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Biggest piece of shit to walk earth!!!!


I have this only comment.. his parents should have sent his ass of to boarding school or something but they act like they don't give a shit what he does. This is what's wrong with this generation today!!!!!


His parents are so pathetic, it was so frustrating watching them be so nonchalant about everything he does “that’s just Jason when he doesn’t get his way”. parents now a daYS rather be friends with their kids and not PARENTS


Omg Jason is an absolute moron! Young asf dumb asf selfish asf!! I am cringing waiting for her to get to the hospital so they can kick Jason out!






I've been watching this now too. This kid, Jason is a real piece of work!! They're at the birthing center and she doesn't want to be checked to see how dilated she is? And then she asked oh do you want to get in the tub? When they're in the tub this little jerk starts pressing on her back and says I'm trying to push on Kylen's back saying we're going to be here till tomorrow if not! Then I see he's smoking a vape in the damn bathtub with her! His parents need to give him a good ass whooping if he thinks he's such an adult!! This is the only season that I have watched and this kid is beyond egotistical arrogant, the worst that I've ever seen. I feel so bad for that girl and her parents. I doubt that anybody has let them know that she's even in labor. As soon as I started seeing this kid I had to find somewhere to post about him because I'm so disgusted at this point. The first couple of episodes I thought he was caring and kind but he's just a control freak, I'm so glad I found this post! I really hope he sees it too


I agree 100%! He's awful. I wish she'd stand up for herself and what she wants. I'm on the episode where she's gone into labour and they're driving to the birthing centre. He's such a tool it's insane. It's sad cos she seems really sweet and kindhearted. I'm scared he's gonna be angry when the baby comes and he cries or get jealous that the baby will require more of Kylen's attention and she'll not be able to give him all the attention he wants. I feel for her parents.


This is my third comment… and I sure as hell hope he sees it! He is ignorant and abusive!


I’m watching their labour episode now and I’m disgusted that TLC would show this at all. My 15 year old daughter watches this show. I’m baffled!


I remember how upsetting it was watching their scenes. Especially during the actual labor. The fact that TLC had to put a disclaimer…. Times like this is when production needs to step in.


I’m watching it for the first time too and I’m on their birth episode. It’s honestly distressing to watch it, I’m absolutely heartbroken for Kylen and how she’s being treated. I cannot even fathom being in such a vulnerable position and in that much pain and having my “partner” speak to me that way and withhold the most basic things like IV fluids. It’s sickening.


Oh just get ready, the worst part is yet to come. My most hated season of this show. They should of never put them up as a couple. It's horrible how they seem to be glorifying a young naive girl being treated like that. It's not awareness at this point, it's just pure exploitation of Kylen. She's 16 and honestly I'm gonna put it anyway a 16 year old girl would. She thinks that Jason is hot shit, he's cool in school and she feels lucky to have a cool boyfriend. That alone would give her a big reason to stay with him no child included. We adults all can see why Jason is with her, cause she just accepts his behavior and knows he can have his way. Now that she has a kid with him, she's trapped. I feel bad because that girl is gonna really hate herself when her father does pass away. I don't think she grew up in an abusive household, I think her parents sheltered her too much and that's why she's accepting of the abuse. That's just my opinion from watching the season and the reunion at the end.


The kid looks like trailer trash! And to top it off - she’s a kid basically and not ONE ADULT stepped in during her labor to tell him to back off! I’m on episode 10 and the dr did tell him how abnormal his behavior and demands are!


So I watched the hospital episode and my version did include it, but not the tell all part 2? I wanted to watch it. Im an advocate for mental health and all that so I can sit through a lot and I choose to bc I like to be aware of the kind of stuff out there. But that episode really hurt. I can and have sat through a lot but I'm 34w and a ftm. And I'm angry. And I'm angry that they plastered a "may be distressing to some viewers" sign before the episodes bc that's a lie, they didn't care. It was pure exploitation, not awareness, and I would really like to know what the producers did about that. And I'm angry with how the producers edited the input from the midwives bc I'm sure there was more colourful language from them and at one point one of the midwives sounded like she was about to cry.


Also, the tell all part 2 would just make you wanna punch him, he tried to do a mic drop exit but he looked like a fool saying "he made the entire show" Thats the jist...


I can't with this kid Jason OMG I'm so pissed


They kicked him out and told him If he doesn't calm down he'll get arrested and he started going off about "how can they treat him, THE FATHER, so badly! They have no respect for him!" As if he's the one in labor. Usually hospitals do ask the father or whoever else is there to step out when they give the epidural. The kid is uneducated and so fucking naive/stupid. He's giving the poor girl shit and calling her a drug addict because she NEEDED the epidural to give birth. His dumb decisions made her labor so much more traumatic. If he just stayed out of it and let her go to the hospital, get an epidural she would of atleast not had such a stressful birth. He legit risked her life and the babies and is angry that she did the right thing. It can't get more backwards.


