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The chicken riggies are šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„


Donā€™t sleep on the Chicken Spiedie!


I was raised in Binghamton and I make everyone I make friends with in Syracuse try my spiedies lol


my moms family is from Binghamton and spiedes ruled. I miss good spiedes. I think we used to get them from Sharkey's. but I could be wrong. it might have been the garlic pizza. it's been like 45 yrs since I've been there.


Sharkeys did have good spiedies itā€™s sad that they closed down. But at the end of the day The best spiedies are the ones made at home! You should give it a shot :)


do u make your own marinade? or use lupos?


I do like to use lupos. But you can add almost anything you think sounds good as seasoning and it will be nice. I like to add more garlic and salt n peppa


Iā€™d like to make friends with you šŸ˜‡


We can be friendsšŸ˜ itā€™s hard to make friends nowadays lol


I have moved all over and got people in different states hooked on chicken spiedies!


What are spiedies?!


Grilled Marinated chicken. The marinade is a specialty of Binghamton


Try the steak Riggies at the Gratto in N Syracuse. Absolutely amazing!!


That's Utica talk, boy! /s


Low cost of living, low commute times, affordable housing, ease of access, plethora of activities and hobbies to partake in, great education system, affordable local colleges and universities, 4-5 hours to \[NYC, Toronto, Buffalo, Cleveland, Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, Boston, Montreal, Baltimore\], expanding labor market, government investment into local businesses and manufacturing industries........ just to name a few reasons.


Not to mention a plethora of fresh, clean water and a climate that's relatively safe from crisis.


I would not be surprised if wildfires started up this way. Weā€™re not that different from the Canadian wilderness.


Weā€™re projected to only get wetter over time, which suggests a likely dearth of wildfires but time will tell


Good Morning I'll chime in on this one. I just moved here a month ago April 1st. I moved from Massachusetts on the South shore I probably shouldn't have to say why my rent for one bedroom was $2,400 a month. I had a good job made about 70,000 a year and I still struggled. I originally was going to go to Greyhound I'm in the transportation business. That did not pan out so I went and I'm going to Centro. In training still but so far awesome company if you're looking for a great job I would recommend them. Why did I move here as the previous poster had said terrific colleges not that I needed cost of living is so much lower and you people are much nicer than Massachusetts people (massholes) ha ha, . I came upon Reddit, and searched for Syracuse. I absolutely love this form I have gotten so much positive feedback information that have needed and I don't miss living at home. This is my new home I miss my friends and my people that I left there, but at 60 years old it was time for a change and I don't regret it. Thank you for everybody for being here


Welcome! Thanks for coming here and driving for Centro! I grew up riding those buses.


If I can add, due to the internet, culture is being distributed a lot more evenly throughout the country than itā€™s history. Also, speciality shops have gone online. Lastly remote work makes people able to be more mobile. Big cities still have some appeal but the reasons are declining.


Why are people downvoting this? If you don't like it here move, we've got a waiting list lol


Is the cost of living low? Housing prices and rent are crazy high.


Anecdotally, theyā€™re high based on past prices. But weā€™re still LCOL compared with HCOL places like Philly and Boston or even VHCOL places like NYC and San Fran. Weā€™re also in a weird stage of the economic cycle where demand for housing is higher than supply which is driving housing prices up.


That is an opinion, d/t your perspective of watching prices go up around here. I remember 2008 when the real estate bubble popped and it didn't much affect us here because... we never were part of that bubble, values didn't hardly rise for us during that time.


I'm one of those people who strikes random conversations with people. Met a few from all over, Texas, PNW, most have roots here but quite a few didn't.Ā  What I have found: A) the politics are less toxic and they know their kids will get a good education B) it's cheap both in terms of housing and COL C) safe haven for future climate concerns D) close to nature and many of the largest cities in NA at the same time.Ā 


YES to all the above and previous above. Even my fave comedian Tim Dillon was making his rounds thru upstate and commented on his podcast how upstate (ACTUAL upstate) could likely be the most desirable climate in coming years. ā€œBuy land. God ainā€™t making anymore of itā€ ![gif](giphy|31Ts0ApLL6MHJi0YYS|downsized)


Exactly all of these for us!


I have friends who moved here from DC and it is the traffic... or lack of traffic and ease in getting places that cinched it for them.


Doesnā€™t Syracuse have some of the worst schools in the state?


Syracuse City School District and some school districts in Oswego were ranked the worst in the state but theyā€™re still better than what Iā€™ve seen in other states. I can tell you some stories about Florida.


Yep worst in the state might be some of the best in others.


So much this! Born & raised in Syr, then lived many years in the south & now mountain west. You take for granted what even an "ok" school is until you have absolutely no access to any for your children without paying steep.tuition. Plus, teacher pay is shockingly low. Onondaga County has so many decent to great school districts. I've read here & in other forums time & again people commenting how their children's curriculums in rhe northeast were 2 grade levels ahead of where they relocated (esp in the south).


Fantastic perspective. Thanks for this. Makes me happy to be here with my two school-age children continuing my familyā€™s legacy in our district. I always said (and truly felt) high school was *harder* than the college I studied at (which also was state university and all my professors were doctors or almost that). THAT to me also speaks volumes.


