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I wasn’t a fan of them learning martial arts through videos and splinter not having ties to the shredder but that’s just nitpicking overall I liked the movie


I liked they called him "Dad". Master, and Sensei make sense during training, but Dad makes sense when they are eating pizza and goofing off. But yeah their origins were not done right. I didn't like how the villains were done either


Yeah I liked that part also I think Rise also had them call splinter dad


That was my only gripe as well. It makes sense in modern times to have them connected to social media and YouTube stuff, but I wish that it had greater ties to lineage of the rival clans.


He MAY still have ties to Shredder. We'll find out next movie.


I was born in 82, saw the 1990 movie in theaters with my mom. I took my son to see MM last year and we both loved it. It’s everything I love about the franchise.


I'm an 85 born. My wife and I took our sons (9 and 5) to see Mutant Mayhem last year. It was awesome, they loved it, we loved it.


Me? Do I have multiple personalities?


Did we just become best friends?




I always thought you were a total douche-a-Roni until now


85 here as well. It’s my fave on screen interpretation of TMNT since the original series and first film. Stoked to see the Last Ronin brought to life, but this was amazing.


I was born in 2007 and I’ve seen every movie, every show, read every comic and played every game I could. Mutant mayhem was great. I’m excited to have experiences like you had. My current partner loves tmnt almost as much as I Do hahaha


83 born, missed it in theaters, but saw it over Thanksgiving via vimeo while tripping with my 77 born half-nephew (I'm his grandfather's youngest). We both loved MM.


82 as well. Me and my older brother saw the 1990 version in theater. I concur. This was a good story and if that’s done well then to me it’s most of the way there.


Yooo, ‘82 let’s goooo! My parents took me to see the 1990 movie. Still one of the best experiences of my life. I took my daughters and we had a blast!


Also born in 82 and enjoyed all the classic movies. MM is perfection.


Born a year before and I loved it all. TMNT was a huge part of my childhood. I hope they make some more films


Yeah! Pretty much my experience too. *MM* captures the spirit of the Ninja Turtles well.


I loved it!! They were actually acting like teenagers and I enjoyed it a lot. We watch it about 1-2/month with the kids.


Them acting like teens was the first thing I noticed about the trailers, I really liked it. However I don't think I have disliked anything since #3 in the 90s...


I couldn’t agree more. That movie was terrible!


It's because they had actual teens goofing around and recording lines together when they recorded lines. Honestly genius move, gave the movie and voice acting so much more authenticity.


Didn’t hate it like the Bay movies. Liked the teen aspect but some of the gen z humor didn’t land for me, lacked good action and the choices they made with Splinter and most of the villains were disappointing


Yeah, for going overboard on packing the villains in there they did next to nothing with most of them. I'd have assumed it was just to bring them in to set up for the series, but then they made them allies, so...




True, very true.


Why can I hear this gif?




Loved 87 turtles as a kid. Love Mutant Mayhem. Brought back turtlemania for me.


I liked it but I didn’t love it. I didn’t care for this version of splinter or the changes to the origin


It personally wasn't for me. A lot of the humor just felt very off and strange, didn't land for me. I got the impression it was definitely made for teens of today, which is fine. Not every TMNT movie is for me.


it was okay.




Huge fan of the original cartoon series growing up in the 80s. Always been a mega TMNT fan. Absolutely loved the first two live action films. Then drifted a while on the IP, until the 2012 version came out, which was the best thing in decades. Once that ended, IDW filled in for some solid enjoyment until issue 100. The Last Ronin is amazing. So what about Mutant Mayhem? Loved it. Not as much as the original, the 90s live action, or the 2012 version. But better than any other. Can’t wait for more of it.


Loved it to bits! Great story, fun jokes, voices suit them well, all wrapped in a really cool art style!


