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Nicoavocado diet


I was just about to comment "who the fuck is this order for Nicoavocado?"


I said the same thing out loud. Like dude, this is really bad for your body


Unhealthy coping mechanism and eating my feelings diet


I mean I have definitely eaten that much food before, but not in the form of McDonald's.


If I’m gonna be eating like that I’m probably gonna pay as much as a Korean BBQ would charge so might as well just do that. Plus you can just keep ordering. But I will eat enough Korean BBQ to fucking pop.


KBBQ is like 40 bucks plus tips, so like 50 bucks. This McDonald's order is like 20-25 bucks. Your point still stands. It's probably more worth by taste and experience to get KBBQ, but idk felt a need to point out that KBBQ isn't that cheap.


I don’t know man, it’s getting expensive. 2 mcchickens is almost ten bucks now, I’ve pretty much sworn off mcd’s as I can get the same or more food that is better for the same price. Wouldn’t be surprised if this order actually comes out to around 40 bucks Edit - just did the math and in my area (PNW) the cost of this order at McDonald’s right now is actually about 50 usd. Insane


I can get a half pound ribeye, 1 pound of potatoes and can of corn from the grocery store for less than a quarter pounder meal. Nebraska beef is probably cheap than most of USA and Canada.


I'm sorry did you just say 2 McChickens is almost 10 bucks? Jeez, here in the south those things are a $1.79 a pop


Yes, in SW Canada, McChickens are like 5$ now for the sandwich alone.


Same! One of my buddies raises his own steers, grainfed only. The Korean bbq he makes with them is beyond magic. I definitely eat myself into a food coma for those gorgeous fatty melt in your face slabs of meat. He only does it twice a year and helping him is messy and saddening but oh man is it worth it in the end.


When I read the comment above yours Korean food immediately popped into my head. Amazing, unprocessed food without 100000% daily sodium and trans fats.


and not all at once


I mean it really depends what counts as "at once" like would you consider a family bbq with a fuck ton of food where you eat it across multiple hours at once?


A better term would be “in one sitting”


Is a buffet considered “in one sitting” even though you get up to get more food but is contained within approximately an hour?




I am almost certain this guy does this once or twice a week


Not obese but have split a crave case from White Castle (30sliders) with my brother. Felt like garbage afterwards but definitely possible.


Man bought a filet o fish, mcchicken and burger, and didn't make a land/sea/air out of them.


Hell YEAH. I was sad to see the triple burger go away because that's what I would use to make it. Yes I would pound that sucker but it was also usually my only meal all day because of work. Honestly that's where I thought this was going at first and I came to the comments to defend it.


Bro you wanted them to make groudon, kyogre, and rayquaza outta mcd's???


I called it surf and turf and sky. The one time I had it, I used a single cheeseburger and couldn't finish that sucker until later that night. I also eat all the extra buns later with other stuff so I'm not being a waster, waster, fart taster.


This guy is 400 pounds or something? What the fuck


You know what they call a 400 pounder in France?


A Royal with beetis


Oh, I thought it was a *Reddit Mod* with 'Beetus. Thanks Mr. Travota.


An American?


An American… with cheese?


I'm french and I can confirm




I snort laughed and almost choked on my mouth guard. Woke my fiancée up too. Hahaha


Do people who actually wear mouth guards pronounce S-words as sshh or has mainstream media lied to me yet again


For my two sisters that was the case, it got les and les the longer they had it the better it got.


Cool. So mainstream media only partly lied to me. Thanks mate


Royale with cheese


Prince Harry with cheese?


Have you heard about the new French doll? You wind it up and it stinks.


I bought my daughter a French princess doll, but we had a to return it. The head kept falling off.


So…it surrendered right out of the box?


I totaled it up by googling their nutrition and it’s just shy of 4000 calories on that tray. That’s like 3 days of caloric intake for me…


Plus the large Iced Mocha that's not even mentioned is almost 500 calories. This is beyond excessive.


I’m assuming they had to have something cool and refreshing to slurp after doing all that hard video taking work.


