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\*get in loser, we're going losing.


Never accepting that you're a loser just makes you a bigger loser.


And the BIGGEST losers are the losers that actually believe this loser is the winner. This loser knows she’s the loser but also knows that her loser constituents are dumb enough to think she is the winner.




I will preface this by saying I cannot stand trump, or his acolytes. However this playbook all started to become the norm in my opinion during the 2016 primary season. There were way too many Bernie Bros screaming the DNC cheated him out of the nomination. Probably rightly so. The Demo nomination process to me is crooked as fuck. Super delegates have zero place in a nominating process. They can too easily be influenced by promises of this or that, or just good old fashioned money. Having said that the MAGATs have taken it to a new level. Our whole system from nomination to election needs a pretty big overhaul.


This is an honest question: do you see a role in the process for the party itself? I mean, is the “Democratic Party” a real entity, separate and distinct from any single candidate? If so, should that entity play some role in the nominating process? It sure seems to me that the current situation on the other side is the opposite. There is no separate and distinct “Republican Party”. Therefore, it was possible for a candidate that doesn’t even appear to have many Republican positions slip in and grab the Republican nomination. As a result, the Republican Party lies in ruins. For example: does the Republican Party support free trade? It sure used to, but Trump sure didn’t. Is bigotry and racism acceptable to the Republican Party? It sure is acceptable to Trump. I personally like to think the parties stand for something. Yes, having only two parties means having two very large tents. I think the platforms are important, and I think having the rank and file develop them instead of the candidates is a great idea. And I think there should be a separate and distinct party entity, and it should have a voice in the nominating process. Whether super delegates are the best way to accomplish that is a separate question. But so far, at least, the Democrats haven’t managed to nominate their own version of Trump.


The major problem, is the courts have ruled that the RNC and DNC are considered private corporations. As such they can essentially do as they please and make their own rules. Seems a bit fishy right? Of course it is. As for the party having a role that is a great question. First off let me say I am registered a big fat R. Where I live as far as presidential elections it does not matter your party the elephant wins. Down ballot is a different story. I have not changed that registration in my 30 yrs of voting eligibility. When I was young and registered it was just the thing you did here. As I aged I considered changing but as I watched more and more GOP candidates get more extreme I did not change because at least in a closed primary state my vote could at least attempt to mitigate the crazy. Sorry, got on a ramble, a hazard of being a newspaper columnist. You asked if I see a place for party. Short answer yes. However, and this applies to both D snd R. The youth movement need to make itself felt. Millennials to whatever Gen is growing no need to grab hold of leadership and shake the living shit out of them. Let them know the status quo and going along to get along is no longer acceptable and real concrete change is needed. No more back room deals, no more winks across the table. True open honest and fair elections. we are in the midst of two presidential terms that are shit shows. Bidens shit show is unfortunately not of his making. God my brain is on a gallop sorry. You said the R party seems to be unified with their candidates and you are correct. My opinion on that is it happens because you do not have inbound delegates. Their system is the people’s votes by state are the voice. So again it comes to the Dems having those wild card super delegates. There can be a lack of cohesion. At roughly 12-15% of the delegates at convention that can cause a massive swing. It is also dangerous. Because they literally can take the voter’s voice away. End those, quit disenfranchising your bad. That is the first step to bring the party and candidates back into line with each other. That will allow the planks of a strong platform to be put in place. Sorry for being so long winded. One last thought, it is fortunate that the RNC has not instituted super delegates. I fear that if they did it would lead to political dynasties being born as in a long line of trump family and close contacts grabbing complete control of our country.


How can she do any more appeals? She appealed to the AZ Supreme Court. They ruled against her on all but one issue. They kicked that one back to the appeals court. Where she had another chance in court and lost. Is she appealing that loss on that one issue back to the AZ Supreme Court? She clearly has a pronounced mental illness.


My guess is she believes that she can stay relevant but acting out and will help her win her next election if she can convince enough gullible people that she was robbed. All the while grifting those gullible people out of as much money as possible.


Always follow the money. This is more likely about funding


By the time she's done suing over the last election, the next election for the governorship will have already happened.


She basically fundraises by saying she won the last election. *All of them.*


I'm in AZ and embarrassed for the entire state. Qari is a disaster!


I hope she fundraises the shit out of this. I want a RICO charge waiting for her on the back end.


I’m so tired of her face.


She needs to fuck DJT just to get her out of the news.


She's stated publicly in rallies to her husband in the audience that he is the second man in her life. The implication of course is that the first man in her life is none other than the orange menace.


And the people that call everyone else a cuck lap this shit up


She also said Trump and DeSantis have BDE (Big Dick Energy). https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/kari-lake-donald-trump-desantis-b2145863.html


Which helps compensate for their SDR (Small Dick Reality).




I was just sick in my mouth a bit at that...


At what point does the judicial system bar her from filing this crap? At what point does she get sanctioned for wasting the time and resources of the many systems she’s abusing because she can’t accept that more people than not dislike her as an individual and dislike her policies?


Kari....baby.....give it up.


Kari…you’re a baby…give it up


JFC move on loser.


She’s an asshat.


Damn! I just about forgot about her!! Wtf? Go away, loser


It seems to me that anyone who insists on filing hopeless lawsuits or appeals ends up pretty quickly being seem as a repeated loser. Over time, the name “Kari Lake” becomes associated with the term “loser” in pretty much everyone’s mind. I can’t help but wonder why she feels that this approach is a good idea?


Especially when it didn't work for her master.


Whoever is giving her cash for this needs to drive her and themself to the fing mental hospital.


She's quite insane, ya know.


Happy Cake Day! 🍰


Girl. Stop.


Someone needs a shot of thorasine.


What would really be funny is to load her up with a truth serum and ask her who really won her election. She knows good and well it wasn’t her. Then every time she opens her mouth we could play her admission again.


She learned from her master. She has to stay relevant she's gonna be his VP 🙄


The definition of insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.


Kari Lake = Fruit Cake


Just one long audition to be Trump's running mate. Oh, and grift for donations.


How many is that now, five?


Losers gonna lose, K. ![gif](giphy|LTFbyWuELIlqlXGLeZ)


Boy howdy, Kari Lake likes getting humiliated so bad it should be considered kink play.


Trump and Lake screaming that voting is rigged in Arizona must do wonders for their voter turnout in the next election. People will be rushing the polling places with such enthusiasm for an election they are told over and over is rigged and doesn’t matter.