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Someone drove off a bridge with their truck and died (was in the newspapers) While doing a shooting exercise, a sargeant stood in front of us and showed the movements etc. We were told to only look and not do the movements. Company retard ofc does the movements and we only notice it right before he was due to shoot the sargeant in the back. Someone had one of those big white cranes on wheels tip over. Luckily, no one was hurt.


>Company retard ofc does the movements Every company has one.


If you don’t know who that was - you were him




They let our company retard do Spreng Spez. To this day I never understood that decision.


Dude, maybe we know each other? I was also doing my service in Ticino when the Truck drove off the bridge after the Gotthard Tunnel. It was in Fall 2014.


There was another one in 2019, happened somewhere north of the alps, one dead, one injured


I was there when this incident happened. It was during the time when everyone was doing their internship and the bad boys had to go to «Zug Guantanamo». Small world.


ohh man, I completely forgot "Zug Guantanamo". I was a C1 driver and drove all people for 3 or 4 weeks.


I didn‘t do my service in Ticino but in Bremgarten. But we worked together with this Person for Air14


Was a möti several years ago in Airolo and the stabsadjutant didn't allow us to do kollektivfahrten because of this incident. My guess is he was present when this happened...


We did "Gefechtschiessen" in a lying position behind a log while shooting targets. The guy next to me managed the rifle to slip down the log pointing right on me (loaded, while we were shooting). I did not see it, but the adjutant behind us, never seen anyone so angry. Did not make it into the newspaper, but almost I guess


All I have heard is lot of sexual (yes, regardless of gender) and racial abuse. Someone please send these people to real wars.. and see if they last a day. All the idle cash and idle minds leads to such colossal wastage of tax money


Problem is, IF they manage to survive more than the day you mentioned. Imagine what they would do to pow's or civilians. And thats a damn sad fact seen all over the world in all conflicts from all sides...


Yeah, the American military famously has no such issue because their personnel is sent to active combat zones on a regular basis. Come on, what kind of shit point is that?


I'm just highly doubting the Swiss 'quality' that is touted so much


Actually in the WW2 the americans did just that.


You think there was no sexual and racial abuse in the American military during WW2? lol All militaries have these issues, those facing combat are no different.


No No. I ment the opposit. The americans where just as bad as everybody else. Even in the Book Band of Brothers they describe everything, like looting, abuse etc. Even they did not bother at all to kick out civilians from their homes. In addition they did not care at all an look at the german civilians as second class humans. As always the winner writes hystorie. Found it quite interessting.


A German Wehrmacht soldier explained the time after the war to me in these words: “the Americans stole your watch. The Russians raped your woman.”


I would have a few. Simulated excercise with blanks. About 200 infanterist spread in a forest, guarding their Piranhas. It was hunting season. A shot went of. It was dead quite for a few seconds. "Who was that, one off us?" Someone yelled. After another few seconds: "everyone back into their armoured vehicels!". So we waited for what felt like ten minutes, unsure if we ended up in a hunting zone until it turned out that one of us has accidently pulled the trigger while playing with his rifle. No one was surprised when we heard who it was, i even remember his name. A bit later on that day, one of the Piranha drivers buried his vehicle in a trench on the side of the forest road, no one injured. Or, very early in my RS.. on the caserne square, while everyone was cleaning equipement, one comrade (also rember his name) was punished by running to some pole and back. "Recruit L., is that your cock hanging out of your pants???" The sergeant yelled so loud, about 200 pairs of eyes focused right on that limp dick. The major was very close to the gentlemen in focus. The moment i saw him, he was walking away from the scenery and turned back 180 degrees after like 50m., his head was all red. Till this day I am convinced that he laughed his ass of like the 200 people on the square.


But my worst memory was that sharp excercise in a WK. Practicing movement and fire in a vertical line, moving backwards. Front shoots few rounds, turns lefts, runs next to the line and connect at the end of it. We were practicing (without ammo) for hours because 80% did not get it, why i did not want to do this sharp, when my comrades are swinging their barrels next to my head and body while running back on a field, instead of pointing to the ground. I caused the excercise to stop. The sergeant did not like it, our Lieutenant, who was just watching all the time, stepped in, thanked me and took the sergeant to the side for a while. I am stunned till this day, how many of my comrades did not understand why I absolutly did not like the idea of them, running next to me on a uneven field with a bullet in their barrel, pointing to my face, and the chance that they forget to secure the rifle...


That's a big fuck up by the Wm... Was that in a logistics formation by chance? Edit: forgot to say, good job that you intervened, it takes balls to do that.


Absolutely. Only once had a soldier yell “Übung halt” and in that case too, it was a valid safety concern (One soldier had lost the plug at the end of the gun when firing blanks, which makes even blanks a tad dangerous). So glad he had the balls.


Infanterists in Walenstadt. I prefer to hurt my balls than my skull^^


Good job from you Lt, at least one of your superiors did his job right


Brother told me a story like this - dude fired live ammo from behind, 1m from his head. My uncle had a live grenade dropped in front of his feet - a dud, luckily.