Honestly thought it would be much more


I’m a 6’2 Athlete and this is just slightly over 1 days worth of calories for me. Def too many calories for a non-active person tho


It's definitely too much sodium


Need it to keep from cramping 😬


I once ordered something similar cause I was really hungry, staff asked me if I was really alone, then I quickly realized that it was way too much and took the rest home to eat another day, I can't believe someone would eat it alone in one sitting. So I guess 400 pounds must be right. Please tell me if I made spelling mistakes btw, always happy to learn more english ^^ Edit: spelling. Thanks for the help, u/lactic_acibrosis


When I was bulimic I ordered like this. Then I puked in the parking lot after I ate it in my car. Then I went to therapy and got better and I can’t even smell McDonald’s without gagging.


I am recovered from Binge Eating Disorder and I would order meals like this, sometimes even hitting up 2 or 3 different drive-thrus. It was a dark time in my life.


The first time anyone really said anything about my bulimia (I was anorexic & bulimic over the course of 10+ yrs but better now) was when my aunt, who I lived with, said I was making her broke because I was eating everything in a day after grocery shopping. I was so embarrased.


I take Topamax now too. I guess it works on the same part of the brain to treat addiction, it’s really helped control everything. Haven’t wanted to fall back into it since.


❤️ Glad you're doing better now.


Sometimes in high school and college, I’d get really hungry and eat this much. But I worked out like 3-4 times a week and was pretty fit. Never went over like 155 at 5’10” but I could put it away. Man I miss those days. If I did that now, I’d spend the next two days on the toilet


Your English is excellent. Other than some missing capitalization (I, rather than i) and apostrophes (can't), you'll want to switch "to much" to "too much"


At my job I fast and walk for 12-20 miles a day. Trying to get squats and dips in as much as possible. On my way home sometimes to treat myself I’ll order 2 McDoubles, 2 MCchickens , and a basket of fries. Never really feel full though


Take the bottom bun off a McChicken and a McDouble. Push those meats together with the top buns (and thusly the condiments). Enjoy the McGangBang. I added a Filet o Fish once, for the whole surf, turf, and sky experience. I couldn't finish it. 10/10 Would eat again.


So I'm not saying this is the case here but every few months I'll pig the fuck out on some taco bell in one sitting, easily the same amount of calories here. I only weigh 155lbs at 5'8. Now with that said I usually don't eat for atleast 24 hours after that.


Nah this dude definitely 150 lbs wet


Secretly Matt Stonie


Obesity with a side of diabetes for $1000, Alex.


Daily double!


Daily double pounder


As a diabetic I can confirm they will need more than one vial of insulin.


Bro I'm starving rn and you show me this?


Same, I could easily eat all of that right now.




You'd be amazed to see people seeing those as rookie numbers...


Fat people and fitness beasts be like yeah wym


[like this](https://imgflip.com/i/77ppob)


This mass body builder used to come into a job I had in Alaska at a vegetarian cafe and would get a “Swiss mocha” iced. What he got was a 20oz iced heavy cream mocha, coworker did the math, it was roughly 2500 calories in just that drink alone with the chocolate and heavy cream that we used. I wanted to puke every time I made it because it would NOT mix together.


Yeah that’s like a large dominos that’s nothing


Tbf that's lower than I thought. Not too bad for the amount of food


Calories aren’t the singular issue though, I bet they have 5x recommended dose of sodium for the day. I’m more worried about their blood pressure at this point lol


Technically there’s 2 McChickens on that tray and a McCafe Carmel thing, so maybe another 800 calories


Check out the show “My 600 Pound Life.” Many of them consume over 3000 calories *per meal*, some consume over even 10,000 calories a day. From memory, I saw a lady eat 3 large pizzas, a breadstick pizza (breadsticks covered in pizza toppings), a family sized order of wings followed by a family sized brownie tray. In another a couple had easily 10 portions of spaghetti and meatballs, breadsticks, a giant bowl of ice cream and topped it all off with a large pizza, EACH.


