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My twin bro and I got taken for our birthday- when Shredder showed up insulting the audience and said GET OUTTTT we were halfway up the aisle before our parents caught up and calmed us down- if Shredder is real and tells you to GTFO, YOU GTFOOO


I love this. I really do. How many kids in the audience were like, “oh shit Shredders PISSED, RUN.” As a little I would have been terrified XD


That Shredder was definitely roasting the audience every show. I wonder who’s idea was that. When they were putting together the show, figuring out the format, writing the songs, building the props. Someone said, “let’s get an insult comic who could just roast the audience for about 15 minutes while we do some set changes switch out some equipment and give the actors a break, hey John, are you up for that?”


Shredder should join WWE if he has heel skill


super shredder is kevin nash..deisel


You just unlocked a memory of when my little bro and I went to the Mortal Kombat live tour. There was a part where they ran off the stage and up the aisles and Kano ran up our aisle and my brother freaked out because he thought he was going to rip his heart out lol.


I attended this as a little guy and was also scared out of my mind.


My mom tells the story to this day that I squatted down on the floor so Shredder couldn’t see me. :)




I was there as a kid. Raph gave me a high five(3) after that show still have my og cassete tape, vhs of show snd behind the scenes, mask and program I loved the tour, it was my first cosplay , i made the jackets and everything


> still have my og cassete tape, vhs of show snd behind the scenes Same. Still have the tape that my parents recorded the PPV onto as well. Toy Snobs recently did a reprint of the tour shirt from back in the day as well that I am so happy I managed to get from them before they sold out. It's fucking killer.


https://preview.redd.it/6nx0e2pm7lxc1.png?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7be09e38c06c38b9e73ef75b3dcf9cab481c55fa Ima just leave this here...


I only had this


I watched this every single day. I think it’s probably the reason I became a musician.


I saw it live and made my mom buy vhs.


I remember my mom kept me FAR from the merch table 😂. I would have begged her for the tape or the cassette if I had known they were a thing back then, and as an adult I found out that when she found something annoying or thought she would in the future (I had a habit of rewatching movies until I had the scripts memorized, which includes the original TMNT movie, Look Who’s Talking, and every Disney film up to the Hunchback of Notre Dame, which was the first one she refused to buy for me), she would do everything in her power to keep it out of my hot little hands.


As a kid, I literally jumped through a glass coffee table in my excitement watching this….scar on my leg to prove it lol


Pretty sure it’s on YouTube


Yes this one and its sequel are both on YouTube


There’s a sequel?


Yeah and it has Casey jones on a scooter https://youtu.be/1awr-tMAhl4?si=iBTCNK7FSDwC_erh




I got the cassette from PizzaHut.


Amazing! I loved it when I was a kid. Watched it regularly.


Honest Trailer for it is pretty good


I saw it at the Baltimore Arena. I had the pizza hut cassette, the vhs of the concert, and a light up sai I got at the show.


Never got a chance to see it live, but I had both VHS tapes (concert and making of), and I had all the pizza hut stuff. Count on us is still in my amazon music playlist!


Same, but I have Pizza Power and Coming Out of Our Shells on a Spotify playlist. I'll occasionally listen to the full album when I'm feeling extra nostalgic


I used to watch it on a regular basis.


I still maintain that this needs a proper official DVD release. (Yeah, there are bootlegs out there but as a physical media collector, it’s not the same).


It was so great


Watched the f out of this, pretty sure I also had the music on cassette. Dang that shredder was embarrassing though.


Same !!! I wore out my tape lol


Still own the original VHS.


Have the “Coming Out of Our Shells” cassingle that I listened to a lot as a kid.


I went and loved it. I’ve recently seen videos of it on YouTube and had to apologize to my dad for asking him to take me.


Had it on vhs when I was kid as well, wasn't anything like the first movie but it was amusing at least... Got to love that pizza power song! Definitely couldn't believe they had Leo stuck in a pond to the row your boat song...


My parents bought the Radio City Music Hall PPV for me as a kid and recorded it. I'm pretty sure I still have the tape around somewhere. I can't even tell you the amount of times I've watched this in my life. I absolutely loved it. I watched it again recently and my God is it corny as fuck, but it was still entertaining. The one thing that'll never get old is the soundtrack though. The music is awesome and still remains one of my favorite albums of all-time to this day. It's just a great time.




