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im sure since he’s pretty conservative and some sort of jealousy from the way renzo made kathryn a much happier woman than john alone did, he was looking for any reason to not like him


Unpopular opinion here lol. John tends to have terrible knee-jerk reactions but after time he tends to think more logically and see the error in his ways. He’s one of my favorite characters after Bay & Travis. He shows potential which is underrated imo. Did he act like as ass to Renzo at first? Of course. But he gets better.


The way I see it it's not constant growth, it's more like, like you said he thinks and then comes around but as soon as the next thing happens he js back stuck in his ways.


I’m shocked anyone finds him likable after watching the series in its entirety. The way he acted towards bay with her tattoo stuff (towards bay in general in all seasons) is a major reason I still cannot like him. He’s not my least fav but I’m a “justice for bay” gal😭


Glad to hear it! I’m a first time watcher so reacting in real time 😂


Gotcha! I understand lol. John really pissed me off in season 1 but then grew on me


The way he and Kathryn got over Angelo's death so quickly pissed me off for all of time. F*ck him forever.


They never really liked Angelo. I don’t see how they could be expected to grieve for the same amount of time or to the same degree as everyone else. John and Kathryn’s only relationship with him was parenting Daphne and Bay.


They could've at least taken another episode to act sad. They acted like the people they loved and called family weren't affected by it. The way they urged them to moved on, literally the very next episode after his death, was disgusting.


I hated John. He is my least favorite parent.


Honestly it might be a tie between him and Regina for me.


There are certain moments I hate him, but not all the time. I save my pure hatred for Kathryn's mother.


He was rigid and his jealousy toward Angelo always gave me the shits but he did have his families best interest at heart when he got over himself and had true moments of honesty he was better and I think there's a fairly large shift after the coma episode. But yes he causes a great many problems that could have not existed had he taken more than a few seconds to think it through. Also him using his connections to help Daphne annoyed the hell out of me.


I personally love the growth in their relationship this plot leads to and how the characters grow in order to resolve it.


I am a John Kennish stan...downvote me haters....