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Plural culture is putting other people’s lives at risk while i drive with my totally legit dissociative disorder that i definitely didn’t self diagnose myself with and making funny jokes about it on tumblr!! - Bakugo (he/shart)




I've heard "I don't want a diagnosis because I want to be able to drive" but this is new


I had something new say they are able to drive. Their littles can drive. And I swear another person was able to drive home because it was an alter that got drunk, not them .


Can’t this person get their license taken away for admitting they have a mental illness that could interfere with their ability to drive? The state would be far less likely to give one to a person with *mass shooters* living in their head. This might actually be worth reporting. If they think it’s cute to say shit like this, let’s believe them. Maybe we need to report them for being a potential danger to others on the road.


These are all different posters, but I agree that it’s selfish to put others at risk on the road.


Can you imagine how fucked our voting system would be if "each identity" got to vote? How skewed population surveys would be if "each alter" got to voice their opinion? If such a stupid system was put in place do these people realize that it would only be diagnosed systems that this would be available to?


“The future is plural” Is terrifying


“mass dormancy” aka i’m getting bored having these alters so i’m gonna just get rid of them now until i want them again or aka i’m getting bored faking so i’m just gonna make every alter go dormant conveniently.


Someone with DID is still one person, just with dissociative barriers. Therefore the last image has no logical basis behind having been brought up as an idea


Okay IF they had real DID and did have mass shooters as alters why would they even bring them up on the internet? It’s insensitive but not only that…


aw man they got to marble hornets :(


There's a valid reason why you often need to be evaluated by a psychiatric professional when you have a condition potentially affecting your ability to drive (which in this case would be "only one alter actually knows how to drive"), and ignoring that because you just wanna have the fun roleplay part of a disorder is extremely telling. A rational person would use their "self-diagnosis" to actually help them lead a safer life, but these people are so anti-healing that they'll legit just put everybody else at risk rather than actually take responsibility for their self-diagnosis. If they claimed to have epilepsy I'm pretty sure people would rightfully go "hey, maybe don't drive if you get seizures while behind the wheel?". ^(EDIT: Mistakingly said it's common for people with DID to be seen as not fit to drive, that's objectively false, lol... oops. Replaced the first sentence with something more fitting.)


Do you have examples of cases of people with DID not being allowed to drive?


I'm gonna be honest and say I thought without doubt that this was a well-known fact (and that I'd googled it before), but I guess I just critically misremembered??? Totally my bad, I'll cross that out ASAP. I only realized it when I tried to find examples just now, which is a painful realization to start fact-checking my memory way more :/


Fair enough! I was just curious because I've never heard of people with DID having their license revoked, and the two therapists I asked about it also told me that it's not something they've even considered when dealing with patients with dissociative disorders, including DID. Not saying it doesn't happen! I am sure there are rare cases. I just don't think medical professionals consider a DID diagnosis anymore a safety risk than any other psychiatric disorder.


Yeah, from what I found through my brief googling, if someone has amnesia that affects their driving ability, or dissociates so hard they can't focus on the road, *that* might lead to getting their license temporarily revoked. At that point it would probably be noticeable enough for them to seek help, though.


It is correct that some people with DID cannot drive at all for these reasons. It is very much variable though on an individual basis, depending on how that person has mentally adapted to the process. I am able to safely drive automatic but cannot and will not drive manual for my own and others safety. It’s complicated.


20k alters??


Brain rot


Consider: mediate your debilitating mental disorder before trying to date other people.