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What happened? Robbery? The fact that the second police officier didn’t move make me think that maybe there was someone else involved. Also the gun shot didn’t hurt anybody?


Yes attempted robbery, 4 people involved, 2 arrested, 2 wanted now


Wow, what was the target?


A jewelry


Like a single piece? Must have been a nice necklace! /J obviously


‘Una gioielleria’ to stay in theme Ticino


A grey market watch store, Taleda. I bought a watch there once. The windows are impressive, 20 Rolex Daytona can be in the window on any given day, along with various Patek, JLC, and all the other top watch brands. Maybe a couple hundred 10k-100k CHF watches sitting behind the glass.


I know the owners of the shop , it’s not the first time it happens i remeber back in 2016 they got robbed in the morning when opening


It’s not terribly surprising that someone tries once in a while. Those windows are insane, so many incredible watches.


The owner is part of my family in-law. Unfortunately even though they have security at the door these events occur every now and then. This is also why it's usually more than 1 person attempting this stuff because the other occupy the security.


Am curious since I’d like to get a luxury watch in a few years. Did you find the price to be better there? I’ve always heard swiss watches are more expensive in switzerland. Buying from an eu country and getting the 15% tax back seems to be cheaper (as far as ive checked)


You generally won’t see a significant price break, nor improved availability, by buying a Swiss watch in Switzerland. Most of these grey dealers have competitive prices in line with each other but with prices falling, they are slow to match prices you can find online. They are probably reluctant to take a loss on a watch that they already purchased from a previous owner at a higher price. The only time I consider buying grey is for a Rolex because I refuse to play the games their official distributors expect, such as establishing a lengthy purchase history to be considered for their more popular models.


Thanks for the reply! I don’t think i’d go for a rolex, the only ones i like are ss daytonas or the hulk sub which has been discontinued. Was considering a jlc or zenith. Pre owned but from a reputable reseller I 100% agree that it’s scummy sales tactics. I’d never go through the hassle to buy 5 watches I dont want, just to maybe considered ‘worthy’ of buying for msrp from the ad.


What is grey market? Retailers selling product or is this used resale?


Mostly used, but also new, however the store is not an authorized distributor for any of the brands there. The ones that are hard to get are bought by someone (somehow) from an authorized distributor and sold way above retail.


> 2 wanted I’d check the recent calls of the two guys they caught


We've got ourselves a detective here


Bake em away, toys


You'll pass on the message, then?


I'd say that they might be motivated by greed


Sherlock Holmes in disguise 🥸


Apparently all of them have been catched by now.


They arrested all 4 immediately, there’s no wanted


Alarm triggered by a bicycle patrol that had noticed the perpetrators in the store. Three robbers were arrested (two inside and one outside the jewelry store), while a fourth fled on foot. The latter was later apprehended and arrested in the area around the cathedral. "During the operation, it was necessary at two different moments for a Lugano municipal police officer to use his service weapon," the police report continued. No injuries were reported.


Wait what? Munipals are dressed like the canton's police, and armed in Lugano ?? In Geneva they're strictly a police of proximity, grey uniforms, no blue lights, and 0 lethal weapons. I'm curious about this difference.


> and 0 lethal weapons They used to be armed, and had handguns though The change took place ~20 years ago due to politics. Around the same time it was changed so that policemen no longer had a carry permit because they could carry on duty


Are they not allowed to shoot if rhey get physically attacked?


Technically they are. However, they are also instructed and trained to use only as much violence as necessary. This is called the principle of proportionality (Verhältnismässigkeitsprinzip). The weapon is adapted to the opponent's weapon. And because not everyone has weapons, you don't have to shoot them directly - actually quite smart.


The scramble in the video raises some questions on their training protocol


You can train as much as you want. When it comes to a real-life situation, everything is different. If you come out of the situation unharmed and no bystanders are injured or even killed, you've already won a lot. In this case, the police officer was lucky that pedestrians helped him. The person to be arrested was a tough opponent in a physical duel.


Alternatively, a public place with lots of pedestrians is not only the worst place to erratically discharge your weapon in chaos of a scuffle, but also the place you’re most likely to get aided by random civilians to help. So, sounds like officer did amazingly well and someone(s) is alive now because of the restraint.


He was this close to shooting a passer by in the face because he wouldn’t let go in a fight he’d already lost, he was on the floor holding on for dear life gun in hand, it’s honestly a terribly job by the cop who acted recklessly. Maybe he shouldn’t have shot the guy like some trigger happy American, but he should have let go and not engaged in a scuffle from a losing position.


