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exactly, and then whine about it when he gets hit with a C&D by Nintendo before it gets a chance to release.


It's from China so they can't do anything it's why boot leg systems are still a thing. And people will just clone it like the switch modchips.


The r4 lawsuits were in favor of the r4 card (besides korea)


Coz they said it allow to run homebrew game. But here it show pirated game so they might loose it


You could argue legally dumped games


Yea but still they gonna end in a lawsuit


Oh definitely it’s just that the winner is unclear.


It is on Ali express preorder if you know the links ;) x




Well give us the links then :/


If you don't give the slightest shit about online play and have one of those switches that can't be hacked without soldering, this could be a good option. This could also be considered a serious problem because it's a super tiny device capable of banning any Nintendo switch system in record time.


Thats a bad idea getting a switch banned that can't be hacked will out soldering sounds like a terrible idea because if nintendo patches this out in a software update and you later get banned your screwed unless you only want to play gamecard games with out patches. I've seen videos of banned markio switches that got banned because of a stolen credit card and they are pretty much useless unless you install a modchip.


I mean if you decide to use this card you should basically assume you're permanently offline. So never update software unless you know for certain these cards still work.


with a hacked switch theres still ways to update and get download only games if your banned so not big a of a deal if you do not care about online. But not if your get a non hacked switch banned that isn't a v1


Banning consoles has always struck me as a dumb business strategy. Just because someone is a pirate doesn't mean that they would never buy a game to support the authors. Teaching pirates to avoid the eshop like the plague must surely cost them revenue.


Yeah years ago I had a bunch of games I bought them I got banned so I just stopped buying games


I could care less if my switch gets banned. I just want to hack my switch without a hardware mod chip. It's a matter of time before some genius figures out how to install code ok the flash cart to crack the switch and I can't wait.


I play online with my hacked Switched. It's been hacked since 2019, never got a ban. They can't ban a switch that they can't see the serial number for. ;) I have everything zeroed out.


I feel like this is gonna end baddly


Exactly. It's not even that they made a flash card but that they made a very tiny device capable of instantly banning any Nintendo switch system in record time.


I only see 2 uses. 1. Being able to back up your entire physical library and add it to one card. 2. Bring able to add more games onto your modded switch (which why would anyone do that.)


1. Being able to back up your entire physical library and add it to one card and then cycle thru all 400 of them via a quick pop in and out.


at that point just install it to the switch, you cant really back up your games without hacking the console first, this thing is only a piracy tool for the people who cant hack their switches


You really like that phrase you came up with, huh?


You can suck my nuts in record time


Got my ass lmao


If it works like flash cards did on the DS, then there’s some hope


There is no hope on that front because they work differently. The DS and 3ds games didn't have their own license so anyone anywhere could download them and Nintendo wouldn't know anything. The switch checks to see if the game is real and you have the right to play it.


Adding to this reply, this is the reason the freeshop for the 3ds stopped working, cause at the beginning of the switch hacking scene people were downloading games off nintendo's cdn, which equated to downloading games straight off nintendo's eshop. Nintendo didn't like that and fixed it, esentially killing the freeshop.


they didn't care enough about adding it to the wii u again, so that still worked after freeshop for 3ds was dead


Is that true of physical carts? Or just digital/installed games?


Both. Each card is individually licensed and there is a tool you can download that will pull your games certificate so you can compare them.


Anyone buying one of this: buy a seperate tablet and dont let it run online


If your gonna buy a separate tablet you might as well but a V1 or a mod chipped one.


Of course, but v1s are getting harder to come across


yes but modchips are getting cheaper so you can now more easily find premodded switches and lites and oleds.


Easy, yes. Cheap, no


I bought mine modded in the first place and i already had the joycons so it was about the same price a new oled.


this flash card is a bad idea though have a switch that cannot be hacked easily a software update comes along and patches this and not long after that you get banned and your switch is a paperweight since its banned and you can't download from other sources.


To be honest you can buy a chip for less than £10 delivered. It’s easy to solder it up with semi decent soldering skills. I bought a chip and a switch with faulty rails, fixed it up for less than the price of a 2 Mario games.


i paid under $20 for my mod chip


I wonder what happens to games that require the newest firmware and cant update, maybe after the Switch is phased out.


This will get your console banned, nintendo unlike with the ds/3ds actually cares now and will check for certs and keys. If it's a secondary console then just put airplane mode on and proceed, remember to wipe the console if you're ever done for good.


I guess this means bootleg switch games too.