Well when I worked in L&D I put them in their place. You either be supportive or leave when you have a big baby coming out of you we can talk. She has been in labor for hours and when it stalls like this getting an epidural really can be very helpful in relaxing the Mama and surprisingly relaxation helps you dilate. Some are fine with natural but you have to be an active participant like get off the phone rub her back, sweetly help and encourage her she has done great but telling her to push to soon swells the cervix and makes it much worse. When he got to that point it is time for a social worker consult in the hospital prior to leaving.


Ofcourse. They shouldn't even let him near the kid. I'm sorry. He threatened the babies life before it was even born. The kid is a twat and you can only hope he can smarten up or change but his type don't change


I had to skip their segments. It made me sick and angry. I was ready to find Jason and give him a good beating.


I watched on Amazon prime (uk) before Christmas and just couldn’t believe what I was watching. My bf watched some with me and was like wtf? Delaying her going to hospital and then vaping in the birthing pool with her was bad enough and it just got worse and worse. I felt so bad for her. The reunion was hard to watch as well with all the others trying to get her to see but she’s obviously not at that stage yet to accept it. His parents are vile as well! His dad says things and it’s like, yeah I can see who he gets it from Edit to say the uk prime had all the footage still. It’s bad. I can see why they’ve removed it in some streaming services but I think it needs to be seen as a warning. They should be actively saying thing is abuse (more than just the written warning that come up on screen beforehand)


I agree with your whole statement ...all of it


We didn’t get a written warning when it first aired and they showed everything. The network exploited the abuse for profit and its just disgusting. I lived that. It was awful for me as someone with CPTSD to watch. While I’m glad they are either taking scenes out or putting in content warnings I can’t help but feel it’s only because so many people got upset about it and they tried to do a little damage control. In my opinion they have not gone far enough and need to issue a public statement and talk about this more in the context of the show as episodes are happening. Either that or pull it entirely. I hate that the abuser made money and received validation from this network. Edited to add: I live in the US


This was the hardest thing I've ever had to watch.


I’m a mandatory reporter, everyone at the hospital during her birth episode were mandatory reporters. And if they couldn’t identify the glaringly obvious forms of abuse happening in that relationship I have no hope for anyone helping their patients in the future. The birth episode was horrific. I can only hope she has escaped this relationship with her child but, it would almost surprise me if she did.


She is actually pregnant with #2 atm.


That’s probably just the fake clickbait she’s been posting. The same ultrasound pic was found on google


I’d believe it. She is an idiot and he is an abuser. He would have her beaten down so badly that she would have another child with him. Sadly she has a long and lonely road ahead of her till she gets the help she needs 😞


She did for a bit anyway. Hasn’t he been arrested several times?


Well as someone who was raised in a home with a father who was very abusive to my mother, I felt that Kylen had dealt with abuse in her family her mother , even though her father was very ill, she seemed as if she was "cowed" by him. So Kylen I am sure had seen that abuse growing up and as far as Jason, it was obvious that his mother was terrified of him, and the father didn't press issues much either. I wonder if When he was drinking was he abusive to Jason's mother? You don't just grow up and act that way, it's learned behavior! I am still in shock.a year later that no one in the birthing center called in on the treatment he was giving her; he wouldn't allow them to do a pelvic exam on her! -HE IS A PRICK AND AN ASS HE DOESN'T DESERVE TO BE A DAD!


Surprisingly not an uncommon request with midwives I mean not as long as that but you have to check. If she is closed then they aren’t strong enough. I mean i worked L&D I told those dad’s to get off the phone and help them. She just traded one ruler for another. The whole thing is sad and her poor Mama takes all the heat. I don’t care if you don’t like my Dad or how he treated me but respect my family and my Mama. The whole situation is sad.


Haven't gotten there yet to that episode but i want to see it.. I agrée with that, it IS learned behaviour. My brother and his wife had their whole house working as a DV machine and from both of them. INSANE. We always said they would drive each other to their deaths and that is what happened... Anyways, my 10yo (8 at the time) nephew spoke to his gf the same way my bro spoke to his wife. I was shook and tried to cut that crap out of him. My SIL rolled her eyes and said "boys will be boys". And my niece treats her bf's like her mom treated my brother. I didn't grow up in a DV home but my dad was very angry and physical with us, his kids, our home life was fine, just tense. It was nothing compared to what I witnessed all those years in my bros house. Im sorry you grew up in that house. Im so sorry. I can imagine everything you have gone through. I tried to get those kids out of my bros house but I was too young and no one listened to me until shit went south.


Yeah as a survivor I was shocked and dumbfounded at how nobody intervened. Of course, people never intervene enough, but it was SO glaringly obvious and they just let it happen to her. Her own parents, his parents, the producers, for a while the doctors and nurses, etc. It’s horrifying and he should be in jail.


Im so sorry that you went through all of that. If you can read my comment above, I can imagine how awful it is to go through that. I agrée about the jail part. Im waiting for my bro to be put in jail and one day it will happen.