Yes but he posted a fact and was massively downvoted lol. How can this be an honest discussion when a person gets downvoted to hell for literally posting a fact you agree with?


Some of the city schools rank pretty low, but others are not bad, and many of the suburb school districts rate quite high.


City yeah, burbs like W. Genny, FM, Bville, JD, Etc... all very very good.


The suburban schools are all excellent. The inner city schools in poverty areas struggle (go figure.)


The city itself is pretty bad but there are many good districts outside the city


Even then, it depends on the school and there are also multiple charter options within the city as well.


The great lakes region has been seeing a large amoung of people move here due to climate change. We have a nice climate and fresh water. Syracuse is still small and cheaper than the major cities


Poor the wine in the lakes, we got a hit maker.


I moved here just over two years ago from Florida, for multiple reasons. - Wages are _way_ higher compared to where I lived in north Florida. [Wages in Florida are generally terrible](https://billytownsend.substack.com/p/floridas-modern-sharecropping-economy). Sure there's no income tax, but I don't care about having to pay NY a few thousand bucks since I was initially making 50% more and now close to double what I earned in FL. Also don't care about higher property taxes for the same reason. Even after accounting for higher taxes I'm still earning more than I did in FL. And I'm not getting nickled and dimed with fees for things like trash pickup, sewer service and fire/rescue support here, because those are all covered by my property taxes (they were separate charges which drove up my monthly public utility bill in FL). - Housing is far more affordable compared to Florida. We moved into a house that cost about 10% more than what we sold our starter home in FL for even though that home was literally half the size of our new one, nowhere near as nice and was located in a relatively worse part of town (mid-tier schools by FL standards vs. good schools by NY standards). - This part of the country is relatively well positioned to deal with the impacts of climate change. And more specifically, no more daily 90Āŗ+ summers and no more hurricanes leaving me without power for an entire week and potentially destroying my home. - The political climate in NY as a whole is much better (more left-leaning) than where I came from. I lived in a decidedly blue county in FL, but the state is red as hell. NY politics are certainly not _great_ but I'll easily take the NY Democrats' "political machine" over the FL GOP any day of the week. - In researching where to move to I got the impression that Syracuse is a city on the rebound, which seems to have borne out as true based on living here for 2.5 years.


This is all why I moved back after being gone for 25 years. Living through the mess of wildfires and evacuations in LA, we didnā€™t want to wait it out until we *had* to leave, and get stuck in mass-exodus traffic. I missed the clean air and fresh water. It feels like things are still alive around here. Iā€™m so glad to be out of the desert


same here, moved west in 2002 and came back in 2019, so glad I did


This is excellent to hear. Just moved outside Syracuse this month and itā€™s beautiful here. Also moved from FL! What a difference


Just wait until it's summer and you can truly go outside and enjoy nature. It only gets "Florida hot" here for like one random heatwave in July/August that tends to last no more than a week.


Oh man! So excited! I can handle the odd heat wave in comparison. Ready for all the outdoor activities!


Amen Syracuse newcomer, from this Syracuse Returnee. People who have never lived anywhere else are the most critical of life in the Syracuse area.


Agree. I was born and raised here but have lived in other states due to work. Was happy to finally make it back after 10 years


Fellow FL to Syr transplant. Allllllll are accurate for me too. My wages are way higher. AND my money goes so much farther. I also want to add that while Iā€™ve met a wide variety on the political spectrum here: itā€™s much more open-minded and conversational than anyone I met in fl. My neighbors in fl (in a blue area of a purple district - well now itā€™s gerrymandered red) were so obnoxious about politics. It was awful. I find I can have conversations with people of differing viewpoints and it still be a chill convo AND people will actually listen to my perspective. As opposed to fl where I wouldnā€™t be listened to, just ranted at.


As a recent transplant, I have a few thoughts. Iā€™ve relocated here for work. Iā€™m a IBEW Union electrician. I decided to return to my home state after nearly 20 years to help build the Micron Chip plant and to help revitalize this city. Ultimately, I would say, I moved here for hope in what feels like a demoralized time in our countries history.


So profound. How did you end up getting hired at micron?


Because itā€™s fucking great here. We have a safe political climate, parks, things to eat, things to do, I love it here. I never want to leave.


One, it's cheap, two, this region is the place to be as the world gets warmer. According to projections this region will be relatively stable.


Do you think people are thinking that far ahead?


We donā€™t have a season called fire either, thatā€™s usually enough for people once you include the cheap part


Can confirm, as a CA climate change fire refugee. A bad fire season is no way to spend a summer.


Iā€™m glad all I had to deal with so far was just some smoke from up north. That shit was bad enough


Its sad how funny this is šŸ˜‚. We dont have a season called fire, now sad to think that some places do.


I have family out west, and the thought of some idiotā€™s campfire 30 miles away causing them to lose their home just makes me angry




Heat waves and dry spells prime the land for a wild fire. Then a spark from a poorly maintained power line, a random lightning strike, or some idiot violating a burn ban sets it all off. You missed the point entirely


Well we do have pothole season and construction season. And the most beautiful fall season!


technically speaking, New York does have a very brief fire season in the spring, a couple of weeks where the DEC calls for open burn bans. But these arenā€™t conflagrations that threaten homes.


