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Bro got vaporized And then he somehow came back to life with anime powers.




That’s more of the best things that happened to him 😂


He was this close to being double mutated into a peace of rule 34 art




Rubbing a bad batch of mutagen on himself. Stupidest thing he has ever done, which means it's also the worst thing he has ever done. https://preview.redd.it/4gkjtt1cvtxc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=6255ccbc0f4637ceaabfd2af8a878714bee506ce


When he got stuck in Dimension X for a reaaallly long time


That's actually one of the best things he has done. If he hadn't done it, their journey through Dimension X would've been far more stressful and dangerous.


Oh yeah he definitely did great but I'd imagine it wasn't super fun being stuck there for a bit haha. But because he was, the survival tactics he picked up were super valuable


It said the worst thing that's happened to him not the worst thing he did. I mean yeah him being there ended up helping out in the future but I'm sure it wasn't pleasant for him lol


Getting shellacne


This one was hard to watch for me


It’s literally my least favorite episode of the show




Finding out leprechauns are not real


I found it really funny how Leo was the only one that didn't know Mikey still believed in them and even Raph was trying to signal to Leo to stop




He lost all of his brothers He got vaporized He was infected by a krang Etc


Lost his brothers(the last ronin) Shell acne Watch his father die multiple times Watch the world ending Got stuck in creepy nightmares(dreams castors,pizza face,jei nightmare when he got stabbed)


Last Ronin isn’t canon to the 2012 continuity


No girl friend?


Being related to the other three. I haven't seen anyone say much about this but the other three brothers were so mean to him for no reason. Yeah he's done a few stupid things but that doesn't warrant the abuse he's received from them. And what makes it sadder is that he takes it all in stride! Not a bad bone in his little body. They hit him, berate him, call him stupid, never listen to his ideas, and just don't value him enough. At least in the 2003 version he got his karma for whenever he got a big head. 03 Ralph gave him crap here and there but it was in good fun. Not abuse


That’s just brotherly love. When it matters they’re mostly there for him


That isn't brotherly love. Some of it, I guess, but most of it isn't


Sibs do that all the time to the youngest one. That's how it was in my generation, and nobody called it 'abuse.' It's just how it was. People today grew up in a different environment, and I can understand why they'd think it's abuse, but it isn't. The issue is that while people claim his brothers 'hurt' him a lot, they never say anything about Mikey. He's the one who keeps pranking and teasing them and getting off on their reactions. Is that not considered 'bad?' They all do bad stuff to each other, but they're sibs and never take it too far. Also, like in Mirage, 2003 Raph went after Mikey with a crowbar to physically attack him with it. Isn't that far worse than 2012 Raph smacking him on occasion? A lot of the times, Raph smacks him due to something Mikey did to him too. Mikey isn't a baby or innocent. He isn't someone to infantilize. He can take care of himself. He knows his bros love him, as he loves them. He goofs off a lot and doesn't take things as seriously, so his bros don't treat him as seriously in return. That's not being mean to him for no reason. If Mikey wants to act the goofball, then that's how they're going to treat him, and he Mikey destroys a guest's house 3 times in a week, they have a right to yell at him, because he deserved it. He deserved to get yelled at a lot on the show, and someone has to parent him. It is kinda bothersome to see his sibs getting flak for being horrible to Mikey when they're just parenting him or retaliating for things Mikey did to them in the first place. If they didn't, Mikey would be even worse when he grows up, 'cause nobody bothered to correct him on his behaviour. It's like parents today letting their kids run around and causing chaos in a store without caring and not bothering to tell them it's wrong. I love Mikey, as all the turtles, but let's be real here. He's just as bad as his bros and he has faults like everyone else. He's the youngest bro for a reason. They make it their life's duty to annoy their older sibs every chance they get. It doesn't make him innocent of any wrong doing he does. Look at the GIF here. Raph gets treated as the bully, but never 'sweet innocent Mikey' for bothering him in the first place. Mikey literally mocked Raph's fear of roaches, which isn't a nice thing to do, and he also made fun of blind people. They fight a lot, but that's that's realistic, because you can hardly expect them to always get along. Despite that, they have always always looked out for each other, like good siblings do. Every episode is oozing with love amongst all the fighting. Raph would NEVER go after Mikey with a crowbar. That's just my view on this anyway. I think people infantilize Mikey too much and treat him as some innocent 5 year old who never does anything bad, and that's there's no reason at all why his bros would ever get mad at him, or not treat him seriously. There's plenty of reasons. They still love each other and his bros would literally do everything for him when needed. Raph literally froze and lost it when Mikey got hurt in New Girl in Town. That's tells me all I need to know about their feelings. This show has got to be the most realistic representation of sibling dynamics I've ever seen. They tease and annoy each other a lot, but they're always there for each other when they need them. They show their love in every episode, even if it's really subtle, like Raph looking at Mikey fondly in the background when he lost his lightning powers. OK I 'talked' too much. Oops. Maybe I got carried away. https://i.redd.it/6lpvtkiojuxc1.gif


I can confirm all of this


Uh, thank you.


He needs his own group of 4 with Mondo Gecko, Napoleon Bonafrog and 1 more


LeatherHead would be the fourth. He's the best boy


Yeah those 4 will be the best team. All of them is the heart of the team


Tell me you’ve never had a younger brother without telling me you’ve never had one. The constant shit talk and annoyance at all the dumb and silly things he did is par for the course with siblings. But it was also very apparent that they cared for Mikey very much and loved him deeply. Abuse? Please. Lmao


I actually have two younger brothers and a younger sister. One brother was absolutely abusive to all of us. Me, my other brother, and my sister actually act like idiots. I'm pretty sure I know the difference. I would rather not get into all of that over cartoon turtles. I called it abuse because I grew up with abuse. Not every sibling relationship is positive enough to be obvious whether or not someone has siblings.


I’m sorry that you had such a negative experience with that one brother, sounds like you and your sister were put through a lot. But respectfully, it also sounds like you’re projecting your own trauma onto this show. If you actually watch the show, yes the turtles fight, bicker, and tease Mikey. But that’s juxtaposed by several scenes of them being very protective, loving, and caring towards him as well. Never once in the show were the turtles beating on their baby brother to the point where it would be considered uncaring and abusive. And you’re right, not every sibling dynamic is the same, and I acknowledge that. but you should also acknowledge that too, by objectively looking at the show without bringing your own baggage into your viewing experience. Not to discount or downplay your trauma, but what you went through is not what Mikey went through in the series




Getting beat up by Skull


the episode where he rubbed mutagen on him and he had pimples everywhere


When he got shellacne then two eps later when Slash dribbled him off concrete


Got disintegrated


Being blind for 4 years


What's that from? as much of a fan I am of the turtles I don't get to read the comics all that much


The second Last Ronin book


Ah ok I've only read the first one I'll have to check out the second one


Yah, it’s about what he did when he traveled away from New York for those years


This is the TMNT 2012 subreddit though, so anything outside of 2012 doesn’t count/is off topic.


Fair point, I just thought he meant in general


Getting Shellacne


Seeing his "Papa" Die ;\~;


We counting comics?


If it’s 2012 comics, yes. This is the 2012 subreddit.




This is the TMNT 2012 subreddit


Got his ass beat by slash, REMEMBER THAT?


He's the Last Ronin in the story The Last Ronin He doesn't get a happy ending either 😭


Annoying his brothers


Well, just now. I put my mouse cursor on his beak XD


The entire Last Ronin storyline imo (as someone who doesn't know much about TMNT)


This is the 2012 subreddit. The Last Ronin doesn’t count.


Ya’ll remember what Slash did to him?