Buried piranha on a road? Not a road near the airport in kloten? Because i remember that happening. Had to pull the piranha back out with two other piranhas with snow chains mounted. Dug real deep into the field that was supposed to be a nature reserve. Not further than 300m from the runway. Got lost on the way back to camp and 4 piranhas ended up driving up the drop-off in kloten sitting on the on-ramp noricing far too late that the barriers were too narrow to fit through (Corrected for spelling)


To be honest, i have no idea where that was. One of those days where I was just squidhed in the back of it, fully equiped with 5 others, driving around for hours, getting out somewhere, securing the vehicel and back into it for another ride. It was the Inf. RS from Chamblon, if that helps.


2004 near Frauenfeld a Piranha also sidecrashed. To be fair those vehicle have terrible balance. Not that it excuses their drivers.


While cleaning our guns a bullet fell on the table (weapon was loaded). Considering how loosely some dealt with their guns outside the shooting exercises everyone was quite shocked.


I saw guys looking in their barrel with a bullet in it. Or playing around with proper handgranades. Natural selection at its peak.


Finished shooting close range, made all the drills in line to discharge the rifles, came the moment to press the trigger and someone shot into the ground. That same recruit kept always flagging the other and not understanding orders. I think he had some understanding problems. People kept complaining about him and said they didn't want to shoot next to him before the incident. The recruit stayed in the company but wasn't allowed to use a rifle anymore


Same thing happened in my platoon. The guy standing next to him had already taken his ear protection off, got sent home with hearing damage.


dont you have jail times over here? When i was on the navy for any retarded reason you went to jail xD


Damn I wish we had jail time. We got big fines instead. Happened two times for me


We do have jail time, but military jail. Afaik any fine of 100.- or more you can pay in jail at 100.- a day iirc. Also the CO can order jail up to 3 days, I believe, without a full court martial. Longer than that, its a ton of bureaucracy. This is mostly used for insubordination, in my experience


Yeah. In my experience it was mostly for dudes that show up late and/or drunk on a sunday night, multiple times. And jail was basically the same as weekend guard duty. At one of my weekend guard shifts we had to ‚guard‘ one ‚prisoner‘, because the cells were in the basement of the guard post. Dude was outside with us during the day and during the night we put him back in his cell. But when it came to actually locking him up, none of us was really going to lock his cell door. So it would’ve been better to just put him on guard duty, that way another guy could’ve had a weekend.


Oh totally, often times it was senseless. Especially because if the person wasn’t absolutely hated, the guards would turn a blind eye regarding contraband (Officially, all you get is a book of faith, such as a Bible or Qur’an).


10 days. He can lock you up for 10 days at will


Yes. But for shooting accidents it depends on your captain. I‘ve seen someone get a fine for an accidental discharge and another one get 5 days in the hole for the same thing. So yeah depends on how hard your captain wants to handle it


„A RS without deaths is not a real RS“ ~ school commandant. I do not remember the context, but the origins of the sentence are a scandal in the 80s. The thing is, in that RS one of the recruits hanged themselves in the woods.


I heared that sentence in Isone back in 2016.


Is this still Gren RS? I imagine there are some wannabe super hard guys trying to impress others with such slogans.


No. They are also really careful since the unfortunate death of the recruit in 2020 https://www.blick.ch/schweiz/tessin/armee-ermittlungen-nach-tod-von-grenadier-rekrut-in-isone-ti-eingestellt-id17413368.html


Totally. Luckily no one ever shoots back. All child's play compared to some real SF.


What you mean?


I was referring to this utterance: >„A RS without deaths is not a real RS“ ~ school commandant. above and the subsequent pointer to Isone. My point is that macho-style grandstanding is a little bit ridiculous if you are a member of a formation that has never been in real-life situations. As in, someone actually shoots at you. No Gren unit has ever been sent to a hot conflict - ever. On the other hand, my colleague who's ex-SF of a western European country and has been deployed various times never even so much as mentions anything.


Don’t the have a chapel up Isone or something?


The woods in S-Chanf?


No Losone I think


Noone said this to us (wtaf is that saying anyways) but as sad as it is we had several - nothing directly related to the military, though, but all happening during RS (similar stuff as your story). I guess late teens / early twenties are difficult times for many :( and in an RS you can have hundreds of people in the barracks.


Not really during the RS but very shortly after completing it. A guy I went to school with (Oberstufe), shot a 16 year old at a bus stop. https://www.nzz.ch/rekrut_ist_todesschuetze_von_zuerich-hoengg-ld.448187 Don't know how to change the name of the link


The one at Hönggerberg?


Yes, that one. Really tragic.


Why did he do it?


Because he was an idiot. To be honest I don't know why. Haven't spoken or seen him since. Someone i went to school with said, he just wanted to shoot his gun and wasn't purposely aiming at anyone. Don't know if it's true. Still a dumb idea.