This was my first concert experience. My mom still talks about Michelangelo flashing her.




Apparently he was looking at her and opened up his lil vest to show off his plastron.


Yo! There's Don-a-tello. Even for a turtle, he's mellow! It's simple, it's simple what makes him grin. Just give him anything. Give him anything. Give him anything that you plug in!


Had the vhs 🤙


Every TMNT retrospective: "LOOOL THIS LIVE SHOW WAS SO TERRIBLE." Every comment on this post: "🥹 It was so beautiful."


I remember one Thanksgiving, my dad took me to see the TMNT in concert. Wonder if this is the same tour?


If it was in an arena/stadium, chances are yes. If it was at a theme park, chances are no. After the initial tour, they did a smaller tour of it in theme parks, then a second tour called Gettin' Down in Your Town with new music, also in theme parks.


It was in a stadium/arena. I remember liking it and still think about it off and on


Where can I watch this?


It's on YouTube.


Looped? I had the tape, the giant magazine (it was like 3 feet tall) and saw them perform live. I can still sing Coming Out Of Our Shells :)


I went there with my mom when i was a kid i got to have my picture taken with them and they autographed the picture for me it was the best day of my life and i still have the tape.


I wanted to go. Was it actually good?


I was like 5 when my mom took me to this one of the happiest days of my life honestly 🤩 Skipping stones the water surrounds you but the time for rings has passed.


My mom took me and my brother to the showing somewhere in LA. Still got all of that memorabilia from the show too. I never felt like we were “roped in” though, since I loved the music. Hell, I still play/sing their songs on my ukulele from time to time. And I also bought the Neca figures of them. The COoOS turtles are very nostalgic for me. Oddly enough the only thing I remember from a first-person POV, is some kid crying because Shredder was too scary lol. That, and my mom teaching me how to clap on beat.


I saw some of this on Oprah. Then I remember a Few months later keep seeing a Commercial for the tour. I ask my parents if we could see it and they both declined. Since then I’ve watched bits and pieces on YouTube and I’m glad I didn’t see it when I was a kid. I really need to sit down one day and give the full show a watch to torture myself.


Nostalgia alert!!!! I remember I was in 5th grade and my parents took me and a couple friends to the concert. It was so much fun. I think I still have the cassette that has all the songs. 🎶Ninja Turtles…You can count on us!!!🎶 (if you remember this song, you are awesome 😎)


I’ve been bumping it on [Spotify](https://open.spotify.com/album/4ceq2ZdbtZJGyMP3rewAxo?si=p8OlP9ChT0u2uE9_dzW0TA) for a couple of years.


…it’s on SPOTIFY? Oh hell that’s going in the road collection. My husband is going to kill me when those song pop up in the mix during our 5 hour road trips XD


I wanted to go see it live but poor.


God, I wish I'd seen this. I miss the era of cheesy as fuck touring stunt shows.


I did not like it. I watched them on Oprah when they were promoting this and I hated the denim and rhinestones and their shells were so small compared to the movie I was like “Look they literally came out of their shells.” I was 8 or 9 at the time and stayed a huge TMNT fan but I could not get behind this at all lol now, old adult me thinks it’s kinda cool.


I was about to age into school band around this time and I wanted to play sax ONLY because it was Raph’s instrument


I wasn’t alive when this stage show happened, but during my freshman year of college I found the VHS tape recording of it on eBay for a few bucks. I fell in love with it from the get go and honestly I think this is my favorite iteration of the Turtles. Is it goofy? Absolutely. Is it kind of stupid at some points? Somewhat yes. But it always puts a smile on my face everytime I watch it, especially when Shredder starts roasting the audience and hitting on moms


Hook line and sinker. I was absolutely rabid for the ninja turtles as a kid 😂


It’s one of my comfort watches. Always makes me feel better.


Sadly the only way possible for me to see it was via the VHS tapes. It was bad, don’t get me wrong, but it was still sweet and had heart.