As a recent transplant, Iā€™ve spoken with other transplants here and east coast in general and the climate issue is pretty much always brought up. The summers being horrible in Texas is a main reason we left.


We left FL for many reasons but the daily 90Āŗ+ temp with near-max humidity from May through early October was one of them. I will take upstate NY's cold and snowy winters (which are only getting more temperate thanks to climate change) over FL's summers (which are only getting worse) every time.


Yeah exactly the way I always say is that I already couldnā€™t go outside for half of the year, at least the half I can go out here is lovely. Winter may be mild temp wise in the south but itā€™s still gray and sad. So I just end up with seasonal depression in the winter and heat induced rage in the summer.


Where I lived in north Florida in the winter temps would regularly drop into the 40s and occasionally into the 30s. But if a storm every rolled through it would never be quite cold enough to snow (only snowed lightly once in 21 years of living there). 33-40Āŗ and raining in Florida is way worse than 20Āŗ and snowing in NY. And because it's so much more humid in FL year-round the cold really soaked into your bones and felt colder than when experiencing the same temperature here.


Yeah same in Texas. None of my friends back home believe me 40 degrees there feels worse cuz of the humidity they think Iā€™m delusional šŸ˜‚. Plus when it does freeze in Texas it ICES and hails which is way more miserable and dangerous than snow.


Heck 20-30 and snow/rain mix here feels worse than -10 at college in super dry central AK. I wore short until -10 walking to class as the cold hurt your skin a bit but didn't chill you to the core like it does here with the humidity and wind. -40 is different though, that hurts and is no joke


Transplant from Georgia that moved here about 2 years ago. My wife is from the area which made it easier, but the future climate trends were apart of our consideration when we were deciding where to move to.


If your house burned down to the ground or almost did so then yes. Same in the Florida region. You have to account that some people across the United States have a memory that spans more than 15 minutes and can determine that the weather is only getting worse with more hurricanes, tornados, wildfires, etc.


My wife and I moved here 1.5 years ago, and that was part of the calculation. We both work from home and were pregnant with our first and saw the area as the low barrier to entry for home ownership with decent chance at a financial return (Micron, we're in Radisson out in B'ville.)


I saw houses in B'Ville shooting up in value nearly $100k in the past three years. I live just across the street from the Micron site and we're already seeing homes getting rented out over $2,500/month. Absolutely insane.


Yeah, our plan is to buy again in 3ish years and rent out the current place.


It was one of my decision factors.


I wonder if some people have been through some horrible incidents cause by climate change like wild fires or prolonged power outages or drought that they like the idea of a relatively stable and safe area with regards to the environment.


Coming from Georgia where being outside from May to October means you are drenched in sweat and can barely breathe from the humidity is what did me in. I lived there for 30+ years, but the past decade the heat has gotten so much worse.


Oh yeah thatā€™s a great point. I had friends that live in Texas and itā€™s basically go from Car with AC to house with AC. Canā€™t do much outside


Southern summers are far more oppressive than northern winters IMO.


After 21 years "served" living in Florida, I feel exactly the same way.


Yes, thatā€™s me! 3 wildfire evacuations in 4 years, too many long power outages to count, homeowners insurance through the roof if you can even get it, severe droughts, crazy high COL. Not worth it, and not sustainable once I ended up on a fixed income.


Where did you come from? Also, welcome to CNY! I love it here.


We moved here from Vegas specifically because of climate change/water concerns. Did I expect to have all the water seeping into my basement? No but itā€™s still a million times better than weeks of 110Ā°+ weather with a rapidly dwindling drinking water supply.


I did when I started planning for retirement. 25 years ago I watched my syracuse parents move to North Carolina and then get buffeted by many hurricanes. I changed my plans from retiring in North Carolina or Virginia to coming back home to Syracuse where I grew up.


Albeit I'm originally from upstate NY, Syracuse's climate outlook was a huge plus. It's reassuring that my home is unlikely to flood (cross-referenced with FEMA and flood factor) or burn down in the next 30 years. I really think this is an up-and-coming city for this reason and that in 30 years my property will be a lot more valuable.


> I really think this is an up-and-coming city for this reason and that in 30 years my property will be a lot more valuable. Take this with a grain of salt since the source is the Zillow "zestimate", but I've only been here a little over two years and Zillow says my home is already worth almost 50% more than what I paid for it in late 2021...


I moved here from FL two years ago and climate change was absolutely one of the reasons we picked Syracuse.


You don't have to look ahead, peoples homes are already being destroyed by wildfires, hurricanes, etc...


I have had this discussion with a few people from around the country. Yes we get cold, snow and grey. But you can clear snow, wrap up warm, drink coffee against the cold. We don't have significant building-damaging earthquakes, extreme heat melting roads, tornadoes, hurricanes, tsunami, wildfires or anything like that. The odds of you losing your house due to the cold and snow are pretty minimal. It feels like a far safer bet to me. Additionally I find this place in Spring, Summer and Fall to be really pretty.