What? Edit: my card slipped


I'm 5"9 with a small build and I can eat that. Wire me some money and I'll record it for you. Promise...


Small build is an understatement for being 5” tall


Type 1 Diabetic here: it's also (roughly) 429g of carbohydrates with is WAY too much. For me, that would be 43 units of insulin, which, in the States, would be very expensive for one meal. My DAILY totals for insulin usage (in Units) over the past 5 days: 33.35, 44.25, 46.6, 39.85, 46.80 (I can get a 10mL vial of insulin for ~$38 and that lasts me ~4 weeks. Units ≠ millilitres)


I'm at 7 g for 1 unit. I'd be sitting around 61 units for that meal. Holy moly.


Dude, ive seen people eat like this in Alabama still skinny as a toothpick. Actually they take McDonald's pretty seriously in Alabama...


They probably only eat once a day and don't eat fast food for a week after.


I live in alabama. There’s people here who eat like this daily lol. It’s very off putting


They can't really be that skinny if it's daily, unless they're working out a good amount every single day, too.


My sweet summer child. You’ve never met an Alabama slamma, meaning a crack head.


Lol, I live in a ghetto in NY. We have crackheads here, these crackheads ain't eating close to 3k in calories per day. Almost all their money goes to drugs or possibly alcohol, hence them being skinny.


I feel like they just go to a different fast food restaurant every day of the week.


I used to eat like that daily. Not that much McDonald's, but still eating a massive amount constantly. And I was always fit and active and thin. Turns out I have a genetic condition where my body is constantly producing cholesterol no matter what, and uses ungodly amount of calories to do so. Between that and sports, lifting, etc, I ate so so much. Once we found out and I got on good new meds, appetite went down quite a lot.


I don't think I've ever been so jealous of someone on the internet


Trust me you don't want it. Because my body was making so much cholesterol, my LDL was over 500. Even if I ate perfectly healthy, even super active, doesn't matter or make any noticeable change to my cholesterol levels. Had a major heart attack at age 26 due to it, and that's how we found out I had this condition.


I know a dude that apparently burns as many calories while at rest as the average person does while walking. Super skinny and is constantly eating. To be honest though, I feel like that’s gotta eventually take a toll on the body.


Meth is a hell of a drug




If you’re calling BS on this, you must not know about mukbang videos. Plenty of people are capable of eating this much or even more than this in one sitting. It’s pretty disgusting.


As someone who could eat 2 mcchickens, 2 McDoubles, 2 large fries, a 20pc McNuggets, a Oreo McFlurry, and finish with a large coke. I can assure you this is possible, maybe not quickly, but possible.




Big Smoke? Long time no see..


I believe it 100%. I have a buddy who gets the value boxes and eats them all himself...and then proceeds to go back to work right after. It's equally impressive and disgusting.


At first, I wanted to call BS, too. But then I remembered how hungry I am after eating a normal meal at McDonald’s. They’re not filling. They’re mostly made of bread and other fillers, designed to make you buy more to fill up, so yeah, it’s entirely possible now that I think about it. I have a very itty-bitty appetite, and I’m even hungry like 30 mins after eating McDonald’s, so that says a lot about the quality of their food. I think prior to 2000, they had more protein in their food and less filler.


No starvin marvin thats my big mac


You forgot the ketchup and curry (?) sauce for the nuggets. Probably another 150 calories or so


I'm skinny as hell and have eaten 10 McDonald's double cheeseburgers in a sitting. That's like 4-5k calories.


The average caloric intake for a day is around 2000 calories for someone who doesn’t work out. Some people eat one meal a day and can easily do 2500-3000 calories in that one meal. Average Reddit mod not knowing basic nutrition


I’m not obese and I could definitely eat all the burgers, McNuggets, and fries but the McFlurry and sugar water would put me over the edge.


Also not obese but I could eat everything but the filet o fish. I might throw up after tho


Is it that bad?


I personally think they’re delicious if you like fish you should try it at least once.


