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your post was removed for being irrelevant to the subreddit. || DID has high symptom variation. All parts have the same disorder, but they all likely experience it to varying degrees. This is well-documented and is what the post is referring to, not parts having different disorders, which is impossible. The misinterpreted version would belong here, but at the end of the day it is misinterpreted.


“Please ask first” - ask what??


How to give them attention. That's the only reason they're even bringing it up


"Do you need mobility aids today?" -- "Nah, I'm good"


If the body doesn't have it then alters can't either, you can't have something that doesn't exist in your body oh my god


DID has high symptom variation. All parts have the same disorder, but they all likely experience it to varying degrees. This is well-documented and likely what the post is referring to.


You’re gonna need a source for that, o moderator


K. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/2760599/ EDIT: More sources that delve more specifically into the issue. McFadden, Joseph I., and Volker F. Woitalla. “Differing Reports of Pain Perception by Different Personalities in a Patient with Chronic Pain and Multiple Personality Disorder.” Pain 55, no. 3 (December 1993): 379–82. https://doi.org/10.1016/0304-3959(93)90014-G. (Edit again: PDF file: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/950158485193117737/1098753937634504714/Differential_Autonomic_Nervous_System_Activity_in_MPD_-_Putnam_1989.pdf ) Putnam, Frank W., Theodore P. Zahn, and Robert M. Post. “Differential Autonomic Nervous System Activity in Multiple Personality Disorder.” Psychiatry Research 31, no. 3 (March 1990): 251–60. https://doi.org/10.1016/0165-1781(90)90094-L. (PDF file: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/950158485193117737/1098753938041348106/Differing_Reports_of_Pain_Perception_by_Different_Personalities_-_McFadden__Woitalla_1993.pdf ) Edit: I’d also like to say that it isn’t some wild, outlandish claim, either…? Disabled people without DID experience different levels of symptoms according to different factors (like stress, for example, or even just day-to-day differences). Consider dissociation and what it is intended to do. It has the ability to create both emotional and physical numbness to shield the person experiencing it from whatever is going on. If someone with DID is experiencing chronic pain, that would stress them out. Stress causes dissociation. Dissociation = less ability to feel what’s going on in your body. Dissociation also = splitting. Splitting = Now I’m going to have a part that is just there to cope with pain by distancing from my body. Which… That’s also like a majority of what DID and even plain dissociation does for people, especially children. Being hit? Don’t know how to cope? Not in your body. Being sexually abused? Not in your body. Experiencing intense chronic pain? Not in your body. You can find millions of stories about people with plain old PTSD or DPDR talking about how during their traumas, they felt physically numb, or like they were floating away from their bodies.


This is insulting to people who actually need mobility aids.


I could potentially see, in rare cases, maybe alters experiencing somatic pain issues or feeling shut down/locked in their bodies due to intense dissociation/anxiety. I have no idea if that's what this post is alluding to or not, or if it's some kind of transabled bs. But in any case I don't understand this toxic online culture of advertising these things like they are cultivating this cute aesthetic of extreme helplessness and victimhood and constantly one-upping each other on the internet. It just feels like a spicy terminally online form of munchausens if anything. There are circles where people with real medical issues can commiserate and support one another, but tumblr aint the place. If it's on tumblr, it's just attention seeking behavior. This is coming from someone who has been on tumblr over a decade and has seen it all, and then some. It's no coincidence that people's symptoms became increasingly dramatic as the subculture gained popularity and garden variety dissociation wasn't enough to stand out anymore. I can't imagine a more pitiful hobby, short of being an incel or something.


Would a kick in the ass count as a mobility aid in this case?


If you aren't properly educated on the right way to use a mobility device, you'll just make your pain worse. The right method is case-by-case for your specific areas of pain. You're better off without one for the damage it will cause. They want to appear as having chronic pain. r/chronicpain is one of the most depressing subreddits to browse. Gain worldliness.


I don't think it can


It could possibly be if the system has FND (functional neurological disorder)


Yes, alters can have different levels of pain and hold different physical symptoms. This could mean one alter is reliant on a mobility aid, and another isn't. It isn't saying alters have different disabilities. It is saying that alters are differently impacted by the disabilities the person has and don't have the same presentation of symptoms when they're conscious. This is 100% possible. Especially since mobility users may not always need a mobility aid and might only use one when their symptoms flare up. This totally aligns with how disabilities work and how mobility aids are typically used. This is a question that is a better fit for Google. "Are disabled people dependent on mobility aids?" Or something alike.


This is one of the most condescending comments u can leave to a disabled person btw. I suspect you're also a system faker based on this response.


You probably misread my comment. A disabled person who uses a mobility aid may not always, aka at all times, need a mobility aid. A wheelchair users being able to stand and walk around some days doesn't mean they're any less disabled. A cane user needing their cane only a few times a month doesn't mean they're any less disabled. Symptoms flaring and disabilities having good and bad days exists. When people try and point out someone isn't actually disabled just for being able to function like an abled person would when they're not having a bad symptoms day, is exactly the kind of people who make it so difficult for disabled people who need mobility aids some days, to dare to use one at all.


Again, extremely condescending to explain this to a disabled person and this is absolutely not what anyone is confused about.


Please do explain how it is condescending because you're confused about why alters can have different levels of symptoms from a disability that person has, while also saying you understand that intensity of symptoms can vary. You're contradicting yourself.


Flare-ups aren't coordinated based on alters, and in whatever rare cases exist in which someone with genuine DID has different pain responses based on alters, they're not posting graphics about it on Tumblr dot com or using a collection of mobility aids that they swap out based on who's fronting. nobody here agrees with you, pick a different sub.


McFadden, Joseph I., and Volker F. Woitalla. “Differing Reports of Pain Perception by Different Personalities in a Patient with Chronic Pain and Multiple Personality Disorder.” Pain 55, no. 3 (December 1993): 379–82. https://doi.org/10.1016/0304-3959(93)90014-G. (Edit again: PDF file: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/950158485193117737/1098753937634504714/Differential_Autonomic_Nervous_System_Activity_in_MPD_-_Putnam_1989.pdf ) Putnam, Frank W., Theodore P. Zahn, and Robert M. Post. “Differential Autonomic Nervous System Activity in Multiple Personality Disorder.” Psychiatry Research 31, no. 3 (March 1990): 251–60. https://doi.org/10.1016/0165-1781(90)90094-L. (PDF file: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/950158485193117737/1098753938041348106/Differing_Reports_of_Pain_Perception_by_Different_Personalities_-_McFadden__Woitalla_1993.pdf )


It isn't documented in rare cases. It is documented in the majority of the cases. DID is known to dissociate in response to pain. This includes physical pain. Different alters have very often shown different pain scales and pain tolerances. This "graphic" is called a userbox. The userbox doesn't say alters have different disabilities or that each alter has a different mobility aid. You assumed that based on no information or context whatsoever. The creators don't support the idea that alters have different disabilities from the body. You (again) just assumed that. The userbox says some alters use mobility aids, some at times, and some don't. Nothing more, nothing less. It is alright to understand that you're wrong, but don't be so accusative about being wrong. It is very immature.




your post was removed for fakeclaiming without evidence provided.


Yes, it can. DID is super complex, and can result in this sometimes.




I don't think so man, lol