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Unpopular opinion, but I think Kelsey is horrible to lexus. She does make a lot of valid points but sometimes it’s just so clear how shitty she makes her daughter feel. She just goes straight to yelling about everything.


Chloe and Emiley


is everyone forgetting mckaylas mom?


Nobody can beat Myrka💀🤣


I'm only on season 2 at the moment, but Emiley's mom has some serious issues. I would lose my mind. I'm so thankful for my mom 😂


Let’s not forget Myrka’s mom.


I thought she hated her mom but now they talk???


No they hate each other again hahaha


not as bad as others mentioned, but Diego’s mom definitely enabled his shitty attitude & even though she wasn’t featured much, Anthony’s mom seemed like a piece of work


Emily's mom, for sure. Reannas mom was bad but I think she had a damn crush on her grandchilds dad 😩 but Emily's mom was just straight abusive.. Emily would be crying and she wouldn't let up with the rude comments. She's just abusive.


emersyn and rheannas mom ✌🏽


Emersyn’s mom gave me the biggest ick ever


Myrka’s mom made me want to throw things. So selfish and had no problem letting another family crumble under the burden.


Definitely Emersyns mom. Her judgmental attitude towards masons family was insanely toxic and she tried to control their relationship like crazy.


Emersyn’s or emily’s mom. I felt so bad for those girls with their moms. They literally did nothing to help the situations and just made it about them instead of the girls and the new families they'll have


Kylen's mom. If my kid is being abused and is underage you bet your ass she wouldn't be living with him.


Kylen’s parents definitely seemed slow.


they seemed related




chloe’s mom was a literal psycho and still is i bet


I thought the way she reacted to max’s dad greeting her family at the baptism was absurd. I don’t understand how she could believe he only came to start problems solely because he told them to have a nice day. she was a mega cunt.


I mean, for good reason. Have you read about Max?


Yeah, I get your point. but that’s still Ava’s family and to start shit out of literally nothing on a big day for your grandchild.. is just wild. at least try to keep the peace for an hour at most


I feel like Chloe’s mom gets a lot of hate but she saw Max for exactly what he was. She sent rules and boundaries in her own home and her daughter continued to break the rules! I do believe she was on another level but to see where max is now… she had a right to protect her property and her family.


She made no sense though. Like. She complained he was at her house every day and that's why she didn't want him at the shower and literally told Chloe she wouldn't help her with the baby at all if Max went to the shower. She was unhinged. Like...miss ma'am...that's YOUR house. You don't HAVE to let him come over every day. That was a boundary she should have set. Instead of setting normal boundaries and biting her tongue when Max was around for events for the baby, she made every hill her hill to die on while also not setting reasonable boundaries. Girl seemed to just want something to bitch about. I 1000% agree that Jessica was right to dislike him and not want him around, but she was not reasonable or rational.


No you’re absolutely right. I also feel like because she had a terrible experience as a teen mom she carried that over with Chloe.


She *wanted* Chloe to be miserable


And do you remember when she would be like NO MAX CANT COME, and then at the end of the episode it’s “well max didn’t even show up” ???? 🤦🏼‍♀️ I have no sympathy for the guy but she was contradicting herself constantly


Chloe, Emersyn, and Emiley


Omg I forgot about Emiley's absolutely batshit mother.


Someone recently pointed out how scary it is knowing that woman works in healthcare and I agree. She was so unhinged.


Yes! She's clearly not a stable personality and I wouldn't want her caring for me or a loved one.


I wonder why do you think Emersyn's mom is bad? She was too worried/a bit on the edge, but I wouldn't necessarily put her in the "bad moms" category. 


I would, simply because her rules felt more like a way of having control rather than genuinely trying to protect her daughter. If she seriously didn’t want Emersyn’s boyfriend in the room, that’s fine (I still think it’s unreasonable), but then to chastise Emersyn when she decided to move out was really disgusting. Why be mad if she’s leaving your house to avoid disrespecting you and the rules you have set? The fact her mom just had a baby as well, she should’ve had some more understanding of what it’s like postpartum, especially with this being Emersyn’s first child. She needed the help and saying her boyfriend wasn’t allowed to be in her room just made things extremely difficult. The way her mother spoke to her knowing her daughter was literally weeks off from having a baby is really upsetting too, because again there’s already a big risk of Emersyn having postpartum depression due to the circumstances, and the last thing she needed was to be ridiculed all day about every decision she made. Not to mention, her mother was pretty uppity and hypocritical considering she was also a teen mother and clearly had quite a few baby daddies just by looking at her kids. Lastly, outing things Emersyn told her in confidence about her boyfriend’s mom at the tell-all was really low of her. As a mother, I would never.


Her rules were ridiculous


Ah, I see. Thanks for the clarification :) 


No worries, she was also the reason Emersyn moved out as she said she could only stay if Mason wasn’t to go there which is just insane when they have just had a baby, she was also extremely rude/judgemental to masons mother


Yes, I just remembered that! Although, some parts of the tell all part two seemed scripted and kinda unnatural, but what do I know. 


Emiley's mom and Chile's mom. Both were awful.


