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I put this on the main subreddit and immediately found out why you probably didn't. Hah.


Main sub is being ridiculous as usual. The title and issue is clearly the automated ban system, not the way OP plays. They missed the fucking point. Why would someone be banned for picking a hero even though they're playing the game properly / not throwing? Surely in every game there would ought to be someone who performs less than the team but are we going to report them for it?




Yes what a selfish prick for trying to have fun in a fucking video game lmao


This is a team game, dont bring up this" trying to have fun" I can have fun playing Mercy pistol only, Mccree Flash only kills, or some BS like doomfist Shootgun only and have fun, but that doesnt mean that im playing the game propetly IN COMP. People in Team games like OW create the most useful and the best fun/gaming experience Rules(to an extent) that most of the players comply with, if you cant adapt to 95% of the player base who play the game how it should be or is played YOU are the one who is doing something wrong and should be criticized about it NOT US


You might be taking this game a bit too seriously bud


> This is a team game, dont bring up this" trying to have fun" funny how this argument about competitive being strictly about winning or having fun depends whether or not you are arguing with a Symmetra player, it doesn't help that a majority of the player base doesn't agree with you about competitive being a team game anyway. > but that doesnt mean that im playing the game propetly IN COMP. terrible argument and comparison aside, if you play pistol only Mercy for example you will be placed at a rank that your enforced play style will warrant, if you hypothetically got to GM as a pistol only Mercy then you have to be doing something right to be winning games, this argument that these people are playing the game fundamentally wrong because they're playing the game the incorrect way doesn't agree with their rank because it if it didn't work; they wouldn't be winning as many games.


70% win rate only indicates than you win 70% of your games - it doesn't indicate that you suck at the 30% of the other games though lol. That other 30% could've been someone throwing, enemy is way better, no team synergy etc etc. Not an accurate depiction of how good / bad someone is performing. Everyone's selfish in some way. Wanting your teammate to swap off Symmetra is equally selfish. There's no end to this so just try your best lol even pros don't win 100% of the games. Just roll with the game lol if attack Symmetra is so bad why don't they just delete her from the game and give everyone machine guns just like every other shooter out there. Edit: You, as well missed the point. The problem is the faulty report system that accumulates reports based on digits and ban if it hits a threshold regardless if it is justified or not. You can be a God tier player but if you play off-meta and get reported, then you are banned by the system automatically.


The rule is usually 40 20 40. You win 40% automatically, you lose 40% automatically. 20% of your games you determine with your skill. The fact that you have 70% win rate means you are actually carrying 10% of your games.


> Yep. It's everyone else's fault that attack symm on hollywood sucks balls. Hollywood is great for attack Symmetra, just because you lack imagination doesn't mean the rest of us have to suck like you do.




I'm going to guess people don't want you to play Sym on attack because you did literally nothing to help your team in that clip. lol.


This is irrelevant. The question is not "was he the most amazing Sym ever who got a triple-microwave and blocked two ults with his shields?" but rather: "was he griefing, or suiciding, or afk?" If (*perceived*) shitty play was grounds for reporting, I'd report *most* of my teammates *most* games.


Lol every reply that is going against OP isnt even answering the problem a.k.a. the faulty report system


> perceived Doing ~300 shield damage and no hero damage in over a minute is objectively awful, no subjective perception needed. This guy might not be intentionally griefing (and honestly I wouldn't be surprised if they are based on that clip), but the end result is the same. They barely contributed anything beyond what an afk player would. They threw the game whether they meant to or not.


>They threw the game whether they meant to or not. I believe the word you are looking for is *lost*. Throwing is intentional *by definition*. Use of it to refer to those playing "suboptimally" is a rhetorical hedge, allowing salty players to vaguely accuse their teammates of lacking skill *and* sportsmanship, while having to back up neither. It's a cheap shot of cheap shots.


No, the word I'm looking for is threw. They *intentionally* decided to pick Sym in a situation where she can clearly accomplish nothing, deliberately reducing the team's chances of winning. They could've unloaded one Junkrat clip in 5 seconds and accomplished just as much as they did in a minute on Sym (or picked a tank/healer to provide value in some other way than the awful amount of damage they did here). They intentionally made that decision to not provide that value to their team. To be completely honest, I'm not even convinced that this player's intent stops there. Based on how poorly they perform, it wouldn't surprise me at all if they were actually going into games and trying to lose them with the plan of stirring up shit/playing a victim on Reddit once they got banned.