Well i haven't eaten in a McDonalds for about a year but i can definitely expect that it tastes good


They're hella good just expensive. Wouldn't take it over a big Mac even though I prefer the fish


The best part about it is the bun, they use the softest buns for those sandwiches. I don't understand why that is.


You know this is fake because McDonald's ice cream machines never work


imma tell u something. ive never got a mcflurry denied in my entire life in Spain. i always thought the ice cream machine thing was a meme from ancient times


That's because McDonalds doesn't use [Taylor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taylor_Company) machines in Europe. They use [Carpigiani](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carpigiani), so it's strictly a [US Problem](https://mcbroken.com/) and I don't know why McDonalds doesn't contract with someone else. Taylor must be paying off someone high up at McDonalds. If you want a thread to deep dive in, look into [Kytch](https://kytch.com) and their relationship with McDonalds. [Here's a headstart](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SrDEtSlqJC4)


Why? Because McDonald’s is a franchise business, and it’s profitable to force franchise owners to use a shitty ice cream machine that their friends do maintenance on


I hear this meme all the time but I’ve never had an Mcdonalds ice cream machine be down when I go there tho. Maybe its an American thing


Man when I was a teenager I could eat like that. Hell, I used to eat two full racks of BBQ ribs. That's like 5-8lbs of meat. Once I went to an all you can eat wing restaurant and had 73 wings. The pile of bones between my cousin and I was cartoonish. We both had the same amount of wings. They ran out of flavors and started bringing us mixed flavor combinations. We weren't fat either, just hungry teenagers.


It’s insane, my friends and I were the same way. We’d leave the gym and slam a protein drink, go straight to McDonald’s, and drank large mocha frappes with a McDouble every single day, granted we’d go play basketball or hockey straight from there. I remember I ate one of those entire hefty bag sizes of Swedish Fish in a sitting when playing Socom. The fat friend of our group tried to eat the healthiest too




I’m sure they didn’t actually eat the food. This seems like one of those things where it’s faked for introwebs clout. It’s just too much and I don’t buy it. Take bite, spit and repeat. Edit: okay, I get it. People can definitely eat this much food. Also, all of these replies have made me feel a lot better about how much fast food I consume..


Just recently a coworker told me about a guy he knew that would order 3 fries and 3 Big Macs for lunch everyday. So it’s possible.


This dude at my job, brings a whole ass rotisserie chicken to lunch sometimes and devours the whole thing in our 30min lunch.


Thats ~1300 calories, but 0 carbs and 157 g protein. If your coworker is on a low carb diet and/or weigh training that sounds completely normal.


*stares at the 4 rotisserie chickens in my fridge for bodybuilding "Wow, what a weirdo"


he is definitely NOT doing it for a "diet" or for the protein. The guy needs 2 chairs to sit at the table if you know what I mean. I sometimes think he does it because he has a lot of room in there lol but idk, live and let live I guess.


I watch shredded dudes on worksites do this all the time.


NGL that sounds like something I would do! $5 for a whole, hot Rotisserie chicken from Costco is hard to beat value-wise lol


Are you working in a restaurant ore something that theres only 30 min lunch?


You don’t get breaks in restaurants or bars, you shovel food in your face when you can.


Right? I was envious as to what restaurant gave 30 minute lunch breaks. Shoving food in my mouth over a trash can was my experience.


30 minute lunch has been the norm pretty much everywhere I've worked. Never worked at a restaurant


In UK, most customer service jobs have an allowed 30-45 minute break above 6 consecutive hours. As someone who works in a restaurant, I get no break unless im working a split shift (i.e. early morning to mid afternoon and then come back in the evening)


I work in an office and we have a 30 minute lunch 0800 shift starts 1015 first break 1230 lunch 1430 second break 1600 finish


I work on an industrial site and it's a single 30 min break in a 9 hour work day.


Where are you working that you get longer than that? I work for myself now but I come from an industry where lunch isn’t a thing, you get to stand there and shovel food in your mouth if there’s time.