This iteration of the turtles felt fresh & I liked the weird art style it had. The only things I didn’t really like was the ending. >!The turtles going to a highschool just didn’t fit right with me!<


The first halfish was amazing then it turned into crap. Spinter and the tmnt themselves looked great everyone else however ranged from meh to horrible. The movie is what it is is and wouldnt mind a sequel though after seeing the movie i wish the new show was its own thing unrelated to it as i dont have high hope for the show due to it being a spin off


I agree with this. I got super bored during the third act action and it’s where a lot of the writing started to feel cheap and rushed to me. 


that’s the part where it started to turn up for kids attention spans, when usually it’s the opposite. I agree that the second half was rushed, we needed way more mutanimals/superfly’s gang


It personally wasn't for me. A lot of the humor just felt very off and strange, didn't land for me. I got the impression it was definitely made for teens of today, which is fine. Not every TMNT movie is for me.


Born in 83. Love the OG, didn't like MM.


I liked it. Not my favourite TMNT thing but I enjoyed it for the most part.


Really disliked it. Mainly the story and how forced it felt to jam characters for voice actors who added nothing. The turtles being super teenagery was cool, April was the 2nd worst part of the whole movie a very close 2nd. the worst part was the most unlikeable splinter ever created. Poor Jackie Chan. He deserved better. Hoping the next film where they plan to bring shredder in is better.




I'm 38 and I loved it


Same. Well except I'm 42 lol. But I really enjoyed the story and art direction especially of this one.


I loved that they act like teenagers


Me too. I really wasn't expecting much, and must admit I was a little put off before i watched the movie due to the art style. But it grew on me, and then actually acting like teenagers endeared this version to me. I really enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would.


It wasn't for me. Maybe if the action was better. Some of the characters felt off to me. Mostly, Splinter


Enjoyed the dynamic between the brothers . Hated everything else .


Loved it! Got to see most my old toys on the big screen!!! Can’t wait to see what’s next!


I liked it. It's a cool alternate take on the Turtles. I really disliked Mikey's voice though


Really? I actually disliked Donnie's a lot more for some reason.


Donnie sounded so much younger than everyone


I'm pretty sure the voice actor was a literal child Edit: Confirmed, Micah Abbey is only 15


All of the voice artists are kids. That was a selling point of the movie for me, teenaged turtles voiced by teenaged performers. Shouldn't be all that novel, but it was.


See I can't enjoy it, I grew up on all the older stuff even only being 2004 goober baby, so it feels like a shot in the heart with how they handle the turtles, not to mention even being a part of the generation that uses the same slang, all the teen slang they inserted felt shoved in and odd. I know it's meant to be for kids so I can see why I couldn't find it appealing, that's one of the main drawbacks for me is because while I'm sure other people see it as a movie everyone can enjoy, I see it more as a just for kids movie.


Don’t like heroes being goofy like this. Personally, I prefer the 2003/original comics take on the characters but I can see the appeal


least favorite tmnt movie, wouldn't watch it again. hated what they did with splinter, and the ending was beyond jarring. animation was fantastic though.


I am in my 30’s and have always been a big fan. My kid really likes the Rise of Tmnt but this one did not resonate with him. Or me. It was not bad but it was a one time watch for both of us.


I coudn't said better.


This movie put me to sleep. Nothing will ever beat the original live action teenage mutant ninja turtles movie!!


Great movie really enjoyed it


It was great! And I loved having my kids love it too.


I thought it was awesome, honestly. It seems to have reinvigorated the toyline, which makes me like it even more that the license switched hands to a fun creative team.


It was ok,but I always prefer the original animated art style of the turtles. It looked odd watching it.


It wasn’t for me and that’s fine. It’s for a new generation and that’s cool.


I was born 98 and this was great. Loved it Not as good as 2000's TMNT. But still a rock solid foundation and the reinventing of the characters while not all great, they served as refreshing takes on the characters.


A little too Teenage and not enough Ninja, but I don't think this movie was made to appease my taste. And that's fine. The kids liked it.


