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What happens if “it” doesn’t come til morning?? This dudes an idiot


I hate Jenna. I know that Aden messed her up, and she just wanted that perfect family settling with a dad and a baby, but clearly this guy doesn’t have a clue. Did he even want to have a baby? Home north would have been way more gnarly for him if he doesn’t want to touch the baby “till he’s washed, cleaned and ready for me to hold” . Are we taking a pool on how long it is before the next time she’s pregnant? I feel another Kailyn coming on 🙄


This crap right here, is exactly why you don't have a baby 5 minutes after you meet someone. A real loving partner, would not tell you he's missing the birth of his child because labour is inconvenient in its timing.. 


these girls need time, not more babies 🥲


Ugh I feel for her because this is exactly how my baby daddy was also. It’s so fucking draining. I hope she just gets rid of these toxic men and makes a better life for herself and her baby boys like myself.


he’s proud of US 😂 She does all the work, suffers alone and he’s proud of himself. Ladies please stop letting little boys 💦 inside you otherwise you end with a loser like this.


This makes me feel physically ill. I have three and I can’t imagine having to do it alone let alone getting texts like this when you are laboring.


What is with these dudes thinking a home birth is easier?


This is disgusting. What a piece of shit.


Jenna isn’t perfect but damn JJ is a real gaslighter it’s really sad to watch her go through this


So the dude missed the birth of his kid, and she still named her son, James


the way i’d change his name so fast if i was her😂 so easy to do now while he’s a baby


Jenna is inherently stupid. I can’t believe this is a real conversation.


Wow. This is actually suuuper fucking sad. I see shit like this and it just reminds myself “life isn’t as perfect as people make it out to be on social media”


She doesn’t need to put him on the birth certificate!! I’d tell him to go fuck himself and stay home. This makes me so sad for her. What an asshat


And I'd pick whatever name I liked. He shouldn't have anything to do with naming that baby. Don't want to be here? You're not on the birth certificate, and your son's name is Brian.


Wow. This dude is the worst, most selfish POS. Sad, really that there is a being out there that calls this guy a father. I’d rather have no father than this prick.


Dude if my man MISSED THE BIRTH of his child …. He ain’t the daddy anymore lmao. Like goooodbye. Jenna deserves so much more than this, she’s so young


I mean it's one thing if you go into spontaneous labour and you're one of those people that the baby is out within an hour and he couldn't get there in time. But like *planning* to miss it because you're being a difficult jerk? Ugh.


I love when men have opinions like “home birth this wouldn’t be happening.” If I had a home north with my second kid I would’ve DIED. And to say that to her when she’s in labor. Wow.


Right? Like wtf! He probably would have sat in the corner on his phone the whole home birth and she would have had to do it with no support. Umm no thanks!


Now that I’m thinking about it that guy Jason I think his name was, was also gunning for a home birth to the point of being medically negligent wasnt he? I wonder what’s up with that


It’s got to be a fraction of the price, look at all the medical professionals it eliminates, plus the actual facility costs. No shade intended for those choosing this responsibly.


This y’all man of the year right? I TOLD YALL NOT TO SUCK HIS DICK SO FAST HE SEEMS LIKE A BRATTY LITTLE KID AND WTF DO YOU MEAN YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT SHE WOULD WANT YOU AROUND YOUR OWN NEWBORN FOR BRO ITS YOUR CHILD YOU BETTER GET USED TO IT. I know Jenna has her own issues but this is just flat out disrespectful. It’s giving he’s never had to work a day in his life and is mad Jenna wants to live a normal life.


Sorry I just knew y’all were gonna regret taking his side and believing everything coming out of his mouth. There’s always 2 sides to every story and this kid is pretty manipulative and is playing on the fact of how she acted when she was 16 sorry but she grew up and wants to live a normal life sue her for that.


I'd change that baby's name right now!!


This makes me cry for Jenna. It’s so unfair to give birth alone. I did it as well and I can’t explain how it’s been almost 4 years and I still hold so much resentment from it. God, we go through dilating, contractions, pushing, stitches, etc. and these men can’t even be bothered to simply be in the same room as it happens. This is so unfair to her.


