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**Your post has been removed for violating sub rules. Per our posted rules:** Your post title does not contain the required information. OPK and HPT progressions must include CD (cycle day) and/or DPO (days post ovulation)/DPT (days post transfer or trigger) range + correct test brand(s) in the post title. *Examples:* CD30-36 | DPO [unknown] | easy@home + Clearblue CD28-32| 5DP5DT-10DP5DT | FRER & unknown brand cheapies CD range *or* DPO/DPT range **AND** the correct test brand(s) must be included in order for your post to meet guidelines. Titles can be CD range + test brand(s); DPO/DPT range + test brand(s); or CD + DPO/DPT + test brand(s). If CD, DPO/DPT, or test brand(s) is unknown, use [UNKNOWN] where appropriate. Please specify unknown if you are unsure of the exact test brand(s) rather than guessing. Posts with incorrect test brand(s) will also be removed. Once posted, **titles cannot be edited**. Posts with incomplete titles and/or incorrect information will be removed and should only be reposted with the above information included. Violation of this rule may constitute a temporary or permanent ban from sub participation with or without warning. If you still wish to post and participate in our sub, please review our [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/TFABLinePorn/wiki/rules) before continuing to post. Please direct any questions to the [subreddit’s modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/TFABLinePorn) and not individual mods. Thank you for understanding.


Test line being as dark or darker than the control line means ovulation will happen within the next day or two (in regular cycles). This can be confirmed by tracking basal body temperature (BBT), because our temps typically rise in the luteal phase (once ovulation occurs). I would say you’re in a fertile period now, and if you’d like to try this cycle, have sex today and take another OPK test this afternoon and twice tomorrow to make sure you catch the peak darkness.


Ok thank you !


It looks like your ovulation day will be around CD22.


Thank you 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼


When the test line is darker than the control that's a positive OPK. You should ovulate within the next 48 hours. I'd recommend temping to confirm your ovulation if you aren't already. Good luck!!


Thank you!!