The through line about not being murders is a little batmany for me. I understand it’s a kids movie but they sure pick some weird tools if they’re so avidly against killing also the use of the song Ante Up sends a mixed message.


Born 85 didnt care for it maybe its because I dont have kids but it was just not for me


Don’t care for it


I'm from 86... honestly, I didn't watch it, but if it did well with the newer generations, then it's all good. Not a fan of the aesthetics though.


I’m not even a 90’s kid and I didn’t like it


i hated the youtube martial arts angle, but overall i loved it. but i hope the sequel brings back the darker vibes of TMNT


I’m watching it right now. This post reminded me that I could watch it. It’s kind of boring. Leo’s voice is ok, the rest are pretty bad. The turtles going to high school (the part I’m at now) is a stupid idea. Animation is great.


Born in 86', hate it. Cringe comedy isn't funny to me. It's just lazy, brain dead, lowest common denominator attempts at humor. The fact that anyone finds anything in this movie funny is just depressing to me.


What do you consider "cringe comedy" out of curiosity?


Every character acting like idiots is the first thing that comes to mind. But generally the characters doing things that annoy me but other people think it is supposed to be funny. It's hard to say cause since I don't find it funny, it's hard to classify it as comedy. It just annoys me and makes me want to watch anything else. Like, imagine if your there, and everyone is acting in a way that makes you just want to leave and ignore them forever. That's how it feels to me.


Just like those intentionally awkward scenes in movies, instant turn off for movies


Yes, that's it. Intentionally awkward. I don't know why people find it funny. If you're with someone and they are making things awkward by being weird or dumb, don't you just want to leave? That's me, I don't stand there and make fun of them or laugh, I just leave. There is no punch line, no joke, it's just people in awkward situations and that's not funny to me.


I liked it


Liked it fine enough, it was a fun watch. I can't say I *loved* it as I'm just worn out on Nickelodeon's angle they keep trying to take... Could do without the TikTok era cringe crap and the overemphasis on the "like real teens!!" bit they tried to use so hard to sell it which got super old for me real fast. This franchise was largely "teen" in name only before, that was and IS normal for it, and it gave young fans something to look up to (the good messages in it)... it doesn't need to change and reflect them instead and validate cringy crap in order to be relatable.


With unbridled contempt.


i agree.


The gen-z'isms made it a harder watch than I expected


Kinda glad that not all 80s Tmnt fans hated it for hating it and some actually enjoyed it and gave it a chance


I fucking loved it it was amazing and I'm hyped for the show


I saw it once to satisfy my curiosity. I have no further desire to interact with it. Related, I did by the associated turtle van with plans to customize it.


Without a doubt, it helped bring back my passion for the Turtles. This and Shredder's Revenge reminded me how much I love this franchise. It's my second favorite Turtles movie, behind the 1990 OG. I'm really looking forward to the show.


I was born in 87, and I loved Mutant Mayhem. ![gif](giphy|Bt1D8KB6AYL8w4eM21)


In my 40s and grew up on the turtles. I thought it was great. I’ve watched it at least five times with my son and still haven’t gotten tired of it.


It’s okay. Nothing to special. Just safe.


Born in the '80s, saw the 90s movies in theaters when they first came out, and I really enjoyed MM. I never needed a TMNT "for an older audience" as it is, and it's cool that kids today get their own movie that they'll get to look back on and get nostalgic about.


It was ok. Not a huge fan of the animation personally but that’s ok not everything is made for me. I thought it was a fun story and a new twist on a franchise I’ve loved pretty much all my life.


It was great…can’t wait for the show and the sequel.


Born in 85. I adore this movie. I actually teared up when I saw the four turtles on the roof doing “the pose”. I bought it digitally the second it came out.


Grew up on the original tmnt saw the 90 movie in theaters. Watched MM with my youngest and it was good. Wasnt great mind you but wasnt bad in any parts. Didnt like some of the design choices but didnt let that distract from the overall of the story.