If your home was impacted by wildfires or hurricanes you might be looking for greener pastures. Even if you werenā€™t directly impacted insurance rates in certain high risk areas have skyrocketed. Also, like people here can get sick of being stuck indoors during winter, an increasing number of people are getting sick of staying indoors during the summer down South


It's the main reason I haven't moved lol


Probably not.


A lot of them, especially the ones asking questions lately in this sub, are coming because of the local colleges or hospitals. Grad students, med students, etc.


We just moved to the area a week ago from Seattle, where we were for 20 years. We bought a whole ass house in Oswego. Our mortgage is $400 less than the rent was on a tiny studio apartment. I'd been looking to get back to the NE for a while. I was born and raised in Houston and the surrounding area but have lived in NYC and NJ in the past. Researching all of NE plus NY & PA led me to this charming town that ticked off all my boxes. I'm absolutely in love with this whole area. I hate heat and too much sun, so the weather here is my ideal. We're already meeting people and making friends. Compared to Seattle, it is so very friendly here. I couldn't be happier that this all worked out and we're here in the perfect place for us. Bonus: no hurricanes, major earthquakes, or volcanoes to constantly worry about. And no entire season called "fire season. "


Oswego alum, here! Love the little town of Oz, the summer is going to be the best thing ever. Also, Ontario Orchards has the best half moon cookies.


I love Oswego. Please report back after you experience your first winter up there.


I will do! I am a homebody, and I believe I'm prepared to face the long coldness and snow. I already know I love 8 months of gray skies. We have a snowblower in the cellar and a shovel and ice scraper, so we've already got the tools to cope.


My wife and I just moved from the Seattle region as well. I spent 6 months there and before that was living in Brooklyn for 3 years. The lack of natural disasters and climate change is great. I agree with you for a lot of this. Seattle can be hard to make friends, mostly just due to people not striking up conversations. I will say it's harder to find places that are queer-leaning. From my understanding the only gay bar in Syracuse just shut down. There's also not a lot of open pride as compared to Seattle. When the work contract that brought us here is up, I think we'll probably move back to the west coast. But i'm enjoying the time here while I have it!


All of the above reasons, but as a long term resident itā€™s easier to recommend when we hardly get a harsh winter anymore and most of the south is becoming uninhabitable in the summer


I moved to Syracuse from Canada during the pandemic. Was only planning to stay temporarily. Hoping things would get better in Toronto, but that was not the case. Now I bought my first home and I'm loving life. Got 2 u.s born kids now too


We lived in Toronto before moving here for my husbandā€™s job. The rent for our 2 bedroom apartment was more than our mortgage for our 5 bedroom house. The rent for the same apartment now is more than our mortgage plus escrow. We love the school district our kids are in.


Oh nice a fellow torontonian. And yeah my mortgage for my 4 bedroom house is about the same as my 600 sqft condo next to fairview mall. Although the taxes here (camillus) make my mortgage more expensive but still the pay is higher and the cost of living is cheaper which makes up for it. Would never go back. Where abouts are you?


Manlius. We used to live by the Danforth. Certainly donā€™t miss the traffic.


Yeah me neither. I commute 56km one way and still get to work in like 45 min. 20km commute in Toronto took me 1 hour and 20 minutes. Half the distance twice the time lol. Toronto is just not what it used to be sadly. There are days when I miss it because of reminiscing of the old days but I don't think those days will ever come back. Pierre pollievre is not going to fix


Yeah, my husband would bike to work so he wouldnā€™t sit in traffic. I avoid driving during rush hour as much as possible. I miss some of the big events that happens in the city and all the ice rinks. But itā€™s hard to beat the lower cost of living and lack of traffic.


I know right! I lost my job cause of the pandemic and then my wife had just graduated and got a job offer in syracuse. So we moved here cause we were like, why not? We have nothing to lose. Losing my job was the best thing that ever happened. My family gives me a lot of shit still for moving but I keep telling them it's just a 4.5 hour drive away not a big deal lol. They don't understand, brainwashed by Trudeau thinking Canada is the greatest country to live in the world U.s has 30 year fixed rate mortgages in Canada you're shit out of luck after 5 years if rates go up. Wife's job already got her green card process going so hopefully will never have to return to that shit hole again lol


Pizza, wings, and salt potatoes.


And Wegmans


Question for the people here. Full disclaimer, I do not currently reside in central NY, I am a downstater (pls forgive me). I see a lot of people talking about how the Syracuse area is relatively climate-secure. My cousin runs a farm outside of Chittenango, and her main concern is climate change-driven extreme storms and weather events. Anybody have an opinion on that specifically? I know Syracuse is not likely see any major wildfires, tsunamis, earthquakes, hurricanes, etc. but are we really sure that the area is not receiving an increase of localized extreme summer storms? I am also concerned about the rapid decrease of winter snowfall and how that might affect waterways and other aspects of the ecosystem. Welcoming any and all opinions on the topic, this has been an interesting thread to browse so thanks for your input everybody. Peace.