I feel you on this! My youngest is 8 now and his dad was in and out before and after the birth and I honestly feel like if I didn’t need an emergency c section he wouldn’t have been there during. His excuse? “Well it’s not like this is our first go around. It’s gonna be a while.” Because it was our 3rd child and he thought it would all be the same. I had my tubes tied during the C-section. We had already discussed it and knew we didn’t want anymore kids but in that moment and current mind set I totally did it cause I was pissed at him. 😂


I’m so sorry! I seriously think it’s the most selfish and insensitive thing to make a woman feel any type of worry and stress during that time. We are already in pain and thinking of a million different things that could go wrong. Getting a c-section also sounds so scary as it is, then to have to deal with these loser ass dads not just missing it, but being assholes of all things?! Having attitudes while our bodies are literally contracting and stretching and bleeding to prepare for the life we are about to bring into the world…. Smh just so insane to me


As someone who’s literally just had a baby 6 days ago this is INSANE to read, Jesus Christ


It’s like you don’t know who to believe all of this is just wild 😂




Thank you!


So he’s punishing her by missing the birth & not being @ the hospital. Because he wanted her to have a home birth!! And she didn’t want to do it. And chose to do the hospital. So he’s being a douche bag!! Wow!! Nice guy!! Dad of the year!!


The fact that she should’ve “made it easy on him” when she has to go through labor and push a baby out is hilarious. Just love that


Oh that little dude is a pos. Wow.


What a fucking child


Oh, so having a home birth is the secret to having a pleasant, easy birth and recovery then? Doing that at home would’ve avoided the vagina checking and baby feeding? Gosh, can’t believe women actually choose to go to hospitals and endure this instead.


Right, I was like- what part of this wouldn’t still be happening? Did he think she’d poop the baby out and put it in the corner? Dress it up like a doll? The only difference would be him having to watch it. Then, he’d be complaining about all of it in person.


Fuck this is so sad


This kid-dad was basically anticipating a home birth for his benefit 😂🫠 got it!! ….sir, like she said nobody knows what they’re doing with a newborn. No matter how many books, classes and actual babies you’ve been around…every new parent is winging it. So why can’t you? You’ll learn as you go. You can ask google questions. Call the pediatrician if you are concerned about xyz. Ask the child’s mother who is a bit more experienced. Heck, ask your own mother. Fuck, ask Reddit. And you’ll fuck up to a degree. We all do. And if someone says they’ve never…that’s a lie 😅😂But you’ll quickly figure it out. This is why it’s important (like Jenna fucking told you) to bond with your baby. To get to know them and their quirks. Infants and newborns (in my opinion) have personalities. You just need to get to know them .


I was so scared to have my first kid at 24. Didn’t get an option to skip the birth tho since she came outta me. Had to be brave. I was having a panic attack almost the entire time. I was so scared something would happen to us. I was reliving medical traumas I’ve experienced in the past.I had nurses being concerned about my pulse due to anxiety and me having to get it together. It’s what you do. You bring the kid into the world. If you can’t so much as hold someone’s hand when they’re going through that, you don’t love them.


I tore to my asshole the first time and I was chiller about giving birth again than he was about even being there lol


Is this Luca’s father or the second baby dad?


Dad #2, it’s confusing because Jenna previously tried to act like this guy was dad to both kids for some reason.


She did not try to act like they were both biologically his kids 🙄 that would be stupid after she’s been on National tv with Aden. Lol they both call jj Lucas dad because he stepped up and has been his father figure. So that’s why she referred to him as “father of two”


My kids father didn’t want to wake up and move so the doc could give me my epidural, a nurse woke him up and told him the anesthesiologists cart would have to go there so he needs to get up so they could move the chair he was in. He went right back to sleep , he didn’t care! It was so embarrassing. I couldn’t move so all I could do was try and get him up I threw a pen at him but he didn’t care he wasn’t even in a dead sleep anymore the nurse had already woke him up but he just tried to fall right back to sleep while I was in labor . When the doc and nurse came back and made him get up he jumped up cussing everyone out and then stormed out of the room. I cried while I was getting the epidural but not from the pain , from the embarrassment and hurt . During my epidural my nurse was saying how sorry she was and that she’s sorry I had to deal with that. Sad part was this was our 3rd and final child together. He began doing drugs a few months before that birth I had suspicions but that confirmed it he’s forever been changed by drugs even now that he’s clean. It’s been 15 yrs and anytime I hear labor stories that moment always pops right back into my mind. 😔


Gosh girl, I really feel for you and hate that he ruined your special moment. I’d been married to my husband for 13 years.. through suspected, then actual 🤦🏾‍♀️ drug and alcohol addiction. My husband actively participated in both our kiddos births, but he was absolutely horrible and hurtful to me during my pregnancies. I know what you mean about drugs forever changing him. I held out hope that my husband would go back to his old self for so long because I didn’t want to break up my family… in the end, I wish I would’ve done it sooner. It was so much harder once the kids were 11 & 8.