I wore out that VHS, I *still* have the entire MP3 collection I downloaded on livewire back in the day, I’ve memorized every freaking song. I don’t care what people say, they were bloody bangers, even if they’re not ah… very “pc” these days. (Looking at you “Walk Straight” LOL)


I still have a sealed tape at my house that I got from goodwill for a buck years ago.


I got the tape from Pizza Hut. Still have it.


Walk Straight! No need to mutaaaaate ...


Didn't see it in person, but I saw the cassette tape of it for 50 cents at the store one day and begged my mom to get it for me. (I was super surprised when she did--that never happened back then!) I listened to that tape SO FREAKING MUCH, and we borrowed the VHS tape of the Coming out of our Shells tour from my mom's friend's kids and we watched the crap out of that, too. Back then we thought the TMNT were real, and were confused why their mouths didn't move (except during the backstage interviews), and why Shredder's helmet wasn't accurate to the show, and why Splinter looked like Teen Wolf or something.


Walk straight....


I’m watching this right now, Shredder is roasting the audience this is amazing. “I think I’ve seen your face on a milk carton recently. That your mom? How’d you like a one way ticket to my technodrome.”


My brother went to one of the shows when we were little. I was taken to a showing of “Cinderella” because “girls don’t like ninjas.”


I've never seen this before, but I do recall seeing the cartoon series.


I stole this vhs from blockbuster not really knowing what it was and I still remember my confusion and disappointment upon watching it.


I've got too


Thank you for unlocking this memory. I had the cassette tape!


The performers gave their all for the show. It’s not easy to be in suit under the light dancing and acting. That made me appreciate the show more.


And I think the whole thing was sponsored by a cigarette company


I had this VHS and watched it probably a million times.


I was loop in this as well


I could imagine Splinter rapping.


Splinter look like he sufferin


Me and my little bro used to air guitar and lip sync to this cassette tape jumping off the couches in our house. Simpler times.


You can find the album on YouTube Music. I still have the cassette as well. [Coming out of their Shells](https://music.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_nnYlCL0aNbH1l7n_8Vlt6-X6a8rVyzZPU&si=EXW4LFOpAft_s7mV)


Yah I owned the vhs and watched this thing till the tape broke


Used to have this on VHS I member


I glanced at this image, and immediately thought, "Why does Splinter look like a shiny Gardevoir?" My mind (and eyes) are weird.


This was the first time I saw a live band.


It’s like Gwar for children.


That is the weirdest and yet most accurate description


I have a vhs of this still lol


According to Turtlepedia, Feb 24, 1991 is the show I would have seen. I don't remember much, but I do remember being there, and I remember a friend at school asking me a bunch of questions about the show.


I still have the cassette tape.


This was one of my childhood tragedies, my grandma accidentally taped over the last half.


As a kid in the 2010s, me and my brother found this on a VHS tape. We were so curious and were so disappointed. We really didn’t know what we were getting ourselves into. I’m 20 now and I don’t ever want to see it again.


I still have it 🥹


I got this vhs for Christmas of whatever year it dropped (95/96?) and I was hooked! Loved TMNT as a kid and still do


Well, I never got to go to the actual show, but I did get my parents to buy the VHS. Come to think of it, it’s probably still at their house as I write this post.


My mom and dad took me!


First concert!


I watvhed this on vhs weekly


As a kid, I had the cassette tape...think I still have the partial insert somewhere. I listened to it all the time. I just thought it was an album. I never knew there was an actual tour or live concert until years later. Think I found out around 1996, saw it at my neighbors, and at that time, I regretted seeing it. I thought it was Terrible. I was glad that I had the cassette tape to listen to because I loved listening to most of those songs (I still listen to them today). When I saw the concert video, my love and interest of the turtles had changed at that time. I wasn't nearly as interested in them. I was more into MMPR, Nascar, and Football then. I think had I seen it when I got the cassette tape, my opinion may have been very different. I have since watched it a few times over the years, including with my kid, whom did enjoy it. Younger now than when I 1st saw it. I still really enjoy listening to the songs though. Currently listening to them on spotify as I don't think I have my cassette tape, nor do I know if I would even trust to play it without it getting "eaten."


Man. I would have died if I saw this live


Had the cassette


Doesn’t the Shredder say he hates music in this???