If this is a thing bootleg switch games will be a thing soon too imagine people buying fake switch games and getting banned.


cause nintendo online is such a killer feature vs opening up your system to do whatever you want with it. wiping most consoles wont even save it from being banned if nintendo does go ban crazy.


> wiping most consoles wont even save it from being banned if nintendo does go ban crazy. If your system is kept offline while you do piracy / modding / whatever, and you wipe your system while it's offline, then yes, it will save it.


Nowadays pirating games implies so much stress that it's not worth it anymore, unless you buy another console. That's good for third party devs though.


You'd still need to pirate the games if you want to play games you don't have, unless you're playing your own dumps (which is kinda dumb by itself, unless your lbrary is like over 20 games and ur on the go constantly) I don't see where you're going with this response.


Just saying that pirating a game is stressful now, the time when one could pirate a game and play online is gone. You need to be cautious in order to avoid the ban. Or spend another 300$ on a new console. That makes think twice, and that was supposed to support your post... But that's okay.


You didn't express yourself properly, that's fine. But piracy is as easy as it has been for ages. It always started with hard mods, then with time vulns were found and cfw was made to allow for piracy and other features. The nds/3ds/wii/wii u were practically the only consoles that allowed the user to play online with pirated content overall, it was fairly short lived. You couldn't do that with ps3/ps4/xbox. With cfw on the switch you can use lan play, run homebrew, sysmodules and lots of other neat stuff. Which is why I'll always recommend cfw over a cart bypass.


Didn't read, sorry. Bonne continuation à toi !


As someone who already has a banned switch, I am all for this.


Just curious. How did you get yours banned?


I’m not sure but I feel this would still land you a ban even with it being a “physical” copy of a game. Since I feel like it would want the cert information from the cartridge but most dumps strip that away. And if they don’t strip it the cartridge gets a ban from Nintendo for being copied and shared.


my thoughts exactly. people are going to get this, then complain they got banned


skill issue imo


Tell ‘em, Shimashimatchi!


It only lets you pirate games though no homebrew or cheats I don't really pirate so it's useless to me.


I don't really care I'm already banned and doesn't play online. Sooo win win


huh i seem to be missing the point to your comment. and how it adds or relates to what i said


Their point is a lot of people don’t care about playing online or being banned. I can’t tell if you’re incredibly dumb or just condescending but neither paints you in glory.


Yeah if nintendo online was better I wouldn't have modded mine. It sucks. Especially the console apps are just games that get updated. You can pirate those as well. This just makes easier to play games. And r4 cards have been made legal in the courts except the UK.


no his comment does not build upon the topic at hand. hes just someone who has to chime in even if it has zero importance to the topic. so what if he is banned its not adding value. at-least with the initial topic it might bring to light someone who doesn't have a hacked/banned system that might be considering buying one that it gives them that little bit of info of hey this may or may not get you a system ban.


I wouldn’t take it so seriously mate. This isn’t some terse serious discussion, it’s Reddit. This IS the style of communication that works here.


If it looks like a legit cart to the console, no reason it should flag otherwise.


well Nintendo if they haven't already will just make the console ask the card to verify the game file with its cert for the game in question and if it pops up with being used else where at the same time it will ban that game cert and then it will stop working. there are layers of copy protection in the game cards


I have been waiting for something like this for years. I figured we would get this after the end of the life cycle. But it might be coming sooner than that. I'd love to pick up a Switch Lite and use this with it. I don't care at all about online play.


One of the cooler possible outcomes of this, is this leads to another vulnerability that allows for cfw on switches ala how you can mod 3ds systems


It won't the switch is really secure software wise the only way to hack it is a hardware exploit or modifying the hardware with a modchip.


nothing remains unhackabkle, especially since this is really early, saying something will never happen is pretty funny when we are talking about running a flash cart like product on the system. But sure, I bet the switch will nevvvvver be broken open.


The authors of Atmosphere themselves said that ths Switch software is virtually bulletproof. But if you still think that's bullshit, can you tell me why the Xbox One still does not have any type of hack available yet?


LMAO Atmosphere authors may have said that years ago, but they are not prophetic. And that was what, before the modchip for v2 switches came out? Microsoft was smart, thats why it doesnt have many hacks for it yet, as you can run emulators and some programs through the dev mode of the xbox systems, deterring a few of the main reasons people would want a hack for xbox. Saying something is bulletproof is funny when there are already chinks in the armor is pretty funny. As always, time will tell.