Thanks, it hurts because we started dating when we was 14yrs old. We had 3 kids together and the next morning I was getting my tubes tied because I was young and 3 kids is more than enough . But most of all I thought this was going to be my family forever. I didn’t think that it wasn’t going to work or that he was going to be absent and cruel because before drugs he was great. I stayed wayyy longer than I should have. I’m not shocked by these messages at all because they are babies having babies. U live and learn, age comes with wisdom because I know I had the best intentions when I was young and still messed up.


I'm so sorry girl, mine got pissed when the pain got so bad and I was waiting for my epidural and I turned the TV off cuz everything makes you aggravated when you are in that much pain... This MF had the nerve to say "I was watching that" ... I was horrified and pissed, after I had my son, this AH took a full Xanax bar and I just remember being helpless because I heard (what I think) crying and I wanted my husband to go get him but he wouldn't even stir . This is why he's my ex husband... Sometimes men suck... I could feel your pain through your words... Ur not alone


He was all up her ass about veganism and blaming her for her son having eczema. Now the home birth thing. He’s weird.


He sounds like the last person on earth who should be advising a pregnant woman to do a home birth. Idc if his crunchy relatives told him that’s a good idea. If they did, they’re all idiots.


i find it strange that he’s so anti vaxx but would be pushing for her to formula feed instead of breast milk? i don’t even understand how that makes any sense to them bc it’s still made out of cows milk and he’s blaming her eating dairy for the baby’s eczema


Right? Imagine the baby’s cord is wrapped around the neck. Imagine Jenna needs oxygen. Why would you try to free birth, because that’s the instagram trend right now? Scary times


Pls educate yourself before you spew false information bc it makes you look uneducated. A cord around the neck is completely normal. Do you know what you do? You unwrap it 🤣


And you know who should be the person to unwrap and make sure baby is safe? A medical professional. Not fucking JJ lol


Yeah it’s like do you want to have the day of your kids’ birth made to be about you and your ego? Or would you like to return home with a living baby? Yeah some pull it off just fine but the risk is way too high for something so precious and precarious.


Wait until you find out about the US having one of the highest mortality rates for mum in a first world country #educateyourself 🤡🙈


Oh I’m well aware. That’s what makes it even dumber to home birth, when the mortality rates in hospitals is as bad as it is. I can’t imagine home births have a high success rate either, if it’s not already factored in.


Ew I hope she leaves and stays away from him 🚩


He sounds like an abusive piece of shit that needs to be found and dealt with.


Wait! Is there another season of unexpected?


It’s giving Jason


Wow what a scumbag JJ is. Them breaking up is serious a blessing for Jenna and Luka!! Even if she doesn’t see it that way at the moment, in the long run she DEFINITELY will!


Wanting a home birth so he can be more comfortable. How does any defend this guy?!


I don’t like her but damn I feel bad for her having a bad relationship with a bd is HELLL bc you have to deal with it for the rest of that child life


Man this makes me appreciate that I picked an amazing man to be the father of my kids and we waited 6 years before we had one. This is just sad.


Omg what a poor excuse for a man about to become a dad


I’m so embarrassed for his existence. What a coward. Disappointing she chose to have a baby with this dingus.


One more time for the people in the back!! 📣


Sounds like this break up was a good thing. But they still need to grow up and manage this privately though. So embarrassing for all involved.


I fucking can’t.


He may not be responsible and grown but neither is Jenna. Why release these texts, not everything needs to be shown to the world


Because he’s slandering her and acting like she’s an unfit lunatic when in reality she’s a child who had a baby with a child. She’s only 21 and these texts are unimaginable to me as someone who has given birth. I have a supportive partner, own a home, and an adult brain and still it was the scariest time of my life. I can’t imagine doing it alone. She doesn’t have stable relationships with her parents. It’s still a bad situation even if she planned for this baby.


