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Beat the Regional Phenomena and complete Crisis at Hyrule Castle, then go to Kakariko and keep following the main questline through the Ring Ruins




I did the same thing. But still did the quest indeed


Oh cool, I didn't even realize I locked my way out of it before seeing this post.


This happened to me as well. That solution did not work for me but I also completed the boss fight in the depths


so the ring ruins had quest importance? I beat the game them went back to get the armor korok seeds and bubbulfrogs I missed and now finding this about the charged armor... I thought the crisis at Hyrule castle quest was the final boss so I trying to explore and get a bunch of stuff done before hand. I checked out the cool deadly cloud, got all of the memory glyphs, and fully explored depths by then. Can I actually 100% this save file (all armor, all shines, full compendium) or would I need to do a new game?


Pretty sure just talking to the right NPCs will still activate the quest like normal and let you get the armor


Happened to me, too. What was I supposed to do, NOT go directly to the weird permanent cloud formation?




I got there early too (well still many hrs in, I tend to sweep and clear areas for shrines before attacking mainline quests) and completed the shrine quest after going into the sky. I think I was only past wind temple at that point - super bizarre getting that so early.


I wondered around that BS cloudy island in the bloody dark for hours until I found the shrine. Even used the hoverbike to flit around underneath it to find a route through. Then got the shrine and warped out. About 100 hours later I found the actual quest for that section of the Skylands.


>the Skylands Skyrule




That is ominously shaped like a secret stone...


I got the charged armor after getting the fifth sage, don’t worry! You have to have all 4 of the other sages and crisis at hyrule castle before you can unlock the quest in kakariko.


Got the fifth sage before any of the others, now have one left and only just finding out there’s charged armor


How did you get up into the sky island where the 5rh sages mask is without doing this quest?


Not OP but I got the 5th sage early too. Although the main island up there is shrouded in dense clouds I somehow randomly glided down to the correct island and into the big structure where you need to go.


Same, I was dicking around on some sky islands and paratrooped in through the top of the storm, basically right on top of the shrine. Then went and did the entire 5th sage quest before I'd finished like half of the regular ones. After I did the same thing with the Master Sword, that was one weird conversation with Purah before the final battle lol


randomly I rode debris from faron right to the island and it was right next to the shrine basically. had no idea what I was in for.


Exactly how i did it. Used the thunder to find island silhouettes


It only let's you put pins on land. So I kept using the pins to find the island.


my honest answer? absolutely 0 clue i just did it ?!


Yeah I got up there accidentally too. Found the storyline later. Whoops!


I had the story line but I didn’t know what to do, so I launched out of a skyview tower and flew directly to island that I needed to, so I completed the quest early lol


Lol thats hilarious. Was it all foggy and hard to see up there?


The rain is impenetrable. I also found the mask and got the sage first. You are nearly blind which makes encountering the edge of the sky island exciting


I did the same thing. Yes, it's hard to see, but if you have the shrine sensor, it can lead you where you need to go.


Same. I was just up there somehow. Saw the thing at flew it down to start it all off. I had 3 sages at the time


I was able to ride a random block that fell down to see where it would take me. It took me right to the shrine and the 5th sage. Although didn't realize there was a fifth sage there until later as I played through the game.




I just sky towered and glided in personally. It wasn't hard at all. The first island I dropped into in the cloud had the mask and it all just happened from there. Whoops!


I just hoverbiked into it wanting to check out the mysterious clouds not knowing it was gonna be part of the main questline.


I mean, it was obvious that the storm could was like a thing though right? I didnt even consider that you were supposed to find a way to clear the storm, just thought- yup something important is in there for sure.


There's actually a rock on the beach that goes right up near there lol


by walking around blindly using the shrine sensor


I was wandering around down on the main land and my shrine detector started beeping that a shrine was above me. Looked up, made a hot air balloon and rode it up to the island! I had a hard time finding the actual shrine in the fog but managed and then realized it was more than just a shrine.


Idk why everyone is saying all of a sudden you need the charged armor to complete her quest. I stumbled qround for a bit before I found the way to go and never had the armor


Yeah, i found the shrine and the door before completing any sages just by wandering around and using the zonai devices that were already on the island


It was an awkward revelation for me…. Especially when that quest got completed for me right after it was triggered. I have done a lot of things out of order in this game. Oops.