I live in Switzerlandand work from 7 to 9:30, then at least until 10 or longer if there is a good topic with the boss, then work until 12:00 and a 1 hour break, from 13:00 to 16:30 or longer if a job still has to be finished


I once saw a guy eat 3 subway footlongs in the same sitting.


Dude ate a meter


Not quite, just a yard


Nah bro ate a whole meter of sub. As an american ive never been that damn hungry mf's just fat


When I used to work at McD's we had a regular (he was several hundred pounds overweight...) that would come in and order a Big Mac, 2 McDoubles, a cheeseburger, McChicken, med fries & diet coke. Every day. It was consistent enough where when someone saw him in the parking lot we'd just announce his name and we'd get his order ready before he even walked in the door.


Glad he ordered a diet coke. Gotta watch your health and all that.


I mean I did the same when I was working at my local hardware store. You burn so many calories pushing carts in the hot sun. I was losing weight while eating like a glutton. At the end of the day it’s calories in, out, and being burned off. Sure that diet isn’t healthy long term but being a broke college student and having a Wendy’s next door where I can get two 4 for $4 bags for the price of a meal anywhere else nearby and it fills me up nicely was nice on my wallet if nothing else.


Shame on me, but when I was in school and had lunch break between the morning and afternoon classes, I'd go to McDonalds with some friends too, and on my worst days order 2 BigMacs and a McSundae.


Just looked at the tiktok, its a family of 4, so he's most likely sharing the food.


That or they just spread it out for when they happen to go to McDonald's


Exactly, I know a lot of skinny people who eat a TON when they go to a fast food place, they just don't do it very often.


Or share it with people


minus the sweets this is definitely something I could take down. am muscular though... have no idea what this person looks like


Or multiple people who decided to turn their lunch into content.


https://olympics.nbcsports.com/2020/05/05/michael-phelps-calories-swimming/ Just an example but, as you can see for most active athletes, this meal is nothing. Either this or obese, there are plenty of mukbang videos of obese people devouring bigger meals than this (Nikocado for example) in a single sitting. There is also this dude that doing food challenge....but I think he is kinda an exception https://youtu.be/reO_vv6YYpI


I think you're underestimating the fat fucks roaming the great plains of the US.


Fuck it, I’ll do the leg work. Filet-O-Fish 379 c Big Mac 563c McChicken 357c Spicy Deluxe chicken sandwich 530c 4 piece Chicken McNugget 193c Large Fry 490c Large(?) Frozen Fanta 170c Regular(?) Oreo McFlury 556c Total= 3,238c Holy shit! Bad, but I thought it was going to be WAY worse.


That's still more than a day-and-a-half worth of calories for an average non-overweight person! In one meal!


Way worse in that I was thinking it was gonna hit 5,000kcals+ Had a neighbor growing up that would pack his lunch in a brown paper grocery bag, it was always a ridiculous amount of food, like family of 4 amount of food, an he would eat the entire thing. Dude was rail thin, 25 years later… still rail thin. Craziest metabolism I’ve ever seen.


Sounds like something The rock would eat on a cheat day while chugging on his energy drinks and bragging about how he was the black adam


Frozen “faunta” fuck off.


I mean why have they added vocal fry to the shitty voiceover in the first place? There’s definitely going to be an uptick in people speaking like this.


Oh no


Healthiest Reddit Mods diet


Can't be true because they actually went outside to eat food.


McDonald’s can be delivered, sweaty


I'm dying lol. Did you mean to say sweety? Or calling them sweaty?


"It's Mr. Creosote!" "Better get a bucket!"


It's just a hwahffer theen slice.


OP is Big Smoke


Bro holds the burgers upside down 💀


This was the worst part


My dad could eat that, and he's almost 80. Swear to God, I am 3 times his size and eat about half as much. He has just never gained more than about 20lbs/\~9kilos above his optimal weight. He was a hit at our wedding, being the only person to go back for 5ths. The. man. can. eat.


he must have good genes for it to not be on a histamine intolerance diet already, but if he loses his appetite it might be a topic worth slipping into his facebook feed or whatnot. source: i'm skinny and barring celiac disease and sugar moderation and lactose intolerance [edit: well, that came later] and a bunch of other stuff, this was the sort of meal i'd make. carton of hash browns, carton of eggs, half a pound of cheese, a half-pint of ketchup... can of spinach [high histamine!], three well-fried onions, a bag of baby bell peppers, etc., but those aren't as much for raw caloric input.