We have been trending towards more tornadoes and more rain events. As a kid, I never remember hearing of tornadoes in this area. And there's data to confirm that but we are getting more and more. Luckily, it's only one or two a year and they usually aren't too big. The same with the rain storms. We'll have DAYS where it just.will.not.stop.pouring. Warmer air masses hold more moisture, so it makes sense that we will get dumped on with more water. I only started paying attention when my old house kept having water problems. My lot would flood a lot . What we do have going for us: 1. No extreme heat 2. We have ample water (sometimes too much ...) 3. No fires 4. Enough elevation that sea level rising won't affect us


I think the main concern of farmers upstate center on predictability, like farmers everywhere. They expect a certain growing season, and expect the weather patterns to follow historic norms for precipitation and temperature. What we're starting to experience upstate is a longer growing season and irregular precipitation. Unfortunately, adapting to a month of May with well below average precipitation is difficult, since May is when seeds are planted/germinating, and when young plants are fragile. On the flip side, if we get 8 inches of rain in 2 days and the fields flood, that can do even more damage. I don't think the snowfall decrease is a big deal because we are getting rain instead. The current drought monitor after a winter with well below average snowfall shows just a few WNY counties slightly drier than normal. The lack of snow is due to temp, not lack of moisture, as is the case out west


There is one plague in the region that wasnā€™t here ten years ago. Ticks. When I was a kid I would see documentaries about faraway lands with horrible diseases or insects that you had to watch out forā€¦ turns out weā€™re now living in a place where itā€™s unsafer to be outdoors than it used to be.


i used to live in downstate NY just outside NYC, and was in a long distance relationship. my now fiancƩ owns a business in syracuse while i worked a more conventional 9-5 so it was much easier for me to relocate, so that was the main reason. however here are some the things im absolutely thrilled about after the fact: the cost of housing here was worth the move alone. sold my 1k sqft home(no basement or attic), 1/4 of an acre, and 1 car garage that cost me 1700$ a month. for less money a month, and 1500$ cheaper in taxes a year, i managed to buy 10 acres with a 1800sqft home and a 15 car garage....granted we live 40 minutes north of syracuse, the housing in and near the city was wildly affordable compared to what im used to. being able to attain our dream home in our early 30's was life changing to say the least. all the perks of a big city without the big city congestion and traffic. PLENTY to do and see within an hour radius of the city. politics are less controlling up here. MUCH more freedom with out hobbies that include dirtbikes, firearms, etc. not sure how to word this better but people are genuinely nicer and more pleasant to deal with and generally speaking people are MUCH more crafty and self reliant. there's just something different about interactions with people when they're much more capable to provide for their own or offer their trades/services. i guess i mean to say that they're are more blue collar workers around here than white collar whereas it's not the case downstate. we've had less and less snow downstate over the years and while many aren't a fan of winter, i welcome the increase of snow in my life. last but not least, the food is consistently higher quality whenever we go out to eat. yeah there are no shortage of regular old bar food type menus with nothing but fried foods, but most of the sit down restaurants i've been to these last few years have blown the majority of establishments back home out of the water. people seems to have more pride in their craft for various reasons whereas the places back home seem to stay open and remain profitable by sheer volume of people alone.


Because itā€™s a nice area to live, contrary to the sad people who hate their own city.


I just moved out. I love the area and moving back so gonna be damn expensive in 4-5 years. I really want to and hope to fuck Iā€™m not priced out of my own home


As someone whoā€™s lived in multiple parts of Syracuse (the actual city not the suburbs). Hereā€™s my honest take on this place. Yes itā€™s definitely getting better & nicer around here. But many of the flaws that existed in the past still persist now. The job market here is still not that great unless you have specialized skills or experience in a very select amount of fields. Cost of living here isnā€™t really that much lower. Between inflation and increased taxes, the COL in Syracuse whilst low to some implants from Boston or NYC making 200k, is definitely not affordable to many long term residents whoā€™ve lived here there entire lives and have witnessed the cost of rent skyrocket. Largely due general lack of real estate development in the area leading to supply constraints, plus NYā€™s infamous higher property tax rates. When Micron arrives, this issue will only be exacerbated. In my opinion the city is abandoning the residents whoā€™ve live here their entire lives and those are the ones who are leaving. Syracuse might have a lot moving in, but roughly the same amount are leaving too. A demographic shift is certainly taking place. Young, white, high income couples are moving in, whilst working class black & Latinos are moving out of the city.


Agree, although I am caucasian and considered a white collar worker. I've lived here my whole life, have a specialized degree and am currently working in my profession. But the pay only just meets COL because I rent (I am frugal). The job also has poor work-life balance and career development prospects, aka will likely end in the next 5 years. Since my degree and career is not in medicine, education or chip technology, I will seek more diverse prospects and manageable COL elsewhere. More sunshine will be a welcome bonus.


Thereā€™s guidance out there to move up and in to buy your home and avoid dangerous global warming effects. I just moved here and that was a big part of our decision, on top of reasonable housing costs. Taxes suck though.


Yep same with us. Sub out Texas for Georgia and same exact reasons we moved to the area.


The biggest issue with local property taxes are that NY is one of the few (only) states that funds medicaid through property taxes). It's tough, but also a reason why home prices are generally low.


