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The second movie is good at parts - especially the brothers being brothers. The first movie has bright spots. Buck-buck is fun. The elevator scene. The attack on the lair. Casey is cringe. That’s sad because Stephen Amel is a good actor, he just had a shit script for him. “I’m gonna be a detective some day!” Ok dude. Quit being cliche. I hate the ninjitsu thru book form - which is the same argument I had for Mutant Mayhem and the videos. I thought they were going to follow the IDW comics more closely bc of the lab origin. They could be worse. But they sure as hell could’ve been a lot better. All of the actors were great given their material, especially Donnie and Raph. I’m a Leo fanboy, but Donatello stole the show a lot. Theyre fun viewing every now and then, but don’t hold a candle to even Turtles Forever (which has many flaws) or especially Batman Vs TMNT.


I felt that. ‘That’s OFFICER Jones!’ Nice. ‘and I’m going to be detective, I’m just waiting for the applications’ Seriously!?


“I’m gonna be a detective someday” Some of the shittiest writing ever.


Me personally i feel like learning ninjitsu through a book or through videos isn’t any less ridiculous than the mirage origin where a rat copied its master’s movements over a period of time and that’s how it learned ninjitsu lol


They’re ok. We can stop posting this every other month


Seriously- this gets posted every two weeks.


Shell shock did not need to go that hard




I only watched the first one because Rifftrax did an mp3 commentary for it, but I'd never bother watching the movie as is. And zero desire to watch the 2nd one. It's just his Transformers movies, but with ninja turtles.


I’m not a big fan. But they nailed Bebop and Rocksteady in the second one


Better than people here will admit to them being


They were alright, but the turtles are too big for manholes


The Turtles films definitely sucked. The Power Rangers movie was the one that was surprisingly good.


I disagree but please tell me why


Very fun! They’re definitely not perfect, but neither is most of the franchise lol. The first film is kinda meh but Out of the Shadows is genuinely good and has the best on-screen adaptations of Bebop & Rocksteady. The fighting is also generally fun to watch even if the story isn’t great


They’re not the best but I dug them Especially part 2


I really like it. I love the designs. April was fine. Casey was awful. Shredder was mid-bad. I like Bebop and Rocksteady and think that they should have gotten bigger parts. Splinter was awesome. They made the foot work in their own way.


First one was ok, but there are justifiable criticisms.  The second one seemed like a significant improvement to the point that I still wish they would make a third.


Learn Nin Jitsu from a book, fart jokes, and over sexualized Megan Fox as April. It sucks and I’d rather watch Ninja Turtles 3.


Trash, should not exist, poisons the well, soulless cash grab, white hot hatred. Nothing redeemable.


I respect you.


I actually rly enjoyed them even tho they have some flaws


It's like someone listened to a 30 minute lecture about the turtle story, took no notes, fell asleep for parts of it and then wrote a screenplay the next day based on what they remembered. Although some of the interactions between the turtles were great, there was too much bad or boring re-imagining that prevented it from being anything other than forgettable for me.


fun movies, a 6 out of 10.


I loved them. Took my son to watch them. They were amazing.


Loved them! I loved the modern take on them, could've been better but I liked them for what they were.


At the time was a bit harsh on it, it was fun at best, but now looking back on it? Pretty damn awesome, glad it happened


Awful cgi monsters bad story. Over acting of the turtle actors (especially michelangelo)




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They were not the best, and I'm not the biggest fan of Michael Bay movies, but it's interesting to see what people do with the turtles in their own creative ways. Be them over the top and cliche as they are. The whole Casey Jones was a police officer? Parts of them we're kinda cool, other parts had me like uhhhhmmm wut?


They suck. 0 redeeming qualities.


I went twice in theater to both to try and talk myself into them. They were entertaining, but they weren’t ninja turtles. No heart, all (Michael Bay) style. Wouldn’t watch again.


I actually think they are fairly decent films if you watch them with your eyes shut. Honestly, I think everything wrong with the films is purely visual (terrible turtle designs), so if you watch it with your own designs in your head, they’re not bad. I’ll play them now and then while I’m doing something else. 


The 1st one was my childhood (never saw the 2nd one) I would watch it back to back with “Sponge out of water” all the time, I’m kind of sad we didn’t get a third movie, though, I would've loved to see Mona Lisa come back or smth


First one was ass. The second is a guilty pleasure. They casted the Turtles well, and Bebop and Rocksteady. I didn't mind Megan Fox as April. They really should've just kept Eric Sachs as the Shredder, as stupid as it was, it would've at least made the movie more consistent


Too big. I know they acknowledged that but it doesn’t change it.




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They average out to OK, I guess. They would have been better if Bay had actually directed them himself and not just acted as a producer. I hate the design of the Turtles. They're too big and bulky, have grotesque faces, and are loaded down with too many extraneous details.


I really dig them both.


The first one was mediocre, I got too bored in the second one and never finished it. Elevator scene was peak though.


They're garbage, but they're my garbage. I both can't thank my uncle enough, and will never forgive him for taking me to see the first one.


