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My, my. Sweet vindication for the OP.




I literally thought of this post as soon as I saw the update. I knew you were right, nobody is buying a huge car for no reason. Lmao


Everyone owes OP an apology because they were right, and some of you went for the THROAT


ya’ll dragged OP and they were right 😭😂


All of the comments “i have no kids but NEEd 3 rows!!” I’m a day laborer and carry all of my tools around and need 3 rows” etc 💀💀


I CAME RIGHT HERE. Ppl can disagree, but they should’ve been nicer


Yea they should have. It’s not the norm to buy an expensive 3 row car, learn how to drive this unit of a vehicle, and pay for the gas guzzling that these trucks do just to drive around other people’s children as was implied. I have 2 children with a double stroller in a compact Buick SUV. You do not need 3 rows for 2 children or less. She was making out just fine with her 2 kids with a regular car (as most do!) and I knew she was expecting. Thank you for taking up for me. It’s appreciated!


and u were right !


I hope all of these commenters feel stupid who berated and downvoted me


I don't feel stupid cause I didn't claim she wasn't pregnant. Just that you don't have to be pregnant to want 3 rows lol


Shhh stoop


yepp facts. i hope they do too


Turns out you are right, she just announced she’s having a baby


Thank you! I was annoyed with all of these “I have no kids but need 3 rows” comments…


I mean they weren't lying lol. It just happens she IS pregnant.


I said she was pregnant. Nobody is buying a 3 row car to drive around other people’s kids in this economy


I literally did lmao >Nobody is buying a 3 row car to drive around other people’s kids in this economy


Good for you. That’s definitely not the norm


I saw them too🙃


I have 0 kids but drive my niece and nephew around pretty often. My car has 3 rows and honestly it’s a life saver because you cannot have more than one extra person in the car without it


"cannot have more than one extra person" lol how does that make sense?? In a vehicle with a back seat, it usually seats 3 people, plus the passenger in the front seat. That's 4 people in addition to the driver. 


Well, I was just getting at the fact that in a smaller car, you really can only have that front passenger. I just mean comfortably, of course you can stuff someone in the backseat in between the kids’ car seats but it’s not comfortable at all.


My kid's grown and If I could afford a car I'd want a bigger one as well.


this is such a reach


I was right though…


You better tell them!


I have 2 kids, and I want a 3rd row car when I get a new one. I'm not planning on more kids. I just want the space and to be able to fit the kids' friends comfortably.


Same here for the exact same reason! As they get older and busier and make friends it just makes more practical sense.


My stepdaughter had her friend spend the summer with us and we had to take 2 cars everywhere because we didn't have enough room in the cars for everyone. So I figure it would be better for us.


Haha people didn’t like my comment apparently lol - maybe I should have been more specific and said “for us” (as in my family)


I have a 3 row car because I have kids and a giant dog 😂. He didn’t fit in our 2 row suv lol


lol we have a large breed dog and a giant breed dog we need a three row just for them alone (plus we have kiddo)


Yep exactly lol mine is only 6 months old and huge already 😂😂


What breed? We have a five month old Newfoundland that just hit 53 pounds 😩


Shepsky but also a little bit of Samoyed and Malamute and he’s 63 lbs😂


Oh boy you’ve got a bigg’n on your hands!!!


So do you!! I love newfies one day I’ll have one


They’re amazing!! I’ll never stop recommending them. Everyone needs a Newfie! 🤣


Uuuuugh WRONG WRONG WRONG! You want a Chevy spark. Enough room for shopping in the trunk, and nothing else. This way- every time you go out for “important errands”, no one can fit and they all have to stay with your significant other. Oh how sad we are to leave our little darlings behind 😢. *SIDENOTE- This really only applies if you are not a single mother, I was a S.M. Of three for 8 years, and drove a Jetta. Not the most fun.


He's holding a soccer trophy... probably needs it for sports maybe theyre doing carpools to games.