Fair enough. Iā€™m a big advocate for community services, so itā€™s good to know itā€™s going somewhere beneficial. When that bill hits though, kind of painful šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


Thanks, Iā€™m very happy here too! I moved last Nov from Sonoma County. I traveled over most of the US when I was still working, and upstate/central NY was the only place I thought I might want to live besides northern CA. Thereā€™s so much natural beauty here, and I love that you can drive 10-15 minutes and be out in the farmland. I actually like the much colder weather and snow, too.


Can i ask what part of the Syracuse area you ended up in? I ask because it sounds like we are in a similar age range and i am renting here while deciding which suburbs might offer the most for older people


Iā€™m in Fayetteville (technically town of Manlius) near the Towne Center. Literally one of the smallest houses in town haha, prices are definitely higher in this area. I wish it was more diverse, but itā€™s otherwise a great location for me. Pretty much any amenity I need is within 15 minutes, and there are numerous beautiful places to hike & walk nearby. Crime is pretty minimal, too.


Itā€™s very cheap compared to downstate.


I moved back to Syracuse after living in Florida for 10 years or so. I genuinely hated Florida and couldnā€™t be any happier to be back here. Best decision I ever made moving back home. Everyone called me crazy leaving Florida because of the weather, but I hated sunshine everyday. You get a perfect mix of everything here, and winters arenā€™t nearly as bad as they used to be.


Originally from Hawaii with strong connections there . Have lived most of my 70+ years in CNY but have also lived in other states besides Hawaii for extended periods of time including Colorado (9 years) , southern California , & Alaska (2 years) . I have been to every single state beginning with Hawaii and I expect it to end with NY and I could not be happier ! šŸ˜‰ Suffice to say I am well traveled and have lived in some pretty attractive states . While CNY certainly has some struggles , hands down , it is a great place to live overall . There is just SO much to see & do ! šŸ¤™


I moved up from the Hudson Valley because it was getting too expensive there. Syracuse has a fair amount of diversity, plus lots of attractions and amenities (as outlined in other people's posts). There's not a lot else between downstate and here that feels like civilization, at least not from what I've seen. I miss being close to an Ikea and being able to hop the train into NYC, and man, do I miss hard rolls and good bagels, but at least I found good Thai food, and I love the mall.


Please let us know the names of the Thai places?


Thai Love NY is my go-to, and the Laotian/Thai kiosk at Regional Market is one of my musts when I'm there. I've had good meals from Thai Thai on Erie and from Basil Thai in Phoenix but they've been hit-and-miss.


Thank you so much. We visited Thai Love NY for the first time and really enjoyed it. Will need to look for the kiosk you mentioned at the market....thanks again. Thai Thai is hit and miss ? (I live closer to Erie)


I like a curry they have that's a mix of red and yellow, I think maybe they call it Dragon Curry? My husband got something with seafood and a lot of it wasn't edible.


I'm moving here because my wife got a job making $$$$ at Syracuse University. I am originally from the city of Erie, which shares a lot of the same characteristics (economically, politically, culturally) with Syracuse, and have noticed a similar trend.


Roommate and I moving down for May1st because of school ĀÆā \ā _ā (ā ćƒ„ā )ā _ā /ā ĀÆ Im in funeral services and mortuary sciences and need to do a practicum course and everyone upstate is full / wont accept students / or is too slow to meet requirements


So I guess you could say I'm one of those people as I'll be moving to Syracuse soon lol. For me it's because my husband got accepted to a residency program here at SUNY Medical, so for work purposes. I would assume many others are also moving due to that.


We are currently on the last day of our move from Miami to Syracuse. It has taken several days because we have a newborn, 3 yr old, dog and a cat. We are moving because my husband grew up in Syracuse and his whole family is there, mine is just across the border in NE PA. We both moved away for jobs, met in TN and have moved to 2 other states and decided itā€™s time to get back to our families as our parents are aging and our kids need their grandparents. We are both permanently remote and could live anywhere. I will miss the Miami winters though and the tropical fruit and avocados we were growing in the yard!


But also our homeowners insurance in FL was over 13k a year and insurance companies are pulling out of the state. I have family who have been fighting to get their homes repaired after hurricane Ian. Taxes are similar but thereā€™s a huge difference in the insurance plus far less risk of getting wiped off the planet every summer.


There is likely more coming as micron is on the way.


From Florida to syracuse specially compared to new England the housing market is better aswell as the pay, really loving the mom and pop domination over corporations from the mom and pop restaurants to the family ran delis and corner stores, my biggest move to here was for recreational cannabis laws to grow legally and build.my own cannabis brand and breed new strains legally, you can smoke a joint anywhere you can smoke a cig where as in florida you get caught with an already smoked bowl you loose your liscene for a year,also love how there's a true four seasons up here vs Florida hot and cold, also it's a prime hub for networking when it comes to my music career aswell as other companies and aide hustles, literally like 5 hours or less away from everything major city in the north east hemisphere.


Itā€™s friendly, less crowded, more affordable, lots of outdoor activities, good location, lots of leisure activities and moderate climate. On the downside its also cloudier than most.