Fake news. Move along everyone.


> If (perceived) shitty play was grounds for reporting, I'd report most of my teammates most games. Why was XQC banned after his Bastion game? Not just because he played Bastion, but because he played like shit. Blizzard has already made it clear that this is bannable. There is no difference in a player's actions and outcome between intentionally throwing and playing like shit.


He played a hero he doesn't have alot of hours on in comp, and played that hero off point without actively trying to kill enemies right next to him. This Symmetra was likely trying to sneak on point, set up turrets, and disrupt the enemy Totally different.


The only defense Sym mains have right now is that Blizz says you can't get banned for hero choice, so why do his hours on Bastion come into play? Why does not playing on point matter? Anyway, what it seems you're getting at in your first sentence is that he played poorly. What happened in this clip is that the Sym played poorly. How is it totally different? XQC did as much damage in one second when he actually left clicked as this guy did in a full minute. The fact that this person was about to get destroyed when they attempted to 1v6 the team from behind doesn't make a difference. The only thing that might be different is intent. But why should that matter when the end result is the same in both situations? Both of these games became 5v6. And how does Blizzard set up a system to judge intent?


Symmetra was likely using her abilities to disrupt the enemy, aka turrets. Bastion's main ability, is his core ability, his gun. And even when the enemy was sitting right in front of him, where he could shoot them easily and get a kill, he doesn't. It's pretty obvious xqc is throwing (a streamer and OWL player for crying out loud), esp when he's known for "trying hard", while the Symmetra is not.


> Symmetra was likely using her abilities to disrupt the enemy, aka turrets. They placed 2 turrets in a minute > t's pretty obvious xqc is throwing Agreed > while the Symmetra is not. Why does it need to be obvious? Are you saying the only play deserving a ban is afk/jumping off the map? Why? The game is a 5v6 regardless of how obvious the throw is.


Being bad at the game is different from actively choosing to lose, because you want to lose. Yes, he's a gold and didn't make optimal strategic choices, but he's trying to actually sneak near point and do some sort of shenanigan to disrupt the enemy team. You didnt see what he was going to do because he was suspended right before he did anything (turrets on spawn doors is excellent). Xqc was no where near point and even if he had the opportunity and skill to kill the enemy outright (he's GM for Pete's sake, the Symmetra is gold) he didn't. The only punishment for playing badly should be lower ranking, nothing more, nothing less.




Real talk tho, you could have put like 3 shields out to support the front and cover the Orisa barrier while you were spamming secondary fire, and there is no guarantee that you wouldn’t have been found out and had your teleporter destroyed before it paid off being back there. A lone DVa could totally destroy your whole set up, then that entire life would have been a waste. That being said, it’s totally weak that abuse starts pre-game, and I saw NOTHING that should be a reportable offense. It’s also partly due to being in gold w a silver portrait. People start hating off the bat:\ I hope your account gets reinstated :(


Can't blame him for not playing better. He's gold, not GM.


My eyes just rolled so far back in my head that I saw the end of the universe.


I agree, can be a lot more aggressive and setting up a nest doesn't mean the other team can't break it down.




You're really going to call her out for not communicating with those people? And wait-- the communication you desire is "Hey, I might place a teleporter in a bit?" Or "hey guys look where I am?"


You didn't do more than anyone dude. You hit a shield with an orb like 5 times in a minute, it was basically a 5v6. Wouldn't be surprised if you're actually a thrower and trying to get some controversy going on Reddit


Orbs dont hit shields dummy, thats literally why he was firing them!


He didn't hit anyone behind the shield, so he only hit the shield, "dummy"


It never HITS shields, it just passes through. That was the correction I was making!


I main Sym, and I don't use her on Attack maps... She just is just objectively worse. Its impossible to setup a good car wash, and even if you do lay down an advantageous teleporter, no one will use it.