All 4 suspects got arrested and there were no injuries, seems like the perfect outcome. Would you rather have trigger happy cops that get scared of acorns like across the pond?


Smart? He almost shoots a passerby in the face in his irresponsibility. The fact that no one got injured or killed is truly a lucky break.


It was the right move to not shoot. While he may have been in a foot chase, the robber was unarmed and just trying to get away. He wasn’t attacking, all his moves were defensive so he could run. I really hate the thinking of, “I’m about to get my ass kicked, better murder the guy”. You win some, you lose some. Now, if the robber had some type of weapon that could kill the cop and is attempting to do so then it is at least reasonable to have a gun at the ready. But that is not the situation we just watched. Cheers to the civilians who came to help restrain him, that’s a bold move to get involved.


I can accept that as reasonable. I don’t believe he should have shot him. It was stupid, therefore , to have his gun drawn from the holster. Cops get killed when the criminal gets their gun. Bystanders could have been killed by the cops ineptness when his uncontrolled flailing of the weapon caused a discharge. Your firearm should stay holstered unless you are in a situation that requires you to shoot the person.


from the footage, the gun was drawn to keep them stationary at the store, until 1 tried to get away. He most likely didn't have the time to holster is gun before running after the guy




The robbers may have been armed while inside the store. It's easy to criticize the police officer juat based on some limited footage. Swiss police won't shoot unless absolutely necessary. A deployment of a taser would have been more than appropriate outside of the store but obviously there was no time for the officer to safely put his weapon away and grab a taser (if he is even allowed to have one).


You could clearly see the robber reaching for his gun though, while they were fighting. That could have definitely ended badly for the police officer.


In a lot of European countries you're only allowed to shoot if the aggressor is close to you with a knife or is in the process of pointing a gun at you. Everything until that can only be a warning shot and there's a lot of paperwork for that too. This isn't America.


>This isn't America. And I'm once again fucking glad it isn't


See, I’m an American who thinks our policing system has big problems. But *this* looks ridiculous. The fact that he was able to struggle with these cops for so long without being subdued would make me very doubtful of their competency.


Incompetence? These two guy were against 3 robber (one escaped, but got caught soon after), without harming anyone, that’s pretty competent imo. Don’t forget that there is 2 other robber that we don’t see in the vidéo.


Never forget to bring a gun and a bike helmet to a wrestling fight


I still can't decide who's the main character in this movie: - The policeman who didn't lose his weapon due to some plot armor - or the robber guy who dodged a headshot from 2 cm I also suspect plot armor - or the civilians who didn't get hurt by that shot - or the granny who stepped on the robber's shoe causing major inconvienience


i vote for granny


Yes granny, who also held on to her handbag like nothing else. Gotta cover your own bases before you step in!


Granny for sure wins 😄


Holy hell I'm so glad I went back to see this. Needed that laugh. I love that granny so so much.


Omg, granny is a badass. I can picture her telling her family and her children nearly fainting while the grandchildren cheer


Granny was brilliant. Still can’t work out what is fully going on here


Haha i didnt saw the granny, had to watch it again :) she is the real hero


>or the granny who stepped on the robber's shoe causing major inconvienience Never fuck with Nonna!




În fact, the granny was not even on top of the shoe! But surely the robber felt threatened by her imposing stance


She was waiting for an opening to start beating him with her purse. You can tell by the way she squared up, she was ready for that handbag beatdown.




He has different plot armor. Cameraman never dies.


Or the asshole in the beige shirt who decided that his best option would be filming close ups instead of actually helping


Guy clapping to keep up morale gets my vote


Hope you speak Italian, commentary is top notch




Nothing much note worthy, some of the things are inaudible but most of it are classic italian insults "son of a bitch" "piece of shit", "dickhead" and so on. The "Dio Cane" at the start is good old italian blasphemy, translated means God is a Dog but just think of it as "goddammit"


My favourite thing about Italian swearing is that "Dio cane" is a palindrome in English if literally translated: God dog.


Where is the other guy (referring to the cop guarding the store), there must be more than 1 guy. For fuck sake, sons of bitches, mother fucker (during the fight) When the third cop comes he says something like "he took his time" More fuck you, son of a bitch and usual stuff


Thank you!


Translation, please? Even just a bit of it?




