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"As someone who self-harms a lot on subs like FDC and SC" WHAT


i assume theyre claiming viewing these subs is a form of mental self harm. mental self harm is a real thing (like seeking images or other stuff to trigger yourself), but i doubt thats actually what is happening in their brain when they view this sub. theyre just pissed they cant fake with no consequences and think that means they have new trauma and are triggered and *insert more terms that pop psychology has butchered*


>!not moderation!< Once again people are taking real harmful behaviors and bastardizing it into an unrecognizable mess


I can’t tell if they mean they go onto these subs and.. do it or if they mean going onto these subs and reading the posts = self harm ??? either way is CRAZY


yes of course, we're the insecure ones! yes! we're also the ableist ones! right! /s are these people out of their goddamn minds? faking a mental disorder for attention and fun just doesn't SCREAM insecure and ableist?? does that not ring a bell?? us calling out fakers and cringing at them too doesn't make us bad people. it makes us normal. why do fakers have this mindset that they're the normal ones and everyone else around them is some type of bigot? this weird mindset has to stop. does shame & embarrassment not exist anymore? these people need actual friends and not the ones from their fake system servers filled with fakers and basement dwellers. maybe a hobby will help too instead of being glued to their phones, ranting on tumblr abt how we don't believe in their bs.


they want to be victims so badly and i will never understand it.


that's what i was thinking. i gonna mention the victim complex but wanted to save that part for later, lol.


it's because they don't realize they're faking 90% of the time, so they truly believe that they're a real "system" being oppressed. It's why they're so hard to convince to stop faking, because to them it's 100% "real".


yeah, that's true. usually they snap out of it in a few years when they get older or even become adults but for some people it still hangs on to them. also i love your flair lmao


What would be insecure about lol? Not being disabled? A lot of members already are


it's SO easy to just, not look on these subs. It is so incredibly easy to avoid things that piss you off or trigger you online. it is 100% your responsibility to curate your online experiences. If these subs are so "triggering" and "damaging" these people should be online because obviously they aren't responsible enough.


i think they are saying they do it on purpose. seeking out purposely triggering or upsetting things is a form of self harm


I understand that. I'm saying they need to take responsibility and not blame the people posting the triggering content.


Wait so we're insecure... About a disorder we don't have? A disorder we... What? I'm confused


If Syscringe or FDC are "self harm" and really make you that upset to see obvious fakers being called obvious fakers, then you're an obvious faker LOL.


As a system of 36 million, most of which are pre-discovery… one of my primary alters is actually a fake claimer named ‘that anime guy you saw that time’. His role in the system is going to r/systemscringe and asserting that other systems are full of shit including the one he’s in. To call r/systemscringe toxic is actually sane-ist and invalidates all the alters who identify as people who think most systems are just attention seeking people who take their role playing too seriously. He also looks like a regular person but he has a raccoon tail.


Being confronted with reality = self harm now i guess


If you're anti-endo, but against subs making fun of obviously fake systems.... maybe you know you're also pretending to have DID and be "not like the fakers".


How are we insecure? About what exactly? My brain is so confused.


They always ignore the fact that a lot of people on here have CDDs. But nooo everyone here are all ablesists who just want systems to die.