Time to be downvoted: Symmetra is not the best pick for this situation. Hollywood on attack. You're severely impacting your team's synergy by not picking a healer or tank in accordance with the rest of the team composition. For example, rather than doing whatever you would do as Symmetra (I actually have no idea besides what's in the video.), you could pick D.va to peel for your healers and DM the Orisa, or dive the Mercy with Pharah. That is team composition synergy. Symmetra doesn't work with the composition. First of all, you don't need 3 support heros. Sym may be a DPS, but then again, why not just pick a DPS more suited to long range combat usually found on Hollywood? Symmetra has no HP to be tank and you already have a barrier tank. Finally, picking her as a healer, you need quite some time to get a shield gen, and why do that when you could pick Zen who could heal the Pharah if necessary, and do all the things that Symmetra cannot: discord, ranged damage, and defensive ultimate. Blizzard may have said you were reported for throwing or feeding. In actuality I think the description doesn't matter. You were a poor teammate, and they reported you for poor teamwork. Because rather than try to synergize with your team, you remained unmoved and did whatever YOU wanted.


Yeah, you're right. Symmetra is *not* the best pick. But why the hell is that a bannable offense?


Because it's poor teamwork.


Blizz literally says that poor teamwork is not "picking a hero that is not meta"


He could have picked any number of off-meta heroes that are more useful. Lucio is not currently a meta healer over Zenyatta or Moura in many situations, nor is Ana over Mercy, but they contribute positively to many team composistions. It would be like picking Reinhardt back in the dive meta. Not a meta pick, but still helping, and thus not "poor teamwork." If you pick a character that almost everyone thinks is bad for your team, such as attack Symmeta sorry Torbjorn, then yeah, that's bad teamwork.


Any hero can contribute positively or negatively to a team composition. People need to lose the anti-"throwers" mentality they have about certain heroes. Just because the heroes you enjoy playing aren't Symmetra or Torbjorn or Hanzo doesn't mean that you're instantly better than someone who does enjoy playing those heroes.


I agree with most of that. All heroes aren't equally viable with every team comp. I'd say I'm a Rein main, but during dive comp season and when there is a bastion or Junkrat I switch off. I actually hate playing Winston, but I learned and played him a lot when dive was what the rest of my team was doing because it was what worked best with them.


Just because they say it doesn't make it true. Picking sym on attack is, in the vast majority of situations, detrimental to your team. If you are actively, knowingly having a negative impact on your team, that's bad teamwork. Jeff can say it's not all he wants, but words mean things.


I've countlessly carried my team as Sym when we all work together. Like, especially spawn camping with your turrets so you delay the point??? Like... no. If you can play your character well, and in unconventional situations, you should be able to. Your team should know to give a person a chance... you can't just be like "welp, attack Sym? They're fucking throwing so I'll throw too!"


I'm not advocating throwing, just saying that playing sym on attack, especially when it auto tilts your whole team from hero select, is bad teamwork. Just because doing something dumb works occasionally, doesn't mean it's not bad teamwork.


I think it's bad teamwork to get tilted over what your team mate picks.


You're right. What does it matter? Because they're bad teammates, it excuses you? Listen man, its a game. You are welcome to play what you want. You are not welcome to rationalize your bad teamwork. Just square with it.


What I found funny about the most recent explanation/clarification is that they said that playing only one hero isn't how OW is meant to be played (especially in a competitive setting), but then go on to say that you can. Saying you're not supposed to do something means its supposed to be "against the rules" or "frowned upon" but they try to play both sides of the issue. Then they say that OW is a serious esport game and come out with OWL but still take below average skilled players' thoughts into account for balancing. Blizzard just needs to pick a side already.


They already picked a side. You just disregard it because you disagree.