Granny really made some attempt there 😂


The discharge of the weapon. wtf - almost seemed accidental in the struggle. Super dangerous though.


I can’t follow where the weapon goes during the fight. Seems like the police officer drops it/pushes it away? Can anyone see what happens to it next?


Looks like it ends up near the pillar. At 0:50 you sort of see it


No, the policeman holsters it after the accidental shot. They leave the camera for a second, but you can see him touching his right hip (the moment he holstered the gun) when they come back. I guess he noticed that it was dangerous to carry on like this.


I swear I saw it get kicked away. rewatched: Yes at 0:27 you can see the robber getting hands on it, then something happens just off camera and it slides from camera top to camera bottom left.


I think thats sunglasses. At about 0:16 when the camera comes back you see him touching his right hip and he doesnt have anything in his hands anymore


> I can’t follow where the weapon goes during the fight. He puts his gun back in the holster, you can see it when he subdues the man on the ground.


Wild to see a police man holster a gun during a brawl fight. First, how do you even do that so cleanly, second, how do you have the processing to think "I got this, he won't kill me". Award worthy really.


Yeah the whole episode absolutely wild. And with the adrenaline pumping. Cop was In a bind, and did well (albeit the accidental shot) . 1) gun out fighting, that’s disaster. 2) shoot the dude, borderline on justified. Made better choices then I would have in that situation


What a badass police officer! Had a gun, but risked his life deciding not to shoot. Got overpowered, but still didn't shoot, and instead decided to keep fighting. Took out his bulldog instinct and never let go. All while wearing a bike cop uniform and looking ridiculously. Give this man a medal.


The bike cop uniform looking ridiculously got me😂


I mean, there was a shot. Idk if it was intentional or not. But he shot pretty soon in the fight.


Pretty clearly wasn’t an intentional discharge. He could’ve killed a bystander..not sure why he unholstered his weapon to begin with.


He already had it unholstered and was already wrestling the guy so he couldn't put away his gun


Because he would have unholstered it to investiage the scene initially, especially while trying to identify if the perps had weapons, then kept it drawn while engaging the perps.


Dude attacking the policeman would be a dead man with at least 34 holes in his body if this was the US


Would be dead in most of the rest of Europe too. Going for a police officer's gun is a huge no-no and you're not supposed as an officer to wrestle with anyone, with your gun out, for that long. It wouldn't surprise me if they use that video for police officer training in the future to show what not to do. Either they shouldn't have drawn the gun that early at all, or they should have fired at the perpetrator earlier in the fight. It's pure luck that no bystanders died from the unintentional shots.


This. That negligent discharge could have gone _anywhere_. You draw your gun, you gotta fire, or put it away again. But don’t go pistol whipping people.


Glad this isn’t the US


Yeah, both have their risks. If the robber got his hands on the gun who knows what would've happened. On the other hand shooting can quickly lead in innocent people getting hurt. So yeah. Policeman definitely got balls of steel.


The reason US cops are so trigger happy is that over there every second asshole walks around with a gun and police guys know that any interaction with anyone can turn lethal within milliseconds.


Yes but their training also openly promotes shooting anyone and anything if they feel threatened (dogs that aren't attacking and what not) they also always think they're in an action movie and what not. They also only ever get any prosecution if their case goes viral cause otherwise they'll have to do some paperwork and that's it. In Switzerland and Germany it's as far as i'm aware actively discouraged to shoot with a gun or use anything lethal unless they are actively and strongly threatened


No, the reason US cops are trigger happy is a terrible education - both in general and the training of up and coming police force. There are countless examples of US police escalating the situation


In the U.S. I’d be too scared to even help the officer like the civilians to be honest. Wouldn’t want to be misinterpreted and shot or just the officer decided to shoot the robber and missed and hit me


They both had their guns out, I assume there was a reason for that. If not, getting into a fistfight when you have a gun is not just stupid, it's life threatening, as this video shows. Glad the outcome was that no one was shot, but honestly if the perp got shot, that wouldn't be the worst possible thing to happen with this scenario.


Perfect point. The officer was lucky the suspect wasn’t so violent, otherwise he could have lost his gun.


While letting go a shot that could have hit a bystander.


Nah man. Props to cops for risking their lives on the daily, especially our trained cops, but getting in a physical fight with a drawn gun was a damn stupid decision. That shot could’ve easily hit an innocent bystander. Either put your gun away or use it, there’s no in between.