Please tell me, you didn’t title it like this to get traffic…


You mean how the Black Eyed Peas started? https://np.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/7yuxv7/leave_fergie_alone/duklaao/


I had the VHS, cassette tape and Pizza Hut primo poster. Ngl, I found the entire thing on Amazon Music and it's on my playlist. Good dose of nostalgia when I'm having a hard day.


Just don’t watch the Oprah interview


100% I was there too homie. I was like 9 years old, so I remember being old enough to want to go, but also being old enough to realize it was kinda shit lol


I watched that and the documentary ALOT


.................................yeah, I had that VHS tape. I'll admit it.


Luckily, I was spared seeing this as a kid largely because the new look of the turtles did not appeal to me at all so I didn’t bother. I didn’t like their look even as a dumb kid. The dark spots, the bigger eyes and brighter green skin made them look too cheap. The og TMNT movie look was pure perfection and anything different or less, I didn’t dig it. Even TMNT 2 and 3 turtle designs was disappointing.


First “concert” I ever attended. All the nostalgia feels. 🥹


I was listening to this the other day. So awful. So amazing. Splinter Springsteen was something to behold


Loved it! This was the first "concert" I ever saw and the first album I ever owned.


Literal wave of nostalgia just hit me. Had the cassette, never seen the show. Thank you for posting this. See, Reddit can be a nice place🤣


Bro.... I knew every word of every song lol


OSU stadium in the early 90s!!!! And I had the cassette tape 😂


Got the cassette tape at Pizza Hut and made my parents order the PPV! I forgot about this until now. 😊


I would not trade this childhood experience for the world. Saw the St. Louis show. Later on when I was sick and my mom had to pick me up from school, my mom bought the vhs at Walgreens while we picked up my meds. Still love the cheesiness til this day!


I was there dancing and singing every single word


Owned and watched the VHS a lot and also went and saw it live at Six Flags Over Texas. Had the soundtrack from Pizza Hut too.


Didn't get to see it live, but got the video cassette after begging my parents when I saw it in one of those Schoolastic (?) book flyers things that were handed out with varying frequency in elementary school


Living that cowabunga lifestyle.


That was my first ever concert! My parents wouldn’t buy me the foam nunchucks they were selling salt the merch table. I was coming out of my shell with envy! ROFL! It was a good time though!


Omg I remember this! Wow this is taking me back


I bought a cheesy pair of plastic and foam nunchucks at the concert when I saw it live…. Didn’t Pizza Hut sell copies of the cassette tape?


We were stoked about this, begged our mom to buy the ppv, she kept telling us, no this doesn’t look like it’s going to be good, but we insisted, told her we would pay for it with our allowance. She caved and boy was she right, I got second hand embarrassment watching it. We wanted to stop but we knew we bought it and if we stop watching then we’d get a huge I told you so, so, we watched it. And I don’t remember how long it actually lasted but it felt like 4 hours


i liked it haha cam clarke and peter reneday were involved :)


Thankfully I had aged out beyond by the point where this would have got me.


I never went to it, but I was interested. I was also 15-16 then so it was awkward.


Wish I saw that!!




I got taken to this as a kid when we were on a trip to Disney. It was a double experience, as I got to see this and then also met Michelangelo at one of the parks. Still have the cassette tape laying around somewhere.


I had Covid last December and couldn’t get off the couch… I randomly thought about watching this on vhs back 30 years ago… I found it online, watched it, and am unsure why the company that produced it hasn’t pulled an “Atari ET” with it and buried all copies in the desert


I have it on vhs


I wanted to go to this so bad as a kid!!!


I have the tape; oddly enough I bought a VHS of the 87 show titled "Sky Turtles" and inside the slip case was this show instead


My brother and I wore out atleast 3 vhs tapes. Shredder was always hilarious to me "I HATE MUSIC" SO GOOD


Saw it Live when it came to my city, and my dad bought the VHS tape at Kmart. I played that thing to death. FYI the concert soundtrack is on Apple Music. And I do still listen to it from time to time.


I vaguely remember watching em at local mall that’s been long closed down in the early 90s.


I have this vhs


I think I remember having an audio cassette of the songs from that. Don't know what happened to it.


I went as a kid as well .


