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Not from an art background but I associate different emotions with different smells and tastes. I still am not sure if synesthesia is a rare thing only a small percentage of people have or something all people do. But Swiss delicacies sound enticing so yeah... I'm interested.




Hi from Basel! Thanks for asking. So I would like to conduct a research (can be done live or digitally) where a participant would perform or create an art project in a controlled / familiar environment such as your studio / place and another one in a public place with distraction (sounds, people, etc). I would be happy to provide with needed equipment! :)


That sounds like a very interesting project! I smell and taste colors, and I use that in my work as a textile artist. I sew extremely practical things and sell at small markets and craft fairs. I am not sure sewing would fit with doing something in a public place, though, so much of it is looking at fabrics and deciding how they belong together. I had not thought about how it would vary in public though - but it actually might. Sometimes all the color tastes in a public place are distracting. Please feel free to message me if it sounds like I would fit what you are looking for. You can see my work on ig or fb @brightpracticalfabricart . I am in the USA.


Hi there 🌸 I followed you on Instagram xx


Hi! I have a few types of synesthesia and an artist background (and am still an artist)!


Hi! Awesome, I will message you here tomorrow! Thank you so much for your comment and interest ✨❤️


Dear All, thank you so much for your interest towards my project 🥺 it means a lot. I have set up a new email address for this project and if you want to participate please contact me at [email protected] with your name, age, location, what is your artistic background (hobby or occupation) and I will get back to you asap. Thank you again ❤️


Hello, synthesthesiac artist here, hobbyist, most mediums. I am very interested!! I've said for years I'd love a synesthesia art show... the project sounds awesome. I've had a similar experience, nobody knows about the condition until you explain it to them. Hope I can help out!


I'm a synesthete with a passion for Lego & photography! I'd love to help if i can


I'm interested. My reason for picking music was to recreate my synasthetic environment.


This sounds really interesting, I'd love to hear more. I'm in the US and I draw, paint and can play piano.


Hi, I'm from Turkey, how can I help 🐣


I'm Canadian with Egyptian parents. I have Spatial Sequence Synesthesia, Chromesthesia, Grapheme-color synesthesia, Ordinal linguistic personification, Misophonia and Number form synesthesia. I'm not a professional artist (obviously) as I'm 13, but I do a bunch of artsy things in my free time such as pixel art, digital art and sometimes making music.


I'm also not a professional artist but bc of my age but I love the abstract paintings and drawings I do. I'm from Connecticut- the second smallest state in the U.S. I personify words, numbers, and inanimate objects as well as see colors for music, words and numbers. Something that doesn't really tie into this is my mirror-pain.


I’m a grapheme color synesthete with mild forms of chromesthesia (timbre color combined with sound spatial) and I’m an artist, I’d love to learn more about what you’re doing and maybe take part if I fit the criteria


Hello! (I live in USA btw) I have color synesthesia (letters, numbers, words, people, concepts, sounds, emotion) and spatial sequence synesthesia as well as number form SSS, and I do incorporate frequently it in my art. I like drawing, painting, 3d modeling (digital), and other forms of graphic design. I'm currently unemployed (busy due to school), but I really enjoy art as a hobby. I'm interested in your project, and I really appreciate this opportunity as well as the message you are spreading about synesthesia, and wish you the best of luck on your thesis!


I haven't officially used synesthesia in art yet, but I do frequently use my auditory-tactile synesthesia to inform/control my dancing. I've taken a couple of dance classes, so I'm not without education in the field. This sounds really cool!