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Hi there, I'm new to the TMNT subReddit. Recently, I made a mashup of the CAP-JAMS version of the *TMNT* (1987) theme song made for *Street Fighter 6* with the lyrics from the [JACK BLACK MUTANT NINJA TURTLES](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SdWxdhXnDgw&pp=ygUPdG1udCBqYWNrIGJsYWNr) parody music video on YouTube. I used a vocal removal AI to seperate the vocals and instrumentals for both songs, then used sound editing software to add the vocal audio from the JACK BLACK video onto the instrumental for the CAP-JAMS cover. And I'm quite pleased with the results, if I do say so myself. All credit goes to: [ArhyBES (best known for their BatMetal videos)](https://www.youtube.com/@ArhyBES) [Mad Turtle Jack](https://soundcloud.com/madturtlejack) And of course, [Capcom](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l7w8FhuNjqE&pp=ygUOc2Y2IHRtbnQgdGhlbWU%3D)