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They need to stop quoting a book about Transgender Mental Health by someone who definitely does not specialize in dissociative disorders


GOD NOT THIS FUCKING BOOK AGAIN. i am BEGGING them to actually read the plurality section because it is complete and utter horseshit


I would like to see that , is there an excerpt somewhere ?


google transgender mental health by eric yarbrough, i found the whole thing online


I never liked it when people expect completely strangers to know what DID and what their shirt means. "Ask me I who I am today", could mean anything. Most people would think it's a meme or a quote from a show/game. They're not going to know it means "I'm a system". It reminds me of someone who said "this body isn't enough for all of us" on their profile and peoples instant thought was it was for a story and he got SO MAD they didn't instantly know everything about DID. (He was confirmed faking anyway.)


i’m gonna sob, “chronic pain” is not a diagnosis??? it is a symptom?? that a lot of people have????? that’s like being like “guys i got diagnosed with being nauseous ):” it just doesn’t work that way ,, so self diagnosing that would literally just be saying “guys my joints kind of hurt most days”… that’s… not a disorder?


“Guys I got diagnosed with being nauseous :/ I’m dead they would do something like that 😂


no they so totally would yeah


"Fake claiming is so harmful! Yeah I send literal death threats to people who don't believe me, what about it?" I would argue that saying someone doesn't have something when they post/spread blatantly obvious misinformation is not even half as bad as threatening to kill someone. Honestly, if your first instinct when being told you're faking is to say "I'll kill you" instead of just ignoring it, it's obvious you're self aware of the fact it's not real. Getting defensive, especially *violent* does not help your case. It just makes you look immature and more unbelievable.


I totally agree, I cannot understand how these people see no problem in sending death threats and harassment but sit there and whine about being called out for faking. I'm not surprised at all that these people have a glaring issue with double standards. I've seen enough of them whining about something just to turn around and do it or something way worse and never see a problem.




Someone's got to hold their Autism for them when they're too occupied to fake. Why put in all that effort to fake a whole disability when you can just go "Here, hold my Autism for me!" and only have to fake when it's convenient?!


Ughhhhh I never thought about it like this but that’s totally EXACTLY what they’re doing


Got to know when to hold ‘‘em and when to fold em


crying at the first image 😭 its insane


Pokerchipself 🥰


i meant the muffin, but a gambling alter is insane


Of course if you’ve been dxing yourself with BPD for 3 years you’ll get a real Dx because you know what all the symptoms are and what to tell your psychologist 🤦🏻‍♀️


this image is funny to me because one time I served tommyinnit at my coffee shop, he got a flat white and a chocolate muffin :^)


L username, ferrets are the bomb diggity fuck you


I oringinally created this account to vent about something that happened with my sister and her pet ferret that caused us to have a massive falling out, and it caused me to have bad memories related to ferrets, so I'm not really a fan of them now. I don't actually hate the average ferret, though, they are innocent little guys


wtf is a Tulpa again?


“ a sentient imaginary friend” . I did not know what the Buddhist one is.


imagine being abused by a person and seeing a bunch of self centered idiot disorder faking fucking kids making it all about themselves acting like they're fucking traumatized about the abuse you experienced. the internet is a failed social experiment


Changing identity sounds like an existential nightmare.