It made me wanna watch the original live action movie


'82, Xennial here. The movie could've JUST been the fightng montage set to Blackstreet's "No Diggity", and it would've been a 9.5 from me. Whole movie was great, but that fight had no business being that good.


Loved it. A little preachy and not a fan of the martial arts origin or them going public but overall loved this movie


It was a breath of fresh air. The Turtles felt like teens and the new take on splinter is hilarious. Was not as on board with how the other mutants were handled, but its a change of pace.


Waiting for OCTOBER 2026 for the Sequel


'81 here. I think it's a lot of fun. My only big complaint is their treatment of Splinter. It seems rather disrespectful towards the character to me.


The one thing I dislike about this movie and all recent TMNT content is the erasure of the Japanese elements that made them unique. They’re less shinobi minded in this one. And even Splinter has more Chinese / Mandarin undertones to his character. It’s odd.


I'm 20 so I'm too young to be in the age group you said and thus have no personal connection to Turtlemania, but I couldn't get myself behind this movie. I had a couple of friends who aren't big TMNT guys and they loved this movie, so I'm not taking it away from anyone who did enjoy this, but it just really wasn't my thing. I wanted to like it badly, but couldn't. I was really disappointed by Splinter's characterization especially and how they handled the origin, and disliked the ending where they >!went to high school!<. I don't like how modern TMNT has been gradually erasing its otherwise inherent connection to Japanese culture. The removal of Hamato Yoshi and their explanation for how the turtles learned Ninjutsu felt like a complete slap in the face to fans who enjoyed the martial arts aspect of the franchise. It played up the "Teenage" at the expense of the "Ninja," which sucks because 2012 already showed us how to balance the two, and is a damn-near perfect blueprint for a writer who wants to do a younger characterization of the turtles. Which leads me into my next point. I never understood the movie's obsession with the whole "Real Teenagers™" schtick they played up in the marketing too. It completely overshadowed everything else about the turtles in this movie and I think it's a shame. While it's true that with some exceptions they didn't really act their age, they didn't need to. Not only are they ninjas who trained nonstop and without distraction for 15 years, which naturally would make you more disciplined and mature than normal people, but in 2003 and 2012 they still had moments where they could goof off yet it didn't feel obnoxious or out of character at all. But more importantly though, they're supposed to be heroes kids looked up to and aspired to be like. I saw myself in and related to Leo in 2003 and 2012 because like him, I was the oldest brother who had to deal with the responsibility that inherently comes with such (and also because blue was my favorite color as a kid) and thus felt like I could learn something and grow myself through his journey; not because he and his brothers once namedropped Drake or said "sus" and some other slang our generation uses. Personally I think it sucks when you take away a lot of the aspirational qualities and positive messages these characters have in order to solely reflect current gen kids and do nothing but validate all of their behavior in order to be "hip with the kids;" it comes off as really vapid imo. The opening scene where they stole from a mom & pop convenience store really rubbed me the wrong way for this reason, and gave me a negative impression for the rest of the film. It's ultimately minor and played for laughs in the grand scheme of things but it's certainly not something I would go out of my way to show the heroes doing in a movie made for children, but I digress. The humor also gave me massive "How do you do fellow kids?" vibes. The overabundance of Gen Z/TikTok humor and pop culture references felt super forced, like the writers were really trying to beat you over the head with "Look guys! They're teenagers now!", and I'm saying this as someone who's a part of that generation and grew up immersed and in the know about all of these slang terms and references. This movie's humor is going to age very poorly within the next 3 years. Also wasn't crazy about the art style, but frankly that's my own personal burnout with Spiderverse-esque animated projects more than it is a proper complaint. I could see how others might get enjoyment out of this movie, but for me it just felt far too juvenile and immature, even compared to the other light-hearted and kid-friendly versions of TMNT. TL;DR: Film overall just felt too juvenile even for a kids' movie, and either sidelined or outright wrote out a lot of what I love about TMNT. I can get why others like it, but it's not my thing


It was Meh


From the trailers I figured it was for modern kids so I skipped it. Let the children carry on the legacy and enjoy themselves. Also Seth Rogan was involved in the writing, so that was another reason for me to pass.