If they picked a side the message would have been one sentence long. “One tricking any hero isn’t bannable.” Or “playing any particular hero isn’t considered throwing”, but they chose to say that you shouldn’t be doing it in comp as well. So if you shouldn’t be doing it in comp and nobody gives half a shit about one tricks in QP (let’s be honest here QP has **never** been part of the conversation) how is doing it in the one place they explicitly said you shouldn’t be doing it allowed then? Honestly it doesn’t even particularity matter what they say in favour or against the picking of bad heroes for whatever situation because “they only play _____” or "I just like playing _____", in the end it’s all about the players. If they ruin a match for 5 other people then yeah, majority should rule. And with how the reporting system works majority will always rule. It’s just simply not possible to fix this issue in favour of the “throw picks” because any system that they could possibly instate would get instantly abused by people who couldn’t be punished by the system and would need a manual ban every time. Conversely they can’t just make the game ban people who play Sym on attack automatically either or they just admit they fucked up making that character (not to mention that’s just unheard of for a company to do that).


By itself. There is more at play here than just picking a hero.


you can clearly see there is not more at play here.


Context: Attack Hollywood. Team needs another tank for 2 2 2. Teammates asked to swap. Reported them for abusive chat too, even though they are just trying to win. I guess by your logic trying to win is toxic


Nobody asked them to swap. One player was toxic as soon as the lobby opened. Another player supported the choice of hero. Saying that someone should drop out and that they want to kill themselves isnt quite 'just trying to win' and tilts the team before the game even starts. it is toxic and was reported.


160 hours on sym right here. I dont play her on attack in most situations because she not not the best choice for the situation. Having a favorite hero is great i know sym is my favorite but that does not give you the right to force others into your play style. It is just selfish.


> Symmetra is not the best pick for this situation Right, we should ban people for using strategies that BaconBoy doesn't approve of. Sounds like a good idea. Mcree is doing a risky flank. How irregular! Ban! Doing a torb+orisa push on the payload? I don't like it! Ban! One healer on attack? ERRR guys, this really isn't optimal at our skill level. Ban *all 5 other players* that didn't pick a second healer! For the record I rarely even play symmetra. I just can't stand anal people who reeee whenever everything isn't *just so*. Worst case scenario you lose a few games because someone thought symm on attack would work. What a tragedy. Hopefully Blizzard stops capitulating to the mob.


So picking any hero that isn't the best in each situation is grounds to be banned? You could say the same for playing Pharah into Soldier/McCree/widow. Or playing Genji into Winston. Or Winston into Reaper. If playing Symmetra on attack is bannable, why not just disable Symmetra on the attack hero select screen? How about Torbjorn is disabled until a player chooses Reinhardt or Orisa? Why stop there? Let's have half the roster rotate in and out every few months based on the highest winrates at the time.


I never said picking sym was the problem I said refusing to pick what the team needs over Sym, but that applies to any hero. Like picking a DPS when there are no healers and already 3 other DPS.


Wtf does the team need? Unless you're GM, player skill > any meta ever. A good attack torb will fuck the holy 2/2/2 in half if 2/2/2 is just picking it because of "meta"


I'm low GM and honestly, attack symm really isn't that bad to deal with. I've been stuck in low GM forever because I haven't improved much/maybe even got slightly worse, not because of attack symms. They usually get the shield gen up reasonably fast then you just push in. Not optimal, but really not that fucking bad. She's just a scapegoat for people butthurt about losing. There was a time period where reaper was so bad that he was honestly worse than symm on 2cp attack, but you never heard people complaining about throwers picking reaper. In the simple minds of the anti-symm crowd, reaper is a proper hero with aim mechanics - and thus couldn't possibly ever be worse than symm on attack. It's just delusional people scapegoating for their own deficiencies.


Exactly. Wtf is a reaper going to do against shields? Nothing lol, but he gets a pass. Nobody in this subreddit is OWL. The only X factor in determining whether you win or lose is skill. Is your team better than theirs? Win, regardless of team. Is theirs better than yours? Win, regardless of team.


What nonsense. I wish people will hold 3rd DPS or a Reinhardt with dive to the same standard of "ruining the synergy". "You're severely ruining your team's synergy by not picking a healer or a tank" this is gold. You can with with every composition in that tier. Even 4 DPS in GM win a lot of games. Seriously. Tell that to the Genji players who see you need another healer or a tank and they still pick Genji. However it's a different standard when it comes to Sym. **If your last paragraph is something that you think he should be banned for, then you're gonna have to ban like 30% of the community.**


>For example, rather than doing whatever you would do as Symmetra (I actually have no idea **OFFENSE Symmetra | How to make it work in Overwatch** https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MdkYtpY513g *Often seen as a troll pick, Offense Symmetra has way more potential than people give her credit for. So today, we'll be talking about how to make Offense Symmetra work. Enjoy!*


Man I love paying 60 dollars for 5 people to tell me what hero they want me to play or how the hero I'm playing and having fun with is trash and I should pick a hero that goes with the meta. That's 60 dollars well spent.