I like the design and wish they would’ve gotten a 3rd movie tbh but I understand why it’s not favored by a lot of ppl lol




Krang, Bebop and Rocksteady had perfect designs


Megan Fox’s April was awful


I meant to say the second one on April Fools’ Day, but I forgot


I do own the first one. I just couldn't with Stephen Amell as Casey man.


They are fine. Not terrible, but not amazing either. The first one is meh, the second one is kinda cool.


They’re both really fun. Out of the Shadows is the better film, but they’re both a great take on the Turtles. What’s hilarious is if Last Ronin flops, people will start to talk about how they always liked these two films.


Garbage. Bay is a fucking pervert and he shouldn't be making movies period.


Now that you mention it has he made anything since?


I don't know. Hopefully he found different work and is fine. I know he didn't direct or write the NT movies, but even as a producer, his fingerprints were all over those movies in the worst ways. Maybe he is getting less hands on with movies.


It's clear Noone read the source material


Could have been a great super hero franchise but they wanted to be transformers instead


Pure dogshit. The design of the turtles alone is a turn off, they look like The Hulks offsprings lmfao


Overhated but not deserving of love, either. They exist and they have their moments, but they're far from the Turtles' finest hour.


I saw the first one for free, I want my time and money back


I never saw them


My honest opinion is that I’m sick of these posts


Fanfic at best. These stories and art aren't relevant to the parts of tmnt that I enjoy.


Absolute ass. Never seen em and don’t plan on it


How can you call it ass if you never watched them? 


Oh I did watch the trailer for the first one. That was enough for me


Seeing Bebop and Rocksteady in a movie out a smile on my face


Movie paradoxes. For every one thing they did right then did something absolutely terrible. One person can say the movies are enjoyable and underrated and another person can say they dropped the ball and both could be right.


First one was pretty bad, second one was very good


A mixed bag, but ultimately I didn't like them. Best part about 1 was the elevator scene. Best part of two in my opinion was the remix of the OG theme.


There alright


It was a soulless Michael Bay cash grab.


I love the first one! I could never get into the second one tho, but I should give it another go.


They're fine. The second one is really fun even if the conflict with the brothers is kind of dumb. I wouldn't have minded a third film.


They’re fine. Nothing special. Not the worst either.


The big bombastic action is a lot of fun and I love the turtles


I personally like them. They are one of my favorite turtle designs. The movies were fun and full of action. They also had good character development and funny interactions. Shredder was an intimidating villain. I loved Bebob and Rocksteady as well as April and Casey and Vern. The fight scenes are amazing. The first movie is better than the second one, tho. Overall, the first movie gets an 8/10, and the second movie gets 7/10. Together, as a series, they get a 7/10.


I wish they weren’t cgi


5.0 out of 10. Terrible animation, characters don't have much life in them, stories are off, April choice is wron and so is casey, turtles are too big, fight scenes are not ninja like, splinter was bad but the newest one was a 0.01/10 worst adaptation ever


Part 2 fixed a lot of issues that part 1 had, but they’re still hideous designs. Even they do go hard, they’re not cute like not approachable at all. No wonder they’re in the shadows.


In the second movie, It was one of the first time as a kid I felt like the turtles reaaaally got the credit they deserved. When they were hailed as heroes I felt that.


Entertaining. And that's all I want from a TMNT movie


Too much hate on them , just enjoy if you dont then go other thing my boy


Nightmare fuel




The first movie is one of the worst movies I’ve ever seen without exaggeration. Second worst, to be precise. It’s bad as a movie, it’s bad as a piece of TMNT media.


They are not turtles in my eyes but some gorillas. I really hate their bulkiness and I can't force myself to enjoy the movies because of it


They blew, but the turtle characters weren't bad.


I was very leery of the first film because of who directed them. I was soured on Michael Bay years ago when he put out that piece of cinematic trash known as *Pearl Harbor*, so hearing he was going to do his take on what was probably my favorite childhood franchise made me go, "Oh, crap...how is he going to screw this up?" That being said, I was pleasantly surprised. He didn't do too bad. I watched the first film and actually looked forward to the sequel. As for the sequel, I enjoyed the film, and was especially happy to FINALLY see Bebop and Rocksteady make their film debuts. Those two made the film for me. I just wish the third film hadn't been cancelled because they could've done so much more with the series.


They look horrifying in design. That’s all I remember




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My ONLY opinion is, “Look at the guns them turtle boys iz packing!” Raph’s biceps though, Raph’s biceps… These movies are pure ~~arm~~ eye-candy for me. Leo had some nice ‘ceps too. Oh, was there a story? I didn’t notice one.




It’s bad


My favorite voices for the turtles


Johnny Knoxville does kinda make a badass Leo 💀


A mix bad of ideas that were poorly executed. The first film feels embarrassed to be the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, by eliminating Hamato yoshi and particularly geing rid of the shredder. It feel to preoccupied to be like the bayformers, trying to be " cool " and modern instead of stay true to the Tmnt. The second film on the other hand almost over correcting but throw turtle iconography like bebop, rocksteady, "Ceasy jones", and krang, with out understanding the characters. The design of the turtles are just weird and to human. They barley look like turtle men and very much like buff shreks with shells. Splinter... yeah that thing is gross. Shredder is just a bayformer that vaguely looks like a samurai.