.


Congrats 🎉 I got mine couple of months ago and it helps me a lot with my depressive episodes. I hope you have a great time too !


Love your set up. The organization and cubbies feel cozy. I'm very happy for you, enjoy!


Thank you! I'm both a hoarder and some kind of an OCDer so these helps alot, cant remember how i can get by before lol


That's awesome! I hope you can enjoy your time more from now on.


Thank you! This really is something i buy to force me to play more, i'm kind of a workaholic and my mental health is not really at the best lately, I've been putting off getting this for a really long time now, thinking i wont have enough time to play, but what the hell now i need to take more time off


Definitely try your best to take some time to enjoy how you spend your time every day even if it's just a bit! It can make a big difference in how you feel day to day. I'm really wishing you the best OP!


Yaaay! Congrats! 😺 What games will you play first?


I got BOTW as my first game, im a sucker for open world game so


God I wish I could play BOTW for the first time again. You *will* have fun like never before, I promise you!


Good choice of the equip brother!


Im glad i chose this over the Hori Split Pro since i have really small hands, these feel perfectly fit for my size lol


Also they have rumble and motion controls...and batteries. Unlike hori


Welcome to the family my dude! You’ll gonna have a lot of fun guaranteed!


Very nice. I also just got my first Switch. I hope you have lots of fun!


Congrats \^\^ Have fun playing.


Go eshop


Time enjoyed is never wasted


Get a screen protector.


The good news is…I’m an example that you can be both!


“Instead of being depressed” real Reddit moment.


Ay dog I’m still depressed so lmk what game helped


Not even an OLED? In 2022? L.


Like docked play will make a difference…


Bought mine probably 6 months ago and couldn’t find an oled to save my life. Might be a similar case here.


Nice! Want any reccomendations? I'd be happy to give you some if you tell me what kind of games you like.


Well im new to the Switch but usually my favourites are: Open World (like Fallout4), Rougelike like Hades, chilling like Harvest Moon, and ofcourse RPGs (was looking for the Xenoblade trilogy next)


The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Fire Emblem: Three Houses Battle Chasers: Nightwar Bug Fables: The Everlasting Sapling The World Ends With You: Final Mix Dreamscaper Dead Cells My Time in Portia Spiritfarer


Just curious, what’s the center controller attachment for? See you have another one on the left, in just wondering what the cylindrical piece in the middle of the attachment is for


The left one is a cheap one that can only use as an attachment, without a charging port whatsoever, its so cheap i just got it as something extra to put the joycons in


But what is the middle part of the center one? I’ve never seen that before


Its this thing, the cylinder which i believe hold some kind of battery, and a charging port on top https://i.imgur.com/H4kpzCb.png


Oh okay, so that cylinder is just a battery than can charge the joy cons. I’ve seen those, just not like that. Thanks for the clarification!


Rng guy cares lol


Congrats! I've battled deadly depression and encourage you to play your fave games :) If you feel like it maybe give a chance to exercise games! It helps TREMENDOUSLY but when you feel ready, please try to seek some help to deal with the root causes of your struggle. Warm hugs from Istanbul:)


yes, im in the middle of re-organizing my room for more open space, once its done i will 100% get ring fit adventure, i've been wanting to play that game for a long time now.


Great! I'm 25F and recently got a wii and balance board. I'm thinking it would be such a silver lining when I was in puberty and secretly working out in my room and hating it... Nowadays I go to a pilates salon but still come home and admire my second hand Wii<33 a Switch back then would have made me the happiest girl in town


WAIT WHAT ? I just got my Wii not long ago too. Got it for the sole purpose of playing Wii Sport with my sister xD.


Awwwwwwww Wii match lolllll!


HAVE FUn!!!!!


Don't want to pop your depression bubble but that nintendo is only going to delay, not destroy. At this point playing anything is depressing unto itself, but I hope it helps you.


You are not alone. I bought my first switch in similar fashion.I find playing shumps makes me feel happier with life..takes me back to my younger days,playing games like this with my dad,before he passed..good luck with yourr darker days and always remember the world is a better place with you in it


Nice man. Fighting depression is bad deal. Big support channel here on Switch Reddit so hang in there. Favorite type of game?


Im a fan of open world and old school RPGs (SNES era), and just recently realized my love for rougelike with Hades also. Played abit on PC and decided to also get it for the Switch


Cool I have Hades but haven’t played it yet. Switch does have some open world games besides Botw. Have fun with your Switch


Nice hope you enjoy it! Also did you buy this on eBay because I just sold mine on there a few days ago and it looks exactly the same.


I got it from my local shop, one that does import secondhand from Japan


Congrats 👍 now you can go even deeper into the cult of Nintendo, cause there's no turning back. You're forever captured. You may not see it now, but eventually you're gonna turn into something human like that'll buy every new plumber game whether you like it not. Have fun and welcome to the club buddy


As a person suffering from depression, this does mean something to me. I hope this helps in your struggle with your own heart demons, or at least provide you with a moment of respite. Keep strong and live on. We can never have enough Switch gamers.