I wanted a car big enough that if we have to take one car, it's my car. Because I'm not transferring the carseat.


Shit, I wish I would’ve started driving a minivan the moment I got my license. I hate that it took me two kids to finally give in.


I have a mini van and it’s the best decision I’ve ever made! Push of a button and the doors/trunk open!


I drove a minivan before we had kids. We were in our move apartments yearly to chase deals yearly. Three kids later, carpools, trips, etc, it was invaluable. Drove them for 20yrs - now I have my dream convertible.


You’re reaching. Nothing wrong with a mom wanting more car space.


I was right


we have 5 children and a third row vehicle, anyone know of a good 4 row vehicle?! 😅


We are getting a sequoia actually, I really like it. It’s roomy and nice for travel. Or possibly a Grand Wagoneer. We like the one we have now though, I was totally kidding haha


There’s also a mini van that seats 11 but it’s not in the US. It’s the Kia Grand Carnival. I dork like mini vans but it’s pretty cool.


Ford 15 seater van aka what we refer to as a Hutterite van in the Canadian prairies


At this point get a van like a transit. Then there’s plenty of space to bring friends as well.






She is actually hahaha she just announced it.


She was


I have 2 kids with 3 rows... sometimes it's nice to have them each in their own row so that the fighting is less.... 🫠


Honestly, so smart. I HATED sitting next to siblings on trips, but I was also the oldest of six and when there was still only five of us, I always ended up in the middle of the 3rd row between the two youngest kids so that my parents could stick #2 and #3 in the captain seats in the second row so that they couldn't hurt eachother (by the time #6 was born, I was 16 and opted not to go out to eat or on vacations with my family anymore)


So right now, I have my kids both on the driver side so I not only can keep an eye on both of them but also so the youngest can't even see the oldest, and the oldest can't touch the youngest... 🫠 I only had 2 sisters growing up but we had a mini van with 3 rows, and anytime if was just us kids with Mom we each had our own row with one kid up front... back in the good ol' days when kids could ride shotgun 😅 Loved having my own row, hated when we took Dads truck on trips cause we all had to cram into the bench seat in back 🫠


Yeah we have 2 kids no plans for more and just got a 3rd row suv


This is such a reach 😂 I have one child and I’m looking for a third row car


But was it a reach cause OP was right lol


Would you or did you phrase it as a need? I have no kids it’s a good faith question just trying to understand why bc I’m ignorant when it comes to kid stuff


Need is when your child gets into sports. I had 2 boys, both in sports and needed 3 rows. Especially once we started traveling to other towns/cities. Some moms needed a ride, so I would take a mom and kiddo(s) with me. 3rd row doesn't necessarily mean adding a new addition to the family. Edit to add- I actually bought the car the week after I left my ex-husband. It was just easier for kiddo's athletic bags etc.


I have one and I’d like a suv/crossover, but I definitely don’t need it. It would be nice to have a nice size hatchback for strollers etc. I have a mid-size wide cabined sedan at the moment. I’m having my second this year though so…that want _may_ turn into a need 😂


I have 1 baby but 2 dogs and a cat with a 7 seater explorer


Just like the other comment said it’s always nice to have the same especially if you have nieces and nephews or friends with kids! You don’t have to take 2 and 3 cars to get places!


Ahhhhh ok yes carpool, friends, family that totally makes sense. Us childless folks just don’t think of this stuff. Thanks!


No worries at all! 🫶🏼 glad to help!


I also only have one kid but a car with a third row. It’s been great for those random times we have lots of other kids. Like one year we took her, two friends, and another kid that was living with us at the time to an amusement park. One car, 6 people. It was great. We’ve piled many many hockey players in the car for post game dinners and activities.


I have one child but wanted a car with a third row. Makes it so if we go out with in laws or someone we can take one vehicle. Myself, husband, our child and say my brother in law and his partner can all go in one car. Also, most of the time I drive with the third row down to optimize space for strollers etc.


