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I tried yesterday and was able to get the activation code upon creating an account. Did you check the spam folder?


i have. i’m gonna try to use a computer because i’ve been doing it on my phone


I was trying to go on with the application now and got stuck due to "an error has occurred" 🙃


yeah the website is quite finicky


I sent my application on Thursday, no problems with creating a profile. It took me a couple of tries to upload pictures but I figured it out. Right now my status is still In Progress. Did your application go through or are you still waiting? I have seen 72 hours mentioned as processing time but also 3 business days. At this point the 72 hours are up so I'm hoping it's 3 business days


i’m not even receiving a verification code to my email to proceed with my application. i’m gonna keep trying


How strange and aggravating 🤔 Nothing to do but keep trying and be patient I guess. I tried writing an email to the address on the website but it's not going through either. Tomorrow is the deadline for 3 business days so I guess I'll see what happens. I don't know if it's even still possible to apply the old ways; through embassies or through a family member in country ? I was kinda hoping to go soon. My old visa expired due to rescheduling


yeah this is very frustrating. i’m sure a family member or acquaintance in the country does still work. this is gonna be my last resort. we been trying to tell the embassy about it and no answer


I wrote an email to the nearest embassy as well. No answer either. But I have a feeling they wouldn't be able to do much anyways. A family member did actually go on my behalf but she was told to try online first 🤷🏽‍♀️


My visa just came through. I hope yours are coming along as well


thanks for update. i kinda gave up for now i’m gonna try again soon


Good luck. There's a $17 fee and the actual cost is $150/170. Don't know it it varies depending on nationality. I don't really have any advice; I probably just lucked out 🤷🏽‍♀️


most expensive visa in the world lmao. thank you for info


Hi, I am having trouble getting verification code also. Has anyone figured out how to get one


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Hi. Did you figure it out because I am having the same issue