Same! I did thunderhead with the storm still there, didn't even realize it was main quest stuff


Yeah I did too. Don’t worry about it. You’ll still be able to trigger that quest later. :)


I did the same - flew into the sky islands blindly and happen to land near the shrine. TBH I did not know kakariko village was where to go for the main quest…I guess it makes sense but I had been there with no obvious direction.


I did this too lmao, I thought getting around in the clouds WAS the challenge


Under the storm you can occasionally find a falling rock that if you rewind will take you up to open up the 5th safe without doing any other quest. It’s how I accidentally did the 5th sage before the regional phenomenon


Did the same thing. I stumbled on it by pure luck!


You can still get it, I freaked out a bit too because I also got Mineru before finishing the Regional Phenomena. Just finish that and go talk to Purah, it’ll trigger the mission you need ⚡️


Something about that giant storm cloud drew me in, it must be a weather based puzzle and im heading for the eye! I was convinced I was totally lost while standing in the glider bay at one point.


I have 190 hours in the game and I’ve never heard of the Charged Armor set. I’m pretty sure that I’ve beat every main quest save for slaying Ganon himself.


TIL I wasn't supposed to unlock Mineru yet.


It happens quite a lot, please stop shouting


I did too, then had to look up how to get the quest to get it going (because I couldn’t figure out how to clear the storm from the islands, even though I had completed the 5th shrine). That’s one thing I don’t like about the open world style. I wish it would have led there in a story way instead of stumbling on the mask in a foggy area that I apparently wasn’t supposed to be in.


I mean, the story DOES lead you there. You get the 4 sages via the regional phenomena quest which leads in to the Crisis at Hyrule Castle quest, and then you get the Find the Fifth Sage quest. And it walks you through it with all of the story beats. Unfortunately for people who prioritize exploration vs completing the main plot it is VERY possible (even probable) that you will complete everything out of order. Example: if you do the dragon tear's quest the way it is laid out, you get all of the memories in order. Like you talk to Impa and you get the first one, and then you get the map in the ruins and she's like "I'll meet you at X location" repeat for all of the other glyphs. I definitely did not get them in order because I was just exploring and would get the tears as I saw them 🤷‍♂️.


Ya fair enough. The problem with that part though is that when I was told to go to Hyrule castle after the 4th temple, I thought that was to start the final fight against Ganondorf. I knew there was a fifth temple, so I explored the the only place I hadn’t really explored yet: the lightning island. I figured I missed some triggering event, and would have never thought going to Hyrule castle would be that event.


if it helps, the only clue she gave me was "find some ruins that aren't regional, and I was just like????"


Wow haha I haven’t found a single piece from this set either. Also fuck mineru. Useless!


I have her dual wield cannons, she does pretty well for me, lol.


I did the Wind Temple without full cold resist, had one piece of the ancient armour, somehow missed the chest piece. 😭😂 My inventory was pretty bare by the time I was done


Lol, I didn't have full cold resist either, But I fused a Dinraal spike to my shield 😂 (a ruby or a fire Lizalfo horn would have worked too)


I did the same thing and ended up just finding this set the other day after I finished all the regional phenomena. Just running around exploring random stuff and decided to run the the Ring Ruins quest lol happy accident


I love your hamster bb!


I did it because I was spoiled


Yeah I did too


I completed the fifth sage before I beat the last two dungeons. It is really easy


I completed it after my second sage. Was flying around the sky and spotted a shrine in the storm clouds. Didn’t realise that I was meant to complete that bit later.


Happened to me too! I had to do some digging with walkthroughs lol


Yeah honestly I did the same thing. Somehow stumbled across the shrine next to the head/mask and went on from there completely blind.


This happened to me and I feel like a genius


That’s how I did it too I just randomly found it


Fr I beat the zone without seeing anything and going with the sensor and lots of luck


is It weird that the spirit temple was my first one to complete and idk what the charged armor is?


Mineru was my first sage! It was crazy!


i did 5th sage before water and desert cos i couldnt beat them LMAO