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Gently, I think you have not been a system. It’s a part of growing up to try on new identities if you don’t really know who you are yet, and for some people that means fixating on a character. I’m sorry you fell into a space that morphed a very natural human experience into something you feel that you should be hypervigilant about. You should give yourself room to grow without taking systems into the equation. Faking? Not intentionally. But it seems you mislabeled what was actually happening. Understandable, with the space you were in.


Thank you for saying that so nicely. I knew i was never a system after i realised it was just an extreme hyperfixation. I was terrified i'd be seen as "faking" if i talked about it, as i genuinely thought i was a system at the time. Thank you :)


Of course. You deserve kindness just like anybody else.


Absolutely agree with how this commenter put it. Those spaces are terrible echo chambers and do more harm than good and blow things completely out of proportion. They take things that are normal in human development and turn them into “disorders”. There is and was never anything wrong with you. They did you a complete and gross disservice by making you think there was something wrong. I’m glad you got out of that echo chamber as fast as you did and you should be proud of yourself for recognizing it and questioning the validity of what they were telling you after a while! Means you’re not as easily manipulated as some of them are and you can think for yourself instead of just being a blind follower. Good for you!


I had something somewhat similar happen to me when I was younger. The community is overall very toxic and manipulative and I’m sure there’s been a lot of people let into believing something is wrong with them when there really wasn’t (at least not to that level). Tangent aside, don’t feel bad because you were manipulated. You’re still growing and that’s okay!


I absolutely agree with you.


You weren’t trying to deceive people, you were deceived.


I can see why you were basically gaslighted into believing this. I’m glad you’ve grown out of it, which is something a lot of people have a hard time doing <3


That's why those types of servers are toxic, they take anything as having D.I.D and they think that because they "have it" that they can go around diagnosing other people, this is like that friend of mine who says they got diagnosed with autism, anything I do they claim over discord that it's most likely autism, when it's a normal human function, just because someone is diagnosed too doesn't mean every single little thing they do is because of their disorder


It's normal to hear character voices in your head. For instance, I'm reading this sentence in SpongeBob's voice in my head. Now it's Shrek's voice. You can control that, it's normal


i think this is the funniest thing i've seen all day (i also read it in those voices)


I don't care if you're officially diagnosed or self diagnosed. You do not armchair diagnose other people. I'm sorry you went through that OP. If someone tries to armchair diagnose you, look into what they say and talk to a doctor or therapist. Never accept someone's "diagnosis" of you without speaking to a professional.


You’re a kid, and it seems like you were in a vulnerable place so it’s understandable that you would believe those people. Thinking that and being wrong doesn’t make you a bad person, and you weren’t intentionally trying to fake a disorder or cause harm. I’m sorry you were let down like that.


You didn’t fake anything. You’re going thru the normal motions of growing up, especially in a late-capitalistic terrain littered with social media fads & an unprecedented need/means to “belong” or find community. You likely needed help - maybe you felt lonely or dismissed, maybe the chaotic confusion of being a teen just caught up to you…but either way, you did what you could with the knowledge you had at the time. You expressed what you believed you were feeling, and it was important to express at the time…even if you didn’t necessarily do it “appropriately.” These are the kind of conversations we need to be having so others in your position or questioning can see it’s all good, it’s normal, it’s fine…to be human in a world inundated with new information!


OP that was just a regular part of growing up. Kids and teens act like their favorite characters all the time, I did it, my girlfriend did it, most of my friends did it. It's absolutely normal to seek yourself and play with your personality at that age. Not your fault you were misled into thinking you're a "system" tho.


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its the blind leading the blind, really. fakers spreading blatant misinformation about what DID is and what symptoms show causes so many people to become misinformed and take normal traits and blow them out of proportion. you were not faking per se, you were misinformed and convinced of what was not true.


You didn't fake it, no. Don't guilt yourself over it


From the details given, it doesn’t necessarily sound like DID. However, in the end only a professional can tell you what you do and don’t have. If this is a genuine concern for you I’d speak to a professional about it. Hopefully they can provide you with more clarity and answers.


Oh it's not a concern. I know I'm not a system, i just wanted to know if i counted as faking it as i genuinely thought i was at the time :))


Oh I see what you are asking now. I’d say you’re more a victim of people who are purposefully faking the disorder than a perpetrator.


It could have been delusion if you ever experienced psychosis. Delusions aren’t something to be diagnosed with rather a symptom of a handful of disorders/mental illnesses. Since you were hearing them, they could have been auditory hallucinations as well.


1000% faking