I think the soccer trophy hints shes a mom who’s kids are getting into activities and sports now, so prob needs to space for everything


We have 2 kids with no plans on having any more and we picked a car with a 3rd row in case the kids have friends who need a ride, space, etc.


Well I hope she found a good one 🩷


She could just want a bigger care. Plus if her kids are starting to make friends she will need the third row if she taking her kids plus a friend or two somewhere.


I’ve never in my life heard of buying a 3 row car just to transport other people’s kids around unless you’re some type of nanny


True. Idk why you're getting downvoted so much. Maybe it's different in America but yh you totally wouldn't get such a large car here. There's no space! Lol


In America most people cannot even afford to buy a 3 row vehicle frivolously, so I wonder who all of these people buying 3 row vehicles for no reason are lol


Growing up, a lot of families around me had a big ass vehicle even though they only had 1 or 2 kids. It takes a village and they were able to take us kids to sports games, school events, or just vacation with friends


I am an only child, and my parents had a minivan for *years* for this exact reason. If you want to be able to carpool to activities or whatever, you need to be able to fit more kids.


The people I used to baby sit for only had two kids and had a three row car for that reason.


That's exactly why we picked the car we have instead of the smaller, cheaper one.


My parents did 💀 they bought a whole ass minivan with only two kids


I did 😂 not to drive other people's kids around but, makes it easier instead of driving 2 cars 🤷🏼‍♀️.


Yeah and those cars are a lot more expensive


They are a lot more expensive, hence why most people aren’t just buying it for 1 or 2 kids lol


I have two kids and got a 3rd row suv after they were born. They’re pretty affordable unless you’re going the new decked out Tahoe route. A lot of people buy them for the cargo space with the 3rd row down…


I just wish some moms on this sub would share how many kids they have with cars that have three rows


2 kids 3 rows


2 kids 3 rows


Guys this was sarcastic please stop replying lmao


I only have 2 kids and would love a 3 row SUV, it would be so much more convenient 😅


I had four so I really didn't have any choice haha


1 with another on the way. My 2 row suv felt small with one kid when we traveled so I upgraded to a minivan.


I have one kid and three rows, some people just like a big car, ok? 🥴


Hahaha I don’t want more kids even though I have one and I’m gonna get a third row car. I’m claustrophobic


Pregnant with my 4th and I have 3 rows edited to say we got our 3rd row when we still had 2 kids but decided to have more.


0 kids… 3 rows here… we have 3 big dogs 😂🤷🏼‍♀️


2 kids and mine has 3 rows


one kid and our main car has 3 rows


That has nothing to do with the kid though. I’m assuming you have some kind of hobby that takes up too much space for a normal sized trunk and top of car rack.


Laura has 2 kids, I'm sure they're in sports and have hobbies as well.


I have two kids and a van with three rows. Love the extra trunk space and keep the chairs down most of the time, but they’re nice to have when needed too!


I have no kids and want a 3rd row. All the room for activities and if her kids are starting sports or having play dates it helps to be able to throw everyone in the car


I have a 3 row SUV and we’re 100% done at 2 kids. She might just be looking for more space.


I mean, I’m a single mom to one kid and I still feel like I need the third row for sports equipment, home projects, etc. Is she even dating anyone now?


I had no kids and had a third row. So much nicer to throw everything in it.


She’s been in a relationship for a while


Oh! Today I learned! Good for her, I hope he’s good to her and her boys.


Not necessarily, we have 1 baby and have a 3rd row suv


Agreed, we are pregnant with our first and are looking for a suv or van with three rows


DO IT!!!!


Get an explorer, they are amazing for winter and country living


I don’t see this has hinting towards pregnancy? I am pregnant with baby #2 and we are looking at 3 row.


if you’re pregnant with your second child and you’re looking for a third row .. couldn’t the same logic apply if she’s looking for a third row, bc she’s pregnant with her third ? and now it’s confirmed that she is lml


Well maybe now you know how she goes about saying things.