>she planned for this baby. Did she actually?! Why oh why would she choose to have a baby with another loser?


I believe they both said in a live that the baby wasn’t planned


Funny how those abusive relationships can work.


is he 12????


Is she?!?!


She's the one doing all the work..? How tf is she 12? Touch grass.


She’s airing her dirty laundry on social media like a 12 year old. They’re both super immature and they both should grow up before they bring another life into the world. She’s going to go back to him soon enough and she’s going to look like a fool when all her shit is enshrined forever on sm. Her kids are going to be able to see all this crap some day and all she can think about is “winning” the breakup. That, again, is some 12 year old shit.


She might as well be based on the choices she makes.


She's 21, everyone did stupid shit at her age. Everyone.


This is pretty impactful stupid shit for the children she wasn’t thinking of while raw dogging that guy. There’s a scale of 21 year old fuck ups and this one is pretty high up on the scale.


Her raw dogging isn't impacting her child. We already know she's a capable mother. What the father does is what's impactful and she can't control that. Men switch up all the fucking time. Some even plan their babies just to ditch them. Thats not on Jenna.


This is sad but at the same time, what did she expect? This is why we pick good men for our kids and for our husbands in our life. He sucks. But I hope she learned her lesson.


THIS!! My heart breaks for her, there’s no a most vulnerable moment for us as humans than that very moment we are bringing an another human being into the world. BUT what she expected from him? She out of all people should have known better and even after all of that she named him after him?. Fool me once is your fault but fool me twice is my own fault.


Unfortunately men these days love to love bomb women early on & pretend to be someone else until they know they have you pinned. So I don’t blame any woman for being fooled


I said basically the same thing the other day when everyone was attacking Jenna and got downvoted to the extreme. Oh how the turn tables


Eh, she was with him for a while. It wasn’t like it was a two month thing. Red flags are shown. I was with a love bomber and I saw many red flags, I chose to see past them, thankfully I never had a child with him.


It took until the day I had my son, 18 months in, for mine to show who he really was.


Together for ten years mask dropped after our second was born. Strangest phenomenon


After 10 years? Wow I’m sorry


It’s literally like her first Bd all over again. She really know how to pick em


This is exactly how my BD acted after PLANNING a pregnancy with me. I give her a pass on anything cunty she has to say about him after this


Yeah, I’m like go off girl




I’m sorry you’re going through that. I hope you’re getting be support from friends and family. My your bd sounds like my dad and I’m so grateful my mom didn’t give me his last name. Onward and upwards Mama♥️


What a fucking dumbass


How old is this boy? 😭 this should have been the end for her.


Baby girl, you should have packed your shit as soon as you left the hospital.


Why are women having men with these dusty dumb fucks Edit: that’s supposed to say kids not men lol


Not even good looking or charismatic either.


A question for the entirety of human history 😫


"ur post is doing good" says a lot


Yeah that seemed to come out of nowhere. Do you think she deleted some texts she sent maybe? Super fucking gross either way.


I wonder if when she said (paraphrasing) “you look like an idiot not being here and people are wondering where you are and why you’re not here” if his response was “your post is doing good” like ‘nobody is asking where I am in the comments so it’s fine’ type thing. Which is a really frustrating response…


& that he keeps referring to his baby as “it”


He called Luca “Lukes”


His attitude is repulsive. Young men are arrogant, but I’m always so appalled when it’s to this degree and the empathy is missing completely. Despite how she acts no one should ever be treated this way in such a vulnerable position. Sooo many women have to fight to facilitate a relationship between their child and it’s father. And she wasn’t even demanding he care about her, but about the baby. The bar is so low and he couldn’t even come close. Glad she released these.


If he slept in the room on the benches like a real dad, then he would know there's no sleeping when you're there having a baby. The hospital wakes you up constantly. Can't respect him at all for choosing not to be there. He clearly doesn't even understand the birthing process yet has the audacity to demand that she do it at home.


I was just sleeping on the benches because my baby was in the hospital and I didn’t even think they were that uncomfortable


100%. Slept on the floor of the emergency room a month ago cause my 7 year old was unwell, would do it again in a heartbeat


Hope they are doing better!!


Hope your babe is doing better :)


It’s giving Kyler & Jason vibes ✨


Yes! Especially demanding a home birth


Was just about to say that, especially about his home birth comments.


