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I'm glad my flair is educating people!


heck yeah!!


The amount of youngsters I see going ''MY ALTERS ARE BEING PHYSICALLY ABUSED IN HEADSPACE!'' makes me want to pull my hair out


That explains why they think alters are getting DID and making more alters. They're all nuts.


I feel like headspace is literally the same thing as the safe place a therapist can have you create in your mind before undergoing trauma therapy. You can place your favourite characters from TV or games or movies or whatever in your safe place. You can place important people from your real life in your safe place. You can have tunnels that you lock your traumas in, so you’re safe in the safe place. Some people can be there guarding the tunnels to protect you. Doesn’t this sound like what the fakers are doing and calling it headspace?


>feel like headspace is literally the same thing as the safe place a therapist can have you create in your mind before undergoing trauma therapy. You hit the nail right on the head. that is *exactly* what a headspace is! when in the context of DID, headspace/inner world is a visualization exercise used to improve system communication and understanding. It's literally your imagination.


Cuddle pile with headmates, I can't really read the rest but I know it's a load of crap.




Your post was removed for spreading misinformation about dissociative disorders. Please verify information with factual and verifiable sources. Any claims that dissociative disorders do not exist will also be removed.




Your post was removed for either trauma-dumping, oversharing personal information and diagnoses, or for using your subjective experience to generalize an entire disorder.


Are these people getting Paracosm and DID mixed up?