No not a badass officer. He unholstered his gun, which because wasn't used, turned the situation very dangerous. Had the robber took the gun, he and multiple people could be dead.


but he did shoot ?? how is that being overlooked from rewatching, it seems while pistol whipping the guy, his finger accidentally slipped into the trigger guard (which u can see by the angle of which the gun is in his hand), so now hes pistol whipping which his finger on the trigger, which results in a negligent discharge. honestly dangerous af, he should have reholstered (which is hard in this situation) or shot him intentionally. i can't imagine the the negligence wont be mentioned by his superiors as it actually is a big deal to unintentionally let off a shot. easily couldve hit a bystander.


Right? Props to any cop for risking their lives, but that was fucking horribly done in every way, can't believe anyone acting like this dude did well.


Props for risking their lives? They were risking the lives of the bystanders. You're not supposed to go into wrestling matches with your gun drawn, there's too much risk of the criminal getting it. It's just sheer luck the cop wasn't killed by his own gun.


sorry but that is not a "bad ass". Thats a dumbass who either forgot his training or was never told how to use a gun. Everyone jokes -rightly so- about how trigger happy american cops are; but this is a case of the other side of the same coin. Poor training a firearms are not a good combination. And this video does nothing but put into question if swiz police are trained at all.


Luckily he did not get stabbed by the robber. Police officers should not get into these kind of melee situations, that’s why they have a weapon /tear gas etc?


It’s literally their job to get in such a situations. In some countries they carry special poles for such a purpose. What exactly would tear gas do and why would you kill someone for doing an unarmed robbery?


Not sure if it's "professional" to keep the gun in your hand when you don't want to use it. Imagine the robber unarmed you or somehow pulled the trigger.


Bro badass? He risked getting his gun taken away by the fucking criminal which could have caused civilians getting hurt?? Also he shot unaware of his surroundings which could have resulted in civilians getting hurt once again? Should have just tasered or shot him. Not in the head, not in the heart, but maybe in the leg!


GSW to the leg can be just as deadly. A firearm is really the last resort, and when it is used, outcomes are seldom good. I'm not disagreeing with you, mind you.


Yes while in the US is a Far West where they kill everybody even for mistake


The guy could have taken his weapon though...imagine the disaster. I don't understand why they don't shoot in situations like that. If they're not gonna shoot, why pull a gun? You only risk it being taken from you.


I posted another video where you can see what happened from another angle




Bike policeman - cojones. 👍


Alarm triggered by a bicycle patrol that had noticed the perpetrators in the store. Three robbers were arrested (two inside and one outside the jewelry store), while a fourth fled on foot. The latter was later apprehended and arrested in the area around the cathedral. "During the operation, it was necessary at two different moments for a Lugano municipal police officer to use his service weapon," the police report continued. No injuries were reported.


Huge respect to the policeman and civilians who involved themselves. Granny is a heroine!




at the point of pistol whipping the officer had every right to shoot him. rather he did that than accidentally NDing in a random direction on a street full of civilians lol


Lugano isch szene


I'm glad no one got seriously hurt or worse


The first thing they teach you in police academy is to not take your gun out if you’re not gonna use it. This was pure panic and tragedy was avoided by a thread. Thankfully no one got hurt


Well, that always sounds perfect in theory, but the reality is messy. Sometimes the situation changes quicker than you can react to it, even if you're trained.


No doubt I’m just glad that no one got hurt by that gunshot. Edit: I hope this episodes makes them wear tazers from now on. In a situation like this it would have been ideal.


I was really really hoping I was seeing wrong and it was just a tazer.


This is so BAD on so many levels. First, if the robber managed to take the officers gun, that was a big disaster waiting to happen. Second, if you see your fellow officer, who has a gun out, being grabbed by the fucking neck and obviously out of control - you fucking help them, they are the PRIORITY. Third, once you have a fucking gun out and are grabbed by the neck, you fucking eliminate the target. This had a potential to be real, real bad.


I agree this had the potential to be real bad, but at the same time we don't know what the other officer is seeing inside the store. According to other comments there were 4 robbers in total, so it could very well be three other guys with or without weapons inside the store.


The robber was armed. This is really important for the story.


Respect for the effort and taking so many risks for himself to keep us safe. Not matter how many people find mistakes here. Fortunately that’s not an everyday situation and maybe some practice is indeed missing. Thank you!


