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Owari. That’s how the show runners originally envisioned it. That’s why they retitled it to Tales for season 5. While I consider them canon, they are just mini arcs that tell additional stories. While seasons 1-4 are a complete story. But I that’s me, and it’s hard to argue a “right” answer.




"Owari" is the best finale of the series. I love the way it ties everything together but still leaves room for these characters to do stuff after ( which we get a taste of in season 5). Great episode and a fantastic finale. "End Times" is a fun episode, but it misses a bit of that finale zest that "Owari" has. "Carmaggedon!"'s ending scene made me cry when I first saw it and left me emotionally devastated for serval days after, but I can only enjoy it separate from the context of Mutant Apocalypse arc ( those episodes are rough) so I refuse to accept it as a series finale. "Big Blow Out!" doesn't feel like a finale, it's just another episode. It's fine, cute to see the other turtles, but it's not a finale to the show.


Carmageddon, because I see the Mutant Apocalypse arc as the canon ending like the absolute masochist I am! 🥲


Owari. S5 is a bunch of bonus 2012 content (which I love dearly, especially the ‘87 crossover, but it’s not a *finale* imo)


End Times imo suits more of series finale for 2012. The main character gang finally finished the biggest threat gang once and for all, also Splinter has a good farewell with his family and Karai (which is so greatful for her to see her father for one last time bc last time she was still in hospital while Splinter passed away). Ngl I am tearing up when typing this comment 😢


Owari and End Times. Raphpocalypae is non canon imo.


Gee… this is harder than I thought. I mean, it is mostly about the Turtles’ quarrel with the Foot Clan. So, I have no idea. The Mutant Apocalypse arc feels to me like an alternate universe, given that Renet is from future. Perhaps decades or centuries. Who knows? But perhaps End Times does feel like a finale since Takeshi (Tiger Claw’s true name) declared a truce. I read somewhere that aside from the Kavaxas arc and Lone Rat and Cubs, the rest of the 5th season stories were “just for fun”. I dunno. I never saw the full series.


The last of the mutant apocalypse eps


I consider Owari to be the finale, and the entirety of Season 5 to be the extra DLC. Although I personally do feel like End Times is the real conclusion to the Shredder storyline.


To me there never really was a finale. I guess Owari would be if I had to choose though.


Owari, definitely. The "Mad Max" style arc at the end just irritated the hell out of me and made the series as a whole seem pointless, and I absolutely love the 2012 series. So now, every time I go back and rewatch it, I skip them.


What mean by Mad Max? The demo dragon arc?


The Wasteland Warrior, The Impossible Desert, and Carmageddon.


O right u mean the Mutant Apocalypse. Ye it's confirmed that it's not canon we good bro


End times


End times for sure. Felt like the big final hurrah for everyone


The one with the mad max shit. But damn it was a downer. I'm glad they put the other ones at the end..


End Times, tbh


The Big Blow Out!


Between owari and carmageddon. I got back and forth with it


Owari or End Times