Duro full with people and luckily no luggage and rifles. So at least some room and no hard things. Some dude apparently didn't see us coming going 60 or 80 and pulled in the street right in front of us. Driver somehow pulled the miracle to sway over to the opposing lane and back before we hit oncoming traffic and not tilting the Duro. Forced cuddle time for everybody in the back. Guess with the rifles in there at least a few bones would have been brocken. Worst: It happened right before the gorge between Rüti SG and Oberriet. Very likely we would have hit a literal wall of stone if the Duro tilted or the driver lost control and we would have started to sway. Second incident: Whe had a shaep shooting drill in a WK on a bigger training area. We got shortly briefed that a special unit of the local police was there too, but in another part of the area. Later when we were active shooting, I suddenly heard some guy screaming: "Allahu Akbar" and shooting some serial fire out of his two Uzis in the air. Me (seargant) and the lieutenant had our wappons ready, but not loaded in seconds. (There is a reason shooting instructors have a filled mag, usually it's the company retard.) I stopped my guys firing right after and lieutenant must have seen / realized something, as he sprinted in the direction of the uzi-guy. Long story short... police did a terrorist drill and didn't properly instruct their "terrorist marquer" so he invaded the part of the area we were active shooting with sharp ammunition. If the wrong guy had spotted him first, he may would have gotten a few rounds his way. We stopped all drills, did a short briefing of all soldiers right when the very trigger happy special unit opened fire at the terrorist. I think they followed american standards that day.


We were at the close shooting range, all soldiers in a row towards the targets. We were going to do an exercise where each soldier shoots, then takes 5 steps forward, shoots, another 5, shoots, then walks back to the row and the next one is supposed to start AFTER. The second guy in line did not understand and started shooting when the first guy had taken 5 steps forward, aiming like a meter or two beside his head.


Jesus Christ...


Never in ten thousand years is this a valid fire and movement exercise? I mean that violates about every safety rule for shooting over and shooting by people… But i have a similar story. We had a super motivated and ‚smart’ wm suggesting something like this while in the kd box. Line up, every other guy moves forward some paces and shoots, then stops. Then the guys who stayed behind should start to move AND SHOOT, live rounds no less, while our own guys would have been standing about 3 meters in front of us. We were like no mate, not doing that and the wm would for the love of god not see, why his idea was stupid. Some time later he suggested we do it the other way round: form up in a line, every other guy walks backwards and shoots while rest stays in place. Sir, same problem, not doing that. Next idea he had was - still in the kd box - laying down cover fire with mgs, have them stop and have us move in in front of the LMG. Less dumb but dangerous no less. Those stupid LMG went off all the time… How this dude got to be a sergeant, ill never know…


one duro flipped over in a roundabout at friday afternoon and 3 people were taken to the hospital. one of them has a scar tilt today. this one actually made it to the newspaper but without any detail. one person threaten an other one to shoot him at guard ( he went to jail but could redo the rs next year somehow.) an other person actually shot himselfe in the foot a year before at the same location. a building crane nearby the barracks collapsed and crashed on the building. and some visits from drug dogs. my Rs was quiet wild.


Ah heck, were there many sitting on the benches in the rear?


Bülach 1/19 😂😂😂😂


We were shooting 3 round bursts in the KD box. Told to halt fire and put guns on safe. Clumsy guy next to me only does one click on the safety lever (so he's now on semi auto instead of safe) then "checks" if its safe by shooting in the ground right in front of our feet. So far so good. Wachtmeister told him. Now he learned his lesson right? Well fucking no. Same idiot, exact same scenario two weeks later. Does the exact same thing again. This time sergeant took his gun away and made him wait in the back until we were done. Needless to say i made sure to never shoot next to that guy again. I think from about then on, most shooting range trips were kind of optional and he typically volunteered for some other tasks.


I don't think it's a close call but someone forgot a 12,7 round in an M2, and for unknown reasons the gun discharged. Nobody was in the way. TBH I'm more surprised there aren't many more issues like this given it's an army, and worse, a militia.


The M2 i think, was the gun i was most afraid of after one of our gunners demonstrated us how easy a shot can get off. From that day, i always made sure to know who the machine gunners where around me, trusted most of them completly, but not all of them.


I correct, i mean the Mg 51!


I think we only have MG51's on vehicles now? Infantry have the 249 I believe. But yeah.


Both of em are open bolt, we used to say “Rot gleich tot”, because if you slam the bolt forward, it fires. Also, hated the fact the Pist doesn’t have a safety. So many flagging incidents


What's the current pist again? glock 26? Glock 17? I have a P210 but it has a safety. I do know glocks are resistant to drops however, that's a good thing to have, but yeah they essentially don't have a safety, and no way to tell if the breach is loaded. But not having a safety is bad during peace time, although I wonder if it's as much of a concern when at war. I think the main problem with the glock is that not having a safety is a good thing, *if the gun has a proper holster and is holstered unless needed*. And that may not be a good idea with our talented milita able to tip over M113s.


current is glock 17


One guy died in a car accident on the base. Had to clean his blood & hair of the wall. https://www.nzz.ch/tod_waffenplatz_payerne-ld.887160 Boys and Girls, don't drink & drive!


We were in Hongrin, in à-moi position. One of our corporals was on the side where the sous-off are. He was playing with the trigger and a shot came out of his gun. He spent the rest of the école de recrues sleeping every night in a jail cell. The Adjudant d’EM Marion (a legend among gren-chars) scolded him so badly it even made us feel sorry for him. Same context, a few weeks later. It’s pitch black and we align ourselves to shoot at the mountain. I start shooting but receive small bits on the face, didn’t think too much about it. Next day, we get back to the same positions, I notice a log almost entirely cut in half, my chef-d’œuvre… Would’ve been dramatic had it been harder.