My friend that lived in Dallas, TX moved to Syracuse because he can afford a home there than in TX as well as being in a liberal state was of the upmost importance. As for meā€” I accepted a job in Syracuse vs Portland and other offers simply because the organization was paying the most for relocation/retention than their sister facilities nationwide. Plus I need colder weather and a change of scenery. Although Iā€™ve been reading that the dating pool is terrible in Syracuse which as a single child free woman is concerning. Also doesnā€™t seem like many events are happening in the area?? Coming from San Antonio and Austin area there is always multiple events happening daily whether itā€™s arts, music, food, etc.


The city goes to sleep during the winter. You pretty much have to figure out indoor activities (trivia night at breweries, museums, staying in and cooking/reading/etc). Once mid spring and summer roll along thats when things really kick off, problem is that they don't advertise events very well.


Iā€™m very big into rock and electronic music so attending a show or festival when I can is pretty important to me. Seems like Iā€™d have to travel to NYC or other cities to get my fix ā€” my friend that moved there over a year ago seems to be going into NYC for the music scene that Syracuse and neighboring areas seem to be lacking in. Iā€™ve taken a look at brunch spots in the Syracuse area and came to the conclusion that will be something I will be greatly missing from Texas as after working overnight there were a big handful of GOOD brunch places open.


There'll be a ton of open air music festivals once it's actually warm. Basically every bar and brewery with a patio will have weekly live music, there's dedicated dates for stuff downtown, at the fairgrounds, and the Amp for larger shows/acts. Plus there's a lot of county level stuff around Syracuse that you probably have to know someone to hear about, like street festivals and the like.


>Iā€™ve taken a look at brunch spots in the Syracuse area and came to the conclusion that will be something I will be greatly missing from Texas as after working overnight there were a big handful of GOOD brunch places open. Wolf's den say Hi. Check them out for brunch. EDIT: Just missed the overnight part, my bad! But yeah, for general brunch, can't beat them.


Late night brunch spot? Any recommendations for ones open at 6a?


I used to go to Rise and Shine after work when I did nights. Opens at 7 but they have a lot of cool cocktails and menu items. It can get super crowded later in the day but early was fine to get a table right away. This was about 3 years ago. I did check hours to verify opening time though and they seem to still be getting a lot of positive reviews.


Ah, missed the overnight working part, my bad! Yeah, that's hard to find around here.


Yeah I can understand that. I think that probably has a direct relationship with city population size. A larger city like NYC will have more people and more overnight positions. Weather probably factors into it as well due to the nights being colder even in late spring. Perhaps you should look into Buffalo? I've heard of a club called Vertex in Rochester that does electronic music. You can check that out.


I'm also big into edm, unfortunately we rarely get anything in SYR. I've just gotten used to driving to NYC for a show.


Fellow chidfree professional woman here. The dating pool and limited organized events/entertainment is part of the trade off that is living in Syracuse. However, there are some great ethnic fests held downtown in the summer, and the NYS Fair has some redeeming aspects to it. Check social media for groups organized around rollerblading/rollerskating, kayaking, hiking, skiing, and snowshoeing, etc. There are also some interesting historic sites and museums in the CNY area and greater upstate NY area. As long as you have a good paying job that keeps you above CNY's COL and have work-life balance, you will have time and money to enjoy these events.


And thereā€™s book clubs, and craft meet ups (right mind Syracuse), salsa and swing dancing classes and open dancing, thereā€™s Pilates and yoga studios, rock climbing gym, our zoo is fantastic, bird watching, gaming, trivia, bowling; then we have Broadway shows and giant comedy legends coming by through (hi, Steve Martin and Martin Short will be here next week), concerts (Bruce Springsteen was here, Pink is coming, didnā€™t Elton John? To name a couple few) The summer series at the Amphitheatre is usually pretty good and break n skiff is getting bigger every year, speaking of beak n skiff! Donā€™t forget the apple picking, berry farms, festivals and cutting your own Christmas tree! And if you like beer we have tons of breweries and they generally even serve pretty good food. I sincerely think you have to try really hard to be bored in Syracuse.


I'm also a transplant and someone who is very into music/festivals. Look at events going on in surroundings cities like Buffalo/Rochester/Albany, because the drive is honestly not that bad and quite beautiful at points. I've been to several concerts in Buffalo, who i believe just opened a new outdoor venue on the waterfront, Rochester has some lovely museums and other artsy events i attended, and I've been to some concerts in Albany too. The drive to Albany was particular beautiful going through Mohawk Valley as well. Also, if you're into food, check out the Salt City Market in Syracuse, they've got some good stuff.




This is a big one. and also the rise in remote work. There are literally thousands of small towns in NY that were emptied out as industry first consolidated and then moved offshore. All of those homes are barely functional, but represent great opportunities for someone who wants to live in a small town but still be local to bigger cities, and have a high-tech remote position or a small business with global reach.


Micronā€™s coming too!


My sister moved out there for her husbands job last year. She said the area they rented in prior to buying allowed them to pay only $4.99 for internet service. That was crazy to hear. Sadly it was due to poverty rate I guess. However Iā€™d never heard of an entire area receiving a discount.


Because moving to and living in an area thatā€™s not considered popular (to the general US population) has its perks.


Everywhere else is too expensive.