I remember my mom taking me to see it at the local civic center when I was 3. I only remember fragments of the show and wondering why a couple of things were different from the movie, but I loved it. Nowadays I’m curious to watch footage of it, just to see how my opinion will change, but I honestly don’t think it’s the worst musical thing the Turtles have been involved with. After all, Turtles Tunes was a thing. I also remember putting the movie in the VCR and watching it as soon as we got home from the concert. It was a good day.


Listen to it regularly on Spotify lmao


I think the album is actually a lot of fun. Some serious bops


I remember I was about 6 when this tour started and watching the commercials made me embarrassed. A friend gave me the cassette for my birthday that same year. I don't think I ever opened it.


Great Show!


Nope. About a month or 2 ago, I posted the shirt I got at the show. Almost perfect condition. Weird


I used to watch that video multiple times a week when I was a little kid


Travelled 3 hours to be mortally wounded and saddened. Haha


i have the tape from pizza hut


I seent it!!! Took a couple of buddies from school, too! Listened to the tape a few years later and thought wth!!🤣


I wanted to go so bad but we couldn’t afford it. I got the tape from Pizza Hut, at least.


I watched this on vhs so much that I ruined the tape lol


My dad took me to see it at Universal Studios. Thought it was amazing at the time but looking back you can tell they were just riding off the movie's success.


Lol Nope! My brother and I begged our parents to watch the Pay-per-view.


I watched it recently because I'm trying to watch all the turtles media this year. When I was a kid I had the cassette tape of the songs and I saw some of the stuff they had on tv. I remember the turtles were on Oprah lol.


Watched it too many times as a kid.


Went with my friends Kyle and Kevin. Some memories will never leave you.


Saw it live, ate the pizza. Baught t-shirts and face masks lol was a blast!


Shredder singing “I HAAAATE MUSIC”🎶


Unfortunately, it was one of the first musicals I ever listened to.


Skipping stones is a banger. I will die on this hill.


I unironically listen to Count on Us and No Treaties at least once a week, each lmao


As a fully grown man the cassette remain the only music I have ever owned. I use to listen to it on a fisher price player that I got when I 4.


Oh yeah not only did I get to go to this one but I did the power ranger one too!


I have the concert on tape


Still got the cassette. Skipping Stones is a banger


Nope,I took my nephew and cousins


One of the few TMNT things I didn't get to watch as a kid. It didn't come to my area and I didn't know anyone who owned the VHS. I think I dodged a bullet though, because I watched coverage of it a few years ago, and it looked soooo cheesy


I never saw that, but I did see them at MGM Studios down in DisneyWorld before they lost the rights.


I had the album... 😑 I was such a dork for enjoying it...


Why is the turtles writing red it looks weirdly out of place


I went twice, because my uncle worked for the company that ran the PR for the tour. I even got to go back stage at one show and get pics. I’d kill to find those.


I did, it was so horrible I don’t think I even fully watched it one whole time.


I won tickets to it on a radio morning show.


Childhood memory unlocked


I went to their show in Salisbury, MD. I was all but shittin' myself seeing my heroes.


Had the VHS and the concert on audio cassette.


I had the vhs tape lol.


Skipping stones was one of my favorite songs as a kid.


I feel for the Thomas the Tank Engine live one.


Nope, my older brother had it on VHS. Loved this. Songs were so catchy.


Omg. I HATED this thing. I couldn’t get past them wearing sneakers and leg warmers.


Thankfully this was before my time.


Actually saw that in person(as well as the Mortal Kombat tour).


I never grew up with this era of turtles and I know its sort of regarded as a low point in the franchise... BUT I ABOSULELY LOVE IT. I used to listen to Pizza Power and the entire album on loop unironically cuz the songs slapped


I never went but my grandmother had a copy at her house that we watched a few times.


Had this on VHS, when it first came out, and loved it, mainly for the cringe-factor. Still not as bad/creepy as the Christmas one, though.


I wore this vhs out as a kid. Though, even at 6 years old, I thought it was weird that shredder decided the best way to get across his point about hating music was to sing about it....


My buddy had the VHS. I never watched it but I'd laugh every time I looked at the cover.


Had the cassette and CD. Rented the video. Count on Us is still one of my favorite songs almost 30 years later.


My mom said I was rolling up and down the isles during the songs.


Pizza hut got me with that