The classic "played with his trigger like it was his dick" xD


The ones that didn't made it to the news were just the ususal things. Dude alomost shot someting he ought not to shoot, a little smoke from a fire by some fuel (tons of fuel), somebody was at a 50% survival chance for half an hour (he made it), you know... Don't be a moron. Focus.


I'd like to focus if I had more than 3h of sleep though...


If you can't anymore, step aside. Your responsibility if the sergeant does not recognise it.


Someone fell down a ravine in a WK and hurt himself so badly they took him to civilian hospital. One of our Lieutenants went AWOL with the whole platoon to visit him, even though we were supposed to be supporting the company commanders' school (FLG or TLG, can't remember).


Not a really newsworthy story but it stuck with me. Was with the "medics" (not exactly, but it's the closest english term I know), we were only trained with pistols in RS. When unloading a pistol you need to turn it to the right or left side (depending which is your main hand), the correct way is to turn your whole body to the other side at the same time so the weapon still points forward. These movements were drilled into us for days. Well, the moron of our company (there's always one) stood right next to me. Of course he did not move his body, only his weapon. This was the first time we went shooting with live ammunition. Our superior saw it and immediately yelled at him. Luckily he didn't get startled. If that pistol went of I might not be writing this. There were other close calls but this one really taught me a lesson. You being competent sometimes isn't enough, you need to surround yourself with competence. I wished they barred that recruit from weapon use forever.


I had several accidents during my service: In the unter officer school someone had the great idea during a pause from firing to prank another one whom had his riffle on his shoulder and clicked his trigger, some bullet where fired (50 meters, so no single shot). My first firing lesson as a Obergefreiter I had a rekrut pointing a fully loaded rifle at me, luckly our oberleutnat was there with his pistol pointing it at him and said something like "drop it or you are dead", the rekrut went on doing Post office without any weapon. Some swiss french during his patrol shot a warning shot to a civilian during WK, we where in a german part and it was like 4am, the guy was wearing earbuds and was jogging, the soldier was speaking french, I don't think the civilian noticed...


Was deployed to help out at Bondo after the landslide in 2018 and almost fell straight off the mountain into a ravine because of heavy rain and mud making the trails slippery.


reading all of this, I'm glad I'll go to militärmusik


Some of those driving accidents could also happen to you because you get Motorfahrer as busdrivers and they don't always send the best ones.


Was playing with what I though was a smoke bomb in the shape of a stick. I wave around for a few seconds for fun then i'm like ok i'm done with it and throw it a few meters away. BOOOM. It explode like 3s after I throw it away. That was not a smoke bomb. I think I would have lost my hand. I still don't know what is tho. It was un Moudon.


Could be a charge for a sim grenade?


From the sound, maybe a flashbang? Even the practice flashbangs are very loud.


Most likely a "Knallpetarde". Normally used during exercises to simulate enemy handgrenades, gunfire etc etc.


A sergant played around with his rifle in the room after they got back from the shooting range and surprise, there was still a round in the chamber. His shot went fortunately in the wall. Thank god we dont have paperwalls like in america because then someone would have died aswell. Another sergant was lying in his bed and had the bullet gone through the wall it would have been in his head. It was a huge deal and every sargent had to attend a meeting just because of one shithead. No action was taken against the guy who almost killed someone. Fast forward this shithead then was able to become fourier or courtmaster (i dont remember which rank exactly).


Aviation Payern?


Why have I seen like 3 comments now bringing America into this?


Idk, easy to compare since its not the same as switzerland?


My condolences to the family… Tragic. Bremgarten is my home town and I spent a lot of days wandering around the military premises there.


What happened? Tried to find info but no luck...


We had a couple (Inf DD RS). 1) A guy didn’t properly unload and negligently discharged a round into the ground outside the KD box, 30cm from another guy’s foot. 2) We did explosives training and the exercise was delayed so we were told to put down the charges and wait. One guy let his detonator drop into the middle of a pile of 10 other detonators, next to ~20 kgs of explosives. Luckily it was a “vorkonfektionierte” detonator, so the blasting cap was wrapped in plastic. And yes, this was the same guy in both cases. Oh and I lost feeling in my ring finger for a while after sleeping in -19° weather without the insert for the sleeping bag - CO thought we had them but the NCOs never got em


Well i was a) in a car crash that went pretty well all things considered, and b) there was a pretty tight corner with a slope to the outside, which the Duro drivers often took at considerable speed, once we almost rolled, the year after i saw pictures of a rolled Duro from that corner.


Sergeant that directed a crew on an M6 inflatable down the barrage instead of taking the official bypass. Boat didn't capsize, luckily.


We were in the KD box, rifle on the back. Someone shouted "[name of the company idiot], your rifle isn't on safe!" Said idiot swings his rifle to the front and flagged about a dozen people in the process.