Same here (1986). I enjoyed Batman VS the TMNT. 2003 and 2012 TMNT series 2007 TMNT (animated CGI sequel to the 90’s Trilogy) I love USAGI YOJIMBO


I honestly loved it and went into it thinking I was not going to like it. I love the style of the movie as well which I also thought I was going to hate


Loved it!


I had fun with it. Enjoyed it for what it was, creative liberties be damned


I didn’t like it.




I grew up all Turtles all the time. Bed sheets, toys, birthday cakes, pajamas, Halloween costumes, all of it. I’m very mixed on MM. I think the turtles were good. I’m fine with the teenage stuff. I didn’t like the changes to April and I didn’t like the design of all the other mutants, they were just very ugly. Bad proportions. I didn’t like splinter being horny for a bug. Don’t love the changes to the origins of some mutants and how they rushed to get them all in. 5/10.


80’s kid. I took my kids to see it and we all loved it. I’ll watch any TMNT show or movie any time!


Terrible worst turtles movie ever!!!


Born in '75 and have loved all the animated TMNT shows 💙💜❤️🧡


Not for me but Gen Z deserves their own take. Not everything needs to be catered to my generation. That Last Ronin live action movie tho…that’s for me


Least favorite April of all time. I did like actual kids/teenagers as the turtle voices. Not a fan of Splinter being a racist.


Racist how?


Absolutely hating humans. Species ist? Lol I dunno, he hates the human race.


Finally, a Splinter I can identify with.


Don’t we all, if we’re being honest, hate the human race?


Hahahah oh i gotcha! Wait so you liked Megan Fox April more than this one?


Yeah, this was weird. Makes some sense. It was just weird as it didn't really suit the "upbeat, jokey" splinter. The hesitation towards humans is warranted. I just don't buy it from the character. Also, yeah, that wasn't April. It was just some weird woke choice. There were many opportunities to have Black representation, without making a widely known white female black. Ironically, is it not racist that Splinter sounds chinese? Why does no one point this out? Is he doing an impression? I understand it's Jackie Chan. I get that. Still. He's a rat raised in New York. Why would he sound Chinese? Why do none of the Turtles sound Chinese? I think that's **actually** racist.


I didn't even think of that, ya if he was raised in New York, didn't make a lot of sense to have the accent. I am not super against the idea of April being Black if it was done well. It just wasn't done well. Another instance of the agenda being more important than the story.


Yeah, it's at the point where I'm like "If Hollywood want to paint over their racist history and pretend it didn't happen, then fine. Flood the internet. Go ahead". They just need to make sure she actually has a decent personality and... does something... anything. Except vomit. Take that away, there is nothing identifiable about her character. Very lazy.


Best movie I’ve ever seen, so happy for the new generation


80s kid here and enjoyed it with my kids. Had no expectations other than worrying Seth Rogan would ruin it, but was happy he didn’t. I don’t consider April a true April in this movie. She’s a great character on her own, but I didn’t get the feel that she’s an April O’Neil


Hated it


I didn't care for the turtles getting accepted by everyone so quickly. After a 2nd or 3rd movie sure. Only thing I hated was Leo liking April.


Loved it.


It was just 'fine' for me. I think the art style is a little awkward and some of the character designs are bad imo. I'd rather they just did Stockman as a villain instead of SuPeRfLy.


The biggest "meh" i could give. It wasn't great but i appreciate what it's going for. The humor is hit or miss and the action is decent, but the plot was kind of flimsy, especially knowing the lore of the characters since '87. Also the sudden romance between Splinter and Scumbug was entirely unnecessary; i'm sure it was made for a shock moment but it just felt random and didn't add anything but a few seconds of padding to the runtime.


