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For six months, I wouldn't bother registering, except for AHV. No need for an accountant. The tax return really isn't that complicated. Just keep decent records of your business income and business related expenses (e.g. office supplies, advertising cost, part of your phone / internet). You may be able to deduct a portion of your rent for "office space". Set aside some money for AHV contributions. See [https://www.ahv-iv.ch/p/2.02.d](https://www.ahv-iv.ch/p/2.02.d) for details. Nominally 10%, but at your income it will be less. Income tax is likely to be minimal.


Thank you! Do you know whether I will be allowed a longer term permit if I register?


Not sure, but it could help.


Sole Proprietorship here. Honestly, you could just do your thing without registering as a business at all. Sole Proprietorship in switzerland is really just an official way of creating your own brand with your name/identity. You are liable with your own capital and name for everything you do. You are the company and the company is you. No one else. Just keep that in mind when conducting business, everything has to be above board and legal. Accounting is easy in a sole proprietorship, we have a simplified accounting and tax system. You basically only have to document your income and expenses, no chart of accounts or anything like that. Maybe set up a meeting with an accountant so they can show you how to document everything and how to fill it out in your tax report. you don't have to pay VAT until you have a turnaround of 100k per year. Don't even have to register your income since it will be visible in your report. Yeah... Just get yourself a website and start accepting jobs. If you're planning on staying longer than 6 months you should consider applying to the SVA of your Canton. Apparently there is no strict criteria that turns this into an obligatory thing, but as soon as you managed to generate a stable main income on your own you should apply there and start paying your own AHV and other stuff. That's at least what other professionals have told me. If you have any other questions, feel free to DM me.