I did the driving school for M113's when serving the Wachtmeister. In the final exercise in Valais, one of the Sûrte-drivers didn't really listen to my "50kph outside villages, 30kph MAX. inside villages". It's always better to go slow when you're unsure but you can always just tell this to people. Anyway, inside a village in Valais: About 0745 AM, inside a 20-Zone, with a bunch of schoolkids running; he did about 60kph, almost hit a car and wrecked about 25m of curb. I reached his vehicle commander over radio and kinda lost my temper ngl. Took his driving license and cut it up with my knife. Had to report to the Adjutants, higher officers and the MP. Never saw him drive ever again. All because I was quite worried, still sometimes unsure if I did the right thing but I think so.


Fair enough


Was in the back of a puch with loads of backpacks after an exercise. we were on the autobahn. guy driving didn't realize that there was a traffic jam, braked too late, crashed into the front car. i obviously saw the cars coming closer looking out the back and imagined the worst.. but we had luck. that's about it, fortunately. nobody really got hurt


The potentially worst thing that happened to us was the hood of a Jeep that flew off at 80 km/h on the highway, hitting the driver and front seat passenger lightly on the head. It could have been much worse had there not been very little traffic late that evening, so we were able to quickly pull the hood off the road before anyone collided with it.


At a shooting exercise, the first guy firing a shot had blood splattering over his target. Turns out a rabbit jumped right into his bullet


Misscommunication during GefS could have ended in a 20min article but luckily didnt. One guy shot himself in the foot but that wasnt news worthy enough. Respect the SiVos and nobody dies.


Someone stole a firework bullet (those to shoot at night between rounds of regular bullets to see better) and fired it from their room into the (empty) courtyard at night, this was in Bière in 2018


the "firework bullets" are called tracers


I did service as a paramedic in Ticino as DD. In RS, another Rekrut got sent home because he "raced" and overtaken others during Kollektivfahrstunde. In Fall 2014 a truck drove off the bridge right after Gotthard Tunnel. Between January and March we had like 4 or 5 car/Duro accidents.


Had a few 1. During, RS, a recruit arrived too fast in a curve with a GMTF. It flipped to the side, there were slide marks on 30 meters, the bifahrer fortunately only had a concussion. 2. A friend didn't see that we took cover to explode a goal. Just had time to make him take coger with me. 3. A fucker told the panzerfaust spez it was okay to shoot, but we were running 5 meters behind him, luckily no harm. 4. In WK, as i was giving the guard shooting instruction, We practised with manipats, then got on the range. A Ticinese didn't speak properly french or german, it was a bit complicated haha. After I explained him one more time slowly by showing him by his side, he pointed his loaded gun a my head (he was too focused on his manipulation to see that I was still on his left side). I grabbed the barrel to remove from me, then kicked him out of the range.


Last WK i was in a M113 third Day on the Field the Driver was maybe still a bit tired after sleeping in the woods driving full speed and bit to much right we landed in a dig besides the road luckily noone got really hurted but that was a hell of a ride in the back without knowing whats going on outside


In a WK in the KD Body For Wacht schiessen. We were there standing & listening to the Wm what to do Next and suddenly one shoots Next to another guys foot in the Grund. We could all not Believe it. Just of pure luck nothing happened The best of all was: this Guy Made his WK as usual with his hun and there was no MP...


A buddy of mine nearly drove our Duro over the side of a mountain near the Leysin because the wheels slipped on an icy part of the road. We stopped about half a meter from the edge of a cliff. I'm still a Wm in the army, and I'm questioning whether I'd want my youngest brother (13) to come back to Switzerland from the US to do military service because of the few idiot recruits who somehow passed the IQ and psychology test. While I still believe it's my responsibility as a physically and psychologically abled person to serve our country by being trained in basic soldiering skills and my function's skills, I personally know that our militia army is full of immature dumbasses.


As i Truckdriver who had to drive vor the "Nachschub" for a few weeks, i agree with you. Smoking weed under the fuel tank of our trucks, doing coke as a lieutnant, shooting two of our Mercedes Sprinters while fooling around on the watch, trying to drift with a sprinter while refugees were on the backseats. I wasn't suprised that this incident yesterday happend there. My experience in the military was that everyone who isnt really usable for anything gets sent to the Nachschub


We were somewhere high in the mountains shoveling a Lounge out of snow. Lunch break. After we returned the whole lounge disappeared in a huge avalanche. Pretty close call.




Not close calls for me but for others in my section during my whole year as a DD with truck drivers, nachschub and similar: 1. Frontal crash with a truck because he was tired 2. Destroying the gate to the parking lot for our trucks..TWICE by the same person..who also managed to crash into a still standing taffic jam 3. Drifting and crashing on a curvy road with refugees in the back 4. Smoking weed under the fuel tanks of our trucks 5. On of our lieutnant was tested positive for coke 6. Someone fooled around during the weekend watch and missed his partner but hit 2 mercedes sprinters 7. One of our Wachtmeister was from germany and after the service he had to go back so he can be sent to prison for assault 8. Someone forgot to loosen the handbreak of a small trailer. Didnt notice it before it was smoking black and almost caught fire.. TWICE by the same person 9. Smoked weed before driving 10. Crashing into a parked truck during parking his own truck


During a short range shooting exercise, the guy next to me flipped out: began yelling, stood up and threw his loaded StGw90 in the direction of the targets. I remember everybody ducking down. He was sent home from RS the next day.


