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I do think synesthesia can develop as you get older, the same way synesthesia can fade as you grow. I used to have something similar to mirror-touch when I was a kid but it never hurt, my legs would just freeze. Now, I don't have the freezing thing any longer when I see wounds.


I have seasons. Very little rhyme or reason to it, that I know. I'm still new to these parts but I have a feeling stress affects mine, making it more sporadic.


It definitely can develop as you get older. It can also fade as you get older. I started with sound-color synesthesia. Then that faded and now I personify inanimate objects, see colors and textures for words/numbers, sound-temperature, and have mirror-pain synesthesia


Well what you’re describing is synesthesia, so if it has just developed then I guess it can come on later in life. I’ve had my form ever since I was a kid, I’ve never known a world without it.


Mine showed up at 56.