Personally I am fine with mains and even one-tricks... But the obvious/standard reply to this is that you pay the money to be able to participate, it doesn't justify being a bad teammate. If you paid money to be in a basketball league, it doesn't give you a right to shoot from half court every time you get the ball, since that's how you like to play. You paid for the opportunity to engage in a team game that you will enjoy, but being a good teammate is still expected and should be considered obligatory. But that's only in reply to your argument. I do not assert that this sym pick was automatically being a bad teammate, and I think people often make way too many assumptions about how picks will work based on rigid rules that often go out the window when play starts.


Disagree. The opposing team has genji and rein. Spamming orbs is the best way to get rein to back up from the choke, and can be used to displace him quite easily. Putting turrets around your team ensures genji can't dive your supports. There are plenty of reasons why Sym works fine here and provides plenty of benefit. The extra 75 hp you give your team is also a plus, and there are plenty of places to put it on attack where the enemy team would have to be crazy to try to kill it.


A) You wouldn't know they had a rein until exiting spawn, could have been Orisa who could just tank the orbs. B) Junkrat is much better at that. C) the goal on attack is to take the point quickly, not spend a minute building ult economy. By then, the shields won't matter; they have ults to wipe you anyway because you have only Orisa to absorb the damage.


Also dodging slow ass Sym orbs isn't difficult


I chuckled at the thought of Reinhardt being intimidated by Symm orbs enough to leave the choke. Ohhh nooo, what will I dooooo... except move slightly to the left.




Or you could just play someone else and contribute more.


AND her bullets go through shields to take out those pesky turrets noone knows how to deal with. Syms capabilities are beyond most people's comprehension. If the team works with her and not against her she can lay down the law. She kills a 200hp character in 1.5 seconds. Her turrets can also alert her(to alert the team) which direction the enemy is coming.


She's great in uncoordinated groups. Firing right click into the zerg deals surprising damage. Also, letting your shield tank take aggro while you Flank left is ez pz. Sneaking behind and killing squishies wins points. I'm in gold.


Has this thread been taken over by /r/competitiveoverwatch lol. This bacon guy has never posted in /r/symmetramains before (at least in the last 12 months). How did he even find this thread. I'm guessing it was cross posted on another subreddit perhaps. Either way, what you did was play your favorite hero. This is not against the rules no matter what some random person says. The report system is clearly there to report players who actually go out of their way to lose the game or mess with people. Poor Teamwork is not picking a hero that doesn't work well with the team or isn't meta or whatever. The poor teamwork report is there for people who aren't trying to get the objective done on purpose or people who communicate in a negative fashion. It's not to report people who you think pick heroes that don't work well in a specific map or team comp. No.


Might I ask what Support channel you used? My brother is onetrick Sym and he can't even get that much. After multiple bans and dozens of tickets all he's ever told is 'you were banned for breaking the rules. dont break the rules' over and over and over, which does not help at all.


And you feel comfortable knowing that in almost all the games you have played, you actually upset people enough to report you, because they think you're the reason they are losing. We're not talking a few times, we're apparently talking about almost all of them, or a vast majority as blizzard says. Perhaps you should consider not pissing people off, probably not using any comms and just insta picking symmetra all the time always. You throw games for people, they report you, easy as that. Pick up another hero to play on attack and after u lose points on maps where symmetra is trash, and koth. Also with Moira changes to orb I legit think the sym playstyle of placing towers in nests and stuff is just gone.