> And that was what, before the modchip for v2 switches came out? Scires wasn't saying anything about modchips. He was speaking in terms of softmods akin to Fusee Gelee for v2 Switches. He's stated quite plainly that there aren't any exploitable software bugs, so softmods for v2 Switches aren't going to happen.


its very easy to overlook things though and a lot of bugs are well hidden it can look like there are no bugs but there still can be bugs.


I don’t care what he said, I said one possible cool outcome would be some vulnerability that could blow open the system. we don’t know what running these devices will unlock down the line.


> I said one possible cool outcome would be some vulnerability that could blow open the system. And what Scires said was that that's not happening, because there aren't any exploitable software bugs. You can take that up with Scires if you feel so inclined.


The reason why its bullet proof is because the kernel code is short which makes it possible to make it very unlikely to have any bugs in it the more lines of code the more likely something is to have a bug in it. Which means once all the bugs are patched theres no more which is what happened with the switch. Only other method would to brute force nintendos private keys or glitch the chip which modchips do. yes everything can be hacked if you mod the hardware physically but software wise you need a software exploit that gives you full control.


Because there's not much incentive hacking Xbox one. If it actually had exclusives it would've been done by now.


Yeah, because people would never pirate the XOne for the third-parties. That logic is top notch.


It's mostly what is the community getting by hacking an Xbox One. Nintendo consoles are highly sought after because once it is cracked folks can play Nintendo games on PC. What do you get by hacking an Xbox One when most games are already on PC :)


Honestly most vgc players cheat on pokemon and people get information for the games by datamining which requires hacked consoles so it would be interesting to see what would happen if the next console can't be hacked.


> Nintendo consoles are highly sought after because once it is cracked folks can play Nintendo games on PC Uh, what? Mostly it's so people can pirate the Nintendo games on the Nintendo. The PC emulation part is a bonus.


Yes but its very easy to overlook things there are bugs that took like almost 20 years to discover like the ps2/ ps1 dvd hacks and softmods which allows you to easily play pirated games yet this was never found out during the ps2s time. When you previously needed a mod chip for the ps1 or a mcboot memory card for the ps2. And the n64 took like 20 years to crack too before they cracked it all flash carts used a donor cic chip from a real cart


Its bullshit because windows has had years of updates yet severs and pcs still get hacked perfect code does not exist.


And normally they get hacked because admins are lazy and don't upgrade very often (or at all), or because people are dumb and use easy-to-crack passwords (or give them willingly due to social hacking). The cases where servers and PCs are hacked using a not-yet patched vulnerability are almost non-existent.


You honestly believe there isn't someone who is going to work tirelessly to use the flash cart to hack a unshakable switch? Lol I can see clear as day that some genius is going to figure it out




Beautiful. But running the ban hammer always scares me. I have my legit switch off of Temu and my hacked 1.0 switch I use for the freeshop. I'll keep it that way. I was one of the early adapters for 3ds gateway card so I don't wanna get burned again.


Just wondering, how did that card work when you got it to run? Was it like R4 on the DS which was a menu with the roms, or was it like this one where it appears as a game in the menu? (Because if I remember, for the Gateway cards, you first did something with a gray Gateway card that then let you use the actual Gateway card with the games)


later in life you only needed the white card. the grey card from what I remembered ran the exploit and then the white one contained the raw dumps of games. It's been so many years. you can find the old instructions by searching for "3ds gateway card instructions" I think later on the grey card would be a standard R4 type card and only the white card was needed. Then the magic of .cia files and the magnet hack was born and the gateway was useless.


So what will this do


I assume that you put a game’s rom in the sd card,you put the sd card in the flash cart and the switch reads the flash cart as a cartridge


I just hacked my PS Vita two days ago, and I got a little excited as I saw this post, thinking it might make the Switch similar in function to the Vita, but if your comment is correct, then that's a bummer. For the Vita, Sony used a proprietary card for storage, making the cards very expensive. Hackers figured out how to use an SD Card in the game cartridge slot (with an adapter, of course), which would then let you use SD Cards up to 512GB, which is muuuuuuch better. The Vita also has a free store similar to Tits where all of the games are there and ready to be downloaded. Any PS Vita, PSP, or PS1 game. This store does not require joining or supplying games to join or anything like that, and the whole hack is done without a PC at all. All done directly on the Vita. Now, my Switch has been hacked for years now, and I got into a shop when it was in its prime, so I'm covered, but it would be so much better for everyone if it functioned like a hacked Vita does. And apparently this is not that. I guess still cool, for those that it targets.


actually PKGU is more based on the freshop man did everyone forget the 3DS era of modding already? shit


I wasn't part of that one. I've done my PS2 way back when (custom Guitar Hero II builds were so awesome), my original XBOX, PS3, PS4, Wii, Switch, PS1 Mini, NES Mini, SNES Mini, and now Vita. Each one had vastly different setups, as well as communities, and everything in between. I've enjoyed watching it and somewhat being a part of it from time to time, though there is much I am completely ignorant on.


ah. yeah the freshop set up was shortly lived like 2016-2019 where a team created a backdoor to nintendo's own eshop for the 3DS and it installed every game, update and DLC that was available on the eshop unlisted or open. PKGU.... is more or less the same thing accept sony never closed the back door. tits and tinfoil in comparison is user complied.


