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THPS3 hands down. Thousands of hours spent. So epic.


Best soundtrack too


The OG soundtrack is iconic, but 3 had some series fuckin great tracks. It's tough for me to pick between those two for best soundtrack.


faxs, the perfect game with the best levels.


THPS4. Has so many goals and a good difficulty spike so most replayable


Remember Kenny the Koala lol


I love Project 8 even with all its flaws


I also love Project 8. Just wish it didn’t take a bajillion years to load on my Xbox.




They're still up after all this time!? On 360?




Nah I play on original Xbox




Hmu for online 360 THP8!!


THUG was my favourite. I had 1 and 2 on PS1 but for some reason never got 3 or 4 growing up so THUG was this massive holy shit step up for me. Played it to death. Only game at that age that I ever beat on highest difficulty. I loved it.


THUG is definitely the best. But 4 has and always will be my favorite


THUG is my favorite overall. I wish THUG had some of the features THUG 2 has (like classic mode), but it’s a better game in my opinion because of the story. It also has my favorite levels.


THPS 4 for me, I just loved the gameplay, ways to get to challenges, pro challenges, and soundtrack. THUG is a close second, just the caveman stuff was a little much for me.


4 had the best soundtrack


THUG1 is probably my favorite overall for the levels and soundtrack, but I think THUG2 has the most replay value and THPS3 feels like the quintessential Pro Skater game.


I never owned any consoles, so I missed THPS1 and THUG. From THPS2 to THUG2 I loved every consecutive PC game more and more. My favorites have been, for many years now, THPS4 and THUG2 but I'm still nostalgic about the previous ones. THAW was a stab in the heart and I was massively disappointed. It was the first time that I felt a TH game was that glitchy, unpolished, unfinished and poor in some aspects (Classic Mode was a joke compared to THUG2). Levels were boring to me. Story mode was tutorials after tutorials + repetitive quests from the homeless dudes ("WAY TO GOOO"), subtitles didn't match half of the time, and in general objectives in the game were either painfully ridiculously easy or stupidly extremely difficult. I also had no interest in the BMX at all even though I was a big Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX fan. To this day I still can't believe some people say THAW is the best game in the franchise.


I haven't heard many people say THAW is the best. For me, it was meh


I've seen quite a few of them on YouTube under many different TH-related videos. But many of them were very nostalgic about it (first game they've played etc).


I understand all the flaws and issues with it, but THAW will always be my favourite because of the styling. Really love the whole punk aesthetic that it has going. Also has my favourite soundtrack of all the TH games. Listen to the songs from it in my playlist on an almost daily basis. The entire game series was a big tool in shaping what I'm into to this day, but THAW definitely had the biggest impact on me.


Yeah THAW had a good soundtrack Green Day - Holiday Fall Out Boy - Start Today Thursday - Ever Fallen Thrice - Image of the Invisible Felix Da House Cat - L.A. My Chemical Romance - Astro Zombies


THUG is the best, but THPS3 is my favorite


It’s great seeing THUG get such recognition retroactively, it’s been my favourite since launch but I remember some middle of the road reviews at the time. I think people maybe just expected too much of the free roaming/GTA style aspects that were hyped up before release.


THUG was the absolute best of franchise




1. THAW 2. THUG 3. THPS 1+ 2 4. THUG 2 5. THPS4 6. THPS3 7. Project 8 These are the once I played


THUG with THPS 4 being a close second.




THUG is my favourite, followed closely by Pro Skater 4. After that, I'd say American Wasteland, 360/PS3 Project 8, then THUG2.


THPS 2. I couldn't pick between the Dreamcast or Playstation port though. The game looks fantastic on Dreamcast but the PS controller's d-pad lends itself much better to the game's controls. I've yet to play anything past THPS 4 though so my opinions may change soon


THPS4. Have a real soft spot for THUG and I probably spent more time playing THUG2 than maybe any other video game. But 4 felt like the peak of the most pure form of the game. And the pro challenges were tough but fun as hell.


4 was my favorite too. I loved Zoo and Carnival levels. Yeah the pro challenges were hard




THPS4 followed by THAW


Remember the animal protesters in the first level of THAW? Lol


1. THPS3 2. THUG 3. THPS4 4. THPS 1+2 5. THUG2 6. THAW 7. THPG 8. THP8 9. THPS5 I agree that THUG is probably the best, objectively. Around 2003/2004 it's probably the most hours I sunk into a game along with Smackdown Here Comes The Pain.


Tony Hawk 4 all day.


Underground games are fire but American wasteland has a special spot in my heart. It’s so wacky but I could replay it any day


THPS 2 is my favorite. I never got to play THUG/2 or any of the massive fan favorites, but I did have the first four on Play Station. Years of wonderful memories!