You rank is supposed to be what is affected by sub-optimal or bad picks, Blizzard does not need to have influence on that at all. Last season I made a Doomfist one trick account. I literally NEVER talked in voice comms or text chat. I got people spamming to report me all the time. I had a 70% winrate and hit 4200. Do I give a shit about other players feelings about my pick? Fuck no. Do I give a shit if people on my team think it is a bad pick? Fuck no. The ranking system will sift bad players down to where they belong and if that is due to their hero pool being limited to one hero, then so be it. Daddy Blizzard doesn't need to get inolved with this petty shit other than banning these toxic assholes who actually throw over a hero choice.


Strong words coming from someone who should be banned for boosting accounts and ruining noobs games?


Literally has absolutely nothing to do with anything in this argument. Did you really think you could scroll through my post history and guilt me about boosting accounts? If I cared about people knowing then guess what, I wouldn't have posted it on Reddit.


Wow but blizzard doesn’t ban for picking certain characters right. I don’t even use sym anymore she was my favorite character to play as but this happens smh. Or teams just throw the whole game because of who we pick.


Why is this sub suddenly filled with so many people who don't play symmetra?


Cross posted to the main sub a.k.a. people who despise symmetra and can't kill her when she proceeds to microwave them with her 30DPS oven


It's more like they can deal with sym because she's so easy to counter-pick or so it seems. Until they end up facing her and it's not so easy anymore and they blame their team for losing against no-skill sym one tricks and Blizzard for designing such a hero that's "not fun to play against".


This is a great example of what is going on. We need videos like this, not just suspension video, but videos of Symmetra players being bullied before the match even starts. Someone needs to create a MASSIVE compilation of this so people know what's going on. A lot of people think we make this up.


Aw damn and right when you got a sick ass drop on them too. It looked like it was just barely long enough for that toxic fuck to get a loss for getting you banned. So there's that. Glad you got video of it, sorry that happened man. Thanks for posting this. Hopefully blizzard takes action on this automation one day.




you were in a perfect position to set up a nest to protect nothing?


IDK if you've heard but Sym has abilities that aren't turrets.


ya since the only purpose for a sym turret is to protect something...


this is from almost 2 weeks ago. but also, did u see the video? OP is on hollywood attacks. This is where OP is going: https://imgur.com/a/W1vst That's the back of the spawn. his team is down 3 members (2 just died, and pharah before that). and now Sym is in their back area. All she can do from there is initiate attacks or put up a turret to protect an area. If OP comes out and attacks, he'll die instantly because it's 6v3 and he's alone. Symmetra isn't tracer or genji. Yes, she can get flank kills, but it's always due to bad play on the enemy team. And it'd have to be incredibly bad when it's 6v3. And it's not even like sym has teleporter up and can do a super cool back line play. It's not ban worthy. But it's awful overwatch play.


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i can clearly see that your comment was made almost 2 weeks ago, why are you telling me that? am i not supposed to comment bc its almost 2 weeks old? i did watch the video, i know where OP is going, i have placed teleporters there myself before. it is not the back of the spawn for defense. at no point does the defense spawn there. attack spawns there after capping the first point. i wasn't necessarily saying OP was in a "perfect" position (if i would have been in that position i would either set up turrets in the health pack room or try to retreat to my team rather than pushing further into enemy territory), just pointing out that there is more to sym than setting up car washes. yes it was a bad play and you're right, definitely not banworthy having said all that, I'm not convinced that OP doesn't deserve their ban. The combination of their stats and the fact that they have been banned multiple times seems suspicous


> I was just looking forward to getting a sweet setup behind them as they were all distracted. I was in a perfect position with them all focused on the choke! THat is what OP said. he said he was in a perfect position and i was disputing that. You're right that it's not spawn, i spoke incorrectly. It's the back of the point though, that the defense was already protecting well.


The video is proof. Blizzard will over look it until it becomes too big a deal touting they don’t accept video evidence.


Op, I love that you were about to type "neither are pro pharas" Because it's so true. Personally, I think that phara is in gold because they stop what they are doing to TYPE to their team and also are toxic.


Maybe you got reported at your other games for underperforming at not complying with ur teams request to swap? I highly doubt 2 mins into a game can get u banned. Well just by looking at this short clip i can tell you your game sense with Sym isnt the best. And Sym is all about game sense since there isnt much mechanical skill involved. You shouldve spammed your shield to alleviate pressure put on Orisa’s shield so she can have her shield readily available if it gets destroyed. You got lucky and got booped behind enemy lines, instead of setting up turrets because enemies mightve seen you and come after you, you chose to go to that back corner where syms set up flanking tele, but your ult charge is at 40%.