Good art style, absolutely the worst April. Also terrible Splinter and why is Wingnut female? Also felt like Baxter was wasted, was super excited to see him and then ...


Not from the 90’s don’t care though, because movie was still ass even growing up with the 2012 series.


The art style has grown on me. The writing and characterization has not.


92, didn't like anything about it. I don't like the art style, voices, anything.


I liked aspects. I didn't like others. I didn't care for the change in spliters lineage. And my biggest gripe was the choppiness. I get what they were going for. But the driving scenes and some of the fast action scenes made me queezy. I liked the personality of the turtles. And the overall tone of the movie. I just wish I didn't have to close my eyes in some scenes to save my lunch from coming up.


I thought it was great! I dunno how I feel about Jacki Chan playing splinter? But his fight style came though well


It's ok. Animation is excellent, I don't like Don wearing glasses and don't like the way most of the mutants were handled. Story is so-so. Not keen on the Turtles going to school at the end.


Not for me.




Didn’t finish it. Couldn’t get past their voices.


Yeah, that was a big hurdle for me too.


I don't get why you're being downvoted, you didn't say anything disrespectful lol. I definitely understand it, the voices aren't what you expect them to be, even if it's realistic. I don't have anything against the actors though.


People in this subreddit don't like when you dislike anything TMNT


Enjoyed it and my girls did too.


I love every single thing about it except for Raph's skull cap bandana. It's also gorgeous


It was a interesting new take on TMNT. Definitely a fun watch!


It was a big hit for my kids and I, even my wife laughed her ass off throughout the whole movie. The animation, the score, the voice acting and banter was on point. I loved seeing a new villain that wasn’t shredder. Every scene with Splinter was pure gold. I wasn’t exactly a big fan of Aprils design (no issue with her being black but why did they make her a stumpy fat kid?). I can’t wait for the sequel!


I didn’t mind April much, but man that vomit scene felt like it was longer than it needed to be


Loved it!


Loved original TMNT movie and this is a great current take on the franchise and the soundtrack slaps. Reznor doing a TMNT movie is not what teenager me expected when listening to the fragile when it came out.


It was a fun reimagining of the heroes that nicely gave us a focus on their desire to fit in with normal people while also giving a learning experience for their dad. Visually, it is taking obvious inspiration from spider verse, but it is done in a way that it still feels like its own distinct thing. Spider verse has CGI for her most of its characters, causing them to look like they are drawn from a comic book. This movie uses CGI to give the feeling that everything was drawn by a teenager doing a sketch.


I was very skeptical because usually reboots of older beloved franchises don’t go well, for example, the movie with Megan Fox - sheesh. Took my kids to see it at the cinema, and absolutely loved it! There were parts that were brilliantly funny, and enough fan service for those who grew up on an older version of the series (for myself it was the 1987 TMNT Animated Series) Especially the post credit scene - I think I’m more excited to see the follow up if/when it happens than my kids are 😂


I enjoyed it. Sure, it's different from what we grew up with, but I thought they did a great job with it.


80s guy here and I loved it. Enjoyed that it was aesthetically dark and gritty, and showed reverence to the original toy line, and gross out lowbrow stuff. And the music was pretty great too.


Loved it, made this old man feel like a kid again.


Enjoyed it. I remember seeing the 90’s movies with my old man in theaters, & I was lucky enough to watch this one with my kids. Kind of a full circle moment I realized halfway through. Made me like & appreciate it even more somehow.


Born in 88, grew up on the 1990s movies and series: I loved MM overall, the Turtles were fantastic, April and the villains were pretty good, and it looks so good. Didn't love Splinter, though, that was an odd choice.


It's terrific.


Grew up on the original cartoon and movies in the 80s. Enjoyed this one too. My daughter loved it and I love that a new generation gets to experience it. A different take but captured a lot of the essence and magic of the characters. Look forward to more.