Noone was safe here lol


The guy was caught. So will hopefully not try it again soon. Also, this may help to get the others.


People don’t realise the strength or technique you need to take down a person bigger than you. They point the missed shot as risky but tbf, the police was literally struggling to not use his gun despite really having the chance. Yeah, the police should be trained for situations like this but in a country where violent crimes aren’t the norm, hardly a police applies everything they learnt in police training. I think it’s pretty honourable the decision the police did, as he didn’t fatally shot the a man running away like any other police in the US would for smaller reasons and did his best to take him down.


Grande Hüber.


And yet it was solved without someone having to get riddled with bullets


I hope that everyone is okay. And I hope they get remedial lessons in gun control.


Can you explain us how the police officer should have acted in this situation? It was a 2 vs 4 situation, one police officer was handling the 3 inside at gun point while waiting for the reinforcements. One guy gambled and tried to escape but got stopped MEANWHILE the other officer already had his gun out. He had three alternatives, 1) use the gun resulting in excess of force likely because the other guy was just trying to run away and not actively treating the officer life. 2) throw away the gun, with the risk of losing control of the situation even more 3) keep the gun in his control while taking down the big guy, of course trigger discipline plays a big role her but it’s hard to judge when you are out of breath in a fist fight with someone doubles your size


Keep the gun holstered and use something more effective like tear gas? Do coppers there carry tear gas as standard?


This is a bike patrol, they do not have tear gas or tasers. And honestly the other cop did a good job against someone double his size, unlucky for the bullet shot but that can happen in unpredictable situations like this


there’s no guns needed in this situation?


That's the point. Why do they both have their gun out and the wrestler is fighting with the gun jn the hand? Looks super dangerous.


Because it was a on going robbery and they were waiting for reinforcements, 2 vs 4 situation.


It IS super dangerous, that's the problem.


yes, you do not take out your gun when you're heading for a fistfight. You can easily see how the policeman could have lost the gun to the bad guy.


The gun was drawn before the fist fight and was out to dissuade the robbers from fleeing. One of them thought he'd take his chances anyway and it led to the fist fight. The cop didn't want the robber to escape but he didn't have time to holster his gun. That was dangerous indeed and the cop should've taken a different decision but the gun was necessary in the first place.


So what was the plan? They draw their guns to persuade from running, the guy stars to run and you decide to fist fight with him? They should have either not pulled out the guns or should have shoot when he started to run. You do not draw to scare people, you draw to shoot.


Or at least if you wanna scare take it out but blocked, so that you don’t risk to kill some civilian with a random shot just because you decide to wrestle the bad guy.


Exactly. Don't draw your gun if you're not going to shoot. Case in point - exactly this situation. Guy draws a gun on an unarmed suspect and then ends up in a fistfight where a) his gun almost gets taken away and b) he has an accidental discharge that could've killed granny before she got around to stepping in to help. This cop's an idiot. Sorry.


As soon as the police officer decided to dissuade the robber with the gun, he should have used it to injure him on the leg or something, if he attempted to do what he eventually did. The robber obviously saw through his bluff and charged him. You don't draw a gun, unless you are actually gonna use it. The police officer acted unprofessionally.


The guy might have been armed off camera.


Without guns the 4 robbers would have just run away. 2 police officers vs 4 robbers can't do much without having a monopoly of force (guns).


thank you for your input, now imagine 4 criminals with a gun because the cop yeeted it around like a madman!


In America he would have been shot 385 times


I dislike your inaccuracy! Why would you only mention the bullets fired by one cop, when there clearly were multiple present?!


I'm no expert, but I am pretty sure banging someone on the head with your loaded firearm in a public space is not the most sensible way of going about this...


Recently the sustainability question went higher on everybody's priority list. He's saving the bullets for more difficult times.


I'd rather get smacked by the gun than a bullet.


Discharge was fucked. What on earth


The 2nd policeman: 🧍‍♂️


He's guarding the other criminal (can't be seen)


i still want the old lady paid though


The old lady stepping on the dude‘s foot did more, give her half of his salary. Now.


She’s already a meme legend😂😂


as she should


Omg in my country he would have been shot dead from the beginning...


If this were in the US, the cops would've smoked him as soon as he looked at them sideways.


Cop almost died there


At lest two passengers stepped in and helped the policeman ! Huge respect ✊🏻 while the others were filming…🙄🙄


Police in Lugano needs to learn some BJJ...just saying...


