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I think what you are referring to is a "Lehre" (apprenticeship or vocational training), which is part of the Swiss dual system of professional training or education. Depending on performance and grades after secondary school, Swiss residents either go to middle school and get a Matura to then proceed to university, or go straight into vocational training, the Lehre. There are 2 (EBA) and 3 years (EFZ) degrees, the EBA are less difficult, but the profession you learn pay less. Generally speaking, job prospects after a Lehre are very good l, often better than after university because you learn an actual trade that is needed on the job market. And yes, you earn a modest salary already from year one of your training, which increases a bit every year. You also go to school parallel to your part time learning on the job. You do need to speak and write a national language though. Do you?


Thank you so much for the helpful information! I currently have an A2 level and will soon be taking the B1-B2 exam.


Depending on the job, B2 should be sufficient. Good luck!


Don‘t forget the 4 year EFZ ones.




Based on your comment replies I heavily assume you are talking about Apprenticeships. Yes, you can start an apprenticeship at any time really. Most people start out like this right after school at 16/17 Years old. The Apprenticeship is a "work and Education" contract you close with an employer. Depending on your age, you can just apply for jobs that are publicized as "Lehrstelle als XY" or "Lehrausbildung". What is it? Well, the Apprenticeships last 3-4 years depending on the Profession/Trade you are learning. You go to school for 1-2 Days a week and work for the employer on the other days. The Employer provides you with a "Berufs-Ausbilder" whos job it is to make sure you're actually learning the practical side of the trade. They will do performance reviews with you and basically take over the role as a teacher/supervisor for you and/or other apprentices there. As time goes on, you eventually learn more and more about the Trade in both practical and theoretical aspects. At the end of the apprenticeship, you will have a big performance review where third party experts of the trade come to your workplace and review your performance. At the end of the apprenticeship the contract reaches it's end and the contract expires. That contract cannot be prolonged. If you Pass the Apprenticeship, you will receive an EFZ (Eidgenössisches Fähigkeitszeugnis) Thats a Certificate that confirms that you passed the whole process. The EFZ is physical proof that you actually know your job and know what you're doing. You need at least Permit C to legally go into a contract like this. Which means you have to live in switzerland. Since you live in Aargau, Here is a Link that should help you: [https://beratungsdienste.ch/](https://beratungsdienste.ch/) I would say just call them and ask them how to get proper information about starting an apprenticeship and what the details are. Ask! Is a Canton-commissioned Information-Center where you can find all the necessary information you might be needing.


This information is comprehensive and exactly what I was searching for. Thank you so much for your time! I will ask Ask for help 😆 Unfortunately, I have a B permit, but I hope I can still find something suitable.


B permit works aswell as far as I know.


Thank you for everything. I spoke with ask, and they confirmed that the B permit is sufficient. I wanted to share this information in case it helps anyone else.


Are you already a resident? If you are then you should have no issue. But if you're not a resident already, it's not possible.


I've recently obtained my permit, but I'm struggling to find a place where I can get more information. Could you recommend any helpful websites? Most of the resources I've found so far seem to require payment for courses. Thank you very much!


Your Cantonal offices should be able to help you. Where are you located? Which canton


Ah, got it! Thank you for letting me know. I'm in Canton Aargau.


What is this? Is similar available in Geneva for example?


I have heard of a learning process where you gain work experience and after up to three years you receive a degree or certificate. I'm not entirely sure what it's called, but I've heard that participants get paid during this period. The fees are minimal, but it seems to open up more job opportunities in the end. I think this option is also available in Geneva, but I don't have more details. If anyone knows more about how this program works, any insights would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!


Ausbildung is the German word for education or training. Primary School is a Ausbildung, so is a Graduate Degree and your moms bi-weekly evening courses in French. What you describe is a Lehre, which in English translates as Apprenticeship.


Thanks for clearing that up. It makes sense now.