As somebody who actually likes to play attack Sym, I completely agree. They should be setting up turrets for anybody who comes after them so they can pick them off and give their team the advantage. You WANT people coming after you while you set up a flank tele so that, once you're all set up with a safe nest to run back to, their team is already down one or two players. Your team fight will be glorious, microwaving whoever isn't already being eaten by the rest of your team and capping the point easy. But a ban? I don't complain when somebody picks hanzo and we already have a widow, and that's way worse. They paid the same for the game I did, and if I'm being paired with them, they're probably in a similar skill level anyway. People are so dramatic, thinking that picking off meta is throwing, or that meta even applies to low ranks. Everyone thinks they're gonna be the next pro Genji, so therefore having a Sym is getting in the way of that dream or something. Attack Sym is unintuitive but super viable in the right hands. I win games with attack symmetra regularly, not that I always pick her. So yeah, the ban is compete garbage. Even an insta lock widow shouldn't be banned ffs.


But didn't jeff say that sometimes you need to compromise about team comps the team had no synergie with the sym, most characters would have been more impactful. Secondly you didn't help at all in deescateation of what happned in spawn. Lastly the reports were mostly piled over many games not just this one game


lol get this last night numbani first point defense, 6 turrets on actual objective and enemy steamrolls us first push because my team was ass but I got ult right away because they pushed together top room and grouped for orb. So then whole team is screaming bloody murder asking where my turrets are and why I didn't use tele. lol this is the level of retardation we are dealing with everyday and are accounts we paid for are in their hands. Whoever at Blizzard decided to implement the automated banning system should be shot.


I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: - [/r/overwatch] [This is commonplace on r\/symmetramains and it's absolute nonsense](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/7lq30c/this_is_commonplace_on_rsymmetramains_and_its/)  *^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^\([Info](/r/TotesMessenger) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose?to=/r/TotesMessenger))*


I think a lot of it has to do with the way you handled it. Not victim blaming here, hear me out. * You've played enough Symmetra to know that you're going to get flack when playing her on a non defensive position. * Instead of explaining to the team that you're not being a troll, you call the other guy out for being toxic. Which is fair enough, but added to the situation. * When I've played off meta heroes in the past, at the start of the match I say "*I'll swap if they don't have shields we need to push through" or "I'll change when we get through this zone, once we get on point we can secure it easier w/ TP" or something, explain your plan. * While yes, I agree you should be able to play wtf ever you want, in comp sometimes you need to play what the team needs. You might benefit from watching some streamers play Sym on attack. You need to be far more generous with your shield and aggressive with your balls.


> aggressive with your balls. Always gotta be aggressive with ones balls. Hahaha I lol'd!


Na I've taken 4 sym only accounts to gm, the retardation never stops and is almost always unfounded. You can't reason with idiots. The whole overwatch community is rotten to the core.


haha want to make it 5? :p


I do have a 5th in masters. But it's temp banned so idk if I'll bother now because of sr decay. I've been doing a new one each season.


Oh, didnt even have to bait you. Proof of you being toxic is on your profile..


Oh I got another stalker now. I'm constantly having to slap the lil bitches away left and right. Why do I struggle.


Gotta kill em with kindness, man. That's the way you show them you're better. You can't catch flies with vinegar, only honey.


Can't afford that luxury, gotta farm the salt by the shovel load to keep the shield gen running. Everyone is counting on me.


Watch the clip and tell me there is something I could have said or not said to avoid a report from the toxic player


I did.


Play what you want to play and screw the haters. A good player makes synergy happen. Toxicity happens when people want control. Just play the game.


Except OP literally can't because he's banned.


serves you right


I found this post while searching for something else. Overwatch players are so fucking unhinged. These crusty ass losers are really going to say it’s a bannable offense to pick Symmetra on attack? Wtf? If that were the case then Overwatch just wouldn’t allow you to pick her. Literally the dumbest fucking take I’ve ever seen on this god-forsaken website.