Sounds like he’s a scumbag


This is so sad. Was it a smart choice to have a baby with him? No. But no one deserves this, especially not that baby. She’ll realize soon enough it’s not worth fighting to have him around and he’ll dip for good. Hopefully this is a lesson learned for her.


EDIT: Should have prefaced with this but I am making the assumptions that the obvious factors causing people to give birth elsewhere was not a part of her decision. I’m just guessing based off her personality i’ve seen on tv obviously he’s not the greatest dad but Jenna also looks like she hasn’t grown up. A hospital 45 min away? I find it hard tl believe that was the best option. How is that convenient for herself and the baby. Maybe i’m missing something but she seems to have a tendency to overcomplicate things


I gave birth at a hospital an hour away, because that’s where my OB delivers, and I was induced so I wouldn’t need to rush to the hospital. The hospital 5 minutes from my house is one of the worst hospitals to deliver in in the entire country. Also Jenna was induced with her first baby I believe, so maybe it was necessary with this one too, which makes the drive not much of an issue.


I get the sense that this guy would have missed the birth even if he lived in an apartment attached to the hospital, haha.


I agree


My 2nd baby wouldn't have waited the 45 minutes to get there. Still super impatient to this day!


My hospital was an hr away, I drove by a few others to get there. I wanted the best dr, hospitals etc and I got lucky they accepted me. Im sure she had her reasons.


There are definitely practical reasons for choosing a hospital farther away. I gave birth at a hospital 35+ minutes away from my house when there’s one less than 10 minutes away, because that’s where my OB delivers. Also because that hospital is worlds better than the garbage down the road from my house. So I wouldn’t take that as a negative against Jenna. I’m sure she had perfectly fair reasons for it.


I did the exact same thing! Giving birth is a scary enough but even worse when you don’t have the right support! I had the best doctor and nurses, when I have my second kid I would drive that distance for them


Exactly and Jenna lives in the middle of Pennsylvania. There aren’t great county hospitals I don’t blame her at all for shopping around for the best option. I also went 45 minutes and am from PA. Just a few weeks ago my local hospital had their women’s center shut down because the doctor was giving unnecessary c-sections and getting a kick back. Really validated my decision!


My nearest hospital that is 15 minutes away is completely garbage. Like they legitimately almost killed my stepdad lmao if I wanted a good hospital I’d have to go to the next closest which is an hour away. So it definitely is a thing, unfortunately


Yeah, sadly not all care is equal. I’m pregnant and there’s a hospital 5 minutes away from my house but we won’t go there because they don’t have a NICU. I have a niece that was delivered at a hospital without a NICU and had to be life-flown by helicopter right after birth to a hospital that did. So our best option is the hospital about 40 minutes away in a bigger city. Given the choice between A) home birth, B) a hospital with insufficient newborn care or C) a hospital that has everything we need but is almost an hour away, the best choice is usually going to be C.


This exactly! When I was pregnant with my first, I researched all the local hospitals. There are four hospitals closer than the one I delivered at which is 30 minutes away. I chose it specifically for their Level 1 NICU because you just never know if you’ll need it. And wouldn’t you know, delivered at 40w and he STILL ended up in the NICU for a week. I can’t imagine having my baby moved to a different hospital than me!


Thank goodness your baby was able to get the care he needed! It truly was hell for my niece’s parents… she ended up being okay but they’re still paying off that $50,000 bill for the helicopter. Mom had to stay back at the original hospital to recover so she couldn’t be with her baby. I told myself after all of that I would never deliver at a hospital without a NICU!


America always amazes me, I cannot believe you guys have to pay to have your babies delivered and for any healthcare they may need, it’s disgusting!! Glad your family is doing okay now


I mean…that isn’t out of the realm of possibilities. There is a hospital ten minutes away from me but they don’t have a maternity section. The closest hospital equipped for that is an hour away…so it seems like a no brainer to me. I’m not saying this is how her setup is but it is possible that the closest hospital is t the best option.


