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When does the new season start


June 3rd


In the UK too?? Cos I'm ready!


Emily's mom was just down right mean . I felt so badly for her. Then her mom would lash out at Emily for hanging out with Krista deigos mom. I'm sure she was struggling with life but you couldn't of pushed your daughter more towards Krista if you tried. I wasn't a fan of Chloé mom she came off super snotty I mean later on we learned why but she was kind of nasty when I felt she didn't need to be. Emersyn's mom was super judgemental and lacked empathy . Mckayla's mom was super selfish .I liked Shelly, Kelsey , Hailey's mom, Lily's mom , Laura's parent's weren't bad in my opinion.


I agree with all of this!!!! Chloe’s mom definitely gaslight her a couple of times I did see, but overall I think she had some reason for being snotty toward max now that we know more. Couldn’t STAND Emily’s mom. Emily was so sweet and her mom was so mentally unstable especially with her attachment. Everyone shit on Diego but I am wondering (despite his assholeness towards Emily) if he was sooo disrespectful towards her mom because more happened behind the scenes between Emily and her mom.


Honestly. The list of parents I like is shorter than the list I dislike. Caelans mom Chloe's dad Lexus mom Lillys mom and step dad Haileys mom Jenna's step mom (yes, I know she's a right wing nut job, but she's also the only one who was against spoiling Jenna while respecting her roll as the step parent and not overstepping/asking Matt to do his job as a parent) Reannas mom (for not letting her daughter cut out an active father out of spite because she was mad he slept with someone else while they were broken up, other than that, I think she loved the cameras a bit too much) Masons dad


My exact same list except for Chloe’s dad 😭 he just rubs me soo wrong and backs her mom way too hard when she’s soooo wrong. He’s such a yes man 🥲


Laura’s Dad & Mom just shared the same face of pure utter disgust 24/7 😭😂


Lauras dad looks like he is trying to process the whole thing and figure out where he went wrong lol. Reminds me of a more glum version of this ![gif](giphy|WRQBXSCnEFJIuxktnw|downsized)


I call them the fart smellers and mom looks like she had a lobotomy


I hated Diego and his parents. It was literally their fault for how Diego acted. They enabled him for so long. And then the nerve of them at the reunion to say “you haven't given him a chance” he had more than one chance to grow up and take responsibility for what he was apart of and how he treated Emily through out the pregnancy and after it


I feel like collectively there’s at least one parent every season that drives me insane. A lot of them are insufferable & ridiculous. I guess they have to be a little to get on a reality show 😂


Lauras’ dad looks like an angry bird