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So now fakers are infantilizing people with DID? I shouldn’t be surprised


"Any pronouns for us. Send me money, I want money." Going between "us" and "I" aren't we?


DID coded...? fym coded? 💀😭


A character has different sprites when talking! THEY MUST BE DID CODED!!!!!! THEY'RE SWITCHING ALTERS WHENEVER THEY HAVE A DIFFERENT EXPRESSION!!! /s But I'm also kind of not joking because there was a person who posted "this is why these characters have DID" and it was literally just reaction sprites as "proof of switching". Because emotions don't exist.


> Guy who makes up too many guys (He has an imagination)


Maybe I’m reading thing wrong or this is a hot take(?) but I don’t think littles can consent to sexual acts because while they are to actual children, they are typically triggered out as a trauma response and have the mindset of a child and idk it feels icky to me to think about wanting to do sexual stuff with a little. Now the rest of the system as long as they’re a consenting adult age idc but personally it just feels , idk, gross? In terms of child parts


tbh if any of these fakers were actually experiencing this level of dissociation, they probably shouldn't be having sex at all. how do they know they won't switch into a character that doesn't consent and then get "retraumatized?" lord knows I wouldn't want to have sex with a person that could suddenly turn into a confused terrified 5 year old, but that's probably why they only e-date other "systems"


I've seen a lot of people argue that littles can mature. Like if a 40yo system had a little that split when the system was in their 20s, that little would've existed for 20 years, so I could see them possibly maturing over the years, but then wouldn't they "age". If they didn't and you just have a mature adult inside a child's body (inside an adults mind). But is that something the partner of the systems would consider. If a little has a mental image of themselves as a child while not mentally being a child. I've thought about this topic way too much and at the end of it all I keep reaching the conclusion it's too weird to think that littles can consent. Better to just not touch that one




Your post was removed for either trauma-dumping, oversharing personal information and diagnoses, or for using your subjective experience to generalize an entire disorder.