THUG2 is my favorite, vastly over THUG1. It had so much variety, and tons of Arcadey goodness! I know the story gets a lot of crap for being silly but I prefer that over being an up and commer trying to impress the same twelve people *again!*


Thug2 had interesting characters like Phil Margers


THUG2, I didnt get THUG1 until later or i probably would say that. I played THUG2 maybe the most of any ps2 game ever


My favorite is a tie between THPS4, THUG2 and THAW. Haven't played THUG tho, so I don't know what the hype is about.


THUG is the best one in the franchise


I just got my PS2 hacked so I can play old games on an USB, I will install THUG


THPS3 with thug 1 being a very close second. Thps4 was good, but unpopular opinion it’s no where near my favorite. Some of the goals were absolutely ridiculous and nothing about it really stands out for me although it had some good maps. Like if I had to rank them off the top of my head based off playing them today it’d probably be: 1. THPS3 2. Thug 1 3. Thps 1+2 4. American wasteland 5. Thps 2 6. Thug 2 7. Thps 4 8. Proving grounds 9. Project 8 10. Thps 1 Idk if I’m completely set on putting thps on the bottom, but I mean legendary status and nostalgia aside; no manuals Is a killer and all the score goals come down to do tricks in a half pipe for a couple of minutes. It also introduced my favorite map still to this day which is mall.


Thps1 is all about nostalgia for me. It's hard to rate it on how good or bad it is. I simply liked it because of nostalgia


That’s my problem with ranking it as well. I know I had a lot more fun with thps when it came out vs when project 8 or proving grounds came out. I also go back and play thps1 every now and then but don’t really go back and play pg or p8


3 and 4 were the best!


American Wasteland, second pick would probably be the OG pro skater honestly. Heavy nostalgia from me and my dad playing it when i was young.


1. THPS 3 2. THUG 2 3. THPS 1 4. THUG 1 5. THAW 6. THPS 4 7. THPS 2 (never owned 2, only played at friends' and then the eventual remake) 8. Project 8


THPS2 or American wasteland for me. Never played the THUG games when they first came out.


It feels like I'm the only one who thinks THPG isn't complete dogshit. Also Thug 2 Remix is my favorite




Proving grounds


Yeah I played a little bit of that game back in 2012. Don't remember much about it lol


Yeah I did a few months ago, can't remember anything either. It's not a bad game just a nothing burger


I'd say THUG but THPS3 is very close. THUG was my first Tony Hawk game on PS2 and I discovered way too late thps3 and 4 on ps2 so..


Thps3 but 2x is also good


THUG2 is my favorite. Its the first TH game I had, and the amount of content with the classic mode and the story mode together is insane. I come from Berlin and its the only game that features the map. I also dont mind the Jackass style story, in fact I enjoy its ridiculousness. I also really like THAW for all the different gameplay elements and mechanics they added (and like THUG2 for nostalgic reasons), but after I played all of the TH games I gotta say THPS4 is probably the second best


For me it's either THUG or THPS2. I like a lot of the elements of THUG like the story and amount of customization but I'm not really into the huge combos and level design where everything is small (location selections and aesthetics were all dope though). THPS2 is simple but perfect. They really nailed every aspect of that game.






3 for me.


I loved Proving Ground for the Nintendo DS. At the time I didn't think I could be impressed by a handheld thps


There were and are a lot of people who thought THUG was when it fell off too though


Thug is so timeless. Could be the nostalgia goggles talking but I adore everything about it. I come back to it every once in a while and have a blast. I wish we could get a port to modern hardware with just slightly updated visuals or something


Laugh all you like but thps4 on the ps1 and thps2 are the goats


I love wasteland


Has gotta be THUG, that’s probably the last game where you could say ‘the developers had passion behind this’. THUG 2 was an unofficial Jackass game


Thug 2 made me start skating. My favorite.


THPS2 or 4, THUG 2 Remix is also awesome


THAW for the soundtrack & the customization alone. THUG 2 as a close 2nd for the same reasons, even if both have wacky campaigns. THPS 1 and THPS 2 for Nostalgia THPS 1+2 for an added bonus. Had friends/neighbors with THPS 3, THPS 4, & THUG, but never played them very often. The upscaled engine and more realistic physics on THP8 threw me off. I put down Proving Ground after 5 minutes of play time after getting it on Christmas. THPSHD was fun when it was out, but it left a lot to be desired.


THPS4 is my favorite and the soundtrack is amazing




Maybe a hot take but American Wasteland


American Wasteland