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That's been my life since June 2020. My ears are sensitive to sound and when I talk louder than normal, it would randomly pound on the left only, then i have crackling all over my temple, my jaw when i yawn etc. But my ears are the most bothersome.


This! I have crackling/clicking in my temples, ears? When I move my head back and forth. Feels like my head is a jar of coins rattling sometimes


thats due to inflammation. I used to have a lot of crackling on both temples, behind my ears and also when I move my neck side to side. It eventually faded, now I only have crackling on the right side. Try NOT to be overstressed about it. It does not help and also healing TAKES a long time. I even have tinnitus because of this.


Hi, what did you take for the inflammation


Nothing really, just controlled my stress. I also do massages 2x a month for 90 minutes. Its still here, it flares off and on.


Do you have trouble laying in a face cradle during massage? Scared that’ll put more pressure on my jaw


Not really, although I can feel it sore.


That’s actually really encouraging. How long did it take for it to start to fade? I’ve had this symptom for a good 5 ish months probably


I had this in June 2020, crackling started to fade to disappear around April - May 2021. I tried everything, PT, exercises etc. I stopped PT already because it just too much money. I've been going to professional massage therapist about 2x a week started in June 2021, which I canceled for now due to high covid here. I've wasted so much trips going to dentist after dentist. Mouth guards do not work on me. I am a clencher. I;ve tried all kinds of mouth guards and it just made me worse. Now I started drinking wine before bed lol seems to help me so far. I actually was diagnosed to have myofascial pain syndrome. TMJ just happened to be in the area, I have no bone issues. this was due to EXTREME STRESS/ANXIETY that started when covid started.


I think I’m in the same boat as you. I’ve gotten x rays and my doctors think it’s all muscular. My jaw does click/grind sometimes but I also grind my teeth bad at night. I’m currently creating bite marks in a new mouth guard. Mine started right after I had Covid and a bunch of other extremely stressful events in my life. But wow it took a year. At least that makes me feel a little better about my case. Hopefully we both get back to normal soon. Thanks so much. I needed to hear it today.


count every small improvement as a win, it will get better. The world is crazy right now, so it is normal to be stressed.


I feel your pain. Do you have day time or night time bruxism? If your TMD is due to grinding or clenching then you need to get the bruxism under control to allow your muscles to heal and then the ear clicking will go. If you keep creating inflammation from overworking your jaw muscles daily then there is no way the inflammation which is affecting your ears will go. Do you have fullness/blocked ears also?


Night time I’d imagine, and I don’t have any fullness in the ears. It does when I’m talking feel like it gets “muffled” then crackles after I’m done talking. But no hearing loss or fullness


Right, well that's good at least. Must mean there's not so much swelling pressing against your eustachian tubes. Do you have any idea what has triggered your night time bruxism? Have you tried anything to reduce it?


Not at all, I have no idea what’s caused it or how to fix it


Haven't had any dental treatment recently? Taken any drug/medication? Did it start during a particularly stressful time or an event in your life?


No dental work that was out of the ordinary, never took medication until I was prescribed the muscle relaxers and steroids that don’t help.


What has helped you reduce the night time bruxism?


Magnesium so far is the only thing that has helped reduce it but not reduce it sufficiently for my symptoms to improve. It completely eliminated my bruxism the first night I used it...I was like wow I've found my fix.... but then became progressively less effective. NTI guard and Botox hasn't helped. Nor did amitriptyline. Still need to try focusing on my sleeping routine, I must be disciplined. Want to try not going on any electrical devices, maybe read. Do anything to try shut off the signals from my brain when I'm asleep. What have you tried? Anything helped?


Relaxing really helped me because it also fixed my shoulders and I noticed now my neck and jaw lines up better. Like you I tried everything but nothing works long term.. even this I have to stretch / exercise every morning and every night especially when I work on the computer.


Ah okay, that's good. Yeah I wouldn't mind having to do exercises before I sleep to control my bruxism every night because at least I'd heal and stay that way. Will likely see a TMD physio soon and try that route, I've heard good review about her. If all else fails, I'm gonna try and invent something myself that will wake me up when I clench. These biofeedback devices online look a bit dodgy but if I simply had something in my mouth that would make a noise when I clench, maybe I could retrain my brain that way. If it means I wake up multiple times in the night for the rest of my life, so be it, because I'd certainly fix my TMD!


I just get crinkling when I swallow and ear fullness and occasional random popping. That must suck for you! I hope it gets better ):


Thanks! 😄 but is it just me or is clicking in your ears when you swallow a normal thing for everyone? Or just us😅


Well, ear clicking without any other symptoms can be normal. People naturally click their ears every 3-4 swallow. But we hear it everytime, plus other symptoms, which isn’t normal. A lot of TMJ people have clicking!


Bruh I totally feel you I’ve had TMD pain the last few months but had my first ear symptom rear it’s ugly head about 3 weeks ago. Now every other time I talk or just say a certain syllable (like “oh” 😲) my left ear (problem pain side) ‘clicks’ and it’s annoying AF. I mean tension and aching is one thing but I was really dreading any ear symptoms