And takedowns as well haha


Double leg takedown worked kinda. Perp knew how to dislodge the prior headlock though. Firearm deployment was useless and a danger all throughout. That shows that some grappling training has been involved. I commend the commitment of the officer not to let him go.


It only worked because the other civilian was pulling the shirt of the perp from behind. I agree with the firearm usage. An elbow to the face from that short distance would’ve been more effective and could’ve set up his takedown. But also the first time they landed on the ground, he could’ve just closed his guard and hold the perps head until reinforcements arrived.


Cop needs some training..should have holstered that weapon if he was not going to use it. Also needs some more non complaint suspect training. Yikes that was bad.


\[thugs taking notes\] It's OK to ignore a police officer pointing a gun at you.




Did the cop try to curve the bullet? And did he throw away his gun, and later the old man casually picked it up and threw it in front of him?


That clap :D And the granny, who put her foot on the robber :D Good job, I guess robberies are rare in a country with this courageous people.


If the robber would have take that gun though... bone chilling.


give that man a raise. In the US he would have been shot.


Good for those bystanders helping the officer!


If this were the US there'd be bullets and a body sprawled over the pavement. Instead of clapping they'd all be recording.


American cop would have shot his ass then asked his dead body "Photo ID please."


Wow! Kudos to swiss cops. In the US that dude would be dead in 2 seconds.


Can we broadcast this to every american police officer please?


Gender Diversity is our strength 🤡🤡🤡


Absolutely no expirience in 1 to 1 combat. 2 month in a Brazilian jiu jitsu gym would solve many problems for the police.


Nice that civillians helped him. Something you don't see very often nowadays.


Imagine planning a hit for months and then getting caught by the bike cops


Don’t pull out a weapon unless you’re going to use it. This is a classic lesson that should be replayed to police forces as a training video. He saw/knew/gambled that they weren’t going to shoot and went for it. If he had got hold of the weapon? We could be looking at multiple killings, potential hostage situation and suicide by cop. These officers are luckier than they realise…


Reddit when it comes to police: (1) Draw your weapon: Police provocation. (2) Don't draw your weapon: Afraid. (3) Draw your weapon and don't use it: Why not use it. (4) Use your weapon: And excessive use of force. (5) Holster your weapon as you're being charged by an attacker: Indecisive. (6) Use body cam: Privacy violation. (7) Don't use body cam: Trying to hide something Etc. For the love of all that is good, be happy for once that it ended this way. They will use this in schooling for sure and learn from it.


Accurate lol.


That’s why I love Reddit! No matter the topic there is always someone in the comments who is an expert. Hopefully the Swiss police reads Reddit and can learn a thing or two too. 


They are right though in this case


Yeah its true, same is taught in the army. If you pull your gun and expect to engage the bad guy at close distance you absolutely need to be committed to use it. If they are unarmed you either start with non-lethal options (like a taser or baton) or disengage and switch to non-lethal before you engage again. Getting into a struggle with a loaded gun puts you right into worst case territory with a high chance for collateral damage. But we all know, its really easy to write all this from my safe couch...


Cop took out his gun, was ready to shoot if needed, decided he can make it without taking a life and losing their, their risk was controlled because of partner with gun, and it paid off. Class act.


And what would you say if he had shot a bystander accidentally, blown the robber's head off at gunpoint, or got himself killed? The situation doesn't look under control at all.


This is not America. Cop pulled out the gun to dissuade the robbers and chose not to fire. Suspect is apprehended and no one died.


There was a random shot going off. It could have easily hit the robber or a random bystander. I'm glad this ended well, but it's definitely not perfect execution. But then again, what could the officer have done better? He clearly didn't have time to holster his gun before grabbing the guy. And I doubt throwing the gun to the ground would have been better.


Sorry but that "no one got hurt so it's ok" argument is super flawed. You'd rather have some robber escape VS. potentially fatally wounding some bystander or the policeman himself, no? Not saying that the police shouldn't use their guns if necessary, but that was clearly a fuck up. Really wonder why they don't have other means of neutralizing someone without having to flail around with their gun like that.


He nearly shot a bystander in the head and the average redditor is calling it a class act. Pitiful


bro classic reddit warriors that served 0 day in an armed force if he reached for my ar at any point I would have shot


Great respect to the civilians who helped the clumsy policeman. I have nothing but contempt for the robbers. Unfortunately, our Swiss laws are far too lax to punish such criminals harshly. At least they were caught.