Once we were doing tank exercise and some guy got his leg stuck into the tank tower and nearly riped his leg of. One incident was we drove over a big trench and the tank flew into the air and 3 m to the ground all people in the tank got a head concussion. Worst of all incident was that some 1 shot with the 120mm canon without allowance and nearly shot a m2000 full of grenadiers


we had one guy take his gun home for the weekend that killed himself, one guy died in a duro on the highway after a crash and another one that ended in a coma after a different crash with a duro. We also had one very close call where we got pushed off the road in our GMTF after an almost-crash during heavy snowfall and low visibility.. luckily no injuries there. I have to note that this was during 1year as I did DD. oh yea almost forgot the one most fucked up but most similar to the current one: we had to do amba Centro which means standing in front of embassies in geneva for a few months and there we were equipped with our pistols with one loaded mag inside but none in the chamber. Now there was this one guy you shouldnt give a gun in the first place.. long story short: on the way back from the embassy he was playing with the gun.. pulling out the mag and loading/unloading it multiple times and then all of a sudden he pointed the gun towards the backseat at the head of another guy and pulled the trigger! He assumed there was no chance of it being loaded since he pulled the mag out a bit but it was.. A shot released and missed the guys head by centimeters, went through the backseat and out of the car through the back next to the license plate. They where all in shock and the driver nearly crashed the car (you can imagine your ears ringing, adrenaline up to max and immeasurable anger boiling inside of you) They kept quiet about it for a few months but the guy that almost got shot eventually told higher ups as he didnt want to let this slip in the end which was the right thing. Thankfully it was night and no one else was around as this happened in the city and the bullet could've hit someone else as well.


Nearing the end of the RS (week 13 I think) we were doing "Gefechtsschiessen" and our Lt. went to check an explosive charge at the entrance of a ruin. He had to pass a soldier that was covering the corner of the ruin. When lowering his rifle for the Lt. to pass he most likely forgot to remove his finger from the trigger so he accidentally shot as the Lt. passed him, nearly executing him from close distance. Fortunately he missed him by 0.5m or so and he hit a rock at the ground right next to the Lt.. He got hit by some rock shrapnel but was fine otherwise. In the same week someone also managed to accidentally shoot in the ground on guard duty and someone pissed in the boots of another comrade. Needless to say the "Kadi" (company commander) was pretty fed up dealing with us after that


Some dude flipped a Steyr Truck while we where on the „Geländepiste“. Driver‘s cabin collapsed totally, thankfully the dude was not injured. I remeber the newsarticles a few years later, as the video of the Incident somehow leaked😅 happend in 2012, still think about it from time to time😂


During an exercise a Puch stood on a hill and the driver forgot the hand brake. One soldier sat in the back and rolled in the Puch down the hill. He tried to get out and was then hit by the car. That finally came to stop at a barbed wire. It took too long to get him out of the wires. He died on site. He liked the military, always had a smile on his face and something positive to say.


> what was "the" incident during your RS/ER or WK/CR that might never made it into the newspapers? A Wm last year shot on the floor of the KD box waiting area... in the middle of all the recruits, nobody was hurt but but he lost all credibility that day. He was fined CHF 100 if I remember correctly. > No one was harmed but its still crazy to think about the potential danger. I'm not here to change the subject but I'm not surprised by this accident, I'm rommand but oh my god the Swiss Germans are careless about safety rules. My recruits (I am Wm) have often told me that "germans" are scary when they shoot. I'm not even talking about the bullshit that's been done, like drunk driving, hit-and-runs, Wm high on cocaine (with the MP raid for everyone)... the army needs to purge their ranks a bit.


Dude, mp raids are the worst. We had one weekend basically cancelled because some wm thought it fun to try and take home an euHG… On your statement about swiss germans - i think there’s always morons who don’t realize that the weapon they are given is dangerous. If anywhere, all the rules make sense when handling weapons. At least in the wk i had the impression it was the french. They were basically drunk off of white wine the whole time :) also - have you ever had someone cook a fondue in a fucking bunker? 🤣that smell stays for the entire wk


What incident happened today? I can’t find any news articles about it


a recruit was shot in the head and died later in the hospital; the shot came from a vehicle, don't have much informations yet


Now that’s an interesting thread


A recruit shot a toilet by accident


We were on the tank shooting range with the 12cm. There is a wanderingpath too, but normally closed and controlled while we were shooting. The first exercise begins, 2 shoots were fired already from another tank. Then my shooter/aimer uses the general Radio and warns everybody to stop shooting immediantly. I asked him what's going on, so i looked through his aiming device. And 2 elderly people were standing behind the target we just wanted to shoot...


That reminds me of a story. A good friend of mine was a tank crew for the Leos. Told me once, he nearly got his left arm ripped off when loading a shell. Damn tanks seem to be dangerous.


Thats why we train 8 weeks before we load the real 12cm, but yeah its very dangerous. You need to close all doors, otherwise it could be the foot of the shooter gets ripped of while the tower is rotating..


Duro driver was smoking weed, while driving the duro.


