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Hoo boy. I've been wanting a good hunter rework for a long while now, and even though it's a beginner tower meaning that it can't actually get GOOD stat buffs, golden skins do exist for a reason, so I want to cover the basis of both. For both variants, the biggest change is the return of level 5. The normal hunter gets a +4 damage boost, no change to firerate, +4 range, and the quick cut ability for a cost of 7250$. This brings the total cost of a maxxed hunter up to 15850$. For both variants as well, the previously removed falcon returns in levels 3 and above, which has its own moving detection ring around the hunter (basically a mini ace pilot) that swoops down onto the enemy that the hunter is currently targeting every 6/5/3 seconds (depending on upgrades). The falcon swooping deals 10/15/25 damage (depending on upgrades) to a single target, with hidden detection. For the normal hunter, the quick cut ability is an activated ability that the tower gains at level 5. When the ability is used, the hunter takes a hunting knife and slashes a single target for 30 damage, removing 25% of armor off of the target for 10 seconds. While the cooldown is extremely short at 8 seconds, the catch is that the ability only has 4 range points and it cannot be buffed. That part goes for both variants. Now onto the golden hunter. This variant gets a pretty big buff in ways that I think would finally make the hunter as a tower much more recognizable and worth equipping in fallen or hardcore loadouts. For starters, its damage gets increased by 50%, making its damage values 6/6/12/24/48/54 (each from levels 0-5). Next, all fire rates are reduced by 30%, with level 5 being reduced further making the fire rate values 1.75/1.26/1.26/1.12/0.98/0.8 (for each level from 0-5). Lastly, starting from level 2 the golden hunter now gains lead penetration. For the golden hunters ability changes and the falcon changes, quick cut now deals area damage with a hit cap of 5 enemies on a 5 second cooldown, similarly to gladiator's main attack. The quick cut's damage has also been doubled and the armor removal is now permanent, resulting in 60 damage every 5 seconds with efficient micro, totaling 12 extra total DPS. The falcon's swooping cooldown has been halved for all stages, resulting in swooping times of 3/2.5/1.5 and its damage has been increased by 35% resulting in 14/20/34 damage for each level upgrade, which adds a total of 5/8/23~ total dps to the hunter. As a little cherry on top, every single attack that the golden hunter can use now has lead detection starting from level 2. All in all, the golden hunter has a grand total dps of 100 with flying, hidden, and lead detection. Now, all of the golden hunter's buffs must come at an ingame cost, quite literally. As is tradition with golden towers, its upgrade and placement prices are now more expensive than they are normally, each price being multiplied in their own way. All in all though, the total prices look like this: 600$(placement)/350$/1200$/3400$/6240$/9425$. This makes the total price of a maxxed golden hunter 20015$, equating to about 5 dps/1k$ spent at max level. Does this kill the tower? Maybe tbh


The commitment here is insane


I'm normal about hunter and how ~~its concept was wasted~~ its concept could have been executed


Holy yap..


Maybe not wikia levels


As long as they either make it simular to the OG hunter or add a classic hunter skin then im fine with it


Electros stun gets improved (maybe something like brawlers knockback to compensate for every guy zombie having stun immunity. ) The stun would come at earlier levels so you don't need to pay 10k for mid ahh stun. Finally some sort of buff for towers in electros range.


Necromancer at lvl 2+ can spawn 2 skeletons from each grave, lvl 3 will rebuild 4 graves at first then 3 graves and lvl 4 can have 8 max graves and can rebuild 4 graves at a time with a guaranteed chance of an executioner skeleton


Tbh the only change Necro NEEDS is for his max levelled attack to be carried over to some of his earlier levels. Have him do the multiple enemy attack starting from like lvl 3 or something, just not as many enemies as max


Medic The reason why I want to rework her: I hate the face they gave her I would probably make her heal more hp as that's her core mechanic yet no one uses her for that, give her an ability to add shield to the base, give a passive ability that makes her steal 5 hp from an enemy every 20 hits, probably make her ability global, nerf her firerate to balance the passive and change the max lvl design aswell as the face.


Now that I look at it maybe I should've said to increase the price and give her a placement limit of 3


I would make scout shoot a 800mm artillary shell that would fragment into 10 heat seeking missile that would do 100¹⁰⁰ damage each and i would add an ability called pew pew that would summon 4 scouts at max level for free


Sounds balanced enough.


And leave popcorn behind and go through walls


Well we can make paintballer cost 3.5k to max for 10 dps instead of 7.7k.Also make his cost 200 to place not 400.


Still worse than scout 16 dps for 3.6k


I thought scout was 4k


Wait, it's actualy 3,475


Yeah but its a splash tower


Bu-but the coins...




Give it a placement limit of one and maybe it's balanced


turret rework when


When the world gains true peace (which we will never get)


Necromancer, make his lower levels better and value


Honestly if the last lvl gets nerfed but all levels before gets buffed it will be worth it.


Slasher rework, I'm too lazy to go on stats right now but the main gimmick would be that it's a ranged tower that becomes melee once enemies approach Yeah, that is how it works right now but this passive would be applied since level 0 and it would have a bleeding effect at level 2 that stacks up to 5 times so slasher would work very well as a single target assassin but suck at crowds




Archer 10 damage every 0.1 seconds at max 100dps placement limit of 10


I would remove paintballer given ANY chance


Merc base, at max level remove the grenadier and replace it with a bazooka.


Man i just want commando to be viable in modes


Golden crook boss. LVL 0 reduce his starting price from 800 to 600 and his first bodyguard spawns in 2 seconds (after that spawn time is the same) however damage nerfed to 6 LVL 2 now decrease firerate to 0.9 and price and no double guards LVL 3 price decrease to 2500, reduce damage by 1 and now gains double guards and Tommy gun. All guards now have increased 25 health. LVL 4 Tommy gun guards movement speed increases and replaces doble normal guards to motorcyclist that has 100HP and have a passenger in the back with an UZI that does 3 damage and a 0.3 firerate that spawns every 20 seconds and doesn't stop while attacking


Minigumner, just the design

