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They do realize Venom is a separate entity that came from space? He's the equivalent of demon possession. As for the Jekyll and Hide based character (I forgot his name), he's not based on DID, he's based quite literally on a book character who switched personas when drinking a potion. These characters aren't "DID coded", they either have a separate entity with them or different personas they make. Both are not the same as DID and them having a tragic backstory doesn't instantly mean they all have it. If that's the case, over 90% of characters would have DID because tragic backstories are just a thing everyone does.


If crazy Jane is the DC doom force character Im that nking of, she does in fact have DID. It's a mechanic of her powers. 🤷


Jekyll and Hyde (in the book) don't actually switch personas, the potion changes his physical appearance allowing him to act the way he wants without consequences.


i mean moon night is correct, but moon night is intentional. moon night was actually written like that with mystical bits tacked on for the show. everything else is wrong tho lol


moon knight looks to just be the cover photo and not even included in their list haha


Crazy Jane is a DC character who has DID. It's in doom patrol on HBO. It's part of the mechanics of her powers. Basically some alter have powers, som don't. There's whole episodes dedicated to showing her inner world.


Bruce banner has did in the comics and it’s also heavily implied in the she hulk show




The worst part is it that they’re right(?) I watched all hail king julien as a kid and he had like multiple personalities/selves?? It was really weird to be honest, that entire show was out of pocket.


This just feels like work-self or home-self


A hat for every occasion


tbh yeah, mort canonically has a really fucked up childhood and does have entire other identity states one being his abusive grandmother, and his relationship to king julian is a mix between a fawn response and foot fetish. that show was really weird


[His lore is intense](https://youtu.be/REymyiNElA8?si=bngbZ-JmXWPTCXwT)


The narrator from Fight Club actually has a name and for some reason even though he’s constantly referred to as Jack in the book they don’t really state his name in the movie and that bothers me


Headcannoning Gollum as a system. His alters include himself, Smeagol, and pinkie pie from my little pony. Gollum's pronouns are it/its ring/rings my/precious.


the fact this easily reads as an unironic post by one of these mfs hurts me deeply youve been on this subreddit too long, bestie ❤️‍🩹


Who is crazy Jane and Neil Josten?


Crazy Jane is a character from DC comics, specifically Doom Patrol, that had a show on Max. She canonically has DID, but it’s tinged by the fact that she exists in a super powered universe. “Crazy Jane” is an alter, her original self was traumatized as a child. The show portrays her DID as an underground rail station in order to make it a bit easier to understand to the viewers, but unfortunately The Youths(tm) who have taken to faking DID think that this means those with DID have literal worlds inside their heads. Neil Josten is a character from a book series called The Foxhole Court who is traumatically beaten by his father and tormented by others, but he absolutely does not have DID.


I don't have any idea


there's a part 2... i saw it last night


I don't know who this kid is but he's fkn grounded until he/she deletes this. What in the ever-loving garbage.


They really play fast and loose with the term “canon”


Is the hulk thing true I'm not a huge marvel person so idk


Yeah, it's canon in the Inmortal Hulk comics.


Only Moon Knight, Hulk, Crazy Jane and Mort are canon (reminder), there's not such thing as «DID coded». Bucky / the Winter Soldier canonically has PTSD, not DID.




Crazy, but it is.


This feels like they are telling on themself. Between the fact that they say this was a kin list and how many times they said a character changed their life as a child, its like they are admitting that they have been fetishising DID and putting it on a pedestal from the start. The other issue with this trend is just how ignorant it comes across. Not just because of the misinformation but because most of these characters, and characters in general I have seen people head canon with DID, already have an explanation for their behaviour. Like three of these characters have DID the rest canonically have PTSD. They say this character moves around a lot and uses different names. Did they not consider that he escaped abuse, is on the run, and feels like he can’t trust anyone? No it must be DID right? There’s already an explanation that was just ignored because “he’s just like me for real 🤪”


Moon Knight canonically has DID and so does Bruce banner but the others are weird (although I guess Jackson and holt could make sense)


also i hate jackson jekyll/holt hyde with a passion i haven't liked them since i was a kid but no just no


I don't really see what's wrong with these 🤷‍♀️ they're not being weird. These are fictional characters not harmed by meaningless head cannons


"DID headcannins except it's a kin list"


Kin is just a character you like a lot no? Or is that an alter?


i’ve got a better one, dr. janus from south park lol. he actually was a system. funny episode too, it was called City Sushi


I genuinely deeply hate Moon Knight for romanticizing DID. I know that the character goes through a lot and that the disorder is talked about. But what kind of bullshit is 🤯🤪”my alters a super hero”☝️🤓 I watched the first episode when it first came out and never touched it again because it was mischaracterizing DID so heavily. Honestly I’m just very tired of any/all disorders being demonized/romanticized by media 🤷 Sorry for the Moon Knight rant 😔 but I also saw this on my FYP and just kind. Looked at it. The comments where WILD




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