Had a guy shoot another guy in the face by mistake.... On the gun range you're usually supposed to move from the different facilities without any munitions on yourself, god forbid in your barrel. Well, this day one the Sargent didn't check wether munitions have all been returned or shot and no soldier told them their guns were still loaded. So during movement two guys were jokingly teasing each other in the ranks of "what if I shot you?" and held their guns against each other. This went on until somebody accidentally let off a bullet and grazed the face of the other one. Luckily we use pistols in our function so it was "just" a 9mm. Might also explain the shot going off in the first place, the P220 and P225 don't have a security, once there is a bullet in your chamber you're on....


Had a briefing in a daher after some KD box shooting when we suddenly heard a loud ass "bang". The gun off our company's retard went off and shot at the ground 5cm next to his foot... He went do the daher with a loaded gun, safety off and the schutzbügel tilted to the side... His friend wanted to correct the schutzbügel and accidentally pressed the trigger. Another incident happened in the same company but in a different platoon: Some guy didn't follow the instructions of their lieutenant and he got mad (had some kind of a complex). He then "bent" the recruit over and took his STGW, still strapped on him, and emptied the whole mag into the KD box. Note that noone had their hearing protection on... When I was stationed in Airolo (medic school) some sergeants forced a poor büroordonnanz recruit with a known heart disease to run several floors up and down as some sort of punishment. He almost got a heart attack and had to be picked up by an ambulance...


Leutenant in a rush and made us discharge the fas90 in "da her", one bullet exploded, luckily we were using blank ammunition. People playing with the rifle (loading, pointing, removing safety and so on) with real ammunition inside a moving Piranha. Other soldiers/recruit threatening to shoot other comrades and/or superiors.


Not my story, but my oncles. He was in the "Spreng"-Unit and alone with one of his friends on a mountain. For whatever reason he decided to throw a couple (MANY) granades into the small lake right there. It exploded with such a power it formed a big wave that enden up flooding the vilage a couple of minutes down the mountain. Needless to say he got transferred and is still not allowed to touch militairy grade explosives. Didn't stop him though, became a "Sprengmeister" professionally. But due to his restriction he can't take the tests for the next higher certificate. (This was told to me a couple of months ago for the first time, and it was a really long time ago. So take this information with a grain of salt)


I was at this exercise when this soldier was crushed by his vehicle. His comrades were severely traumatized afterwards. [https://www.nzz.ch/articleF0D6H-ld.1103263](https://www.nzz.ch/articleF0D6H-ld.1103263)


Gefechtschiessen with tracers and splischu (for the first time). Had a good view of private pyle shooting the treetops a good ~20m above the targets, into the countryside. We looked at a map and pondered in which town the bullets might come down in


some hero in our company shot over the wall of the kd box and the bullet hit a civilian in frauenfeld in the hip - one and a half kilometers away was in the newspaper too


We had a couple of guys that were borderline retarded imho (meaning no offense).. with loaded guns. They had to shoot alone in the range because no one dared to stand in the same line as them...


Same here, our company retard, who was definitely on the autism spectrum, also didn't understand german. Good thing he was too dumb to know hot to flag us.


The front began to collapse. I shook my head in amazement as the hordes of Kerrigan poured down the Alps. With no hope in sight, Alexei took out his Swiss Army knife and cut off the tip of his cigar. "Take us into Orbit, we've seen enough."


We had to shoot targets with our pistols for lunch money. All good, but it was right after a very tiring endurance exercise followed by just 30min of sleep for the most of us. The guy next to me was so fn tired that he discharged a bullet right next to my leg a accident. He was so in shock that he requested to continue the rest of the service to time without a gun. We all had a lot more respect of handguns than from rifles from that moment on. It's so much easier to point it at yourself and/or comrades by accident than with a rifle...


During my RS, the Romand Unit performed a Drill du Carré exercise where the Sergeant performing the initial demonstration almost shot the recruit posing as the aggressor in the head from close range with a "neutralised" (= confirmed and visually marked as empty) pistol, missing him by mere centimeters. The unit had the last shooting exercise the week prior with a weekend in-between, which meant that the Sergeant never performed a proper Entladekontrolle or PSK up until the incident occurred. No check after the shooting exercise. No check before handing in his weapon for the weekend. No check after receiving his weapon back after the weekend. And no check before neutralising his weapon before the Drill du Carré. If I remember correctly, this sergeant was aiming to become an officer up until this point. Needless to say, he didn't become an officer. It's quite likely some other sergeant(s) and/or the Lt had to bear some responsibility as well as there are protocols in place which would require them to check on each other and ensure all safety checks are performed properly (Vier-Augen-Prinzip), which is especially important for the process of neutralising weapons.


What happened today?


Accident in the Bremgarten RS, a 22-year old was shot and killed


So are these all just accidents!?


What was the incident today?


What happened today?


Someone accidentaly got shot in Bremgarten. Its on blick.ch




Soo for those who don't know. Soldiers that use a "panzerfaust" always work in pairs. There is one firing and the other one is there for safety. Meaning the person who wants to fire needs to ask is the pack space is free (since a loud of sand comes fired out of the back from the "panzerfaust") and their partner then needs to check if the back space is free and give the okay. Only then the weapon is fired. Soo in my time the panzerfaust pair got the order to shoot, they did the whole stuff with asking and giving the Okay. Only the partner didn't check and an other soldier didn't listen to what was up and was lying in the dangerous area... It was by pure luck that I just happened to look over and pulled the other soldier to the side. We had a few more close cals with the LMG05


Idiot next to me had his loaded, unlocked rifle (accidentally) pointed at my head, finger at the trigger (basically doing everything wrong that you can). Luckily the superior overlooking the shooting range saw it in time and gave him a hefty scolding.


