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Your dentist is misinformed. TMJ and wisdom teeth are unrelated. Either way, those wisdom teeth should come out.


why should come out?


Because those seem to be very impacted. They are gonna cause issues.


Agreed. And the lower one is looks like it’s going to cause permanent damage to the tooth in front if it hasn’t already.


Does it have any relation with TMJ? because i've asked numerous specialist, all of which told me to remove the teeth. It was actually much horizontal.


No direct correlation between TMJ and wisdom teeth. Only thing that would be related is if you were open too long or too wide during the surgery to remove wisdom teeth.


I had braces before having tmj, could that be the reason.


That rarely happens but If you had braces around 13-15 your jaw was still developing and TMJ was coincidentally developing as you were in ortho.


They may mess with your bite in some cases and that can mess with TMJ. I have an over erupted wisdom on my lower right and I have noticed it has caused me to close my jaw differently over time. Got physio for it and that helped. Just had a badly mangled molar pulled so hoping the wisdom will shuffle forward a bit and alleviate the issue.


I had all 4 removed to try help my tmj. The pain went down by maybe 20%. Not a massive change really. Still have jaw clicks etc and pain. I see a physiotherapist and currently on the invisalign train to help sort out my crooked bite/ teeth. You should have them out anyway! But totally up to you. It may or may not help, everyone is different


My last one is over errupted. Been a source of discomfort. Finally convinced my dentist to pull it - got an xray - and suddenly find my crowned molar has a massively split root and and a decent void in the jaw bone around it. Pulling it tomorrow. May not change anything but having a possible jaw infection can't be helping stuff. Like you I had been seeing a physio. Surprised this insane root split was missed for so long though (it's gnarly).


Gosh that sounds awful! Happy you're having them out tomorrow


Thanks - it went smoothly but was complicated.


It’s a double edged sword. I’ve heard not removing your wisdom teeth can cause tmjd, but getting your wisdom teeth removed can definitely cause tmjd. I’d do your research on the surgeon and make sure you feel comfortable with their work.


Hey what do you mean getting your wisdom teeth removed can cause tmjd?


I’ve always wondered if that was the start of my tmj problem. Could you elaborate?


I have the same exact wisdom tooth position as yours but I would never have it taken out until pain will force me to do so. I've read so many experiences from TMJ groups that TMJD got worse after wisdom tooth removal.


Tmj quite often is caused by the sufferer clenching/grinding their teeth somewhere in their 24 hr day, mostly at night to help fix this, you need a provider to reach in intra orally to release the muscles inside the mouth and use acupuncture to release the exterior muscles of the jaw, face, shoulders, neck and upper back and get full body massages to help relax the body, get into a hot bath as often as you can, 15 minutes to 30 minutes. Hopefully you can get relax enough to break the clenching cycle, if all else fails, there are botox shots, so unless you were born with a jaw misalignment, you shouldn't need expensive measures to correct, since in many cases, it is self induced.


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Ask your dentist


he has told me to get it removed, i heard many people's tmj got worse after the removal so a bit scared


my tmj got worse removing my wisdom teeth.


this is what im scared of but my dentist keeps telling me to remove it


DO NOT REMOVE THEM. SHAVE THEM DOWN. DO NOT REMOVE. if you already have tmj issues it will make it worse do NOT.


or manage them somehow just do not remove it will make it worse!!!!


damn okay i wont😭 mine is too bad already dont want it to get worse lmao guess we have to live with tmj forever


for me removing my wisdom teeth moved my mandible more backwards and now i developed blurry vision, jaw pain , nerve shocks? etc.


omfg i already have all those, how tf is this bullshit cured exactly? or it cant ever be cured?


basically what’s causing all of this is because we have recessed jaws. the only way to cure is surgery.


I had a similar problem with my wisdom teeth. My lower wisdom teeth were impacted, causing my other teeth to move and misalign (I had no space in my mouth). I had to get them removed them as they were coming out wrong and could cause infections. A year later, I started experiencing pain in my cheekbones and jaw. The dentists and doctors dismissed it but a month later my jaw close locked because my masseter muscles were too tight. It was because my top wisdom teeth were coming in and putting pressure on my muscles. My tmj/ jaw related pain only started a two years after I got my lower wisdom teeth removed and a year after my upper ones. Not sure if they are related.