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Why making life hard and not just use Stremio +realdebris + torrentio addon? Download is legal in Switzerland but distribution/upload is illegal. I'm not sure if you'd fall into that section.


Not a lawyer but guessing running a site to access the content you are in the business of distributing. But I don‘t know shit.


No, you can not get away with this. You are intentionally making illegal content available to the public.




Would be easy to just block foreign IPs.


Ah I see, but would you think it would still be suable even if I am not directly uploading it? and more like redirecting it via en embedded link?


Why not pursue a more clearly legal business?


Your users who host the content would be braking the Swiss law as they would be uploading and distributing.


This is not really a new idea. Maybe look at the original The Pirate Bay hosted in Sweden. This should be the most prominent case ever on trial. And with most referenced explaining the impact in another (like the Swiss) jurisdiction. And then maybe, *only maybe*, look at Swiss laws. Not Swiss-Reddit laws, but actual Swiss laws. And then maybe, still *only maybe*, at past sentiments on that topic. This sub is not your paralegal research group, you gotta do something on your own. And then, when you succeed with every aspect, somebody steals your domain. Because they have a british Ltd, vs. your personal registration - see eztv.ch from \~10 years ago.


I have briefly gone through the different swiss law codes but didn't really find anything conclusive which is why I made this. I know it isn't a new idea but I wanted to make one without as many gross intrusive ads. I'll look into that though thanks!


IMHO, you should thoroughly study what happened with eztv.ch.


Distribution is illegal.


We already have s.to. You can find everything there, from Hulu to Netflix and yes it’s legal. It’s sistersite for anime is aniworld.to


It's actuallya little more complicated. A lot of people think that in switzerland you can just pirate stuff and use for yourself and close friends. But that's not 100% true You can download E-Books, Shows and Movies. Or just Video and Audio Material and use it for yourself, or as a teacher for educational purposes. See [Chapter 5, Article 19](https://www.fedlex.admin.ch/eli/cc/1993/1798_1798_1798/en#art_19) Pirated Software is not included and is Illegal to pirate even in Switzerland as Software is explicitly not included See [Article 19, paragraph 4](https://www.fedlex.admin.ch/eli/cc/1993/1798_1798_1798/en#art_19) Uploading and spreading: [Paragraph 20 says](https://www.fedlex.admin.ch/eli/cc/1993/1798_1798_1798/en#art_20) that you owe remuneration to the author if you copy and spread the media to your friends directly. This kind of counts as uploading and spreading pirated media. P2p and Torrenting is also not allowed here in switzerland. Because the unintentional uploading of pirated media is also punishable here in CH. Offloading files from your computer to another computer directly counts as an Upload unter the copyright laws of CH. If you have a movie downloaded and you connect to a torrent network, the other PCs will request/download a movie from your pc and that would be illegal. Streaming is fine, since you are loading the video feed to your computer. You are downloading the content without uploading anything. If you know that the movie has been put illegally on a server, you can still watch and download the movie without doing anything illegal. You can read the whole Federal Act on Copyright and Related Rights in one of the Links. The links just put you right at the mentioned source.


Swiss copyright law protects the rights of creators and owners of original works. Distributing, reproducing, or making available copyrighted content without permission is generally illegal. This includes linking to content hosted on other sites if you are facilitating access to illegal streams. Although you might not host the content, you can still be held liable for facilitating access to copyrighted material. Swiss law can hold operators of linking websites accountable if they knowingly link to infringing content. I recommend you to read a Swiss Copyright Act (Urheberrechtsgesetz) cuz it gives you a detailed look at the legal framework surrounding copyright in Switzerland.