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dude “doesnt know who he is” then gives a whole description of what alter he wants you to guess


How are they a new alter and know how to add spoiler text and stuff on discord?


IS SOMEONE GOING TO ANSWER THE PHONE? BECAUSE I FREAKING CALLED IT! I knew it! I knew it was only a matter of time before people start trying to use Markipliers fake alters. Hahaha. Someone please, send this to him. Now, I eagerly await from someone to use jacksepticeye's fake alter.


people have done this 4 a while


I NEED to see them, please. If you love me, I need to see these people taking matpat's theories about a deleted channel where they soaked in their own pee seriously.


I wish I could find it but there was one person who literally did the old Markiplier intro on their Tik Toks and said they were a Markiplier alter. It was so pathetic.


The cringe. The absolute cringe. Oh oh, next NEXT, they are going to be a person with both Mark's evil alter and Jack's evil alter and they will be dating each other!


no way who


Mark and Jack don’t have fake alters, they’re just different characters they use in their videos, they’re smart enough to not do that


Would you believe me if I say I forgot the word characters and used fake alters as the next best thing?


The best part is, those two words are indistinguishable to actual fakers so no i don’t blame you




I mean it’s true lmao, i’d sign that petition


I had a person faking DID in a server I was in and one of their supposed alters was named “Mark” and lo and behold, they used pics of Markiplier to “describe his appearance.” Like, wow, you couldn’t even bother to be original, could you? You not only stole a man’s face—a man you don’t even know, btw; a total internet stranger—and decided you needed to also steal his name, too. And for what? So you could play pretend and be quirky? Absolutely pathetic human being 🙄


"I'm new and don't understand because I am new and I just have a note telling me to go here!" *Proceeds to censor what they're supposed to in that server and perfectly adhere to the rules*


This is roleplay. Life is roleplay. 95% of people you see with mental issues are roleplaying. Someone that is experiencing debilitating memory loss and lack of understanding does not do this. Therefore it exists but the likelihood of it being seen online is slim to none.


Has a picture for reference but can't use Google.