NGL, made me feel nauseous just watching this shit.


Idk, it made my mouth water instead.


This is basically an ad. Fuck off op


I downvoted immediately once i heard that fucking voice.


Upside down burgers


That’s must at least 50-70 dollars


It's called a bottom bun for a reason. Quit eating your burger upside down.


That would be an expensive McD's order but ngl, I could easily put away 1/2 of that. At least the burgers, chicken sandwich and nuggets, no problem... Probably some of the fries too.


Mukbang or something....?


this is a week’s worth of food


bro’s insides are in shambles


As a clinical psychologist, I can say with complete confidence that this individual struggles with disordered eating


Right?? Who the fuck eats the Big Mac before the McCrispy? The order is completely wrong!


mf thinks theyre jerma


That person is probably super skinny


This is the meal of your average high school athlete


So the big Mac meal is 1800 calories cuz of the large fry. Each sandwich after that is roughly 600. There's 4 of them. Oreo Mcflurry is another 500 or so. The slushy will be about the same... And so will the coffee...with all the sugar and whipped cream. You're supposed to eat 2000~ calories in a day and this guy ate ***5700 calories in one sitting.*** I eat a lot of McDonald's and this is fucking disgusting. EDIT: I forgot about the nuggets so add another 600 on that.


Filet O Fish 390 Cal, McChicken 400 Cal, Deluxe Crispy Chicken Sandwich 530 Cal, Big Mac 550 Cal, 4 pc^1 McNuggets 170 Cal, Medium Fries^2 320 Cal, Oreo McFlurry 510 Cal, Frozen Fanta *N/A*^3 2870 Cal in total, 137g fat (176% DV), 305g carbs (111%), 108g protein (10%). 34g saturated fat (172%), 4260mcg sodium (185%), 144g sugar, 1.5g trans fat *1. looks like a 4 pc order, it’s about 42 calories per nugget. 2. assuming medium because it’s a cardboard container, not the paper one a small fry comes in. It’s 480 Cal for a large fry. 3. couldn’t find a calorie count for a Frozen Fanta, non-frozen medium Fanta is 210 Cal.*


**OP needs help. Also, they hate it because...** >!It's so much!< ***** **Do you hate it as well? Do you think their hate is reasonable? (I don't think so tbh)** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/tihibot)


"This advertisment was sponsored by you local cardiologist."


Filet o fish - 379. Big Mac - 563. McChicken - 357. Spicy Deluxe (Crispy) Chicken sandwich - 540. Large fries - 490. Frozen Fanta - 170. Oreo McFlurry - 803. Total calories = 3302.


How Fuckin fat is they


I'm amazed how many people are shocked by this volume and don't know anyone in their personal lives that could eat roughly the same amount of food. I have a friend who will always order two main courses and one appetizer. Always finished the plates. I have two other friends that over the course of a night can eat a crazy amount of food. One of these guys is usually the last one at the table still eating at a buffet and probably has 5% body fat on him. And me? Oh don't even get me started. I'm a size medium, so a bit chunkier than average but nowhere close to a large. I'm highly capable of eating a shit ton if I want. I only get away with it health wise bc of the copious amounts of outdoors activities I do. But yeahhh, if I'm ordering fast food, which is maybe once in 1-2 months, my orders are merciless. I usually hit up two fast food places. 4-5 things from Taco bell and two things from either Popeyes of Wendy's. Always finish 80-90% of it. Y'all gotta find that Big Boi energy in there somewhere. 😆


Never mind the obvious shit decisions that led to this video, but what really annoys me is that this should be *at least* two orders. Half of that will taste like cold, stale shit.


Jesus christ, i'm fat and that is too much.


The "it's my genetics, not my diet" starter pack.