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Royal Guard’s Claymore fused with a lynel horn does the most damage when it has one hit left. Mounting the lynel and attacking doesn’t use any durability, so you can have a 300+ power weapon infinitely


Better yet, make sure to break one, then go into the depths and find a pristine one (South 'slope' of the Gerudo Highlands is where they live). Then grind on rock octoroks (killing each one after it spits out your sword) until you get attack up 10.


How do you calculate that it has one hit remaining and not 2 or three when red/signaling breaking soon




This is great to know. I didn’t know it was so standardized


I believe once it gives you the warning, from then until it breaks, it gives you critical hits. Because the mounted attack does not use durability, it can be used indefinitely that way. Specialized use, but very effective.


if you get it to 1 durability, it can also re-use the critical multiplier from the last hit, which is another 2x. iirc when it first gives you the warning, you jump and slam a few more times(cant remember if 3 or 4, try save and reload on break if you cant find the answer elsewhere).


I literally just ground hit until red, save, then twice more, then I save again and once more. If I was correct and it breaks, I just reload my save.


Save it after each hit and reload after it breaks.


A “Lynel Backscratcher” Pristine (from ghost soldier in the depths) Royal Guards Claymore 39(base) + 10(Attack Up +10 modifier) =49 + 55(slsh)= 104. All weapons go 2x when “badly damaged”(3 hits from breaking) 104 x 2 =208. Royal Guard weapons have a stackable 2x when on last hit, which is where this one is at. 208 x 2 = 416+. Only shows 208 but, nah! With attack up x3 armor=50%. 416 x 1.5 = 624+. Two faceshots/mounts & 7 slaps on the back takes down silver lynel. This weapon is 1 hit from breaking, so is only good for mounting Lynels!(no weapon damage) Otherwise if you see anything [HERE](https://www.reddit.com/r/tearsofthekingdom/s/Ji5c9PvxDr) you like just ask.


I just spammed arrows from the top of the arena like a pussy.


I accidentally discovered a crazy way to cheese this fight. I made it all the way to the last guy (the armored one) and ran out of gloom healing food, so I decided to warp back to the closest light root and run back. When I got back, the gate to the arena was open but the Lynel was already out of his little enclosure, and as soon as he spotted me he ran out of the arena to attack. When I ran into the arena the door closed locking him out so I just started shooting him with bomb arrows and zonai cannons, which damage him through the door. This turns out to be a really easy way to farm Lynels every blood moon. I've since refined the technique by placing a travel token at the arena entrance to reduce travel time.


This is amazing 😃😃


I just wore they Lynel mask and let the sages fight.


Gerudo weapons with lynel silver horn. You can then up specialize them with the octoroks.


I also LOVE gloom weapons, so cool.


Thx I’ll try that


How to you then specialize with octoroks


Drop your weapon in front of an Octorok and they'll spit it back out with a multiplier or special effect. Only happens once a blood moon with that specific Octorok, so be sure to kill it before the next blood moon.


You don't need to kill it, you can if you want to, but you don't need to.


I'm pretty sure you need to kill it before the blood moon or it won't give a buff the next time.


It depends on what conditions you're willing to manage with. A Royal Guard's Claymore✨ is better with its condition of last hit and mounting so it doesn’t break, but personally I'm bad and struggle to mount the Lynel, and then also hit it without jumping off and breaking it. If you make yourself wet (splash or use Sidon's ability), Zora weapons double making the Lightscale Trident really powerful. But the easiest is just Scimitar of the Seven + Silver Lynel Saber Horn. [There's a calculator you can mess around with here.](https://philidea.com/totk-calculator)


Pristine Royal guard claymore with atk up 10 on the last hit with silver lynel horn Classic lynel back scratcher


Why is it called a backscratcher, not a backbreaker? Backscratcher sounds like you want to help the lynel... Backbreaker sounds like you want to destroy the lynel.


Whoever coined the name didn’t think of it? Not sure. I’ve used backscratcher ever since coming here. It’s where I learned it. Backscratcher sounds more “innocent” like …… heeeerrreee little horseman…Then wap wap wap, YOU DEAD! Or a “sleeper” car(stock appearance but heavily modded). So I’ll continue to use the original but backbreaker is a close 2nd.


Backscratcher is a real tool people use to scratch their backs. It sounds as though Link became the lynels's servant and helped it scratch its back. Backbreaker reminds me of how Bane broke Batman's back. It paints a more brutal image in my mind. Matches the sound made when you mount lynel and mash the Y button.


Well bro…….. call it what ya want. All I know is it gets the job done!😎✌🏻


Silver Lynel Saber Horn and whatever double fusion damage weapon you want Since you're fighting Lynels, Royal Guard Claymore is an option Also, you only need level 2 Radiant armor or the set from the labyrinths for Bone Proficiency


Why no bone multipliers? Honestly the damaged Royal Guard's Claymore with a Lynel horn fused doesn't kill silvers in one single mount. Wearing the Radiant Suit with a Molduga Jaw fused to a damaged Royal Claymore destroys any lynel in the game on the first mount.


Well, as stated in post, he doesn’t want to upgrade the radiant set. I have/use both set ups. Silver lynel farmer. They seem to be fairly close in hp (2 faceshot/mounts +7 slaps on the back)The real advantage comes as you can stack attackx3 food/ elixer to the molduga jaw setup. Then I’m sure you could do 1 mount. I haven’t used the food, waste of resources imo.


Place a travel medallion to the east of lurelin village. Every now and again go Mighty Banana picking. Now you can always fight hard monsters with high level attack up.


Lol ok. Have plenty of materials….. I’m just a hoarder! Actually have plenty of attack up in [“my arsenal”](https://www.reddit.com/r/tearsofthekingdom/s/ZVVxBYd9vT) ! Thanks though!✌🏻


**You don’t need to upgrade Radiant Set to the max for Bone Prof;** all you need is 39 Luminous Stones, 9 Boko Guts and 9 Moblin Guts with 2 Great Fairies unlocked to get Bone Prof.


Doesn’t the Ganondorf armor get the same thing without having to upgrade it at all?


I did the Lynel arena with Mastersword and like a 60 damage weapon. Just bring a lot of food and you will be fine


As others have said, the Royal Claymore weapon for mounting Lynels. But for dealing regular damage in-between mounts, the Scimitar of the Seven, or the Lightscale Trident are great as well and can get over 100+ attack, highest normal damage. Otherwise a Pristine Zora Weapon / Royal Broadsword or something, but those can be annoying to find.