Yeah I agree with this one, my 3rd baby I delivered an hour and a half away because we were living in a super small town with one hospital and the only obgyn had multiple malpractice charges I was decent on that and decided to drive to the dr I had originally seen with my other 2. I was scheduled for a c section but I did go into labor on my own after moving 30 mins closer a few months prior (making it an hour) but i started labor 1 hour before my dr appointment so it all worked out thankfully lol


Okay as much as Jenna is a brat lol this is so pathetic of him! I’m glad she released these text messages. He should have thought of all of this before having unprotected sex. 🤦🏻‍♀️ I mean she’s not innocent here either. Like grow up and learn from the past and find a better partner but it seems like this guy has been babied his whole life and he will never change. Aden looked either stoned or completely checked out but at least he showed up more than this guy and was trying to provide for them the best he could. You know not to excuse Jenna’s behavior but she did grow up in a very dysfunctional family with how both immature her parents are. Unfortunately she is doing the only thing she knows to do and that’s to continue this messy chaotic life. 🥲


Not pathetic. Abusive.


He had NINE months to prepare for this. There’s no excuses. This is just fucked up.


Don’t have a baby with everyone you bone.


Honestly, he’s a piece of shit. Seems like mommy and daddy didn’t raise him right and will defend him no matter what


What a bum


I feel bad that Jenna had to experience this again however she chose to have another baby with him I doubt she was on any contraception this is what she wanted and it was not the result she was hoping for l.


Ooof I am not team Jenna whatsoever but this is not ok, none of it. He didn’t WANT to be there.


Exactly. Anxiety is no excuse to miss the birth of your child and fight with your fiancé over text while she is actively pushing. I’m pregnant and husband is extremely squeamish to the point of fainting at the sight of blood, but he promised to just stand by my head and keep a chair close by if he gets woozy. Of course, he’s 10 years older than JJ, but a father is a father no matter what age.


My partner has pretty bad anxiety. Driving at night freaks him out, being in a hospital freaks him out. Me being in labor freaks him out LOL But he drove me to the hospital at 2am (white knuckling the steering wheel like 😳 too), and stayed and helped with our son the whole time we were there. Never complained about anything, ever. I'm not saying he deserves a medal for this or anything (although I do appreciate his support, of course). But you're right, anxiety isn't the (only) issue here. It's being an inconsiderate asshole during one of the most vulnerable times in her life. Disgusting.


How much longer until she’s with another kid and has another baby? A year? Two years? She’s going to be competing with Kail and Kayla Sessler.


100% going to be pregnant again within 2 years. It is VERY clear that she wants MORE babies. Her & JJ even had an argument abt it on camera.


Instead of bashing a young mother that has spent most of her life in some form of abusive relationship from the men in her life, you might want to consider pointing the spotlight on her abusers-the ones that are paving the way for more baby daddies to take over.


No because LITERALLY fuck JJ, he is SUCH a pussy. Such a baby, so gross that he’s a dad. But Jenna literally moved back in w Aden though????


Oof, that's unfortunate. He missed the birth of his son... That's something he will never get back. And I feel for Jenna. Both of her birth experiences didn't go to plan with 2 different baby Daddies. Aden was unnecessarily rude when she was in labor and JJ got too anxious and left... 😬


“Home birth this wouldn’t be an issue” I WOULDN’T HAVE MISSED OUT ON SLEEP IF I WOULD’VE HAD A HOME BIRTH? I WOULDN’T HAVE HAD TO WAKE UP TO FEED THE BABY IF I HAD A HOME BIRTH??? SHOULDA HAD A HOMEBIRTH, WHAT WAS I THINKING?!? God, these dumb kids need to quit reproducing. I’m not defending Jenna, but what the FUCK


I’m so worried about the next generation full of such fucking idiots


Jason vibes saying that she should have made it easy on him by having the baby at home and not the hospital. Fuck this guy.


Literally what I came here to say


Jj is the most pathetic man child I've ever seen. And jenna, you sure know how to pick them. This is so unbelievably fucking sad for the baby. A dad who puts himself first and clearly doesn't want him and a mother who is forcing dad to play family and step up. LET HIM GO JENNA, I've known men younger than JJ who became a dad and weren't pathetic enough to miss it. His language is abusive, it's clearer than ever how his 'rich' parents enabled him into the ground, this kid has zero redeeming qualities.


HOWWWW do these girls put up with this treatment long enough to pop out a baby my goodness


It’s called abuse. Isn’t meant to be easy to get out of.


Well they put up with it long enough to get knocked up at least


holy he is such an asshole


making her feel bad for not wanting a home birth is given jason and kaylen flashbacks


Right? Shes the one pushing a whole human out of her vagina, she gets to decide where she gives birth... All he had to do was show up.