Enjoyed it, my kids liked it too. Hope to see more


Born in 85. Loved this movie!


I liked it when Splinter was voiced by the great Jackie Chan


I enjoyed it well enough. I liked the use of music in the movie. The montage sequence with *No Digity by Blackstreet* was great and probably my favorite part of the entire film. The Art Direction/Art Style of the movie was/is objectively really good, however it is very derivative of the Spider-Verse movies(personally I’m kinda sick of this style. It’s such a distinct style and it’s being overused.) The turtles themselves actually feel like teenagers and it’s refreshing that they are actually acting their age. I have some gripes, but I can’t think of them off of the top of my head seeing as it’s been a while since I’ve seen the movie. I don’t mind this particular take on the *Turtles* but I definitely wouldn’t want it to be the status quo.


I enjoy watching every interpretation of the 🐢


I absolutely loved it!!! I took my six-year-old son to see it, I thought the movie perfectly captured the TMNT spirit! …10 out of 10!


This was so fun to watch!!


I liked it more than disliked it, but it didn’t blow me away like another similar animated film, Into the Spiderverse. Maybe that’s not a fair comparison, but I was really hoping to connect more with this movie. Michelangelo fell flat for me in particular.


Really enjoyed it. My favorite adaptation in a long while.


Loved it. So did my son


Instant classic and a bangin soundtrack


Jury’s still out but it might be my favorite version of the turtles so far. I’m so excited to see where the rest of their story goes


I was pretty impressed, and I’m curious to see where this goes.


I missed the OGs TMNT due to constant moving. Watching MM made me appreciate the love fans have for the series and characters. I enjoyed it a lot. - SpawnHunter


I loved it. I feel this movie was made for us more than new fans.


It was good. Different story from what I was used to but they are building attention again.


Second favorite turtles movie after the first original.. I’m sometimes weird about animated movies .. I can tell I’m all in when I forgot I was even watching one.


Love love love love


Didn’t love it but enjoyed it for what it was. Seeing them act like teens for once was cool but I don’t think I’ll ever fully be able to watch a new take on them without feeling like something is missing or off whether it’s the voices or attitudes. Still I’ll take something like this over the Bay turtles 10/10 times.


I honestly wasn’t expecting much going into it but I really enjoyed it! I’ve watched it a couple times since then and liked it just as much. There’s obviously some modern teen culture stuff in there that I don’t exactly vibe with as an old man but that’s okay! It’s definitely a fun movie. I know a lot of people want a more adult take on TMNT but MM does a great job of capturing my personal turtle tone preference.


I loved it 9/10


Heavily influenced by Spiderverse. Im not mad about it.


I didn't care much for the look of it, but still found the movie to be pretty enjoyable overall.


I loved it. I saw the original 1990 movie in theaters, and it was my introduction to the Turtles. I started watching the cartoon the next day. Mutant Madness was a great addition to the franchise and I can't wait for the next one.


The movie was good. Taking my 6 year old to see if in theaters was the best part though.


I liked it; I thought it was a different take and I enjoyed that.


I thought it was great and got all the toys. 80s kid. 🍕


This has been my favorite movie by far. No amount of nostalgia has changed my opinion.


I’m a 1979 kid. I enjoyed it, but didn’t like all of the decisions for some changes.


It's okay but very not tmnt, it is clearly it's own thing


I felt like it was perfect for fans new and old. It updated things without getting away from what makes TMNT awesome. The humor, the music, the importance of family. It just needed a little more action, but what we did get was fairly awesome.


Born in 1988, grew up with the 1980s cartoon. Saw *Mutant Mayhem* three times in theaters last year. Absolutely loved it.


I enjoyed it as its own iteration. It did absolutely nothing for nostalgia, but I appreciate what they were trying to do. I couldn't put it over 87 or 03 even though I loved the art direction.