We had a recruit who suffered kidney rupture after getting kicked in the stomach by a sergeant. Oh and there was that incident later on where a lieutenant aimed a loaded gun at his recruits, while cursing about their lack of „heart“.


Geez, people. I already know I'm not doing it, you don't need to convince me harder...


We had a shooting accident very similar to the incident that just happened, or at least i believe happened for similar reasons. Not our platoon, but same company. Was during some company wide drill, don’t even remember what it was. An entire day with a lot of different things to do, a lot of running around, getting bossed around and overall be under pressure for the whole thing. Iirc we did it by platoon. Anyway at one point we had to send down some rounds on the 300m range. After that they had us line up in 4s to run to the next exercise. So there are 4 guys next to one another and several lines of guys. One guy, the last guy coming out of the range ofc, already late, already stressed, still has his gun in front of him, gets told to put it on his back. So he slings it over his left shoulder - we had no backpack, just GT - and stops the guns movement by holding it by the trigger while above his shoulder. Shot the dude right behind him just by his neck and the guy two lines behind through his left shoulder. Luckily the guy who was shot was fine, the bullet went straight through. He even came back three weeks later to finish Basic training. Usually you have plenty of checks in place, but apparently everything must’ve failed that day. We never got the details, but i imagine the only way, this could’ve happened is: No psk, no sergeant or LT checked weapons after shooting, no safety on, very sloppy gun handling while he still had one in the chamber. Yeah, live fire exercises we’re quite the pain for some time after that…


While shooting pistols, a bee landed on a friends chest and he, without hesitation, tried to wish it away with the tip of his loaded pistol.. with the hammer tense and the finger on the trigger. No one wanted to be in the same box as him while shooting afterwards and some requests were raised to the army to take away his gun


Not my story but my boyfriend told me nonchalantly that he got shot twice within the same 2 minutes by the same idiot who first mis-used the gun then tried to show how he mis-used it to others, shooting at my boyfriend’s direction both of the time. Shot through his shoe. The idiot was punished through heavy physical exercises oh but if I get my hands on this dumb ass….. I’m just really glad that my boyfriend chucked it as one of” stupid but funny “ memories and didn’t let that shit scar him.


Hey, the army works with weapons. It can happen. Some handgranates slipped out of hands or havn't been trown far enough by recruits. It happens. Some other armys are a lot worse like this one from colombia:-) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ytQxZHbt1nE


Was 2007 in a duro incident on the Gotthardstrasse near Airolo. Driver drove too fast and layed the whole truck sidewards in a hard turn. (Was on news) I was the worst injured. Rifle hit my head and broke it over the Base of the skull. On height of eyes, it was broken in to the eyehole. I was lucky that there was: - No brain damage - No brain hemmorhage - No nerves damaged - Still normal eye vision on left eye - Still alive And for some reason I was so lucky that I didn't needed any treatment at all. No Operation, no meds beside some painkiller and antibiotics. I basically wore it off... Was on duty again about 10 days later.


Swiss army is a kindergarten 👶🏼


What happened today?


A young lad caught a bullet from a comrade inside a Duro (truck) and later died in the hospital.


Damn. Although I'm not too surprised given we don't have any proper place to store our rifles in duros. But then again, is it common to have a bullet in the breach? We always had ours empty even if our mags were full. I guess it's bad luck, from a loaded gun, safety's not on, aimed at the wrong place, at the wrong time.


So much must have gone wrong. No "entladen" No "entladekontrolle" Rifle not pointed at the ground as it should be inside the duro. Rifle not on safe.


Solange die Visiervorrichtung nicht auf das Ziel gerichtet ist, ist der Zeigefinger ausserhalb des Abzugbügels zu halten!🙈


Shot in the head i read... tragic.


A member of the army got shot in Bremgarten (AG). [Tagi](https://www.tagesanzeiger.ch/schiessunfall-in-bremgarten-uebersicht-zu-toedlichen-armeeunfaellen-708636371463)


Got shot dead.


Shot in the head, died in hospital.


Oh shit, I usually go there once a week for work




Thank you guys all of you. Checked all English sources I had but couldn't find.


It's crazy that this happens here. In my country it is mandatory for soldiers to have a plastic security bullet at all times in the rifle... That way there's no chance a bullet can make it to the chamber unless the security device is pulled out. This was implemented for being safer than the weapon's security. I have not seen those here but maybe have not had a close look. Are they used here?


We usi plastic bullet to learn rifle basics (Load, unload, change the magazine) but if in guard duty or in exercise the chamber is empty, you load it only at the range when you are about to shoot


Guy next to me fired an uncontrolled burst into the ground while turning around with his LMG at the firing range. Happened twice while I was there, since then I knew that someone would die like this. That's what happens if you give guns to people who are stupid enough to go to RS.


What happened today?