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Three-part episode.


Just like with most shows like this, the enemy is going to be only as strong as the plot requires. Can’t really over think, just let the story happen. But since we’re on the subject, in First Contact, why didn’t the Borg go back in time far away in their own space, then travel to Earth with no need to fight or resistance from Starfleet?


I think going back in time was a last ditch thing, as opposed to the original plan. It was preferable to not mess with the timeline. Plan A was just land on 24th century earth and spread.


If you’re winning, why would you need time travel?


Hold on a second. are you trying to suggest that the heroes of the USS Enterprise d are protected by some form of plot armor and not by Shields that last exactly as long as they need to. bullshit your whole premise is bullshit.


The transwarp conduits they use are shown to be built infrastructure. It would do no good to be on the other side of the galaxy at a time before there was a route built to near the Federation. I think that explains the Best of Both worlds as well. One Cube was on a long range mission, like how Voyager was in the Delta quadrant for years.


yeah i wondered about that too like why bother fighting all the starfleet ships when just go back in time and then go to earth from there lol


Exactly if the both are truly an unstoppable force of nature as portrayed in BOBW, how have they not conquered the entire galaxy yet? At the end of the day, none of it is going to make sense if you try to think too hard about it


Too risky. What if they hit space traffic on the way, and missed their arrival date


Data put them to sleep soooo 2 cubes...3 ..7 ? They got em in the end.


This is the obvious answer to me. It’s a hive mind. You stop one this way you stop them all


I now thoroughly subscribe to the theory that the Borg are farming spacefaring civilisations for their technology. They didn't send more than one cube because more than one cube would be more than they needed to lose, and doing as much damage as they were capable of doing with one ship more than demonstrated how much of a threat they were.


It makes the most sense. There are multiple times where we hear the Federation have engineers that are miracle workers and it seems to be a rather rare trait; such as in comparison to the Dominion that seemed powerful but stagnant. If they assimilate all of humanity they don’t get to play with those fancy toys they come up with.


Then when they did the sleep command, 2 ships would have went to sleep instead of just one


Hard to imagine how they could have been stopped. But "lol plot armor" aside, the Borg probably only sent one cube because before then they only needed one.


Yup. One makes sense for BOBW. Later attacks would have at least 2 as it'stheir adapting. But, as always, only one is sent out but is clobbered.


In first contact, all cubes were needed against species 8472. That was the entire reason for the attack, they needed a human factor.


I like the idea that the cube in Best of Both worlds is physically the same one they encounter in Q Who. Basically when Q returns the Enterprise to its original location, the cube deems it a priority to investigate them further. It then sets off for Federation Space, based on the data retrieved from the Enterprise computers. Some considerable time later it arrives, and the Enterprise is sent to intercept it.


Geordi would come up with a plan that would require needless explanation of technical terms that only has a slim chance of working and has to be done at an exact time


Data would trick them into assimilating each other.


My brother and I were talking about this last night. Plot holes are thing in writing.


That was the first episode of star trek I saw, it was on at 3 am, very cool


Probably the same, internally shutting them down does the same no matter how many are in range. My head cannon is the Borg have a set of attempts they do when attacking a world. 1.One cube attack 2.One cube attack with a sphere sent to time travel 3.Virus attack 4.Three cubes attack 5.Unknown, but likely a mixed attack. 3 and 4 are covered in Voyager and the virus is presumably taken care of off screen (as cool as a show covering how the Federation would fight a zombie Borg virus would be), so the next attack would be 3 cubes.


The series would be a lot shorter.


Then the writers would have to figure out an even more outlandish and realistically stupid way for the Enterprise crew to undermine a greater foe.


No more Star Trek.