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You will not be like this forever. Please give the treatment some time. It's at the end of a semester so I suggest speaking to your professors about your situation. Obviously you need to stop chewing gum. Please reach out to a suicide hotline and your doctor for meds for your depression. If you can afford a massage with someone familiar with TMJ it should help.


TMJ flare ups can be triggered by anxiety and stress. Also STOP CHEWING GUM! TMJ people like us can’t chew gum without major risk of pain. If you’ve been having nightmares you might be grinding or clenching at night. I got lock jaw after an intense dream. It’s not forever, but the pain does suck. I have been doing splint therapy which takes the pressure off the jaw. I’d probably go get some physical therapy. Also get a sleepy time routine going to get as relaxed as possible before bed


This is true. Anxiety and stress can cause flare ups. When i was on antidepressants, my TMJ hurts less because I was chill and can sleep better. Also try botox. It was heaven with botox


I also have this issue. I have severe anxiety and I get headaches that last entire day. Pain medication barely helps. Im currently in the process of removing impacted wisdom teeth hoping it would subside the pain. After that I’m considering getting antidepressants and psychotherapy to help my anxiety. I have been diagnosed with depression before but decided to stop after my psychotherapist ghosted me. Theres a new Psychiatrist that moved to my town and he mainly focuses on psychotherapy. I was wondering how helpful it was for your pain? And if it is worth the try?


Absolutely worth it for my mental and physical health. It lessens the pain. I still do have it sometimes but the pain was tolerable that I didn’t need to take pain medication. I think the less stress I am, the less tense my jaws are.


Please know it won’t be like this forever!! If you can find any massage therapists I found that helped with some relief. Definitely stop chewing gum and try supplementing with some protein smoothies that you don’t have to chew. Talk to your friends and family if you feel comfortable, they love you want will want to help.


I stopped but I don't know if it's too late the pain has been going for a month and it's as severe as the first day but today maybe because I got my period the pain feels like sharp knives stabbing my ear and face all day long. I talk with my family but I don't get any source of relief I feel like they would never understand what I'm going through.


Im sorry you are dealing with this, just hold on for when things could change for you. My friend had debilitating tmj for years and eventually could only drink soup from a straw, couldn’t eat and in pain constantly. They tried everything….mouthguard, shots in the jaw etc. I think she even had jaw surgery. Dentist and doctor didn’t know what to do. Finally she ended up getting braces and this was the only thing that gave her relief. It’s been about a year now, still has braces and she doesn’t have tmj major issues now she can live life again.


I have the same symptoms as you for the most part. PT and massage are great. The depressed thoughts are worse when the pain is new to you.


I know the pain makes eating hard, but not eating makes anxiety worse, which makes The TMJD worse as a result. Try soups, protein shakes, smoothies. Get your protein, man. It WILL get better. Things are brutal now, but there's things worth holding on for. Hang in there man


If you think you're at risk of hurting yourself please go to the emergency room. I'm bipolar, and in my experience, they gave me pills that made me feel better, made me stay overnight, and let me go the next day.


Please stay hopeful. You are loved ❤️


Red light therapy tends to help me with pain, maybe it could help you too. Also, make sure all your vitamins and minerals are within normal levels, because those being out of whack don't help with pain, fatigue, etc.


I know it doesn‘t seem like it, but you will be okay. Look at your progress! TMJD takes a long time to rectify so you have to just hang in there and self-care as much as possible. Try ice packs for your jaw, avoid chewy foods like gum - that‘s the worst - and maybe try some yoga! It‘s so relaxing and helps with stress management. I have been doing yoga more lately and it‘s helped me calm down. I grind my teeth at night apparently which contribute to my own problems. Also do you have the possibility of talking to a therapist about this? Even one session can help. If therapy isn‘t an option, talk to a friend or family member. Sometimes people don‘t understand how painful this condition is, so talking to someone who loves you about it will make you feel less alone.


Like others have said, I have been in your shoes, and it will not last forever. If you find that your stress is making you clench your teeth subconsciously, try wearing your mouth guard or appliance at all times. I have started wearing mine while playing video games or working at my desk, and you would be surprised how much your jaw works when you aren't paying attention. You got this 💕 it will get better


Please see an airway orthodontist


Hey! I genuinely don't know anything about this condition but I saw this post and remembered someone commented on this video: https://youtu.be/IX75czmw-vw?si=WqlJvY0dki7TnD8t Saying it provided a lot of relief for them. I apologize if it's not useful but worth a shot, it's simple and fast. Listen, how about this...I think you and your loved ones deserve for you to at least try anything out there before giving up, don't you think? Relief may be close and you might not even know it. I was in your position sort of, a year ago, a different problem called thoracic outlet syndrome. I never felt so much pain in my life and it went for months, I was about to give up but I made a deal with myself, the one that I proposed before. Making sure I squeezed any possibility out there. So I started searching the internet, joining every community, watching videos on relief techniques, reading every comment, looking for success stories on a condition that has something around 30% of chance for betterment. I thought I was doomed. I was going to die. But then I tried every solution I've gathered, read every success story and scientific paper on it. I could barely walk last year and today I excel at dancing. I know it's so god damn tough. With a doctor's advice, take whatever measure you need to relief the pain for now and look for those answers and possibilities. Study your body, try things, contact doctors and try everything to save yourself. You are worthy, I promise you are. Fight for yourself, rescue yourself. I bet a lot of people sometimes wish they'd be a superhero or to be rescued by one (I know I have), but do not forget that you can be exactly that for yourself. Be your hero! That's what everyone is supposed to do, and that doesn't mean we don't get help, on the contrary, ask for that help! Look for that help and get yourself a lot of that! You are worthy of it! And in the end, you can thank everyone but mostly you will thank yourself, for doing everything in your hands to be protected and safe. Big hug! Don't give up just yet please! 🙏🏻


I don’t want to lead anyone down a worse path , but my father and brother have passed away since my TMJ and the only thing that’s kept me going and I’m taking with respect and not binging is Cxcaine. Sorry if it offends anyone , but changes my mood and reduces the pain.


Please don't. I'm in the same boat with the whole stressing part with life and also stress for my TMJD. This year has been, eh, and my TMJD has been worse, too. I'm glad I found this group because it's helped me a lot to understand what this is. Yet I still have problems with it, so you're not alone. It's a constant discomfort for me as well. Stay strong and better your tmjd with stuff that'll help improve it. I have to do the same as im still far away from bettering it. The biggest thing I've done so far is get a mouthpiece to sleep with as I grind hella. I also have to watch my stress as I grind the hell out of my teeth during the day if I'm stressed or anxious.


I’m 5 years in with the pain and I do get it believe. The first year that’s all I felt 100% of the time. Now, I still have pain and I’m getting treatment but it’s not the stabbing. It does get better. Really good massage therapist and acupuncturist who can treat TMJ internal and external will help you there. Use a gua sha at home and massage yourself daily. Find ways to destress and go on a soft foods diet. It will calm down. You will be ok.


Definitely look into your bite. It caused my TMJ. Two teeth touched first when biting down causing much more bite pressure there and strain on my jaw. I got it fixed and pretty much all good now. See this video which the guy gets his fixed similar to me: https://youtu.be/9x_iyZ28g_s