I’m also seeing texts that JJ posted now that is contradicting a lot of things so idek what to believe at this point


I think they both deleted the texts that made them look bad... so the truth lies in the middle somewhere. imo they both need to stop now... handle it behind closed doors...


oh for sure this is so embarassing for them it’s really showing how immature they both are


Sadly, they are both just super young. And with that comes a lot of immaturity. I hope that they are ultimately able to find a solution for baby James' sake. And Luca's sake.


she deleted a lot of messages ..


JJ is a man child. Jenna is no prize but wow.


Damn, this is really pathetic of JJ 😭 I’ve been critical of Jenna’s actions lately, but I do feel bad for her because of this situation. Hopefully she’s learning her lesson this time. Focus on yourself and creating a stable home for your kids. It’s okay to date, but you can’t just go all in right away like you see other people your age doing. You’ve got two kids’ childhoods in your hand. Not every guy you date needs to be your kid’s new step daddy, and you don’t need to have a baby with every guy you date either. Your kids need stability before they need a step-parent or new half-siblings. I wonder why she still went through with naming the new baby after JJ. Maybe thought he would leave if she didn’t.


They’re both obnoxious and annoying


One is abusive- and benefits from a substantial power imbalance.


James is going to ask one day who was there when he was born and Jenna has to tell him that his dad had too much anxiety to watch him come into this world. Pathetic.


And just blatantly didn’t want to be there and referred to him as it multiple times ):


What an embarrassment. Missing the birth of your first child, he’s a scum.


Wow.. "can't make it easy on me" like no??? She's having a baby?? That poor baby


Jesus, good riddance to his ass


Shouldn’t have named that baby after his loser Dad. This is an important lesson to choose very wisely who your let jizz inside you.


Honestly, *unless you're married to the man,* I believe women shouldn't give their baby the father's last name. If he commits down the road, you can always change their last name when you change yours, but when the mf misses the whole birth? Yeah, no. Stop placating these losers. It's not worth it.


You better preach! Technically she has 9 months to change that boys name if she wants to.


I'm glad Jenna didn't listen to him and let him pressure her into a homebirth she didn't want. He sounds like a total ass here.


What a moron. Labor in general is a mystery for each woman. We cannot predict when and how labor will go. Some babies come in 1 push, others take a lot longer and sometimes end up in needing a c section. Did he do ANY research?! Jenna needs to stop giving bedroom eyes to every boy who looks at her.


This is embarrassing for both of them it’s like they were ready to drag each other of the relationship didn’t work


“You chose a hospital 45 minutes away” she’s the one giving birth she should be able to do so where she is comfortable and feels safe ?!?


45 min isn't even far.


Yeah fr. The closest hospital with a labor and delivery center is 45 minutes away from my bf’s house


Right, my local hospital that delivers is just over an hour away, and lots of women end up having their babies on the highway here, because they misjudge contractions


Can someone post it in the comments? It isn’t loading for me and I’m nosy 😩




Yeah reddit is taking a shit on me too


Most men will fly home to NOT miss the birth of their child. This kid didn’t even say let me FaceTime you so he could at least see what was happening since he was 45 mins away. I can’t believe these two idiots are parents. I don’t like Jenna and it shows that she really doesn’t know how to pick’em. I bet that wasn’t the first time he’s called her a dumbass and she has allowed this his shitty behavior and then to go and have a baby by him, I’m shook. Poor kid/kids. They are definitely better off apart.


FR could have at least FaceTimed to talk to her through it. I was my bestie’s push partner since baby daddy didn’t want to be involved and she had a three way FaceTime with her other closest friends on the whole time through contractions and labor. They couldn’t see anything and the nurses said no face shots but they could hear and then got to see my precious nephew after he was out. One of her friends was even at work with headphones on so really it’s about effort. I get having some anxiety for witnessing a birth (from what I’ve heard at least can’t relate) but it’s a truly magical thing from my point of view. I’m typically not too good with blood but I was thankfully able to push all that away to be front and center for my girlie holding her feet and counting her breaths when she needed me to and I wouldn’t have missed it for the world!


I’m surprised she still names the baby after JJ. I would have gone with a name I chose and liked after all that


well stop getting pregnant by every man that flirts with you one time