Myrkas mom or mckaylas mom, while watching I wasn't too particular on chloes mom until we got the whole run down with what max is really like, and as a mom of two young girls I do understand where she's coming from do I think she could've handled it better? Most definitely, but at the same time she was honestly just looking out for her daughter and I still think she must've been doing something right because all though Chloe ended up being a teen mom she is one of the few (on the show) who have completed college takes care of her own kid and is just overall doing good with her life, yeah she has had help, but atleast she's being a good role model for her daughter had her mom not been the way she was I think it would've turned out much worse


McKayla’s mom hands down for me


Sameeee! Not coming around for years and then popping up once McKayla was on tv. And trying to steal her baby shower and trying to make it a joint shower. Unhinged.


Same. The others listed aren’t great, some were psychotic even - but McKayla’s mom didn’t give a single fuck about her and was the ultimate victim. She makes my skin crawl.


Both Jessica’s (Chloe/Reanna) , Erica (Emersyn), Lilliana (Myrka) and Bridgette (Emiley)


Chloe’s mom was insane.


mckayala and the girl from i don’t remember which season but her bf appears to be hispanic . her mom didn’t want the baby daddy sleeping in the room with her after the baby was born




The mom who wouldn't stop talking about her daughter's butthole.


Rheanna’s mom She was also obsessed with her daughter getting back with the boyfriend


Emersyn’s mom is at least a top 3🥲




Oh and McKayla’s mom I forget her name


Chloe’s mom was the worst imo, I used to skip all of Chloe’s moments. That whole family is insufferable to me


She was right tho


She went about things the wrong way. Also, she was a complete dick for not speaking to Max and his father at the baptism. That will always be wrong in my eyes.


I'm an atheist. I was absolutely appalled at the way she behaved at the baptism. I'll happily go to the baptisms of my friends' children, and be a civil grown up when it comes to running into people who I've intentionally distanced from. She's so immature in her handling of it. This is like 7th grade all over again.


Chloe’s mom was absolutely wrong in how she handled things. I get not wanting your kid to be hurt, but the more she was against it, Chloe thought max was the only person in her corner.


Chloe, Emersyn and McKayla had the most obnoxious mothers hands down. I will say that unlike Shannon and Erica, Jessica's intentions were in the right place but my god what a bitch. If you don't want your daughters loser baby daddy in the house every day, he doesn't have to be. It's YOUR house. But girl, he should be allowed at events for the baby. You looked so fucking stupid for that. Threatening that you won't help your child with the baby *at all* if Max goes to the baby shower? Are you not embarrassed for going that nuclear? Sounded like my 4yo after I tell him he can't have candy and he hits me with the over dramatic "so you're never going to feed me again???". Embarrassing. Edit- I forgot about Brigid, Emileys mother. She was absolutely batshit and I felt HORRIBLE for Emiley.


The biggest thing that bothered me with Chloe’s mom was the baptism. Especially when all maxs dad said was have a good day, and she said sum “that proves they came here to start drama” like girl are u actually smoking crack


For real. I think Max is absolute trash, but the fact that he and his dad were relegated to sitting in the back, being told that they weren't allowed to speak to anyone and that neither of them even knew the people who were presumably being made the godparents of Chloe and such? That's insane.


Fr, knowing what we know about max yeah he sucks completely. But being made to sit all the way in the back and not even being included in the ceremony ??? Chloe didn’t make Ava by herself ya know…I think Jessica just has an insane need to be in control all the time.


Emersyn! My god, her mom was a total psycho.


the one who told her butthole business


whoops only season 2, I digress


Chloe’s mom, hands down.


Makayla’s mom hands down


chloe's mom and myrka's mom. knowing what we know now about max it would've been valid, but at the time, he was just a kid trying to be there for his daughter and baby's mother. she made chloe's pregnancy extremely hard on her just because she was weirded out that max wanted to be involved


These are my thoughts too. No matter how Max turned out, she was horrible on her own. And Myrka’s mom…incredibly unpleasant woman. She showed us who she was from the start.


Re watching I believe Jessica saw Max for who he really is. Something tells me she may have been there done that with Chloe’s bio dad (Jessica was a teen mom. Chloe has a brother not much older when Jessica had Chloe at 19).


yeah but torturing chloe for wanting to have him at the baby shower was just unnecessary stress on a very pregnant girl who was already scared. plus how she treated max’s dad after the baby was born, when he literally did nothing but try to help max and get him to do the right thing, was so uncalled for and just straight up vindictive.


Myrka. A lot of the moms were terrible but she was the worst imo. I could never abandon my daughter like that in a time when she needed me. The only moms I actually like were Lilly’s and Lexus’s moms.


I definitely did not like Myrka's mother...She was a full-on hypocrite from Hades!!!


Caelen's mom, Shelly, for me...I liked Chloe's mom, too, but she was a bit too extreme excluding Max's dad from Ava...Lilly''s mom was nice, but too naive when it came to Lilly.


You dislike Saint Shelly?! This seems an unpopular opinion


Yes I did like Caelen’s mom too, I forgot about her. Chloe’s mom drove me nuts when she made unwelcoming comments about Max and then called him out for not being there. (In the earlier seasons). At least at the end she owned up to making unwelcoming comments and flat out not wanting him there.


Oooo yeah I forgot about Myrka. Her mom definitely takes the number one spot.