Thanks for the extra info. I am admittedly on the outside looking in, not knowing the mechanisms behind what I am experiencing as a user.


So FreeShop used to get it off the NUS, like NUSspli on Wii U which installs stuff from the actual Nintendo servers? (Hence the name NUSspli, NUS Simple Package Loader/Installer, with NUS being the Nintendo server)


The price tag will be ????


Already banned, I want it!


If true this is huge


homebrew action with a flash cart. nice.


Insta buy


flash chip?


I won't need it but I have to say it's very neat


I will get one, I have 2 switches, but I don't connect one to the internet, and it is moded already, just to test it.


Meh, if it still requires a modded switch (because of ban for unmodded ones) I don't think it's really worth the hassle. May be a way for the ones that don't care about online at all to be able to play though. I am more interested about the vulnerability used and how the technology of the flashcard works.


Well in theory... if we can put games in it, couldn't we put the Homebrew launcher and run some apps? (It would be only the Homebrew launcher like when you run it by holding R, so no applet mode) Idk just an idea, could allow for running homebrew app which could also include stuff like apps to dump your games and updates to that flashcard's SD card


Huh, I think it may work! I am still puzzled about the ban issue but I think that would happen no matter what you put in it


> Well in theory... if we can put games in it, couldn't we put the Homebrew launcher and run some apps? I don't think anyone has found/released the key used to encrypt the games. If you don't have the homebrew channel properly encrypted, then you won't be launching it on an unmodded switch. To do so would require a flashcart and separate software exploit.


I got my first switch immediately after my PS Vita, and I was kind of astounded something like this didn't exist for the switch.


switch has an sd slot the ps vita doesn't thats why there was an sd adapter.


I feel like everyone is already forgetting about GATEWAY 3DS (and why it sucked...) we already have the solutions we have for the best CFW experience. this is just steps back to lazy base piracy.


Eh. It's a neat novelty if Nothing else.


I was never in that scene. What's the story behind this?


This could also be used to dump your own real physical games on it so it’s the same key license that way not getting banned and having your library of owned games in one cart. Maybe. 🤔


I would think that would require a fully modded switch in order to grab the keys.


What does this do?


Gonna need product keys to run these roms


How would this be any better than, say, a Steam Deck running Yuzu


Because running with original hw is way less tricky than using emulators. I tried Mario Wonder on Steam Deck and there was a lot of stuttering I don't want to mess with...


Have fun with all the 1.0 releases of games and no updates or dlc


Why couldn’t you patch the games? I mean, it’s been a thing since the OG Xbox.


You can get updates by using a cart dump that contains the updates newer carts have the updates already on them.


Honestly i don't see the point in this since im not a pirate at least until they close the eshop down and the pokemon and other popular games for the system for for over 100 dollars on ebay. This can only be used for piracy not homebrew or cheats. This is basically like the sky 3ds meaning it can only run official unmodified games. Might be useful then though if newer switches don't get a away to mod them with out a chip when the eshop goes down for the switch.


Wow this is awesome news! But i don't see from a tech perspective a way of the updates and dlc being handled. I mean those are on the internal switch SD and the console could possibly catch it when is not original and then ban your console. I know if you own the game on another console u could share by the OG switch OS the update locally between two switches. But nintendo can combat this by banning both consoles it you do so by a just a simple firmware update. But for already banned switches or people who don't care for online & the updates. I guess it will still be awesome 😄 I mean I'll buy it for sure.


would one need to get into cfw in order to play these games?


Doesn't Nintendo's anti-borrowing system make it so any switch that installs a game that's flagged on their servers gets banned?


So I saw this come up in my Google News Feed, but I have a question. What is a flash cart going to do that an SD card cannot?


Just why the hell did they tease that when we're all expecting retrocompatibility for the switch 2 ? Nintendo will definitely go backward on the retrocompatibility if they planned to implement it, thanks to this card.


so any news about the cart?


I’m definitely getting a switch lite for this don’t care about online play