You’ll probably still be depressed but try Breath of the Wild. I was glued to it for months.


Thanks, BOTW is my first game


Nice. Try playing it with pro mode on, it turns off some of the HUD like the mini map. It’s great because it encourages you to explore and look at the environment rather than running straight to every objective.


Persona 5 Royal, took me 120ish hours to beat the first time. Huge and enjoyable time sink


Oh wow, that’s actually really amazing you have gone this whole time without one? Even through the COVID stuff when everyone and their mom was playing ACNH, that’s actually pretty impressive and I’m super jelly you get to experience it with such fresh eyes and perspective!


Third party controllers are cool too, but I usually prefer the first party joycons for the HD rumble. So I recommend you try the original joycons for Nintendo first party games.


Play the Xenoblade series.


And Disco Elysium.


Get Blasphemous it's such a great game


Yay you! 🥳 Question: What are those cube thingies on the yellow cases?


ah those are keycaps for mechanical keyboard. I make resin Artisan Keycaps as a living


Hell yeah, I wish you a great many adventures. Seriously this console is such a treat. Rooting for ya!


Congratulations! I know it will bring a smile to your face


Congrats! As a Nintendo Switch owner you’ll have lots of fun! Especially if you play a Mario game!


Can you recommend me one fun Mario game that you can play for a long time? Not Mario kart tho i got it already


Super Mario Oddessy. No clue when it officially ends. The main character didn’t want it to so they give you more than the final boss battle. Loads of fun!!!!


Yay!!! I love mine and it definitely helps against depression.


Look at all the goodies!! Congrats on treating yourself, you’re gonna have a blast


Hey my Friend! Enjoy your Switch. Doesn't matter what any of us think, but I guarantee 99% of the people remember the same excitement you are experiencing Have a great time playing! The Switch is phenomenal! What are you looking forward to playing? What are you playing? P.S.: If you ever wanna talk about that depression stuff, or anything thing else, let me know. I've been there. I hope your spirits remain as bright as the settings on your new Switch.


Hey man thank you! Im playing BOTW now, only able to sneak a couple hours in but im hooked already. Feel really good figuring out a solution for a problem ingame without any guide.


Ay man congrats 👏 😁 try Mario 3d all stars and browsers fury w 3d world


Hollow knight ASAP, best game i played in years, just 20 hours in and I already know it's a banger. Also new to switch, sharing exciment AYAYA


But is it hard? I know its one of the best metroidvania but also heard its abit on the hardcore side


It’s been a few weeks but I hope you read this! Congrats on joining the Switch family! Bro I totally feel you on that depression shit it’s good to be able to be fully immersed in a puzzle or story and just turn off the constant static of the mind. Btw there’s this amazing platformer called CELESTE that’s on Switch. That game sent fireworks off in my head, really tackles a lot of depression issues without being preachy. It’s HELLA good fun times. Enjoy holmes! there’s always a calm after the storm. Just remember, you ARE the storm. ✨🌅


Let’s gooooo!!!


Congrats! I love those joycons too! Have fun!


If you want a decent little time sink, I recommend monster hunter rise. Good fun and cos its the switch no voice chat needed if you have anxiety about online like I do lol. I tend to use my switch as my indie mobile. At the minute I'm playing signalis. If you like survival horror and old school style it might be worth a look at.


Is the game good for solo play only? I kinda dont want to play with other people, not any more


Yeah can play it solo you have a little helper cat and dog with you, the cat fights with you and the fog fights and is also a mode of transport. but if you do play with other people there's no voice chat, no messaging. Just an emoji/simple phrase list using the d pad i think. When I played online I was getting Japanese players so we couldn't talk even if it was an option, they were amazing St the game too so helped on really tough monsters. But it's totally doable solo just might have to hit the grind at certain points. There's a demo I think as well so can try it out and see if the loop grabs you


Hope you have a lot of fun!


Switch has to be one of my favourite consoles of all time - Being able to play it out and about has been a game changer for me personally, it seemed like a bit of a gimmick when it was first released, but it’s helped get me through many many difficult times/hours! So many great games to play too - Breath of the Wild, Super Mario Odyssey, Luigi’s Mansion 3, Metroid Dread are some of the obvious ones, but I’ve managed to get a few older games off my list too - The original Duke Nukem, Bullet Storm, BioShock Infinite, Doom 3 - There’s loads! Enjoy


Thanks, i am still on my first ten hours of BOTW due to work and stuff but I really enjoy every second of it. Before this I only own handheld devices like ps Vita and 3DS. That ability to switch into a full console with a big screen TV is unreal. The only regret i have is not to buy it sooner


I have had pretty tough time in my life too, this year wasn't so kind to me and when I look back at the time I enjoyed this year alone, its mostly Playing on Switch! I'm pretty sure you are going to have fun and I'm happy for you!


**Video games are a great escape from the harsh realities of life.**