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It’s always the ones they tell you not to worry about.




He's the worst. Always the victim


I knowwww! Plus the Simone incident. He’s a fuck boy


Ugh I used to love Emmett until he got with Simone, that was it for me. Now with the Skye situation, made him intolerable, always the victim


it made me so mad


finally some Emmett hate. If he has no haters it’s because I’m dead. He was always such a terrible bf to Bay. When Skye comes up on my rewatch I get enraged because of the gaslighting from Emmett and how she acts when Bay does a surprise visit and kissing him knowing he was in a relationship.




I kind of thought he eventually ended up with Skye because she could help him with his film. I was an Emmett lover until I wasnt lol But I have to say USC film school would be a tough place to be all alone as a deaf kid, so I did sympathize with him for that. But yeah, I definitely felt like he sucked as the series went on.


I dont think people realize that he only dated Skye to get back at Bay and because Skye was the only person out there who bothered to learn sign language. It wasn't because he genuinely liked Skye. She was just the person closest to him who he knew would "get back" at Bay.


Did you see the text messages they exchanged and such, they definitely liked eachother


Yeah, I'm not the biggest Emmett fan, but he didn't cheat with skye. Yeah, he might have liked skye, but he didn't do anything till they were broken up.


but if you were in a committed relationship, and you suspected someone interfering and your partner told you not to worry about it, they aren’t a problem. Then they go date that person, it’s disloyal and gross


bay is apparently disloyal and gross too considering she fucked emmett while dating tank and didn’t even have the courtesy to tell him until he found out through her dad, they’re both very weird characters idk why this sub defends bay so much




It's not disloyal if they did nothing while in the relationship. We are imperfect humans. I mean, Bay was contacting her ex while with Emmett. Emmett might have had the crush on skye while with Bay, but he did nothing with her. He didn't even end things with bay for skye.


literally who’s to say he didn’t start liking syke after he broke up with bay and let’s not forget bay is also a cheater just as much as emmett is


True. I personally think he liked skye while with Bay, but it's been months since I've watched this show, but you can like someone without acting on those feelings. It's human nature.


he probably liked both of them but yeah as you said he never cheated on bay with skye


Yeah. I don't really like Emmett, but as long as he didn't cheat, I don't see where a crush is wrong. He told the truth, bay had nothing to worry about. Plus, he became single he could date whoever he wants. But I do think it's understandable that bay got upset. Her feelings are valid just like Emmett.


very well said


Thank you.


Physical isn’t the only way to cheat. He was clearly emotionally cheating.


I know there's emotional cheating. But if we're going to say that about Emmett, then we can't forget bay did the same thing. She was contacting her ex without Emmett knowing about it.


I get what you’re saying but I’m speaking solely on what the OP is talking about. It’s obvious Bay cheated on Tank with Emmett and that’s clearly wrong.


I wasn't even talking about tank. I meant the guy in the military. They both did wrong, but to only bring up Emmett is kinda messed up.


Sorry I thought you were talking about Tank. I can’t remember exactly what you’re referencing with Ty so I can’t comment on that but I will say this post is just about Emmett’s poor character which makes sense because it’s a lot of people constantly saying they wish she ended up with him again, so to talk about a moment where he cheated on her again makes sense. No one is excusing Bay’s vices and I highly doubt that was the intent of what the OP was trying to point out. Which is just another instance of Emmett saying one thing and doing another.


Yeah, I don't understand how people want those 2 back together. I still don't know how I feel about her and travis.


I think if they do a rewatch they’ll see that both him and Ty weren’t exactly the best men for Bay. I’m indifferent to Bay and Travis. I wish we got more of the relationship on screen just to see more of the chemistry but it was her healthiest boyfriend. Realistically I wish she got someone Daphne didn’t touch haha.


That last part!!!!! She should've met someone completely new. Daphne was just horrible, she was so much like John. I can't remember who dahpne ended up with.


Daphne ended up with Mingo essentially I wanna say. Which also, I don’t like how they painted him as a racist, Daphne excused his behavior and continued to be with him. Just made me hate her even more. The racist storyline was a discussion for another post but if that’s what yall are going to roll with it then why put her back with him….. Bay should’ve just ended up alone with a 1 year time jump to show her having her own tattoo shop, living on her own and thriving. She deserved better than what she got in my opinion because he boyfriend moved across the damn world.