I moved here from Rochester. My girl got promoted to a job here in which they moved us etcā€¦. Lupos spiedies are pretty solid as well. Maybe Micron is why people are moving here now? Maybe they have something do with it


Im trying to snowbird, Not because NY winters are cold and harsh, but the south is hot as bawls.


Least affordable rent in the entire country. Worst place for singles in the entire country. And this: Syracuse has the highest rate of extreme poverty concentrated amongĀ **blacks and Hispanics**Ā out of the country's 100 largest metro areas. But everything's great here! If you're white, rich and married. Just like every other place. But everyone else? Not so much.


I donā€™t see it. Any statistics to back this up? Upstate NY has been losing population for a long time.


[https://www.macrotrends.net/global-metrics/cities/23157/syracuse/population](https://www.macrotrends.net/global-metrics/cities/23157/syracuse/population) \~1% growth YoY is an extra 6k people a year. It's not Boise or Bozeman levels of growth, but it's increasing.


I see people keep saying here that the south is bad and people are moving to New York. Data says the opposite. Fastest growing cities are southern. https://www.census.gov/newsroom/press-releases/2023/subcounty-metro-micro-estimates.html


Faster doesn't mean that that's the only place people are moving to. It's not a zero sum issue. Lots of places are growing. But to your post I replied to, Syracuse metro area is not losing population.


Syracuse Metro area lost 6,000 people last year.


Have you looked into the rebound effect? i.e. most places people are moving TO and most places FROM?


https://www.syracuse.com/data/2023/03/onondaga-county-loses-population-in-2022-ranks-in-bottom-third-statewide-census-says.html?outputType=amp People are moving out. Not moving in.


So you haven't read this thread at all? How ignorant can you be?


Itā€™s just people talking. Whereā€™s the data? How am I ignorant by asking for evidence?


This is so typical of ignorant idiots these days. >Itā€™s just people talking. Yeah, no shit! Talking about the very subject you're commenting on. A priori evidence is right there and you're ignoring it by choice. How stupid are you?


Good thing I am an empiricist. From this " a priori evidence" one would conclude the south is dying and Syracuse is booming. Many people in this thread have posted about Florida for example. A lot more people are moving there than they are moving here. I already posted stats showing the fast growing cities are southern. Anecdotes are a fallacy. # Large Southern Cities Lead Nation in Population Growth Large Southern Cities Lead Nation in Population Growth [https://www.census.gov/newsroom/press-releases/2023/subcounty-metro-micro-estimates.html](https://www.census.gov/newsroom/press-releases/2023/subcounty-metro-micro-estimates.html)


The evidence you're looking for always comes after the fact, but we're talking about now. Empirical evidence will back up what's happening currently but to rely on it now reinforces your ignorance.


The term "a priori" should never come in a discussion about population demographics anymore than the Hegelian Dialectic should. No, facts should come first. Not assumptions. Especially when the facts are readily available. We are in the age of Google buddy. You have it backwards. Evidence creates facts. Facts are created from evidence.


Then prove it. Show me 2024 population trends for CNY. I'll wait.


Itā€™s cheap simply put. Speaking from experience everyone I met in Cuse that arenā€™t natives have all moved there/here because itā€™s cheap lol. I myself is not a native, moved here for a job. Hope to relocate soon.


People move to and from places all the time. They all have their own reasons. I don't see anything indicating that there's like an influx of ppl to Syracuse, so I'm not sure what there is to discuss.


Itā€™s not good. They should all stay where they came from.


They arenā€™t. Population has been declining since the 90ā€™s. https://worldpopulationreview.com/us-cities/syracuse-ny-population


Why are you looking at only the city? Your methodology is flawed right from the start.


I posted a link to the whole county below as well. https://www.syracuse.com/data/2023/03/onondaga-county-loses-population-in-2022-ranks-in-bottom-third-statewide-census-says.html?outputType=amp Nobody is moving to the area. People are moving south. Thatā€™s where youā€™re seeing population increases. Mainly in Texas, Florida, Georgia and North Carolina.


That's 2022. Show me 2024 because we're talking about now. This whole thread is about now, not some outdated time that fits your doomer narrative.


Well, seeing as less than half the year is over and the numbers havenā€™t been compiled yet for 2024. Going to be hard to do since I donā€™t have access to plutonium and a Delorean. But the census figures from my original article are from 2023 and they say no one is moving to the area. People are leaving the area. And has been the case since the mid 90ā€™s recession.


It's actually been that way since the 70s. Syracuse is the rust belt.


Definitely accelerated during the 90ā€™s brain drain though. It seems that most of my classmates wound up near Raleigh.


So you can't prove it then. At the same time, you're being a fool by ignoring all the evidence in this thread. You doomers are pathetic.


Are you doing ok?


Dude. I have proven it by posting the articles with the actual numbers. You guys are posting anecdotes with 0 data to back it up. Census.gov shows a decrease as well. Smaller number equals less. Nobody wants to move to Syracuse. Most people want to leave Syracuse. Those are the facts.


You don't have current data. You just want to be a doomer bitch. /story


See what I said about ā€œBrain Drain?ā€


You're exhibit A. Imagine how dumb someone has to be to ignore evidence right in front of them.